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The neice in the pool was a couple years back, right? I *think* i remember that she died? I hope i'm not remembering the wrong neice or something. Also, if i remember right, the board chipped into to help her get home to help out with things. Please visit my new blog **HERE** | ||
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I would love an update about that family everyone helped around christmas. The one with the single hardworking dad and all the kids? I remember everyone sent them things and they had a great christmas. How are they doing now? Anyone know? | ||
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I thought the Snoopy one was a con? I could be wrong. Anyone want to fess up to the "boss stole my gas, call da popo" thread? Anyone want to fess up to being babyniner? Someone once said a million monkeys using a million keyboards could reproduce the complete works of William Shakespeare. Thanks to MySpace, we now know that to be entirely false. | ||
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It was MyLittleSnoopy or something along those lines. She came back with a different SN because she said her other had been banned for some reason, if I remember correctly. Then some drama ensued because someone said she was banned because it was a scam. It's a little foggy, but I think that was her. | ||
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It was "mylittlesnoopy." I believe it was the nephew, but who's splitting hairs, right? I also believe scam was thrown around a few times. She never came back to update iirc. I don't really know for sure since I didn't get involved because I don't give money away on the internet unless I KNOW that person, kwim? You know what I want to know about? Frucking Modern Mom. What the heck happened to Char? I never paid for the "membership/goodie bag" thing caz I didn't have $35 at the time, but I was hella intrigued. In the past, the mere mention of MM has been a bannable offense, but you know what? I gots nothing to lose this time. The razberi can die on babycenter as far as I'm concerned. ~Raz Me Going Green | ||
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Raz - is that a pic you took in your avatar? If it is, is that the sock monkey from gymboree? | ||
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In the past, the mere mention of MM has been a bannable offense, but you know what? I gots nothing to lose this time. The razberi can die on babycenter as far as I'm concerned. Now THAT is a smart idea! We can all go out in a flurry of spamming, vulgarity, personal attacks and nudie pics!!! | ||
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I have had many names. I change it every so often. I don't like to be "known" but I usually don't have much interesting to say | ||
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Who was the poster that was engaged to a "heart surgeon"...
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Infact, I found this picture on teh interwebz. So, uh, yeah, no clue, LOL! I just use it because someone here thought the real me looked like a monkey ... ~Raz Me Going Green | ||
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And that would be different from you normal posts HOW??? Hey, I don't spam! but touché. | ||
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Didn't that poster win the lottery as well?:) "we're just dancing, we're just hugging, singing, screaming, kissing, tugging on the sleeve of how it used to be" | ||
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Heart Transplant Surgeon
That was Andrea. ~Keli~ Madison-6, Adalyn-Terrible 2's | ||
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So, after reading this thread, I am coming to the conclusion that the BHB is really just a dozen women with many personalities? Consider meds anyone? Stephanie Loving mommy to Ryan, Hailey, Kate & Ben | ||
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Curses! Foiled again!! My little one is obsessed with this sock monkey from Gymboree. The problem is I got it over 4 years ago and my oldest hated it and it got passes on to the baby. So I'll never be able to replace it. I'd put money the one in your avatar is it. | ||
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I would like to FINALLY hear the Ramon story. Too bad it predated MDU and no one has it saved. Summary, anyone? Please???? Sweet Potato 2005 Teddy Bear 11/2008 | ||
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Oh...that's right... heart transplant surgeon how could i forget?
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One could never forget those names. She calls herself "Kisa", right? Obsessed with anime..... Oh yeah, babe. That was totally her. Who was the poster that was engaged to a "heart surgeon"... That was Andrea!! (a.k.a. Silly Sally) WHO IS ANDREA?? Fess up!! WHO SHOWED THEIR COOCHIE?! I still need to know this info.
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I can't believe no one has brought up the greatest BHB mystery of all time! Whatever happened to The Unintended Penis!!!
Marla D'Angela ^i^ 9-14-2000 Anastasia 4-12-2003 Eliana 3-4-2005 | ||
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I can't believe no one has brought up the greatest BHB mystery of all time! Whatever happened to The Unintended Penis!!!
Ahhhh, that would be me. We never heard from her! The whole thing still makes us shake our heads. Not sure if I'm going to NBBC, but if we ever get an update, I'll make a special trip just to update. | ||
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LOL! I still laugh when I think about reading the original post and thinking, "Oh it must be something else!" Then, when you posted the pic and I looked at it and was like "Yep. That would be a penis!" LOL LOL!
Marla D'Angela ^i^ 9-14-2000 Anastasia 4-12-2003 Eliana 3-4-2005 | ||
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Okay, what in the world is the Unintended Penis??? | ||
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lol What about the poster whose DH's I'm still in total shock about Pandas*mom.. Yes, the babyniner poster... I watched for that update for what seemed like forever! I still wish SuesClues didn't just drop off BBC... I was really hoping to hear more about her reuniting with her DS. Btw, Heather, Congrats on your pregnancy! Best wishes for a healthy, strong pg and sending you lots of sticky dust. Thanks for the update on your DD's. i've thought of you guys often.
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I must have missed it too! PICTURES! STORY!!!! Sweet Potato 2005 Teddy Bear 11/2008 | ||
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Kendrasaurus, I have a confession. You've had that siggy for a while, right? I am pretty certain you have and that it is you I'm thinking about. If not, please feel free to correct me. Right when I started reading BHB (someone posted a link to drama on my birth board), I saw your siggy. I thought it was totally stunning and clicked you in order to send you an e-mail to tell you how beautiful your kids are. Then I decided that could either be seen as a compliment, or since I was not known on the BHB, could be quite creepy. So I erased it. So now, whenever I see your siggy, I think about how I almost became an internet stalker. "You don't scare me- I coach cheerleading!" Read my blog @ http://briannadustyfam.blogspot.com/ | ||
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lol What about the poster whose DH's That was one of my favorite posts ever! Is Baked*Beans still around? | ||
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Oh, and I'm also REALLY going to miss the Duggar threads. When the latest baby is born, where will I go to see the Vagina is Not a Clown Car pic and rally for Jinger's freedom? | ||
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lol Yes, it was one of my faves also. But did we ever know if there was even a vehicle that blew up at all or was the whole story just BS? | ||
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I'm still in total shock about Pandas*mom..
What???? Huh? | ||
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lol Yes, it was one of my faves also. But did we ever know if there was even a vehicle that blew up at all or was the whole story just BS? The story was total BS. The best part was the "best friend" coming in to defend her troll friend. Then at the end it just got REALLY weird. Still never figured out who that person was. Anyone want to confess? I'm still in total shock about Pandas*mom.. What???? Huh? Kathi/Pandas Mom = Susan Banks. | ||
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I still have the I think she was Jared'sMommy or something like that. Where are you? I hope they figured out what the problem was with the Ford. | ||
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yes, I saw the pics of the Ford on the other site. I think the cause was that a faulty remote-charger had recently been installed in it. | ||
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Oh yeah, THAT'S right. I've got such a bad memory. That's why the best friend was so funny! | ||
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Beans uses another name now. But I never see her on here and I didn't notice that it was her for a while. I always loved her posts "hot or not'. I forgot about the penis, lol. | ||
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but the fact that she created a troll S/N for her own thread and started berating us was just ridiculously funny! haha No sh!t!! That was the funniest part of the whole thread! I know others have done the same thing.. There was one several years ago that used to do that before she got banned once and for all. I wish I could remember her name.. She was originally from my birth board too. Did Ashley do that as well, trying to defend herself when all the stuff came out about her scamming? Edited Sep-16 by Hybrid_Drivin'_Mama | ||
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I believe Andrea (the heart transplant surgeon, engagement, widow saga) also went by the names "TheNewClaire" and "SnakeInTheGrass" but I could be mistaken. My memory is not nearly as good as most of the other ladies on this board. Pierced Pixie, glad to hear your kids are ok and congrats on the pg. Sending you positive vibes. Has the sitter ever admitted any wrong doing?? | ||
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The B*tch Stole My Gas/Call The Popo might have been my favorite ever. Hot dog thread was very fun/funny for me (the lady who went to 3 cook outs and her kids were served hot dogs). The lady who went to Payless and the credit card machine was out- that was great. Was she the one that wanted the onion (opinion)? Holly
If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard. | ||
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Are you trying to say that BakedBeans now goes by the nik "hotornotmom?" Or something similar to that? Way to dime people out, you frisky devil you ... ~Raz Me Going Green | ||
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I thought that the "black aunts" and "onions" were both from the same poster. | ||
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Susan Banks = Troll. | ||
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Black aunts was Julian-n-Emmas-mom or livelaughlove[insert # here]. She was always good for paranoia and pitiful grammar. | ||
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Awwwwwwwwwww! I'm tearing up! | ||
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Who gives you guys this information on Susan Banks? It certainly didn't come from me.
Kathi Mom to Andy - Special in so many ways - adopted, autism and celiac disease. Visit my blogs: http://kathi-mygarden.blogspot.com/ & http://kathi-gfcf.blogspot.com/ | ||
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LMAO! We were just talking about the clown car today at work. | ||
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wow...ive lurked here for a.long.time | ||
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Kathi, Were you the one that lost their job because you were on the internet or something like that? I wonder about that occasionally. Holleigh...I loved the Payless fiasco too. The world owed the woman some dance shoes. BTW, I think my sadz last week were complicated by PMS...I'm doing a little better! These have been some good times | ||
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I have been here forever and know 99% of the stories but I have no idea what the babyniner story is...someone please fill me in!
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She did on a "Whatever happened to..." thread... Linds Mom to 5 awesome boys: Collin 3-1-01 Alec 11-8-02 Isaac 11-8-02 Hunter 6-4-05 Logan 6-15-07 | ||
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What happened to the Chuckle Heads lady? Kara, Keira, something like that? Last I heard, her estranged hubby who she was still living with, threw a phone at her, hit her in the head and was arrested. Then a week or so later, someone posted this crazy update about her being in a domestic violence shelter but I think that ended up being a troll? Edited Sep-16 by KelcinBella | ||
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Whatever happened to Planomom? *ROTFL* (only the oldies will remember her) Linds Mom to 5 awesome boys: Collin 3-1-01 Alec 11-8-02 Isaac 11-8-02 Hunter 6-4-05 Logan 6-15-07 | ||
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Oh wow, I missed the drama with Keira/Chuckle Head Lady! Whatever it was, I hope she's okay. Why am I the only one who confessed to anything on this thread? | ||
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babyniner was someone who thought she might be pregnant.. had all these symptoms but BFNs... said she was going to the doctor and would update and totally never did. Yeah, I followed that one way too long. Ladies, I'm just going to tell you now - JoJoBob is NOT a regular hiding under another name, she has NEVER posted on here under any other name. (And she is not me, either!) So, you're not going to "out" her, as she is not anyone else on BBC. She is her own wonderful creative force to be reckoned with | ||
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But whatever happened to Lisa: Pasmommy? (at least I think that was her sn) She admitted that she was making up screennames and trolling for attention. I think she blamed it on PPD (not sure on that part) and said she was leaving (who knows if she is still around with a new name though, no one ever really leaves do they? lol)
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She always used to give up BBC for Lent too.. but never made it mroe than a couple days LOL Linds Mom to 5 awesome boys: Collin 3-1-01 Alec 11-8-02 Isaac 11-8-02 Hunter 6-4-05 Logan 6-15-07 | ||
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Can someone puhlease repost the unintended p32is picture? I was so bummed that I missed it the first time. Yeah, I'm a perv, what can I say? | ||
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Here is the jist of the Ramon thread that I got in an email right after it happened in April of 2005. I missed it too because it was deleted! > FYI - a few people asked about the Host JustLisa, I Monica ~ Alyssa 11/14/02 & Gabrielle 11/18/06 | ||
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Pasmommy used to make up SNs and argue with herself. She outed herself by accident. (It was before we were able to edit and delete our own post.) | ||
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lol, no that's not it. I'm not going to post it on here :) You learn from your mistakes you silly girl And who called you a monkey? I remember I said you looked like a mokey once you had the sock puppet in your avatar but I have no idea what you look like in person. So I hope you don't think I was the one who said you looked like a monkey. And just who are the ranters? | ||
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I was soooo bummed to get a confirmation on the Mickey Mouse Tv & then when I went to the store to pick it up-NOTHING. Mary - Same here...I totally went to Sears with my confirmation and made like 3 people look up the info after being told "too bad so sad" basically, I wanted my damn Mickey TV ! Steff - Mommy to 2 spoiledrottenchicks - Keegan 1/05 & Fallon 2/08 Check out my MySpace page: www.myspace.com/planegirl99 for Boutique Hairbows, Flower Clips, Tutus & Jewelry! | ||
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I'm glad your sadz are gone! I hate PMS Sadz. Well, any sadz suck. Susan Banks has been on NBBC posting about her triplets. (That was a few weeks ago). Holly
If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard. | ||
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Gretchen - Just wouldn't be the same...Not the same at all.... Steff - Mommy to 2 spoiledrottenchicks - Keegan 1/05 & Fallon 2/08 Check out my MySpace page: www.myspace.com/planegirl99 for Boutique Hairbows, Flower Clips, Tutus & Jewelry! | ||
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Oh, that reminds me. Can someone explain why BBCHOST Lisa was kicked off the boards? Remember how she left, kicking and screaming?? And she took her Trading Feedback board with her?? Everyone was pizzed. | ||
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Yes - I lost my job due to this board. I posted about an paid online focus group that we were recruiting and posted a few times to try and get it filled. Some people also e-mailed me about it and I gave them more information than I should have. Someone took all of the information from all of the posts and somehow from a couple of e-mails and put it together into one post with way too much information in it - basically call this number and these are the answers to the questions to get into this focus group - and posted it on Slick Deals. I found out about it on Slick Deals but didn't know what to do so I ignored it. It was brought to the owner's attention and he demanded my resignation and since I was management I should have known better but oh well. That was just over a year ago. Kathi Mom to Andy - Special in so many ways - adopted, autism and celiac disease. Visit my blogs: http://kathi-mygarden.blogspot.com/ & http://kathi-gfcf.blogspot.com/ | ||
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You have a linky for the triplet thread you speak of?? HONEY Mom to 3 amazing kids. DD Jan/98 Rides in a regular seat belt. DD Jun/05 Rides FF in a Marathon. DS Nov/06 Rides RF in a Radian. | ||
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The unintended penis should be on MDU. Even if someone has it, they can't post it here or the thread will go poof. It is very clearly a penis head in the pic. There were some hilarious recreations though. I think MDU has the original too, or it did at one point. Someone once said a million monkeys using a million keyboards could reproduce the complete works of William Shakespeare. Thanks to MySpace, we now know that to be entirely false. | ||
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I never understood how people kept up with troll personalities. I can barely keep up with myself. I was accused of trolling after the Zen/Sam thing last November - someone posted a lot defending me or something and people thought it was me - I lurked after the whole fiasco, but didn't post for months. People know I put a space between my exclamation points and question marks - I just always have. I do have decent grammar - just that quirk... Through it all though, I have realized that Charlie and Samantha are pretty cool - Gretchen and Rebecca and I have learned to tolerate each other and Zen really went overboard on my DH with her MySpace messages. I did receive apologies from Samantha and Zen, for what's it worth. Charlie and I email occasionally, and Rebecca and others did stand up for me when psychotic Briana went off on MDU. That whole Briana thing made me realize that there is a reason I don't have many IRL girlfriends - people are nuts ! Doh ! Good Times ! Steff - Mommy to 2 spoiledrottenchicks - Keegan 1/05 & Fallon 2/08 Check out my MySpace page: www.myspace.com/planegirl99 for Boutique Hairbows, Flower Clips, Tutus & Jewelry! | ||
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i guess this is SB and the triplets? http://community.babycenter.com/journal/susanbanks/287945/The%20triplets%20were%20born! | ||
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That is a scene from Days of our Lives LMAO! Linds Mom to 5 awesome boys: Collin 3-1-01 Alec 11-8-02 Isaac 11-8-02 Hunter 6-4-05 Logan 6-15-07 | ||
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Tater - Who is Edward Cullen ? I see him in a few siggy's lately - is he the kid from HP ? Hmmmm - pimping out TV's. Well the Buggy Bling business I planned to start never took off - my new venture (the Bow thing) is slow going because I don't have the cashola or any friggin' time with 2 high maintenance kiddos to do my website yet, so I think I will pass on new pimping possibilities...LOL Steff - Mommy to 2 spoiledrottenchicks - Keegan 1/05 & Fallon 2/08 Check out my MySpace page: www.myspace.com/planegirl99 for Boutique Hairbows, Flower Clips, Tutus & Jewelry! | ||
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Yep- Tara posted the Susan Banks Triplets linky. Holly PS- I can post an update. I got mad at my cats and tossed them outside FOR GOOD THIS TIME. They were never to be inside the house again. They're inside the house. First it was just when I was home to supervise. Now their inside right now when no one is home. Yesterday morning, I left Phoebe in bed and Oliver was on the living room floor. When I got home, they were both in the same exact spot. Yeah. 8 hours in the same spot. Lazy A$$es.
If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard. | ||
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If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard. | ||
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Holly, I have got to know... How the he!! can you pick up that nasty carp, yet you say you don't cook because you can't stand handling raw chicken??? You are a complicated lady... | ||
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For the unintended penis: http://www.mamadramauncensored.com/?p=143 Someone once said a million monkeys using a million keyboards could reproduce the complete works of William Shakespeare. Thanks to MySpace, we now know that to be entirely false. | ||
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I stopped at your post, so it may be already said...but the sock monkey is not being sold at Target. They have a few of the 'retro' toys that I remember from when I was a kid. | ||
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Oh when a good 100 post thread comes up, you betcha if I'm home, I make a nice bowl of pop corn and a beer and sit back and read. Def more fun to read after a beer or two
Many eons ago I had an alt screen name, don't think I posted here though, back when I was into birth boards. I was freaked out that I'd get the boot, so I only posted once with it. Carried a good argument with myself for a bit too | ||
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Oh, yes. I'm complex. Totally! The dead carp- it has a story. I would have never picked it up if my dogs and my children were not playing in the water. It wasn't right where we were (or we wouldn't have gotten in), but it was near enough that the dogs could have found it and chowed down. I just picked it up by the tail for long enough to get some funny pictures. I still don't handle raw chicken, though. Frozen is fine. I can not touch raw hamburger meat to form hamburger patties, either. But, that's because it is too cold for me to touch, not because it grosses me out like raw chicken does. Holly
If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard. | ||
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Ok I didn't want to break the cardinal rule of read the whole thread before you post, but I want to make a comment about the following lady with the 3-4 kids with the crazy made up names who posted pics of her house around Valentines day: One could never forget those names. She calls herself "Kisa", right? Obsessed with anime..... OMG this bi ch e's house was not just a little messy, with just a ff on the floor; her house was NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!! She had piles and piles and piles of crap everywhere (I am not kidding, her desk was had like 31 piles of crap that was several feet high), her floor looked like it hasn't been vacuumed in months, her kitchen had dirty crusted dishes that was strung out all over the kitchen. I LOOKED LIKE A FREAKIN' BOMB OF TRASH EXPLODED IN HER HOUSE. I will never ever ever forget that thread!! The other one was the 'let me see your low class home" OMG that thread sent me into panic attacks because so many of the pics had nothing but clutter, trash, and just crap all throughout the house! No kidding, I could only look a few pages before I had to click out of it. Granted my house is not always 100% clean but never has my house looked 1/4 as bad as some of these houses did. I swear it was gross. Jamie
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