If it's a door on the fireplace, you should be able to take it off, tape newspaper on the glass to protect it and spray paint it a matte silver.
A Wiggles, 10-01 Gumballs, 1-04
 | | Liza13eth - we had bright gold trim on our fireplace (so dated) and painted it black a couple years ago. It looks so much better! We just taped really well and used spray paint that's designed for high heat things (fireplaces, grills, etc.). We bought it at Home Depot. | | | | Those are both GREAT ideas... Thank you so much for the feedback. I don't move in until May , but am getting very excited thanks to you ladies  I can't believe I bought my first home!! Yay!! | | | | The Mom: If DH completely refuses, you could always cover the mirror with a really pretty contact paper or scrapbook pages and then hang oval mirrors over that. We're in a rental and I'm going to try it out in our hall bath. Once he sees how nice it looks he may agree to it after all :) Edited 3/18/08 by The_Voice_of_Reason | | | | I want to thank everyone for sharing such wonderful ideas! In our guest room/office, is my biggest eyesore - the electric panel box. It is huge - 12" across and probably 24" long. We have had a big shadow box over it with my DH's antique fishing tackle collection in it but the shadow box is now moving to another room (not to mention it was a pain if you ever had to get into the panel). So, any ideas on what I can use to cover it? I thought of a nice tapestry that coordinates with the room (hunting/fishing/rustic/outdoors) but they are so expensive. A quilt if space permits? Help! TIA, Jennifer | | | | Finally found a mouthwash decanter! I got the same one that a couple of others have gotten from pier 1 it was only $4! I love how something that simple made such a difference! Only problem is we use the whitening mouthwash, its clear, so i added 2 drops of blue food coloring to a full bottle of mouthwash. I hope it doesnt turn my teeth blue! What do you think? Edited 3/18/08 by mytwopink&blue | | | | Here are my attempts. My stuff doesn't look as good as Nester's or most of yours, but I am ok with that. I am SEVERELY decoratively challenged, so I'm pretty pleased with myself. This is my first time posting pics, but I think I got it. I'd love any suggestions! Wiggles&Gumballs Towel trick:  My bedroom bargain:  Bedroom before:  Bedroom after:  Office before:  Office after:  DD's room: I did the curtains-- this is the only room I bought supplies for.  | | | | Ladies- I really need advice here! I am painting my picture frames dark brown, and I am matting them in the colors that go with my decor. My question is this- in most of my pictures, the girls are wearing pink or red. I am now worrying about what they are wearing clashing with the frames/mats. Their clothing colors do not "go" with my living room colors. Going black and white is not an option with the photos (they are professionally done.) Should I just go ahead and do it? Am I over analyzing? Thanks! (I'm off to spray paint right now!)
You think YOU'RE having a crappy day? | | | | Finally found a mouthwash decanter! I got the same one that a couple of others have gotten from pier 1 it was only $4! I love how something that simple made such a difference! Only problem is we use the whitening mouthwash, its clear, so i added 2 drops of blue food coloring to a full bottle of mouthwash. I hope it doesnt turn my teeth blue! What do you think? I have had the crappiest (sp?) day and your post made me laugh so hard- thank you! I don't even know why it was that funny to me. I just think it's so ironic that you are adding blue dye to your whitening mouthwash. I love it! What we won't do for style, huh? ~Lana | | | | Oh- about the brown frames. I don't think it matters at all. It will probably just make the color 'pop'. I have a friend that painted a bunch of frames dark brown and then rubbed a dark stain over them. After it dried, she put several coats of lacquer on top. It turned out awesome. ~Lana | | | | Here are my before and after of my master bath. Before is awful wallpaper and huge mirror. After is a great wall color and two mirrors painted choc brown. Now, this is my first time posting pics, so if I mess up forgive me!! Before:  After: 
| | | | Oops, sorry. Still trying to figure it out....  -- Brandi | | | | Wow Brandy! Your bathroom looks great!! | | | | Brandi-your bathroom looks awesome!!!! Would you mind me asking where you found those mirrors?
Jennifer DS-5 yrs.
| | | | I did this to my fireplace but I painted it black. It's been a couple of years and it still looks good. We used high heat spray paint, I lurve spray paint. The kids are lucky they've escaped unscathed, I'd spray paint them if I could! Brandi, your bathroom looks amazing! We did our downstairs bathroom. We took the mirror off and some of the wall came too, so we had to patch it, but it looks good now. Here's a picture, we put in the sink, mirror and dh tiled. Rebecca, mommy to: McKenna 3 Emerson 1 Regan edd 6/08 Edited 3/18/08 by RottieTotTotTot | | | | Brandi,
That is great! What did you do with your old mirror? Did you cut it down or just buy the smaller ones new? Were they preframed? When I mentioned a few posts back that my mirror is GINORMOUS, it's just like yours! In fact, I have that exact setup, long vanity with that "seating area" (?) in the middle, etc. This looks SOOO much like my bathroom! Did the mirror damage the wall when you took it down? Also, did you have one of those light strips above the mirror? We do and unfortunately there is only one hole in the wall for wiring. We will have to have an electrician come out to patch that central one and add two more. KWIM?
I'm so glad you posted this because now I can picture my bathroom with smaller mirrors. I love it!
P.S. We just got our shower stall redone today and it looks great! Maybe I will post some pictures. We went with an all-glass, trimless design. It's amazing!
Formerly known as fun2bemommy
| | | | i love your valences. Maybe I missed but can you tell me how you made them. I have not a creative bone in my body and am not crafty | | | | My thought on not having the ability to make the photos b&w is to make the custom mats BLACK and WHITE.... or Brown and White if the frames are brown... kwim? | | | | I covered a panel in our old house with a large framed picture. Nobody ever knew, and you could not tell it at all! HTH! A quilt or tapestry would work great! eta: Look here for inexpensive wall tapestries, wall art, pictures, etc. to match your theme. Perhaps you can find something here that will work! link This post has been brought to you by the letter D and the number 2. Dawn ~Mommy to two darling daughters | | | | Thanks Ashley! They are not my ideas but I love how it turned out! I started a peice of fabric about 2x as long as the window. (my sliding glass door was 4.5-5yards of fabric) I folded it 2 or 3 times to give it some thickness, hide the raw edges, and to get it to hang the length I wanted. I had some of those clip rings in the nesting place blog kicking around, so I used them to hold the fabric folded. I didn't want it all coming undone when I was hanging it. (you could use straight pins or clothespins.) I used upholstery tacks to attach it to the wall. Just nail an upholstery tack into the top part of the fabric at each end of the window. Then I put a small fold in the fabric (approximately in the middle) and put it in the wall with another tack. Just keep putting another fold/tack in about halfway between the ones already there, and they will end up pretty evenly spaced. It took me longer to explain it then to actually DO it lol! We never actually close our front curtains, so they aren't on a rod either. I again used the nestingplace ideas to hang them! What I liked about doing it is that I didn't have to sew anything.  -ShannSkylar 6/02 Sydney 3/06
 | | | | I would have all the mattes in one color, either white or cream. I think if you use all same color mattes, then the pics themselves will pop, and people will notice the pics more, kwim? Jmo, so take it for what it's worth (which sometimes isn't much, lol) ! This post has been brought to you by the letter D and the number 2. Dawn ~Mommy to two darling daughters
| | LOVE your bathroom! Great redo! This post has been brought to you by the letter D and the number 2. Dawn ~Mommy to two darling daughters | | | | Rebecca, love your bath! The colors of the red, bright white, and green plant really work awesome together! This post has been brought to you by the letter D and the number 2. Dawn ~Mommy to two darling daughters | | | | Nancy, I once had a huge mirror in my bathroom that was just attached to the wall. I picked up a big empty gilt frame at a yard sale, and hung it on the mirror with suction cups. The mirror was bigger by like 4 inches on each side, but it looked cool and was cheap and easy. HTH | | | | Amanda, you did all that and you only bought supplies for your dd's curtains? You go, girl! Maybe I need to look around and see what I have! Great job! Did anyone see that new decorating show Sunday night where the lady uses a lot of what you already have and shows you how to reinvent things? I missed it! It is on TLC, I think. I'm hoping to get some good ideas from there. I saw the lady (drawing a blank on her name) in an interview, and she seems to be very creative and easy to follow. (I hope!) This post has been brought to you by the letter D and the number 2. Dawn ~Mommy to two darling daughters | | | | I recently got my DH grandmothers buffet table and china cabinet. They were pea green and I redone them in black and loved the way it turned out. I am love black accents and especially furniture. My MIL gave me her grandmothers milk glass dishes and I love them. I also got the mirror yesterday at Hobby Lobby regular $199 for $20 and it was 90% I was tickled pink. It was in the corner for the very small selection of 90% stuff. It is huge, like 40" wide. The lamp on the table came from a thrift store for $3.00 and was gold.   I got the plate and shelf at the thrift store for $1.50 and both the mirrors for $3.00 | | | | Thanks, I love that red! Rebecca, mommy to: McKenna 3 Emerson 1 Regan edd 6/08 | | | | Who was looking for a cover for the elecrical panel?? This is my mirror that I got at a flea market for under $20 a few years ago. It's frame is made of styrofoam, so it's pretty lite weight, perfect for accessing the panel behind it. Please excuse the ratty panneling on the wall, we're slowly renovating our home, and this room hasn't happened yet. | | | | Thanks for the compliments on the bathroom. We really love it. The old mirror came off in one piece. We had it sitting on the back deck for about four months before I MADE dh take it off. We wrapped the mirror in plastic and broke it into a million bagillion pieces. It was way too heavy to take and have cut down. The new mirrors are from Old Time Pottery. They were about $40 a piece. The were silver and we painted the trim brown. Spray painting is what worked best. We already had two light fixtures, but they were leaded crystal and brass...UGLY. So, we just replaced them with the ones in the pic from HD. HTH!! -- Brandi | | | | "the electric panel box. It is huge - 12" across and probably 24" long." once saw on a show that they had a wooden door hindged on the panel (reg. 1/4 plywood painted the wall color), on that door the mounted a picture frame (rectang. shape ) that was the same size as the door, so at 1st glance all you see is a nice picture on the wall- kwim? | | | - Date: 3/18/08
- To: All
- From: Diazx2
| | | To the poster that had the sign "because nice matters" I always thought it ment to be nice to others. Kind of a do onto others. My mom has it. I gave it to her for christmas(because she saw it and wouldn't buy it for herself) She was getting kinda of mean durning present opeing time,(nobody was taking turns like the way she planned it) and guess what present she then opend? Yep, that one. She laughed and decied to just enjoy christmas the way it was. It now hangs in her office. Tami | | | | Wow at all the fantabulous ideas! I am so glad someone posted the duvet with sheets idea! We will have our new bedroom completed soon and I cannot find THE comforter kwim? I know what I want but can't find it and was thinking of doing this. Now I know what I'll do :) It's hard to stand on shifting sand...I am saved, from this moment on.
| | | | Shoe**Connoisseur - for those of us who are not on the new board yet can you let us know how we can get to your Decorating Diva's group. Also is there any way to archive this thread there so it won't be lost with all the great ideas-- just a thought. | | | | Oh I haven't forgotten, I was out of town for a funeral this past weekend. I also had to order my fabric for my "mistreatments" so those are on hold for a couple of weeks. Mel ~ mom to 3 | | | | DH and I love your bathroom paint color. Do you know what color it is and where you got it? I'm trying to talk DH into taking our mirror down now. 
Elisa DD Anastasia DS Zachary | | | | 1Dawn- Well, I cheated a little. I have a friend who's a pack rat-- the rest of the stuff I raided her house for . LoveMyGirlie- I really like the black and white-- especially the white dishes in the black cabinet-- it looks so cool. Also, what a steal on that mirror! Makes me wish I had a Hobby Lobby! I'm learning so much from this thread... Edited 3/18/08 by tinkleadem | | | | sweet-as-pie you could put votive candle holders in the milk bottle jars - in the opening at the top and put candles in them and then line them down a table counter, or on your mantel. You should definitely use them if they are special to you. HTH | | | - Date: 3/18/08
- To: All
- From: jlf817
| | | Shannon (chasenluke's mom) - Gordon's on Williams has a ton of fleur de lis stuff. -Jenn | | | | For everyone who wants to paint melamine here are directions: sand with 60 grit sandpaper prime with Zinsser primer/sealer paint For ev eryone who wants to paint laminate countertops prime with Killz paint with household paint (like you'd uae on your walls) if you want to faux finish - do that next once paint/finish is dry polyurethane -- 7 coats if you use water based or 4 coats if you used oil based Both how-to directions come from Christopher Lowell HTH | | | | I love this thread so much! I have gotten a ton of awesome ideas. I went to Hobby Lobby today and got a bunch of stuff. A lot of their fabric was 30% off so I got enough for 3 windows. I did my kichen and bathroom today. Here is my kitchen window before the mistreatment with a cheapy Walmart valence:  And after:  Closeup of the fabric:  I absolutely LOVE it! My dining area is attached to the kitchen and has a big window that I'm going to get the same fabric for. I'm not as pleased with the one in my bathroom:  I choose a solid color because I thought it was busy enough in there with the toile border, but now I think it looks too plain. Any suggestions for different fabric? I made this runner for the TV: I just hot glued the fringe (with my new $2 hot glue gun ) like The Nester suggested for curtains. It was so easy!  I got these apothecary jars at HL, too. They were 50% off so each one ended up being $7-$9. I'm going to take out some of the colored stones in the little one and put in a beta fish. I'm thinking of putting a mini topiary in the empty one  I have one more picture to share. I stenciled this border around the entire perimeter of my master bath when we first moved in a few years ago. It matches the shower curtain so well! It took forever to do but it was worth it.  I plan on doing the curtain window mistreatments to my living room window (already bought the fabrics and fringe.) I'll post pics of that when I'm done. I have a question for you ladies who spray paint a lot. I spray painted about 6 picture frames and a curtain rod with Rust-Oleum. They look awesome but my DH says he thinks I need to put a clear coat on over them to seal up the paint fumes so they don't make the living room reek. Is that what y'all do??? Zoë, mommy to Brody 2/16/06 and Walker 8/28/07 | | | | My carpal tunnel (sp?) pain is coming back as I'm only HALF-WAY through this thread. I set my alarm for an hour early this morning just to jump on here and attempt to catch up. Y'all are so amazingly talented! And, as I always say, this "Bargain" board is costing me a ton of money.
| | | | Love the mistreatments and the jars, what a difference it made in your kitchen! My only thought is that the jar is on the small size to put a beta fish in. They actually prefer big spaces like other fish do | | | | I am so motivated I've actually started painting my dining/living rooms! It's so much work that I've been putting it off, but last night I got most of the dining room done and it's amazing what a little paint does!!! I'm going to paint my hutch black (been wanted to do that anyway) and I got a new chandelier last week. I love it! I'm going out to get fabric for some mistreatments on our sliding glass doors today.
This thread has given me so many great ideas and has given me just the kick in the pants I needed! Thanks!
| | | | TX mommie - (I think that was it) - love the before and after of your kitchen mistreatments - what a difference! mum to two little love bugs - soon to be mom of 3
| | | | Okay my fellow DIYers I need help....LOL. As you know we're doing our dining room table. Well there's an issue - the stain isn't taking in all the areas on top of the table. What do I do? We're using a waterbased stain - should we get a gelbased stain instead? Would it help....now DH is worried that we'll have the same issue on the chairs. Which worse case there I'll just paint them all black but I really want the table top to be stained. Any ideas??? TIA | | | | I would sand those spots again and re stain them.
| | | | schwadette: I bought a bamboo type curtain from big lots, you can still see out somewhat...I will post a pic in a bit. creamed corn: thank you for the suggestion!! I love the idea! for those that like stars: wait til I post my 2 sons bedroom pics (I'm coming back with pics) I'm only on page 44. But had to reply!! Going back to catch up. | | | | Also, I saw something that reminded me of this, don't know for sure that it hasn't been mentioned: You can use CAULK to trim between your ceiling paint and your ceiling for a VERY STRAIGHT LINE! | | | | I'm going to take a wild guess and say its old glue from when the table was made. Try resanding it and restaining it. That happened to us when dh was reworking a table that came down the family line. How it finally got to us and in the awful condition it was in still makes me mad! The family member that it was passed on to had the table dipped so the wife could have it in a lighter color. Unfortunately when they dipped it they removed the written history that dh's gggrandparents had written - like when it came across the midwest in the wagon! morons! It had many other issues, a beautiful table too - has 8 leaves. Huge, heavy bugger. Best of luck on the redo! LBM | | | | PP, love the runner you made under your TV! Nice job! Love your jars and stenciling too! However, I don't think a Beta is a good idea in the apothecary jar. Like someone else said, it's too small, and also, you can't cover the top - they need the oxygen! It may look cute for a while, but I fear you'll find a floater!  Other other PP, love your $20 mirror! What a find! I'm gonna get my decanters and apothercary jars set up this weekend, I'm sadly excited. I'll take pics. Pixie I'm confused... wait, maybe I'm not. Edited 3/19/08 by MightyPixie | | | | Well i can't post pics, but have done so much. I am so glad for this thread, not only did it give me some ideas, but it gave me the kick in the pants and excitement to start doing some decorating that i have been putting off. The only bad thing was I couldn't find fabrics anywhere that I liked to go in living room and kitchen so I spent money on new curtains for living room, like the look, but hate that I spent 100 bucks. And for my kitchen I took some hand towels, folded them to go into a point with huge grapes on front that come down the point. I did six of them and they actually don't look like dish towels, but some kind of window treatment. I still have a little work to fix them up To pp who stenciled the green leaves border, I love it!!! I am goin to make homemade pictures like that for my green living room. I hope they turn out cause I haven't been able to find anything I like to use as the pictures and any premade pictures I have seen were way out of my price range. I totally didn't think of stenciling, lol. I also love the mistreatment in the kitchen from the grapes to that stripe. I love that fabric and wish I could find some like that, it is perfect!!! Tonya | | | | does anyone know if you can spray paint light fixtures? we have ugly brass (we were too cheap to upgrade when we built the house 2 years ago) and we really want the rubbed/bronze (dark) fixtures now. would it work to paint the brass we have now? also - if we do the lights, do we need to do the knobs and hinges to match or can those stay the ugly brass? thank you for the ideas for the back door window issue! we already have cellular shades for the whole house... so i might see if one of the big box home stores has a shade of some sort that will work. :) LOVE bamboo - but i'm anal and would have to change all our shades.... | | | | Schwadette I spray painted my brass light fixtures. I don't like brass at all, so I bought a spray paint called "hammered." I used it on the brass on the lights, and also sprayed it onto my cheapy white plastic outlet and lightswitch covers in my kitchen and bath. I love how it turned out!
-ShannSkylar 6/02 Sydney 3/06
 | | | | Yes you can spray paint your light fixtures and outlet covers. A friend of mine did hers and I LOVE it. LOL I can't wait to have my own house to do it to. | | | | I can't remember the brand sorry! Mine was a hammered copper finish...I have seen it at walmart and at fred meyers
-ShannSkylar 6/02 Sydney 3/06
 | | | | Smurfette (I think it was you). Just checking to see if you got my pics. We have boring light switch covers here. So my kids and I mod podged them! They picked out pics/colors out of magazines and we glued those on. We also used tissue paper. Then we put a coat o over the pics. Don't worry, it all dries clear. A fun activity for all, and very easy to layer and fix if it's looking strange. Also, not really a decorating tip, but I'm so sick of the toilet paper roll and how difficult it is to hang (eye rolling). So I found a cute basket that's sorta narrow and holds 2 rolls perfectly. It's on the ground by the toilet. Now everyone can replace! anna | | | | I thought of a couple of things I did in my house, finally! Our house was built in 1950 and had a piece of board for a mantel, that was it. So my in-laws were tearing down theirs and it was 8 feet long, the exact size of our mantel. If we would have bought one it would have been a pretty penny, so I took theirs, used liquid sand paper and painted it many coats of luster white the trim in the rest of the house. It was oak before. Here's a pic it's not the best, but you can see it to the left. Also, there's the fireplace glass cover that was brass that I pained black. Best part about the mantel and side pieces, it was all free!  I used liquid sand paper and painted all my dd's bedroom furniture, it was my sil's when she was little. Then I went to Salvation Army and bought a head board for 12 dollars and sanded and painted that. This is mid paint:  This is all done:   I painted the desk, dresser, chair (I recovered the chair too), both night stands and head board. Target has their apothercary jars on sale for 19.99 with the filling included. Also the wall words that they have are 16.99, I looked today. ETA: The book case in the background of the first picture is a built in, since our house is old and they lady before me LOVED hi gloss paint and walpaper, it was a disaster (as was much of the house). Anyway, I had the shelves of the built in routed out. Many coats of paint later, I put my wedding china in it. Rebecca, mommy to: McKenna 3 Emerson 1 Regan edd 6/08 Edited 3/19/08 by RottieTotTotTot | | | | Rustoleum has the hammered finished spray paint. I had rock like looking end tables that were white and I sprayed them with a brushed silver hammered paint. I have a question. I found 3 identical short vases that I want to line across my long dresser. Question is what should I fill them with. I was thinking something tall. Should I put the same thing in all 3? Mind you I have a more contemporary style. And these will be the only things on the dresser. The colors of the room are black/tan in the winter and teal/black/tan/pink in the summer. TIA! | | | | Rottie - Fantastic job on all of those projects! I love them. The mantle is perfect and your dd's room looks adorable. Love how the white pieces "pop" out of that bright blue room. | | | | Thanks! Rebecca, mommy to: McKenna 3 Emerson 1 Regan edd 6/08 | | | Question about spray paint: Do you have to put a clear coat on over it? My DH is insisting that I do. He thinks there will be a problem with fumes if I don't. Bluesnoflake: Do you have a Hobby Lobby near you? That's where I got my fabric. They had a great selection of upholstry fabrics. Zoë, mommy to Brody 2/16/06 and Walker 8/28/07 | | | | I have every store in the world, BUT a hobby lobby . I will just keep my eye out and see if any of the other places brings some in like that. Thanks though Tonya | | | - Date: 3/19/08
- To: All
- From: Ang71
| | | I need opinions regarding the wall above my couch. I have an old window frame that I can fit 6 pictures in. I would like to have that above the couch. If I do so do I need to take down all the framed pics that are currently hanging beside the couch? (Yes, I know they are crooked I put putty behind them but it doesn't work! ) Will that be too many family pictures? And what would I put on the other side? I wanted to put more of the same frame pictures but dh says it's too much. Sorry about the link but I cannot get photobucket to work! This is my first time posting a picture http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll305/angie7125/IMG_2201.jpg Angie Mom to Sydney(8) and Natalie(5) | | | | Are you keeping the shelf?
| | | | Ok I got around to taking pics of my long dresser. The vases are set up and I was going to do possibly a runner under them again need something to put in them. I also attached pics of the winter and summer colors. Any suggestions? (no the clock isn't usually on the floor , i just have to find a new home for it)  winter  summer  | | | | I think it will look much "cleaner" with the one large frame and remove the smaller pics. Cool shelf.
A Wiggles, 10-01 Gumballs, 1-04
| | | - Date: 3/19/08
- To: All
- From: Ang71
| | | Thanks for the replies! Yes, the shelf stays. I like the idea of having the window frame above the couch but am bummed that I have to "find" something else to hang where the pics currently are. I think it would be too bare to not have anything. Plus I have to fill in all those holes  The window frame is currently white. Do you think I need to paint it? And what color? Angie Mom to Sydney(8) and Natalie(5) | | | | I really like that shelf! I agree, I think the smaller group of pics would need to go. Can you post another pic with a different angle - where does that wall lead to (does it flow to another room? etc). Pretty colors in that room! mum to two little love bugs - soon to be mom of 3
Edited 3/19/08 by mum23loves | | | | do you have pics of your hammered finished stuff? I can't picture what that looks like, but it sounds nice! | | | | Pics, as promised! Just got my brand new door installed TODAY and have to share. It probably looks a little plain, but I had to move everything out of the way for installation (ignore the ugly security sign):  And here are both of my son's bedrooms with the stars (ignore the mess):  These are for schwadette, they usually aren't so see through, inside and outside view (they may not even be bamboo):  Here's the other side of my wall with all the pics (if you recall my post a week or two ago), these are hung differently and DH cut the mat himself. I hope it's not obvious :  And this is what we started keeping the toys in once the LO got a little older (in the living room where I won't store toys unless it's for the baby - we have a playroom):  Okay, sorry this post is filled with so many pics! Here are my bathroom blinds I love (from BBB). Sorry so dark:  And last pic, I promise. Here's what DH built and painted to hold our trash cans when we got tight for room in the garage:  Now if you'll notice....he even put little chains on the lids so that they won't blow off! He's a peach. <3 Okay, ONE MORE pic and I'm done, I promise. I took this pic today with the new door. See the little lamp post? DH put a flicker light in it (looks like a flame) and wired to come on at dark. He also did the same thing for the side light on our home. He's awesome...  For all the stalkers.....now that everyone knows where I live. We are gun friendly.  | | | | OMG click - I am ROTFLMAO at "We're gun firendly"  I love the stars in your sons rooms. I was waiting all day to see htose pics. LOL Also dig the new door - I like it a lot. Where did you find the flickering lights? My hubby is an electrician and I'd love to have those in mind for my house someday. We're putting a huge blue star in MDS's room soon (once it gets delivered) because we couldn't think of an older "theme"....LOL. Can't paint it though cause we're in military housing. Can't wait til I get everything so I can take a pic of his new setup. | | | | LOL!!! I LOVE the gun friendly bit! Your house looks very nice! Astrid | | | | Thank you!! I felt like such an idiot taking pics of sh*t outside, my neighbors probably think I'm pretty stupid. I wanted to be like, HELLO, I have pics to post onto a decorating thread on the BH board....snort. The star theme has been SOOOO versatile. Much more flexible than I ever expected it to be! A lot of stuff goes with it, since it's still hip, but still kinda plain, KWIM? Even the stripes in my son's bed (like in this pics below) or the patchwork in ODS's room. | | | | Oops, sorry PP, the flicker lights...you can get them ANYWHERE....I got mine from Home Depot. They are so cute and charming. Not very practical. That door (I know I don't post a lot here, but if you're familiar) I got nearly $200 off with my Lowes 10% off coupon that I posted a link to a while back. It was special order. My grandma gave me quite a bit of $$ this xmas, I bought that and it'll be forever remembered from her. | | | | To the PP who wanted to know about clear-coating, no, you don't have to do that. The fumes will not be a problem. I am really sensitive to that stuff (use no VOC paint on the walls and stuff) and I had no issue with it. If you are concerned, leave the items to air out outside or in the garage overnight. The only time you need to use clear coat is if something is going to get a lot of wear/use, because it helps the paint to stay on. FWIW, I find the clear coat stuff to be WAY more smelly than paint. I can only imagine the amount of VOCs that stuff gives off. YUCK! Karen Micah Landon 3.5.05 Asher Nathaniel 1.9.07 | | | - Date: 3/19/08
- To: All
- From: ksmom22
| | | Wuv*my*Wubbie - I am looking for a new bedspread, and I love yours! Do you happen to know where you got it at? Thanks! | | | | Gorgeous house! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your front door!!! I like what you did with the boys' rooms. Is that a little fish bowl hanging on your son's wall?? Angie Mom to Sydney(8) and Natalie(5) | | | | Yes, it is! My mom got it for xmas and I almost killed her. | |
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