What would be cute in the apothocary jars in a bathroom? I have a large countertop and I want something decorative to put on it that is easy to wipe down and keep clean. I have three apothocary jars in our master bath. I keep sponges in one, bath salts in another, and bars of soap in the third. Here's a pic from Pottery Barn (where I ordered my sponges from awhile ago). 
Susie | | Anyone have any luck finding the clock hands anywhere? I love love love that Idea, thanks Danielle
| | | | I like the natural sponge idea. Now I think I may do one with sponges, one with seashells (I have bags full sitting around from beach trips throughout the years) and maybe one with starfish if I can find those at a good price. Hmmm, too many decisions :) | | | | Got my apothecary jar from Target today! Also costco had a set of 3 different sized apothecary jars when I was there last night for $60 | | | | sweet-as-pie- QVC has no-sew cornices that look like they would be so easy. If you search no-sew cornice on qvc.com you should see them. I've been contemplating buying some for a long time. Heather | | | | The colors in the table runner are: Cranberry(ish), artichoke, cream, yellow, and kindof a burnt orange. I don't think it would look right with apple green. Sorry!! :( Michelle | | | | I got the steel panels at my local hardware store and dh cut them to size. I think they were 17 a sheet and we needed 2 of them. I have the magnet paint under the steel. It was such a waste of money! | | | | Anyone have any creative ideas for storing shoes if you remove them before you come in the house? Right now we just keep them on an open white shelf. I would love something more creative and organized looking. If I could make it, that would be even better. Thanks! | | | | Maybe you could do some fabric on the front of it (with a hot glue gun). Do 2 panels and trim them with ribbon or fringe. | | | | I'm pretty sure Pottery Barn Kids has them...too lazy to go look for you! Megan | | | | I'm currently waiting on my DH to build a bench to put in our entry way that will have a seat that opens so we can store shoes in it. It will be something like this and I'll make a pretty cushion for it. On the wall behind it we're putting up beadboard and decorative hooks for coats. 
| | | | Oh my goodness I love the bench idea!! Thats great for my grandparents and great grandma who come and have a hard time removing their shoes so they could sit on the bench instead of me taking them a chair outside everytime! Thank you for the great idea. Now, off to figure out how to make a bench..... Oh and the coat hooks... hummmm that gives me another idea! Thanks so much! If anyone already has an area like this, I would love some real pics of how it looks! | | | | You can check out JC Penney for ideas KRYSTLE madre to three 5,3 and 6mos.

| | | | bumping cause my fav thread is getting lost....LOL | | | | Wiggles, just wanted to say thanks for posting the picture of your matte. That is exactly what I need to do to frame some artwork for DD's new playroom (and something I can actually do!) Now we just need to get moved this weekend so I can start doing some of thsi stuff! Sarah Mom to Devyn 7/06 
| | | | Wow...thanks for that Kirkland's coupon! I hope my store has those canisters and that they are as nice as shown in the pic. | | | | For the poster, try http://www.americanframe.com . You can customize to any size and even order glass to go on it. I did a black standard metal frame for you to get an idea and it was $38. You have to assemble it yourself, but it's so easy. And there are so many types of frames to choose from. Here's a white one that I ordered from them.  | | | | Kirklands coupon... you might want to bookmark that link. When I saved it, it expired in Feb. I was cleaning out my fave's and opened it and was surprised to see it expires in March now. Hopefully they update it monthly. | | | | off the wall question... are utensil jars a no no?? I have drawer space, but prefer to use it for other things...so is keeping them on the counter in a nice container ok? | | | | LittleBoysBlue, thanks for the frame website. I'm going to go check that out now. That price sounds much better! Norma mommy to Colin born 7/24/06 | | | | bumping so we don't get buried Bethany *Mommy to Ellison & Treyton* | | | | You could probably find a frame at Ikea. For the bathroom, I have some glass jars on my counter. Q-tips in one, cotton balls in another, and the last one holds kosher salt. I have a little plastic scoop from when I used to use formula. I pour some salt in my bathwater to soften the hard water. I also use it as a body scrub. Plain ol white kosher salt. | | | | webmom-love the idea for the formula scoop! thats so smart! keep the ideas coming ladies, love em! Rachelle Lily 7*2*05 Chloe 2*4*08 | | | | Sure, you can put a canister of utensils on the couter. I had one in my old kitchen because I didn't have any drawer space. Now, in my house, I don't have any counter space. I can't win.
Maybe you can find something cool to put your utensils in. Perhaps something vintage? Or a great pottery vase.
| | | | Just posting because it said 666 posts and it was bugging me. | | | | Im just now reading stuff from march 10th so sorry if this is a repost. For the lettering in your family room. my cousin has "Families gather here" in her family room. Hers is actually a sign, but it would work with what you are wanting to do. ETA: this was supposed to be directed to Ask Bethany but she wasnt in the drop down box. Edited 3/13/08 by curlyQ+2 | | | | In Touch With Nature - you seemed to like the bench idea, but here's what we did - we put two hooks per kid, with their initial above it (one hook for coat, one for backpack), and then used these shoe holders from IKEA http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/10031987 they come in black, and you can arrange them side by side, so one shoe compartment under each set of hooks. Kate | | | | Thanks for the Kirklands coupon! This post has been brought to you by the letter D and the number 2. Dawn ~Mommy to two darling daughters | | | - Date: 3/13/08
- To: All
- From: jt3ofus
| | | Can someone post what page the original post regarding the steel panels is on? I missed it somehow. I have been waiting for a friend to give me an old metal sign from his auto shop to paint and frame out but the panel idea sounds like a good backup. Thanks! | | | | Anyone have any ideas on what to do with a large glass ice bucket?? My grandmother gave me one today and it's huge! TIA Breanna '97 & Calista '03 ^i^ Peyton 1/2007 PMP Lise | | | | I've been loving this thread! I recently painted our kitchen blue (Ralph Lauren Cloud Blue) and our master bath (a tiny bath!) a khaki shade (can't recall name of color - used leftover paint from living room we did a few years ago). Pictures below. I'm getting all kinds of good ideas and have been spending way too much time in Big Lots. Someone asked about a decanter for mouthwash - I'm just using a vinegar bottle I got w/ a set from BL. I found an oil bottle at Walmart today w/ the metal spout for dish soap around $3. I saw some of those blue and white dishes at Marshalls like those balls someone showed earlier. I am thinking about getting some to hang above my cabinets. They weren't too expensive. We plan to replace the vanity in this bath and the nasty faucet circa '83. We're also going to get a light fixture and frame the mirror. Fun fun! Pics were taken before I was finished cleaning up obviously. But I put toilet paper in that old longaberger bread basket above my tank. LOL There's a pic of an idea I got from ya'll where you can see the blue kitchen. I'm calling it my Easter tree. LOL Elisa 
| | | | BTW- lillytx I absolutly LOVED your toile cutains with the fringe, I actually squealled when i saw them. I would love to do something like them, but i worry that in my house it might not work and I could end up with "ghetto fab" curtains -- Maybe I already have ghetto fab curtains Katie
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind
| | | | Katie, I never saw this picture posted and I thought I read the whole thread. I guess sometimes I am on a page and don't get to finish all posts, so I miss some on that page and forget to look at it next time.
Also, you can change the number of posts per page, so everyone may not have the same amount of pages....but I think all posts go by the same number, so that would be easier to explain a certain post. Anyway, I think the dishtowels is a very neat idea as a curtain.....how fitting! I think they look nice! | | | | I liked the dish towel burtains, great idea! My aunt made some curtains for her bathroom out of matching towels and I always loved those too, clever!.  | | | | THANKS!!! - my self esteem is slowly growing LOL!
How do you change the # of posts per page? TIA
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind
| | | | Go to the 3 rectangle white boxes and choose My community, then My Preferences. There will be an option to choose how many posts per page. HTH | | | | Love the curtains. Somehow I missed them too. Totally cute idea for a kitchen! | | | I am so going to Kirkland's tomorrow for those canisters, coupon in hand. I am just worried they won't have them in mys tore. I live in the New Orleans area so anything with Fleur De Lis stuff is very popular here so I am hoping. We are int eh process of redoing our house. We just got new countertops and will be doing our tile backsplash. I want to decorate a little more classier I guess than it is now. I have gotten some great ideas. We aren't getting the painting done for a few weeks so I am just looking now. | | | | Hey thanks for the idea. That is very creative as well. I never think of these things, LOL! Could you take a pic so I can see what it looks like all together. I do LOVE the bench idea becasue it takes care of two problems at once ( a place to sit to remove your shoes and a place to organize them and keep them stored away) but its not set in stone yet. | | | | Here is my Southern Living Glass Ice Bucket... (on the LEFT) I used beach stones and a pillar candle... Just an idea for you! Karen (I finally got to contribute something!!!) | | | | Sweet-as-pie I collect milk bottles (which reminds me I loaned one to our local history museum and need to retrieve it). I have them in my kitchen. I have 6 little ones (think school lunch size) all across my windowsill above my sink with cute sayings on then and pictures (ie a bell and inside the bell it says Milk - A Healthy Ring) The bigger ones I have on a shelves around the kitchen. Maybe you could take down the greens on top of your hutch and but the milk bottles up there? Kerry | | | | Here's my solution to the thermostat problem--ours is in the living room which is the main room in the house and I've always hated looking at my thermostat no matter where I lived. I found the hat years ago in New Orleans and the lady who sold it to me picked out all of the colors to match my eyes and hair--so it has special meaning to me too :) Thanks for looking, Eileen  | | | | Wall words/sayings...I was at Target browsing yesterday and they had some on an end cap. Obviously you would have to get the sayings that they had, but they were really cute! I believe they were 24.99. Rebecca, mommy to: McKenna 3 Emerson 1 Regan edd 6/08 | | | | It's so funny to me all of you that are so concerned about covering up your thermostat. It has never, in all of my 26 years, occurred to me as something that needs to be covered up!  B/c of this thread, I spent $98 at Joann's yesterday. I promise to show pictures when I'm done, but it may take a while! BTW, my Joann's was having a huge sale-- you may want to check it out! | | | | Thanks for the ice bucket idea. I'm going to have to post a picture of mine. It's massive and has these lines on it similar to this one  Breanna '97 & Calista '03 ^i^ Peyton 1/2007 PMP Lise Edited 3/14/08 by My2LilBugs | | | | Katie- I love the curtains! Adorable- I love terry cloth, and they are so cute in the kitchen! My great gma always had terry cloth tablecloths on her kitchen table, so I love them! I hear ya on not having anyone respond- I posted pics of my kitchen cabinets, and then thought they must be fugly since noone said anything! Now I realize that this is just a busy thread, and most people are not necessarily responding- they are absorbing Jessica You think YOU'RE having a crappy day? | | | | I agree about the curtains - I thought they were cute. Also the polkadots in the kicthen - it was fun and I liked it. Shoot no one said anything about my posts so I knwo it's just too fast moving. People must just think I'm nuts for wanting to paint my dining room table. LOL | | | | Holly, I spray painted my kitchen table glossy black! LOL I don't think it's weird at all. $8 and it's like my furniture was all new again. The kids are busy distressing it right now for me.  Elisa | | | | Oh Elisa we HAVE to talk...LOL Did you sand it first? Did you add a coat of finish to the top? How DID you DO it? LOL Oh and do you have any pictures????? We're doing ours this weekend. LOL Edited 3/14/08 by Mom2Three415 | | | | That RL Cloud Blue paint is awesome! I am generally not a blue paint fan but I love that shade!! I have a big mirror in my bathroom, too - (about 3x's the size of yours) that needs to be framed out too, it's on the list (along with some 'treatment' of the vanity). I also need to switch up the lighting in there - it's that horrid lighting (Hollywood maybe?) that's a strip with exposed bulbs on it. 6 across (it's actually not even one strip, it's 3 strips of two lights each, crammed next to each other). ICK! I am trying to figure out what to do & need DH to pull it out and see what's possible. & to the PP with clock with the house #'s, very cool! And I love the paint color!! mum to two little love bugs - soon to be mom of 3
| | | | My kitchen table is painted too. I bought a nice solid wood round table off craigslist for $40. It had a really crappy paint job on it. They used black latex spray paint, but they didn't sand the origional finish at all, so I just peeled it all off lol! Then I primed it, painted it off white, and antiqued it with brown tinted glaze. Then I clear coated that, so I can scrub the heck out of it if I need to. It is painted to match my cabinets, which I painted the same way. (see cabinet thread lol!) I still need to paint the captains chairs I bought for $25 (for all 4) I think I am going to paint them with my accent colors. (2 in sage green and 2 in an amberish color. Then antique them with a slightly darker shade) I have those colors in my window valance and accented around the house.   -ShannSkylar 6/02 Sydney 3/06
 | | | | It looks awesome Shan Did you sand it before you primed it? We're doing our chairs too. LOL Not looking forward to sanding them since they have rounded details. | | | | I didn't sand my table either. It was an old pine farm house table and the poly had pretty much worn off. Spray paint does seem to stick pretty well. I'd love a new dining room set but I'd settle for a black hutch from Target or somewhere. LOL!
| | | | I did do some sanding. I didn't try to take off every remnant of old paint or stain. I sanded it just enough to rough it up a little, and then gave it two coats of primer. The primer and the clear coat are what has made the paint hold up so well! I use magic erasers, green scrubby pads etc with no problems. My girls do all their art projects at this table, and all the marker, paint and crayon has come right off. I did all the painting on my table and cabinets with brushes because I wanted the brush marks, It looks so neat after I antique it!
-ShannSkylar 6/02 Sydney 3/06
 | | | | You guys are my heroes! I can't wait to get started. This is my table now (without the bench) This is what I want it to look like . credit to Target.com for the pics...LOL. | | | | This is my plan - tell me if it sounds like it'll do the job...... Sand all of it (to rough it up) Prime it all Then spray paint (if they have the color) the top and seats the cherry wood color. (maybe even all of it) Then brush paint (or tape and spray paint) the backs and legs black. If I do the cherry all over underneath it might "show" through which wouldn't be so bad. The finish with a strong clear coat. | | | | I would cheat on the cherrywood lol. I am lazy, so sanding it all down to restain it would be too much of a pita for me.  I redid a (garage sale find) painted coffee table this way once... painted a basecoat of a light brown/tan with a brush. used an acrylic gel stain on top of that using a brush. (the brush helps create a faux wood grain look.) clearcoated over all of that. It looked like stained wood. I would to spray paint the black first . ( lay the whole thing upside down.) Just cover/tape off the underside of the edges of the table top. Then when you paint the actuall table top brown/tan, you don't have to do much taping. Just use a brush. ETA: yes I would lightly sand and prime before any painting. :P -ShannSkylar 6/02 Sydney 3/06
 Edited 3/14/08 by ***Shan*** | |
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