Monday, January 28, 2008

Who Likes Drama??

Poll Who likes the drama?
Votes: 173
Latest: 10:31 AM

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  • bbkitty93

I don't understand how anyone has time to keep track of who does what/says what/uses what screen name. I do get a kick out of some of the drama, but I can't keep it all straight. Some topics are more fun to read about than others.

I still don't know who Ramon is though....!!!

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  • Me&MyBear
I enjoy the drama as it pops up now and then but the current drama... err.... not so much. I dont get the whole Ashley thing...
Madilynne Claire 3/8/06

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  • Panda123
I'm not new to BBC but I am new to this board so I don't know a lot of the background on the drama. I'm slowly catching on though. laugh I love this board!
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  • Tofu_Mommy

I think ramon was before my time...I would love the details on that though. If someone wants to email me, go for it!

fka tofurkey

SAHM***DS 5/05***DD 7/07

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  • bookends
I can take it or leave it. Depends on my mood, and how much time I have. I had a busy weekend and didn't follow this latest round of drama, but I've seen my share. Sometimes it's hilarious, other times, meh, and still other times, downright mean or plain old strrrrrrange.

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  • saltypretzels
I miss most of it, but when I do catch it I usually don't "get" it and even if the OP is completely a moron, I almost always feel bad for her. I'm a very nonconfrontative type though. I also have trouble keeping straight who is who on this board except for a few who stand out, but usually I'm pretty clueless. I'm here for the girl talk, the occasional bargain, and household tips.
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  • bookends
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but here's what I remember about Ramon. Someone posted that they ran into an old flame (Ramon) and still had feelings for him. Ramon's wife (or current girlfriend, I forget which), figured out it was "her Ramon", and an all out cat fight started on the board.

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  • Panda123
OMG! Can you imagine posting something like that and actually having someone involved who reads this board? LOL!
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  • Prd2BMum2-4

I like the unintentional drama sometimes.

Michelle Mom to Jen-18, Patrick-16, Kelsey-11 and Ryan-3 1/2

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  • Mike and Ike
It's a little bonus to my mundane life. Most of which I can't keep straight tho. And I don't think there's much drama w/ Ashley. She's just an attention wh0re.

Erin, Mommy to Isaiah 2.3.04 Michael 6.9.05

"Mothers are all slightly insane." ~ J.D. Salinger

Some people are like slinkies; not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!

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  • *Pandamonium*

For the most part, I think the drama is entertaining. When it gets personal and people take it too far (especially IRL and off the boards) then I think it's wrong. Clearly there are several people who have too much time on their hands and could be working in Hollywood or something! winkdevil


All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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  • ErinsMom1227

The drama is fun to read, but I am really having a hard time figuring out what the heck is going on with it all! I must be sloooow.

"If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all!!"
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  • bittyspout

I don't care one way or the other. I do find SCM/Andrea amusing because you never know when she's going to pop up or what she's going to say. I haven't read all of her attempts to create drama, but what I have read has been harmless.


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  • On_BBC_all_day
I like it as long as it doesn't get personal. Lately its becoming annoying though, some people can be so obnoxious!!!

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  • gwotn

I like the unintentional drama sometimes.

Ditto. It is the obsessions (Hoff, Ashley, etc.) and intentional drama that gets old within seconds.


Life is a journey and only you hold the map.

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  • mama needs wine

I like the unintentional drama sometimes.

Ditto. It is the obsessions (Hoff, Ashley, etc.) and intentional drama that gets old within seconds.

Ditto ditto ditto.


This grilled cheese sandwich has mayonnaise in it! What?!

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  • *Pandamonium*

Ditto to some of the latest . .I mean, seriously . .WHAT is the payoff for these people?!?! Getting attention from a bunch of strangers. Wow! lol

It's worse than homecoming in hs or something . .lol


All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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  • MyLittleLoves_Ash&Jack

Yeah, I'll read the heated discussions and debates...the issues people disagree on are fun to read (politics, breastfeeding, breaking the ends off the asparagus)

I usually just skip over the intentional drama, just because I don't have much computer time and I'd rather spend it on other things,

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Who doesn't have a blog these days?

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  • 123kids4me
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but here's what I remember about Ramon. Someone posted that they ran into an old flame (Ramon) and still had feelings for him. Ramon's wife (or current girlfriend, I forget which), figured out it was "her Ramon", and an all out cat fight started on the board.

Thank you! I've been on this board for 3+ years and had never figured that one out. When it comes to drama, I could take it or leave it. It's entertaining, until I get off the computer and realize I could have read several books to my child or cleaned my entire kitchen in the time it took me to read about someone's truck/hummer that did or didn't blow up (referencing Friday's drama thread).
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I don't like it, but I figure that's what the ignore button is for.


La Dama Sin Vergüenza

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  • mrd9295

I still come here for the bargains...and leave when there aren't any. I do get caught up in a thread here or there. I too love the true debates/discussions. I love to discuss issues when the discussions are civil and worthwhile. Some of what goes on here lately, I could do without, but then I just skip on over it. But if I am ever bored (which is never with my two little ones!), I know where I can get some free entertainment?? Anyway, as with all parenting crises, it's a phase, and it too shall pass.


D'Angela ^i^ 9-14-2000

Anastasia 4-12-2003

Eliana 3-4-2005

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  • Wenders11
I think the scandals like the exploding Hummer and the fake mansion are hillarious, but I HATE the turf wars and the fighting between spin off boards. It's obnoxious.

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I agree with Wendy. I think it's funny when a faker gets outed for the first time....but when they keep coming back and kicking the dead horse it gets old. The turf wars are really old too. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the middle of West Side Story....

In fact...if I were one of those filthy rich people with more money than I knew what to do with (and no morals to give it all away to starving children) I would totally write my own WSS spoof with BB plot, hire a production company and make a viral video of it.
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  • *Pandamonium*

turf wars . .hehe

I'm reminded of "The West Side Story" or perhaps "The Outsiders". Aww . .those were great!!


All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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  • AshleysCloset
For me, the payoff is about 1400 readers a day and between 2000-3000 page hits. Which equals being nominated for the bloggies. Which equals my blog being a more fun place. Which equals me making more friends and having a good time online. Which equals cool companies like Too Timid wanting to send me a free box of products every month. Which all equals making more money from ads which helps support/justify/validate my internet addiction. Not a bad deal for me.

And really...I've been around for like 3 or 4 threads this weekend? One of which was all about me and a few others that the joke spilled over onto. Definitely not taking over the board, although I'm flattered to be considered an obsession and to be annoying so many with short attention spans...

I'm one of those "any publicity is good publicity" types, so carry on.

To answer the original question, I love the unintentional drama. I do not love the board wars or mean people.
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  • *Pandamonium*

While my 'payoff' question wasn't directed towards anyone in particular, I appreciate the reply. Obviously, in Ashley's case, she does appear to have a tangible payoff so more power to her! silly


All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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  • AshleysCloset
LOL...what bargain hunter would turn down monthly boxes of free adult products?

See why I'm obnoxious now?
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  • thecleanqueen

I guess I don't understand why TooTimid would send you products? What do they have to gain by it?

Just wondering.

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  • On_BBC_all_day
Ashley- I see no problem with your thread, talking about your blog etc. Honestly most of it isn't even you being obnoxious and doing the whole "Ashley, Ashely" thing so don't flatter yourself wink

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  • AshleysCloset

Clean Queen, they invited me to be on their product review team after the Photowow thing because they like my writing style and because I had done a blog entry about their freebie products in the past and gotten them some good traffic.

As an added bonus to them, I talk about the really good stuff on my blog and I have made several hundred dollars in sales for them from that alone. On my site, I will only promote my favorite things that aren't over the top pervy, so that my blog doesn't become one big tootimid ad.

They are definitely benefitting, but I think I am benefitting more...beneffited just last night as a matter a fact wink
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  • thecleanqueen

Your poor children. That's all I have to say.


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  • lessthangraceful

I've completely missed the turf wars.

I like some of the drama threads that become more humorous than mean. Usually they end up with everyone joking around with eachother and the original topic has very little to do with it.

All of the pictures of the kitties are pretty funny. Are those meant to be an inside joke? Would a newbie get the smack down for posting kitty pics? LOL

I have NO idea who the "Hoffs" and "Ranters" are though. I guess those are the ones waging the turf wars?

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  • chandlers_a_girl

I am busy this morning so I have not read all of the posts, but I likey to read the drama.

I normally do not get involved, I don't find it satisfying to have people angry/upset over something I say. I tiptoe on this board because I also do not want anyone saying something ugly to me/about me. I'm just like that (I'm like that IRL too). Total peacekeeper. It annoys me about myself sometimes.

I'm fairly new here, so I usually just sit back and read it. It tickles me.

If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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  • Sasha2599
Hello dearie! How's things? (PS I am just like you about staying uninvolved,but oh I do love to read about it!)
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  • AshleysCloset
LMAO...why "my poor children"? What a bargain board thing to say.

What would the problem be? Their mother's healthy sex life? Her ability to make new friendships and enjoy the company of other women? The stress relief she gets by utilizing the writing skills she enjoys having? The fact that she can laugh at herself (and others)?

Call CPS...there is a confident, happy mother out there somewhere. I'd rather have a good sense of humor than a clean house, but maybe that's just me.

Seriously, if you feel so sorry for can have them. At least the little one. I just caught him hiding a stapler beneath his shirt, on his way to stash it in his room.

Forget the kids, poor me. Thank God I have my blog and the bargain board.
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  • chandlers_a_girl

Darlin', I think you and I are kindred spirits in this way--- we don't want peeps mad at us mischief

Things are finetastic here. Just worn out from the long weekend at home with whiney girlfriends. I was up with the sun this morning, excited to come to work. That's how I roll.


If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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  • thecleanqueen

LOL - sorry, not cleaning all day. Nope, spending quality time with my kids. Which, it is apparent that after spending all of your time creating drama here, your blog, and your sex toys you do not have much time for your kids.

That's why I feel sorry for them.

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  • chandlers_a_girl

Just for funny:

funny pictures
moar funny pictures Holly
If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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wow, just wow! I keep the staplers and anything else that would be a "no no" put up.

fka tofurkey

SAHM***DS 5/05***DD 7/07

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  • lessthangraceful

"If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard"

Holly I love that quote!

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  • *Pandamonium*

so typical of ANY thread! ROFL . .see . .post a thread about drama and . ..ta da . .here it comes! hehehe


All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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  • AshleysCloset
LOL...well you sure do SEEM happy an well adjusted.

I'm actually a really good multi tasker. I do work just about full time as a children's photographer so I have to be on the computer for work anyway and I often pop here and there as I'm waiting for stuff to load.

My oldest goes to pre-k 3 days a week and my youngest still naps twice a day. They both go to bed 7:30-8:00ish. There are 24 whole hours in the day and I stay up until about 2:00am-3:00am.

If you took the time to read anything about me before judging me, you'd know that I do all kinds of awesome stuff with my kids. Valentine's parties, active in our playgroup, Tumble time, Library time, lots of outside time on our 3 acres, crafts, cupcakes/cookies. I mainly do it to show up the other moms, but they benefit too. wink

You can still "rescue" them if you want. Surely, with your happy, well adjusted, positive and friendly attitude, you'd make a much better mother than I do.
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  • AshleysCloset're obviously smarter than me and a better mother. Perhaps you could help The Clean Queen raise my heathens.

The stapler was safe on the back corner of Mr. Ashley's desk little kid figured out that he could stand on the chair and reach over. The kid is a genius, I tell you.

Either you've never had a toddler, or you've never had a toddler like mine. He is quick, sneaky and baby gates and locks barely slow him down.
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That turd comment has been my favorite for at least a month. I love it.

I think CPS should take your kids away Ashley. I mean...with all that sex you must be having (in your house of staplers) you're going to be knocked up again. And again and again. Because I know how careless you are. Soon you'll be another Duggar, minus the Christianity, and no way will you make it then. You're headed down a long road with that nasty sex addiction. devil

Sasha, I'm emailing you for that spreadsheet!
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  • my*cheeky*monkey
Yikes! This thread took an unforeseeable turn. I'm going to hide out with my IRL friends, Oh wait...I don't have anysad


Formerly Known as "Steven'sMamma!"

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  • Tofu_Mommy
yep, I have a can see that in my signature. He is very creative as well, thanks for asking! He uses all kinds of stuff to give him a few extra inches so that is why I know to put things out of reach that might be harmful to him. Now you know though so hopefully you will put things like that out of reach. I watch him too so I know what he is up to.

fka tofurkey

SAHM***DS 5/05***DD 7/07

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  • 3*snowbabies

All of the pictures of the kitties are pretty funny. Are those meant to be an inside joke?

Perhaps the kitty posters were inspired by all the cat fights on the board.

Please pray for Ethan

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  • *~I'm*the*keepers*mom~*

I like the drama. I try to follow it. It's way more fun when you can see it coming...then the S*** hits the fan..

Don't like the personal attacks, that's different..

What I can not stand is what it turns into ..

"I missed it..fill me me..." 6 pages full..

That's what ruins it for me.


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  • Mike and Ike

think CPS should take your kids away Ashley. I mean...with all that sex you must be having (in your house of staplers) you're going to be knocked up again. And again and again. Because I know how careless you are. Soon you'll be another Duggar, minus the Christianity, and no way will you make it then. You're headed down a long road with that nasty sex addiction.

Could you imagine a temple full of little Ashleys?! She surely wouln't have to worry about Leo's mom anymore!

Erin, Mommy to Isaiah 2.3.04 Michael 6.9.05

"Mothers are all slightly insane." ~ J.D. Salinger

Some people are like slinkies; not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!

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  • kristinann28
I love all the moms that are perfect with perfect children who can keep an eye on their kids 24/7. Their kids never get in trouble or get into things they shouldn't. Maybe they should start a thread to show all us heathen moms how to be more diligent.

Kristin - Mom to three 3 and under

Kadin- July 6, 2007

Audrey- August 13, 2005

Austin- March 27, 2004

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Celia came in here with Sweet N Sour sauce because she "haz to have CHINA food for ma bebes!!!!"

My first kid never got into a thing. It's a personality thing. Your kid gets into stuff, or they don't. If they do, you get a blog to keep your sanity.
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  • Mrs.BananaHammock
I think it's funny most of the time. The personal attacks and stuff is uncalled for. Most of the time it's just obvious that there are too many SAHM's with too much time on their hands.
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  • chandlers_a_girl

The turd comment came right from my DH's mouth.

Feel free to use it as needed. Make it yours.


If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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  • AnastasiaBeaverhousen

I'm usually a lurker but I will say that the drama these days is a bit ho-hum. I totally miss the old days of SwoozieQ and the waaahmbulance, Anna (warehousemonkey - I *hearted* her posts) and the good old Anna/Zen war. Now THAT was some drama. Good times. Good times.


Alyssa 9/13/02

Colin 7/28/05

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  • AshleysCloset

If I were to get pregnant again, I'd have to track down Clean or Tofu and leave the baby on their stapler-ess door steps. I'm too busy playing with sex toys and starting threads about myself online to even deal with the two I have now.

The turd thing is my very favorite phrase on all of BBC and I'm warning you now that I will use it on my blog at some point. Probably soon. I'll try to give you credit.
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  • lessthangraceful

shocked Well don't I feel like an airhead now LOL

DUH! CATFIGHTS=Kitty pictures.

Thanks for being my brains today! laugh

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  • *~I'm*the*keepers*mom~*
Yikes! This thread took an unforeseeable turn. I'm going to hide out with my IRL friends, Oh wait...I don't have anysad
I copy that..


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oh we go...degrading the SAHM's....yep, we do nothing all day long. I'm glad you are getting paid to sit on the computer all day at your job!

fka tofurkey

SAHM***DS 5/05***DD 7/07

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I almost told DH the turd thing yesterday....but instead I told him next time he had the stomach flu I was going to bring a big plate of pickles, olives and raw meat into the room and make wretching sounds. He was facetiously picking at me, when I'm STILL having Lexapro withdrawal. Nasty man.

But then he looked like he was going to cry so I decided I'd probably never do that. Oh who am I kidding. He gets sick and I baby him to no end.
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  • thecleanqueen

Nope, not perfect and definitely do not claim to be. My kids aren't perect either.

I just don't understand how people can have like this alter-ego online personality and then turn around and be a perfectly normal person/mom/wife.

How can you make the switch like that?

Just curious!!!

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  • 5FamilyPlusKitty
I like a good debate, even a little bit of non specific poking fun, but when people start digging into posters personal life, hacking into their photobucket accounts and photoshoping rude and lude things of their children, I think it becomes out of control...
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  • lessthangraceful

Sigh, Ashley Love! You don't have to worry about getting pregnant! Honey, sex toys can't get you pregnant!!!

As for me, I don't have a stapler in my house, but when my oldest was two, I learned that superglue is NON TOXIC!!! Is it bad to laugh that she once superglued her mouth shut? (though, it was terrifying at the moment!)


Formerly Known As SunGoddessMommy

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  • Tofu_Mommy

well come on..."ashley" knew posting the stapler thing would get a few ladies going...she knew what she was doing.

fka tofurkey

SAHM***DS 5/05***DD 7/07

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LOL Holly. Your DH's quote is currently gracing a place of honor on my computer desk.

He should copyright it or something because it will end up as t-shirts and bumber stickers before too long.

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  • chandlers_a_girl

The turd thing is my very favorite phrase on all of BBC and I'm warning you now that I will use it on my blog at some point. Probably soon. I'll try to give you credit.

Glad you love it.... DH does not even know that I stole his words for all of BBC to love. He also loves telling me that he's going to "Go take a Holly and wipe his Maxwell." (that's my maiden name there). I'm pretty sure it is supposed to be an insult, but every time he says it I laugh outloud. And I pee my pants a little bit.


If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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  • Travis'mom1

Well, i was planning to post and say I could take it or leave it (the *drama*, that is). But the insults/attacks on this thread are the type that renew my love for the ignore button.

Holly, just want to third, or fourth that I love that quote as well.

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  • *~I'm*the*keepers*mom~*

I'm usually a lurker but I will say that the drama these days is a bit ho-hum. I totally miss the old days of SwoozieQ and the waaahmbulance, Anna (warehousemonkey - I *hearted* her posts) and the good old Anna/Zen war. Now THAT was some drama. Good times. Good times.

OMG I was just thinking wonder I have no friends IRLsad


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  • kootnygirl

What? You mean that young children aren't supposed to play with staplers? How are they supposed to make crafts?

Oh my gosh - don't tell me that scissors are dangerous too! My 3 year-old has been cutting for nearly 2 years.

Better call CPS.

Mom to 2 girls, March '03 & November '04

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  • 3*snowbabies

shocked Well don't I feel like an airhead now LOL

DUH! CATFIGHTS=Kitty pictures.

Thanks for being my brains today! laugh

Oh, it was just an uneducated guess on my part. Still... there is a feline connection between the two. I'll try not to think so deep next time. lol

Please pray for Ethan

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Nooooo, we're degrading holier than thou moms.

I'm a SAHM, and my kid still manages to get into a lot of crap.

And uh....Ashley has one kid in preschool just a few times a week. So i think that makes her a WAHM. So she works, with her kids around.

But one day they sex toy pyramid scheme will pay off and she'll be able to afford a nanny to watch her grossly unsupervised kids. To really, soy girl, for the benefit of her children yout ought to be SUPPORTING Ashley here. In her own sick way, she's trying to help her neglected children.
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  • Sasha2599

CPS should definitely get called on me. Reese manages to get into things that no child in history has ever managed to do. I should totally offer her services to the FBI because girlie is a mini houdini/magician at the age of 2 and that must be some kind of record. The best mom in the world couldn't control my kid.

Oh, and Ms. Maxwello. you are famous! And I can say I knew you when (1st grade to be exact, in your little blue Hawaiian shirt with a comb in your back pocket!)

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Sharon - We might be able to excuse your recklessly allowing your children to play with scissors and staplers, if you can testify that they have never played with GLUE! That stuff is TOXIC! And may cause you to have to sue some glue corporation when it gets stuck on thier hair and creates mystery bald spots.
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  • Ramble On

Since when are staplers a life threatening hazzard? I only have so many high cabinets to hide cleaners, medicine, knives and sex toys. Maybe PP would like to take my kids too since I am such a careless mother. *eye roll*

I like the drama until it gets personal or reference boards other than this one. I love it when someone gets their panties in a wad over nothing (see stapler discussion above). Makes me giggle.

I also love the drama when I am sick and can't do much else, like I have been the last three days. (Thank gawd I got my house clean before it hit.)

Someone once said a million monkeys using a million keyboards could reproduce the complete works of William Shakespeare. Thanks to MySpace, we now know that to be entirely false.

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Sigh, Ashley Love! You don't have to worry about getting pregnant! Honey, sex toys can't get you pregnant!!!

As for me, I don't have a stapler in my house, but when my oldest was two, I learned that superglue is NON TOXIC!!! Is it bad to laugh that she once superglued her mouth shut? (though, it was terrifying at the moment!)


Formerly Known As SunGoddessMommy

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  • Tofu_Mommy

well come on..."ashley" knew posting the stapler thing would get a few ladies going...she knew what she was doing.

fka tofurkey

SAHM***DS 5/05***DD 7/07

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  • kootnygirl

Oh heck - not glue too! I was liking the glue because it is easier to get out of their hair than the gum (sugar free mind you).

Oh well, if none of their fun activities are safe, I guess I'll just have to let them go back outside and play by themselves.

You'll have to forgive me for letting them run so wild - I'm a WOHM, you see, so evidently I'm allowed.

Mom to 2 girls, March '03 & November '04

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Hmm, is it bad now that I'm dreaming about my into everything toddler gluing my talk a lot ten year old's mouth shut.

Ah....a mother can only dream.
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  • Elyse_Mom2Dev&Pres

I like some of the drama.I think its funny and interesting when someone gets caught in a lie.I like it when a troll starts a really funny thread.

But i do not like it when people get mean or rude or extremely immature.

And oh,I am so glad to finally find out what the whole Ramon thing was all about.I have hear dit referenced so many times.


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Ahh, yes, I see. You're already allowing someone else to raise your you have to responsiblity for any glue, staples, or cuts they may get from crafting. ought to just open a little kiddie scrapbook sweatshop over there.

sharon and anyone who doesn't know me...I'm totally joking by repeated the crap sentiments that have been spewed on this board. I've been a SAHM and a WOHM, neither is easy and I love them both.
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Windex is also fairly harmless . . .or so I've heard . . .wink Oh, and Tums too . . .

acck . .the horror!


All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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  • ~I~Digress~
I love it. The only thing I don't like is when regular posters get stalked or feel like they have to leave the board because things got too ugly.
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  • Ramble On
Ok, so I can be a good mom here, I can leave out the super glue, Windex and Tums, but I have to hide the stapler? Man, I've been doing it wrong all these years.

Someone once said a million monkeys using a million keyboards could reproduce the complete works of William Shakespeare. Thanks to MySpace, we now know that to be entirely false.

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  • kootnygirl

Rebecca - no worries - I totally know your joking. And I have nothin' but lurve for SAHM's. I got to stay home for a year with each of my babies and loved it, challenges & all.

ETA: while we're talking about harmful things that are actually harmless, those little packets of silicone beads that they put in shoes and stuff (the ones that say DO NOT EAT all over them) are actually benign. I learned that one from poison control, after my then 10-month old got into one and ate the little beads. (While I was SAH on mat. leave).

Mom to 2 girls, March '03 & November '04

Edited 10:52 AM by kootnygirl
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1 comment:

seo europe said...

Nice collection.Thanks for sharing.