I saw a bunch of apothecary jars at Home Goods today. I got two olive oil bottles for my dish and hand soaps in the kitchen. Thanks for that suggestion. I'm definitely going to do the wall clock too. I went to look at numbers at Home Depot. I was hoping for stickers but they only had metal ones that needed to be hammered into the wall. Any suggestions on where to get sticker numbers? | | Thanks Kristi! It's funny that it's called Latte because I'll be covering Mochaccino with it  And I don't even like coffee LOL. BTW I love the throw pillows on your couch! | | | | For the pp who posted earlier about making/selling vinyl lettering, can you email me? I would like some more info. The best way to get ahold of me is newbridenvegas @yahoo.com. Thanks!
You think YOU'RE having a crappy day? | | | - Date: 3/16/08
- To: All
- From: jjbend
| | | So loving this thread! It has really motivated me to get some decorating done around the house this weekend. I was at Jo-Ann's today, huge clearance sale on all kinds of things. All the dried/fake flowers were 50% off, flower containers and vases were 30% off. All lamp shades were 50% off and there were loads of frames also 50% off. Also had a great time at The Christmas Tree Shoppe. Got a really nice sized apothercary jar for $6.99, a pink & white toile printed tin bucket for $5.99 and a blue tin star for $3.99. They had stars in several sizes ranging from 3.99-9.99. They had so many different sized and shaped vases, jars and containers. Got two bags of pink marbles for a $1.00 each to put into a pretty bottle I got at Pier 1. I put two white starfish in the apothecary jar and it looks really nice and simple. Jennifer | | | | I never really shop at Sears but DH was getting his vision exam done and I was bored so I stopped by and found three beautiful apothocary jars there on sale for $29.99. Then I kept looking around and I found a cloche for $12. What a find. I found the decanter that Elisa has at Pier One. We have this citrus mouthwash that we put in it and it looks like urine - YUCK. I need to go buy some new mouthwash. 
Elisa DD Anastasia DS Zachary | | | | Man, I just happened upon this board and I'm loving it too! It really does make you want to go shopping. So, I don't have too much to add, but I did see a really neat thing at a lady who works w/my DH's house. In her office she just had 4 really simple black rimmed clocks. They were hung on the wall in a 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 pattern. Then under it she had painted the words London, US, and two more places and the time was set to the time at those places. I thought it was really simple, but really neat! Oh, another thing is to take a paper towl holder (the stand up silver kind) and use it in the bathroom for holding 3 extra rolls of toliet paper. | | | | Clean- I know I am super late to post...but I would add a tall plant to the right of your entertainment center..something like a tall palm or corn plant. It will fill up the space and add interest... Angela   href= | | | | "The stars were anywhere from 2.99 to 5.99 at Gormans."
OMG! I wish I had a Gormans around here! | | | | "For the pp who posted earlier about making/selling vinyl lettering, can you email me? I would like some more info. The best way to get ahold of me is newbridenvegas @yahoo.com. Thanks!" Me to please. foote.family @ verizon.net | | | | OK - after 80+ pages, I finally posted. All I know is Visa is thanking you ladies this weekend :-) Went to Home Depot Friday night to get paint for my powder room. My house is recently built, so every wall in this house is off-white. Painted it sage green Found a bamboo style bathroom set at Linens and Things - Not really on sale or anything, but I bought the tissue box, the garbage can and two hand towels. They let me use two LNT coupons and 2 BBB coupons all for 20% off. It reminds me of the Polynesian Village in WDW http://www.lnt.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2928946&cp=2096366&parentPage=family Then I went to home goods and bought a plant stand for $20 that matchign my dining room. It allowed me to use this gorgeous centerpiece that I couldn't use on my dining room table because it was too high for my light fixture. I am now painting the dining room in two weeks!! Kristin Allison and Ryann 4/17/05 | | | - Date: 3/17/08
- To: All
- From: mb923
| | | Thanks everyone again for posting these great ideas. They are very motivating. I am going to borrow nesting bloggers idea of using scrapbook paper on the back of some built ins I have at the top of my stairs. What's the best way to attach it? I guess glue but I'm not sure what the best kind is for attaching paper to wood. Thanks again, ladies!! | | | | I just did the back of my china cabinet shelves in different patterns of black and white scrapbook paper and black foam sheets from Hobby Lobby. Still not sure if I like it or not. I think I need to put white dishes in it, instead of the clear glassware I had in there before.
Anyway, I used the 3M clear mounting squares, like you'd use to put posters on the wall at college. I just used 2 per scrapbook sheet at the top. Would have worked better with 4, but I didn't have too many. For the foam, I used plain Elmer's glue, and it's holding.
HTH, Ashley :)
| | | - Date: 3/17/08
- To: All
- From: ky_mom
| | | OK...OK...I've read this entire thread and I love it! I really gotta ask, and please don't think I'm dense. Why does the Nesting blog (and everybody on this thread) say Window "mistreatments" instead of "treatments". I don't get it even though I went to the blog and read her definitions.
| | | | Buffy, nester is a bit of a window treatments rebel, she prefers to spend $$$ on fabric and not on curtain rods or have her treatments hemmed, lined, professionally made. and they still look great.
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” - Archbishop Desmond Tutu | | | | Zackster1- how much was the decanter at Pier 1? thanks | | | | Couple of late posts: for the poster who put fabric on canvas over your bed, I think it looks great! lovemygirlie - I love the shelf you did with LOVE over it & paper backing. ETA: I saw a tip in BH&G in their Tips for Organizing section - for pieces in your hutch that you need to store elsewhere, make a list and tack it inside one of the cabinets. *This would save me some time - I've had to look around for something I've stored elsewhere... mum to two little love bugs - soon to be mom of 3
Edited 3/17/08 by mum23loves Edited 3/17/08 by mum23loves | | | | Lurker here, but just wanted to say "Thank Goodness for all the creative people on this thread!!!" I am what I call decoratively challenged. I am "borrowing" so many of these great ideas! Really the only thing I can think of to contribute is this: My husband is notorious for just dropping lose change, keys, etc on the kitchen table and then gripes cause I move it, etc. I used a small berry basket from Longaberger (can be any basket, the size is about a 6"x6") and set this in the middle of my table. I then can just throw his items in this basket and when he's looking for that stuff it's right where he left it, technically. I "top" the junk off with something for whatever season/holiday it is (ie: fall - I put 3 med pumpkins, Easter - I have plastic easter eggs on top) The seasaonal items are usually easy to move and then replace. Sorry I don't have a pic, but I wanted to contribute something so that you girls know that you're appreciated. Please keep the ideas coming!!! Kris Brandon 11/6/02 Jenna Grace 1/3/07 | | | | That should have read Gordman's no Gorman's. Sorry! Meg | | | | Sorry if this is a repeat... The exact same $20 apothecary jar sets from Big Lots are $13.99 at Ross.  HTH someone. | | | | I have something to share (finally). I haven't done this yet but will copy it soon (link below). I have the same set up of windows in the photo and currently have have burgandy sheers on tension rods up there. I am going to add the burgandy linen to top and bottom - paint the tension rods black, extend them, add finials and hang them on hooks. That's the plan anyway. It'll probably take me a couple of weeks to complete as I'll be taking my time. http://www.marthastewart.com/good-things/clever-ways-to-embellish-curtains :) LBM | | | | I just went to Target this morning and bought glass jars to place on top of my frig. I filled them with Goldfish, crackers and cereal. Now, instead of having random cardboard boxes on top of the frig I have a more tidy look. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but it really changed the look of our kitchen.
I also found stars at Garden Ridge. They were plain copper and mixed in with a bunch of patriotic ones that were painted with stars and stripes. There weren't any tags on them so I took them to the register and I got all three (two large and one medium) for $12!!! I was thrilled. I hung them on my wall but I don't know what to do about the color. My walls are painted a burnt orange color anyway and I think the copper blends too much. Dh likes them the way they are. I am thinking of taking one and trying to paint it with a distressed black finish. Hmmm....
Annie 5/7/02 Meg 3/7/04 Lily 2/20/07
| | I am so envious of everyone that has Garden Ridge and Hobby Lobby! I have TJ Maxx, Ross, Michaels, Tuesday Morning (which is so hit and miss) and places like Kohls (which JUST came to our town this past fall). I am going to visit Grandpa so I can get to a Home Goods......... Shelby- Small changes can have BIG impact. Your glass containers on top of the fridge sounds charming! Bunny | | | | She is calling them mistreatments because she is mis treating everything and not having them professionally done. LOL You are not "suppose" to use hot glue and tack pins on curtains accroding to the professionals...LOL. Good lord don't let them know you RIPPED the fabric either...LOL. It's a cute misplay on words. No fabric was actaully hurt in the making of mistreatments. | | | | Holly, How did your table come out? | | | |   Here's a couple really quick mistreatments. These are in our formal dining area a.k.a. formal toy area. They need straightening just a bit and I'm not sure this mistreatment is working on the larger window, but they'll do for now. I'm really pleased with them and love the fabric. A couple tweeks and they'll be good. Now I really need to get a new paint color on the walls, they haven't been touched since our builder. Which reminds me! We have a train table in this room and I'm thinking of painting the opposite scene side with chalkboard paint. Is chalkboard paint the same price as regular paint? Any special tricks before I start? Thanks ladies, I hope you're all doing well. | | | | We're still working on it - the black is all done so we just need to stain the table top and seats. The weather turned on us here in CO and so we had to slow it down. Thanks for asking!
| | | | Okay, ladies. I am so excited I can hardly sit still!
For my b-day Friday, my MIL gave me a $50 Target E-GC, and my gpa gave me $100. I am swooning because money has been so tight, and I haven't had a spare cent to spend on anything but necessities.
I was looking at Target.com, and they have so many beautiful things, but I am having such a hard time buying anything, because it is seriously blowing my mind to spend THAT MUCH on whatever it is!
I hope to find some nice goodies for the house. What I am in need of the most is wall decorations.
Now, for a question. I have a glass-top round table (I detest it!) and I have never used tablecloths on it. My kitchen is done in light pink/mint green. Today, it dawned on me that it might be cute to have a light pink tablecloth on the table. What do you think?
You think YOU'RE having a crappy day? | | | | Jessica, I think a pink table cloth with green fringe would be really cute! You can get really cute fringes at fabric stores and if you're not sew crafty then you can hot glue them on! | | | | Great idea, Kristin! I'm sure I can find a pink tablecloth now for Easter. I used to be into super funky/strange decorating, and I have decided to go more traditional. Here is an example- See those ugly chrome thingies that used to flank my TV? Well, I held a yard sale, and used the money to buy this buffet-thingie to put our TV on. It is supposed to go in the dining room to hold dishes and stuff, but I think it looks nifty with the TV on it. It has leather on the doors, which I love, and it holds all of our TV/gaming equipement. Lots of great storage! I got it for $300, original price was $1200.   You think YOU'RE having a crappy day? | | | | I've been following this post for some ideas and notice that no one has mentioned this.Maybe it's not that great. . Anyway, when Bombay used to be open, I bought a cute mirror with a decorative border. Wasn't sure how I would use it but bought it. Now I put my creams and body mists on it. Now this thing I made a few months ago. I met a new mom in my neighborhood and I saw that she has 2 or 3 square frames with ribbons in the middle and her earrings and necklace on it. I thought it was cute but I didn't have ribbon but I have alot of tuile from parties that I have hosted and alot of easels. So here's my take on it. I need to buy a bigger frame since I have more earrings. I also think I need to switch that easel for something more simple (no front scroll). nancy | | | | Nancy, I love that mirror idea. I used to have on that was my Grandmother's. Don't know what happened to it. | | | | I am loving this thread! I have gotten so many ideas. Thanks Ladies. What is the trick to getting a nice clean corner when you are painting 2 walls two different colors and they meet at the corner, I can't make mine look nice and sharp. Keep em coming! Sheila Bradey 2-20-03 Ethan 2-1-06 | | | | To get a crisp painted line, I paint the lighter side (don't have to be too careful -- a little over the edge is good). Let it dry for a while -- a couple of hours is best. Then carefully tape (with blue painter's tape) the line and press the edge really well.
After that, use caulk (the kind used to line the top of the bathtub) and put a VERY small amount on the edge of the tape -- run your finger along the edge and wipe off all that you can. The caulk kind of "seals" the tape so the paint doesn't seep under. Paint the edge with the darker color and immediately pull off the tape.
Hope this helps. There is usually a tiny bit of touch-up, but it looks practically perfect!
Myrna ds10 dd6 ds&dd4
| | | | Question- I got some deep red paint to paint my frames, and now I am scared to do it, because the red will clash with the clothing worn in the pictures. Would it be better to do it a more neutral color? I wanted the dark red so that it would pop more, but I could do a chocolate brown color instead.
You think YOU'RE having a crappy day? | | | | ^^LIke OP, except for using caulk, I use primer. It helps give you a clean line. Another tip is to remove the tape while the paint is still wet. If you leave it enough for it to dry, it'll seep under the tape. HTH ETA: I'm partial to chocolate brown. Edited 3/17/08 by webmom30 | | | | I did my mistreatments today! I found exactly what I wanted for fabric.  The green stripes pop a lot more IRL then in the pics. Here they are!  And for the PP that wanted to get more of an idea of the finished product with my different colored chairs lol, Here:  (I still have to paint that white chair green, and give the orange one a wash of darker color, but you get the idea) Next I want to find a coordinating rug. I will put up some curtains/mistreatments on the sides of the glass door too. -ShannSkylar 6/02 Sydney 3/06
 Edited 3/17/08 by ***Shan*** | | | | since you all seem to have genius ideas for decorating... here is my problem. our back door has a window in it. looks out over the deck into the backyard. what can i put over it? we'd like some privacy (we live in a "fishbowl") but i'd still like to be able to peek outside once and a while. we had the type of curtain that gets held by a rod at the top and bottom then is pulled tight... didn't like it. any one have any brilliant ideas?? | | | | Ok, still stuck on the decanters and apothecary jars:  I went to Pier 1 and found the decanters! Got one like pp had posted for DH (we use different mouthwash) and found another smaller one with some cherry blossom etching on it that I liked better, for me. It was $15, and the other was $7, but hey, I'm worth it.  They also had in their Easter stuff this teeny little bird nest with a shiny blue egg in it. I'll put that on top of some pebbles in a small apothecary jar. And after Easter, maybe find a more natural looking egg... Ok, carry on. Pixie I'm confused... wait, maybe I'm not. | | | | So a couple people have posted about decorating with old window frames...and when I read them I was thinking "that's a neat idea but how do people just come across old window frames..." then lo and behold yesterday I was passing outside an antique shop and there were about 5 old, dilapidated window frames! They were big, maybe 4 feet high, but in pretty bad disrepair. Some of them had broken glass, and the glass that was left was pretty dirty (as in I'm not sure it would clean up enough to see a picture behind it).
I'm totally intrigued by this, though! Casualmomma - can you give more details? Do your still have glass? What did you use for backing, and how did you hang them? I would looooove to see pics if you have a way. Or you could email them to me...sassymama @ gmail com
Laurie Formerly Sassy-n-Bella
(Smurfette is an old OLD nickname. Don't ask. Stirrup pants are involved.)
| | | | I threw away the tags and the receipt in the garbage but I'm almost positive it was $7.99.  Elisa DD Anastasia DS Zachary | | | | I also have an old window frame, with glass and hinges still attached. I left the layers of paint as is and cleaned up the glass with a razor blade and some Windex. Then I put vinyl lettering on the glass and hung it in my entry way. It looks so cool and I get many compliments on it. | | Schwadette- They sell add-ons for glass doors. These units just get attached to the door inside the house, right over the glass, and then you can open or close the blinds that are enclosed in glass (read: no dusting and no swinging shades everytime you open the door) They sell them at Lowes and Home Depot. -Bunny  | | | | Schwadette, Have you thought about a roman shade? We have one on our back door. It's nice because you can easily raise and lower it. Ours has pull strings. It's like this: http://www.romanshadecompany.com/styles/roman/soft_fold.htmlJanine ETA: Apparently these are not hard to make. In looking for a picture I came across several "how to" sites. Formerly known as fun2bemommy
Edited 3/17/08 by earthenways | | | | wow! I love all of the creative ideas! The most recent mistreatment looks amazing! Well done! I hit my local thrift store today and scored with some glass containers.. I'll take some pictures just as soon as I figure out what the heck is going in them :) I also bought the glass part of a cheese board (sort of a cloche).. I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for a low candle stand to flip and hopefully display. oh, and I bought two "wall pockets" and painted them with the nester's papertowel technique.. it worked well for the distressed look. Thanks for the inspiration! | | | | attention decor divas!
I need opinions.
I had made a thread about painting an laminate armoire I want from a thrift store, but the more I researched, I found out it will be a lot of work and may not come out well. So, Ive been brainstorming.
Would any of these ideas work?
1. I was thinking of gluing fabric to the laminate parts(top and side). I was thinking of solid black (with some kind of pattern) Or some nifty black and white print.
2. gluing on scrap booking paper, but I think I wouldn't like the lines...
3. attaching some kind of super thin sheeting over the laminate parts, and painting that.
| | | | I love your star grouping!!!! It looks great.
| | | - Date: 3/17/08
- To: All
- From: mb923
| | | I found the clock hands at Target today. Now I just have to find numbers that I like. | | | | What size clock hands did you find? And where in the store were they? Thanks! Maryann | | | - Date: 3/17/08
- To: All
- From: mb923
| | | I found it with the clocks. It's Target brand. The dimensions say 16 3/8 in H x 4 1/4 in W x 1 7/8 D. Does that help? Do you want me to measure the big hand? | | | | AMy I love the scrapbook paper, thanks for sharing the pics!!! great idea! Kendra | | | | What about using a spray paint meant for plastic since the laminate is slick? I'd test first because I have no experience, but that might be a way to get a good finish with the least amount of work...
A Wiggles, 10-01 Gumballs, 1-04
| | | | Chalk board paint I bought mine at Michaels. It goes on just like regular paint only you'll have to retouch every so often because of the constant washing it dulls down lots. | | | | Modge podge works great on laminate! I have one of those cheapo laminate pressboard entertainment centers. After 4-5 years it looked like *&$% I decided I would experiment on it before tossing it. I went online and found pics of "ancient" maps. Then I printed them out, ripped them and used modge podge to stick them on. I put a good clear coat over it, and 2 years later it's still in our living room lol. It's kinda weird, but people come over and tell us how neat it is. Works for now. Just thought I would mention it for those thinking about painting laminate furniture....  -ShannSkylar 6/02 Sydney 3/06
 Edited 3/17/08 by ***Shan*** | | | - Date: 3/17/08
- To: All
- From: The Mom
| | | Has anyone ever painted their kitchen cabinets black? My kitchen as plenty of natural sunlight so I'm thinking it won't make it too dark in there but I'm still iffy. Looking for support here, people. Make me do it.  ALSO----I reallly, really, realllllly want to replace the freakin huge & boring mirror in our master bath. It's one of those big sheets of glass and it's stuck to the wall. There's no attach-y thingies (LOL) holding it up. How do you figure it's being held up and any suggestions on getting it down? I have a crow bar and I am not afraid to use it. If anyone is looking for butterfly decor, I found some large metal butterflies at Big Lots. I painted mine a pale shade of yellow and they're going up in my oldest's bedroom tomorrow. They look really cute! Oh, they're not heavy at all....LOL....that was DH's main concern. I couldn't find any apothocary jars but I did find some neat jars with lids that screw on at Big Lots. $5 each and they're filled with seashells on my fireplace . I also have one on my kitchen counter filled with drawer pulls....not very decorative but it does remind me on a daily basis that I need to get my cabinets painted.  Nancy | | | | Ross had a set of 3 apothocary jars for $12.99. They were a decent size, and the glass had an amber tint to it that faded to clear up at the top. I almost bought them, but put them back at the last minute. I may have to go back...  ETA: I found some inexpensive table cloths while I was at ross today. The colors were perfect for my living room, so I decided to buy the longest ones and use them for a mistreatment. Worked out great!  -ShannSkylar 6/02 Sydney 3/06
 Edited 3/17/08 by ***Shan*** | | | | Okay, okay-sorry to pull out the Nester again but here's her sisters kitchen that they recreated in black and it looks fabulous! The pictures alone made me want to start sanding and painting my own kitchen! It looks really great! Try this link: http://emmafree.blogspot.com/2008/01/i-never-do-this.html. | | | | I haven't read through all the replies yet, so excuse me if this is a repeat of someone else's idea: I have 2 tall apothocary jars on my bathroom counter with soaps in them - I leave the box/packaging on the soaps - I put crabtree & evelyn and other pretty packaged soaps in there...I love the look. | | | - Date: 3/17/08
- To: All
- From: The Mom
| | | Nester's sister is totally where I got the idea from. It looks so fabby in her house but I'm afraid when I try to recreate the look in my own house it will just end up looking like somebody threw up everywhere.  I'm scared of painting my cabinets. I'm a weenie. Bleeeeeeehhhhhh. | | | | LOL, I'm with you! I'm hesitant to paint walls! It is life though and you'd hate to put it off for months, years, etc. live it up and paint away. (MUCH easier said than done). I *think* black might be hard color to sand off and re-do too, but I'm not for sure. What color are your appliances? countertops? floors? backsplash? What's the rest of your decor like? Her kitchen is amazing and looks totally do-able and agreeable to most homes. Post some pics of your kitchen and we'll help talk you into it (or out of it).  | | | | I LOVE this thread! We are closing on our first house later this week, so I am getting so many ideas on how to decorate each room. I don't think this has already been posted, sorry if it has, but today while I was at Hobby Lobby, I found a wall clock kit. It has everything (including both numbers and Roman numerals) but the battery. It was $29.99 but if you use the 40% off coupon in the link below, then it's only $18 plus tax. http://www.hobbylobby.com/site3/weekly/coupon.cfm I got one and can't wait to get in the new house and get it up!!  ETA: I just did a quick search on the Hobby Lobby/Crafts, Etc website and found the clock kit. I don't think you can use the 40% off coupon on the website so it's still $29.99 but at the top of the page it does say free shipping for orders over $25. http://www.craftsetc.com/store/item.aspx?ItemId=72491&dep=50&cat=85&subcat=15&Search=Y -Amber Edited 3/17/08 by amberj007 | | | | OK - I can't get over how much I LOVE the black cabinets. SERIOUSLY LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!! | | | Well if I can't have my table yet at least I could change this.... my living room wall before:  my living room wall after: | | | | To The Mom-- We took off the huge mirror in our master bath. It was VERY heavy to take down and scared the crap out of me. I was afraid it would break. My dh actually used my metal spatula to pry the mirror slowly off the wall. It was glued up there in nine spots, it did mess up the drywall, but we spackled over the spots. We replaced the large mirror with two mirrors. It looks SO great in the bathroom. We also replaced the light fixtures. Looks like a hotel, now. You can do it!! Just remember, the mirror is HEAVY. Be careful, because when it breaks, it will go in a million pieces. The after look is SO worth it. All my friends want to do it their bathrooms, too.  | | | | Holly- huge improvement! I love the "All because two people fell in love" frame. Where did you find that?
You think YOU'RE having a crappy day? | | | | I found it at Linens and Things - fell in love with the saying from this thread...LOL - when I came across it I knew I had to have it. | | | | I've seen where they cover the glass with strips of tape (not sure hwat kind - it looks black) and I think this helps keep it toegtehr to a point. You could go as far as covering it with saranwrap or the like and tape then break it. | | | | Quick question for the fabric gurus- is damask somewhat heavy fabric? I found a tablecloth on Target.com that is on clearance that I can use my gift card on, and I would want to make some mistreatments with them. Do you think damask would work?
You think YOU'RE having a crappy day? | | | | Holly - what a dramatic difference! Looks awesome.
A Wiggles, 10-01 Gumballs, 1-04
| | | - Date: 3/17/08
- To: All
- From: MomDLI
| | | I have actually avoided this thread because I knew I would get sucked in! I have been reading this and the Nesting blog for about an hour now and I am only about 1/4 way through this thread. You ladies are so talented!!! These are the kind of things I look at and think I can do but they never seem to turn out quite as nice. I am going to look around and see if there is anything creative I can add. And maybe I will have some time this coming weekend to try some of these tricks!
Just because you can doesn't mean you should! | | | | I just wanted to add that I have heard it's possible to have a large mirror cut into two (or more.) I have an GINORMOUS mirror in my master bath. I mean, it is serioulsy huge! I would love to take that sucker down, have it cut and frame two separate pieces. We also have the dreaded brass "light bar" above it. ICK! That one has to go!!!! The bathroom has great potential though.
Oh! A neighbor told me she saw oval mirror frames at Michael's. I have to check on this. If anyone, like myself, has a smaller oval mirror in your 1/2 bath (powder room), this might be a great project to spruce it up!
Formerly known as fun2bemommy
| | | | Mel: If you are still looking for a large black vase, find a clear one that will work and spary paint the inside of the glass black -- it will look great from the top of your armoire. You will proibably need to do 2 or 3 coats of paint on teh inside so it looks good. Might also be cheaper than a black glass vase. I've done this with mason jars and then put small galss votive holders and candles in the opening and used them as candle holders. HTH | | | | Thanks for the compliments on my shelf!
| | | | I LOVE LOVE the wall. Where did you get the saying? Britney | | | | The Mom - We had the same big mirror and ugly bar lighting in our bath when we moved in. Getting rid of that mirror was one of the first things we did and it made a huge difference. Here is an after pic:
Val Ava 2*20*01 and Tanner 12*20*05 | | | | Love those mirrors and lights Val!!!
| | | | Here is a solution we were investigating for our full wall mirror: http://www.mirrormate.com/ We found that the way our mirror fit against a lightswitch it would not work... YOu could also purchase molding and mitre it as a frame and paint it any color and glue it on (be sure to paint or stain the back too!) If it is glued on I would think it is going to make a mess out of your wall - this is why we decided to do a jbar and clips on ours. I did just have mine recut and reinstalled (it is massive and very heavy) and for that it cost 75. SO use that as a base as what you do with yours. Karen | | | | I got the sign at Linen's and Things (no is wasn't on sale -*hangs head in shame*) This thread has made me crazy! LOL | | | - Date: 3/18/08
- To: All
- From: Ang71
| | | The Mom-I think someone else mentioned adding crown moulding around the mirror. The in itself could be a huge improvement Angie Mom to Sydney(8) and Natalie(5) | | | - Date: 3/18/08
- To: All
- From: 1Dawn
| | | All of the talk about window mistreatments reminded me of something...years ago, I found a great outlet and snagged a beautiful fabric shower curtain (seriously beautiful fabric; on sale it was still $20ish). Anyway, I took it home, folded up the bottom about six inches, and used that no-sew hemming tape on it. I then used it on my sliding glass doors. You could also cut it up to make valances, etc. The fabric is very wide already. You can also put the ring clips directly through the holes, or if it has tab tops, just hang it. So, don't discount pretty fabric shower curtains as material! This post has been brought to you by the letter D and the number 2. Dawn ~Mommy to two darling daughters | | | | Black Cabinets: (chanting) Do it! Do it!...lol...I have seen pics of black cabinets and always loved it, and the nester's sister just confirmed it. Seriously, I think you could pull it off, just good planning, and lots of good tips and ideas have been posted. That kitchen is definitely a good inspiration picture... Also, I am in the same predicament with my bathroom mirror and lighting - it's next on the list. I can't decide if I'm going to have DH trim it up, or replace with a framed one. I need to change up all the fixtures in there, they are brass - I am thinking of trying to spray the towel bar and TP holder with the Rusteze stuff someone posted way back... mum to two little love bugs - soon to be mom of 3
| | | | WigglesandGumballs! I love the towel idea! Did you attach the towel bar yourself to the door?
I love all the great ideas ladies! Keep them coming!
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