WOW, Ann. Your new bathroom is awesome. I am truly inspired!
~Jenny  | | Elisa- The curtains turned out awesome. I am very impressed! The purple on the bottom is a nice touch too-- your DD has good taste I saw on your blog you're in Va-- I am too.  | | | | Thanks! It turned out really well, and people are so surprised when we tell them we just spray painted it. I don't recall the brand, but it was special spray paint for appliances. We bought it at Home Depot, and I think it took about four cans. MommyofMaddy, here are some other pics (since you asked ). I love rich yellows, browns, reds, and greens. Every bit of white wood you see we primed and painted after moving into the house. The light fixture in the first kitchen picture is one I spray painted. The stools at the counter I spray painted, too.    One of my favorite things in the kitchen is the white double frame on the counter in this pic. One side has a picture of my mom and me, and the other has my mom's recipe for chili (handwritten by her). My mom is such a good cook, and it's a really cool way to keep something of hers close to me (even though she only lives four minutes away ).   I love these pictures. They hang in our main bathroom above the toilet. We took a picture of DH holding each baby's butt when they were newborns.  I also keep a little silver clock and a couple little silver frames under the mirror. Just nice things to look at in the bathroom.  Living Room:      Downstairs Living Room/Bar:  
| | | | Susie-I love your curtains in the living room and dining room; are they a dark green? (Also, if you might be willing to share where you found them, I'd be eternally grateful, the curtains are the last part of my equation for the family room and I just can't seem to find the right ones).
Jennifer DS-5 yrs.
| | | | Thanks a bunch Susie!!! :)
Jennifer DS-5 yrs.
| | | | I read somewhere in this thread about painting furniture black. I'd love to do my dining room furniture. I went back through all the pages quickly, but I couldn't find it. Does anyone remember or know the best way to do it? Thanks, Susan | | | | LOL it's somewhere around page 70...I looked back yesterday. BTW I'm doing mine right now.  Been a pain but only cause it is CO and cold out...LOL. Almost finished though - getting ready to pour the glaze coat on the table top and it should be set Monday or Tuesday. Although others haven't taken as long as mine - so don't let me scare you. LOL | | | | That bathroom looks wonderful! What color is it if you don't mind me asking? I really like that lavendar. | | | | Holly, We must have our "posts per page" set differently because my total pages are only at 58! Do you mind telling me what you're using and how you're doing it?? Thanks so much! Susan | | | | Well crap Susan...LOL. We used black spray paint mostly (we stained the top a dark wood instead of black) but the chairs and legs are spray paint. We just lightly sanded them and sprayed away. Though I was having an issues with droplets so DH bought a tiny can of black paint for the seats itself. Then you top with a spray sealant. Anyone at Lowe's or Home Depot can help you find what you need. I am relaly new at it too so I've had a lot of trial and error (mostly with the table top though - the stain was a prob - would of been easier if I did just black on it too but I couldn't be easy. LOL) | | | | Wow, that bathroom looks amazing!! I love the lavendar with the purple. What did DH think? was it done in time? Jenn DD 02/20/05 DD 09/15/06 EDD 08/03/08 | | | | I just wanted to tell you that your bathroom looks AWESOME!! | | | | I LOVE the bathroom! I love how you layered and tied the towels with ribbon! What a great idea!
The baby bottom pictures are such a great idea.
I love the white cabinets, they make the kitchen so bright, airy, and cheerful!
I have been doing a ton of shopping. I can't wait to share pics, but I want to wait until everything is done.
On Wednesday I painted the living room a pale robin's egg blue color. Tonight I bought the spray paint to paint all my black frames white. I have bought a bunch of apothecary jars on Ebay for my foyer table and our bathrooms. French soaps and bath salt from world market. I have also picked up 3 cloches, a few bird's nests, and a bunch of faux robin's eggs, a decanter and matching tumblers. (all ebay)
I used the 25% off code to get 4 botanical rose prints for the living room Also 5 botanical fruit prints for the kitchen. And then I found frames at michaels ready made for 40% off. I also bought some rose stems for 50% off and made a flower arrangement for my living room shelves. I should be hanging the drapes later this week and then I will take some pics, can't wait to share. This thread has been so inspirational.
After I finish the living room I am doing the kids rooms. I will be painting them next week. Carter's room is nautical, and Violet's is cottage/shabby pink princess.
What do you have around your garden tubs? I am at a loss. Any pics or ideas?? I will already have apothecary jars on the counter. I want to do a nice flower arrangement, but what else?
And does anyone know where to find sea sponges? I have only seen natural sponges at the paint store and the were $10-15 piece!
Kasey - formerly Carter&Violet'sMami Carter Grant - July 2003 Violet Jane - January 2007 IT'S A BOY! - debuting July 2008! | | | | I LOVE that dresser you made! Would you mind posting a picture of the entire thing? I'm going to be using second hand stuff when I make my office/craft room next year and I think that would be the perfect solution to redoing an old dresser.
I have also antiqued quite a few pieces of furniture in my old house like you do. I love the look.
| | | | I thought the desk looked familar. I tried to get my husband to buy it a few years ago and he wouldn't. I'll have to try again!
| | | | Kasey you sure have been busy! I look forward to your pics, especially the blue living room. Blue has always been my favorite color, but the only room left in the house that's blue is my son's room - DH was sick of it. I never thought of looking at Ebay for apothecary jars, thanks for the idea! ~Joanne 
| | | | Elisa, The curtains you made are gorgeous! I never would have though of using a shower curtain.
| | | | those curtains were so pretty.
i was thinking Ralph Lauren Jackrabbit (greyish), so thanks for letting me think i am on the right track :)
the bathroom redo was wonderful. great job!
momma e & the three "e"s e 11/02 e 09/14 e 11/06
| | | | Thanks so much Holly! I hate my dining room furniture. It's an ugly maple! I think I'll give it a try. Spray paint sure sounds like an easy way to do it!!  Susan | | | | Susie- I have been meaning to tell you that I bought the pictures that you have in your downstairs/bar area from JC Penney for my dining room. I love them! Thanks for letting us know about them! It was such a good deal and goes perfect in my dining room! Steph Tyler 07/05 Baby BOY #2 in June  | | Kasey - formerly Carter&Violet'sMami Carter Grant - July 2003 Violet Jane - January 2007 IT'S A BOY! - debuting July 2008! Edited 3/21/08 by Kasey + 3 | | | | Kasey - So your living room is now robins egg blue? Wow, I can't wait to see it! You definitely have a blank slate to work with. Can't wait to see all your after pics!
_______________________________ Miranda, mom to: Braden 6/13/04 Aubrey 4/24/06 | | | | Ann,
If you don't mind my asking, what kind of paint did you use on the bathroom cabinets? I am looking to repaint the ones in our master, and it would be fun to take care of it at night when DH is on his next multiday trip. Did you sand/prime them first? Did you paint the insides? Can I *ask* any more questions? (Homage to Chandler Bing!) It looks fantastic, and I am looking to go dark like that (deep espresso).
~~~~ Eileen
"It's a personal pineapple."
| | | | Thanks for the compliments on the bathroom ladies. DH was shocked when he got home. I think I have him convinced to take down the huge ugly mirror in our bathroom. I'm almost 18 weeks pregnant or I would have just done it myself. I overdid it as it is. The paint is from Lowe's American Tradition (Valspar) Sweet Shadows - 1001-7C. But I pick my paint colors from Lowe's and have them color matched at Porter Paints. Much better product, service, and supplies to put the paint on the wall. I conviced DD to let me ditch Elmo and we snagged these branches out of our yard.  ETA: This is what this bathroom looked like when we first moved here. Just shows that changing color makes a huge difference.

Ann - Mommy to: Kaelyn - I'm 3! Edited 3/21/08 by LostInTN | | | | While I'm showing off my bathroom makeover pictures, I thought I'd post these. We changed this one shortly after moving here. People ohh and ahh over the faucet which we got on clearance from Lowe's. I know it'll be outdated super quickly but it's fun to watch kids wash their hands in it. Previous owner...  What we did to it.  Ann - Mommy to: Kaelyn - I'm 3! | | | | It is really really beautiful. I think you have inspired me to do Violet's bathroom a similar soft purple color!
Kasey - formerly Carter&Violet'sMami Carter Grant - July 2003 Violet Jane - January 2007 IT'S A BOY! - debuting July 2008! | | | | Ann,
THanks for the info! DO you mind a few more ?s....
What sheen/finish was the paint? And I assume you used an oil base, with it being the bathroom? Did you do any kind of topcoat over it at all? (I'm going to need to do the wood panels on the side of our garden tub, so I'm curious if your cabinets needed anything else.)
And I'm assuming you went with a primer from Porter as well?
(I also hate Valspar - the paint goes on awful... which is a shame. My neighbor is their regional sales rep.)
~~~~ Eileen
"It's a personal pineapple."
| | | | I painted it with Gripper primer/sealer and then Home Depot's Behr Pure Black. It says it's a high gloss enamel paint. I hate sanding and the paint took really well after I did the primer. I didn't paint the insides but will at some other point. I knew DD wouldn't have the patience for that. Ann - Mommy to: Kaelyn - I'm 3! | | | | Hmmm...I'm not sure what you should use on a garden tub's sides. Do you have a Porter's near you? I'd ask them. They always seem to know. Our is out of the way so I settled on Home Depot. Ann - Mommy to: Kaelyn - I'm 3! | | | | Kasey, your new home looks beautiful! We have a basket on the edge of our garden tub filled with rolled hand towels, and items from L'Occitane: soaps, creams, etc. In the back corner I have three off white cream pillar candles. The bath really isn't used much and it's easy to move the basket if it is used. I actually chose the soaps, etc. from L'Occitane that would fit the decor/colors in the bathroom because I knew they would mostly just sit in the basket for looks-or for guests. I would love to learn to make some of my own soaps with oatmeal, etc. and come up with a basket of those - I'm sure that will be a few years.  | | | | As for what to do around a garden tub, awhile back I saw this and thought it was such a neat idea! She used about $20 worth of molding and some high gloss paint. Also love the candle chandelier and shade. 
| | | | Your kitchen is *beautiful*, I love the creamy colors. | | | | I have been lurking and lurking since this thread started. I haven't been brave enough to put out any apothecary jars or cloches (I have a rambunctious 3 year old) but I DID finally buy a glue gun and tackle my kitchen windows in our rental. I also have some stars to hang (Big Lots-only $5 in the garden area!) I plan on getting a new table and chairs this summer (black and cherry farnhouse style). Think they'll go with these fabrics? Before:   After:   My fringe is a little crooked (I know), I may fix that later on :) | | | | Thanks Ann. I am also a huge fan of Gripper (having used it to cover a LOT of paneling in my old house!)
Now I just need to figure out when DH will make his next multi-day trip out of town. We have a double vanity and the tub... and a 5 month old .... so I'll need a few days to get it managed!
~~~~ Eileen
"It's a personal pineapple."
| | | | i love how the curtains look! i really like the toile fabric (i think that's how it's spelled). how did you end up hanging them? | | | - Date: 3/22/08
- To: All
- From: jt3ofus
| | | I have an old desk that is stained in some yucky dark stain and I had heard about milk paint to give it that colonial feel and came across this site. I like that it is non-toxic. Does anyone have any experience working with milk paint? Also, the colored wax is intriguing. I am thinking it would work on my cherry cabinets even though I don't think they are real wood. They are getting old looking and the colored Old English isn't doing the trick. | | | | Porter Paints makes a purple/lavendar color called Bell Flower that is similar to the color in LostinTn's bathroom.
We did DD's room in it last summer and were very pleased. We have a whole gallon left if anyone's in Chattanooga, TN area.
Love, Ashley
| | | | I love your curtains! Can I ask where you got the toile fabric and the fringe? That is exactly what I want to make a cafe curtain above my kitchen sink! Thanks! | | | | Thanks! I love the look of toile fabric but it was hard to try and "center" the print. I used unholstery tacks (found in the hardware section of Walmart) and tacked everything to the ceiling. The door blinds jut out from the wall about 4 inches, I can't take them down and wanted to hide the hardware. I was also trying for a "cornice board" type look. For the panels I followed Nester's advice and tacked up the sides first and then the middle. The only difference is that I tacked them on the ceiling instead of the wall. For the valance, I started on one end folding the fabric over and inch and tacking it to the ceiling. It took some trial and error but I like the end result. These are pretty blurry, but you can see that I'm pointing the camera upward in between the blinds and the curtains. The dots are the tacks.  
| | | | Thanks! I got everything at Walmart. I spent almost fifty on the fringe and fabric (SO not a bargain) but I wanted a specific look. It probably wouldn't have been as much if I just did the small window. :) | | | I have been watching/lurking on this thread in awe! You ladies are amazing! I have 2 "problem areas" that you might be able to help me with..... 1. BATH TOYS...I saw the one idea with the mesh shoe holder but my youngest is kinda small and I think she'd have a tough time getting her toys in and out, without pulling the whole thing down. What other things do you ladies use to get those UNSIGHTLY toys hidden away???? 2. HAIR RUBBER BANDS!!!! girls use those simple goody-brand colored rubber bands (no frilly, cute bows here...I did see that post) and right now I have them in a basket on the back of my toilet, UGLY, I know!!! What can I put them in that would look pretty and be accessible to the girls each night when they take their hair down and in the morning when they're looking for one!!! ANY and ALL help is much appreciated from this "decorating UNdiva"!!!!!!! THANKS! ~Dawn | | | | Steph - I'm glad you like the pictures and that they work in your home. They're pretty.  Dawn, what about a simple ceramic canister to hide your daugters' hair accessories?  Or a pretty box?  Or this?  The first one is from Pottery Barn, and the last two are from Pottery Barn Teen. | | | | I use an old ice cream bucket with holes punched in the bottom. We put the toys back in as the water drains and then then I can rinse them all a little easier too. I just keep the bucket sitting in the tub with the shower door shut. We have a separate guest bath so very few people actually ever go in there. | | | | I store DD's hair clippies and things in a little kitchen canister, the kind with a flip-up lid. It's not pretty ,but it's practical. I keep the canister in her room, on her dresser, and she is allowed to get it down and rifle through it (it's plastic and lightweight, so dropping is no big deal). You can see through it, so it is easy to tell if she put the items back or "forgot". I suppose I should add my favorite touches from my home, only I don't have photos right now. DD's arts & craft supplies - of which there are many - a restored in plain sight. I have built in shelves above the kitchen side of my 3-sided fireplace, that go up to the ceiling. I bought 9 matching storage bakets in a color that coordinates with my living room area (open floorplan) and use each basket for a different type of craft - play dough, paints, stickers, markers, etc. Then I just get down the one or two she needs for a craft. My friends all really like this. WHen stuff starts poking out the tops of the baskets, it's time to clean them out. Above the kitchen cabinets: I bought a bunch of that country kitchen stuff at JoAnn's when it was 60% off on Black Friday, with whatever % off purchase Q they had out. My cabinets are up to 8 ft, an I have 9 ft ceilings, so I wanted to draw the eye up. So I have a few items on top of each bank of cabinets: postcard boxes, reproduction milk cans, a hat box, etc. I also put up with them the antique metal teapot that for some reason my grandmother had as a garden decoration for 40 years. It's now got that sort of green color that copper goes (except it's not copper, i think it may actually be blue pewter). It's right up there with everything else, lending an air of authenticity. I had to buy all my stuff except the teapot, but if you had little doohickeys lying around - milk bottles, pretty boxes, etc, you could shop your house for a solution like this. FInally, I have a 3-sided fireplace that "separates" my living room from my kitchen. I put a 2-sided clock from Lillian Vernon (like this, but not this one ) up on the short side, so you can see one face from the kitchen and one face from the living room. It again has the effect of emphasizing the high ceilings, and everyone simply loves it. (I knew I had found a winner when an architect told me "that little space was MADE for a piece like this.) And no one knows it was a $30 cheapie! It's so high up you can't tell! ~~~~ Eileen
"It's a personal pineapple."
| | | | For the bath toys, we had a mesh bag for a while but it was kind of a pain. I found a trash basket that looked like a little basketball hoop, and has an open pattern, so the water can go right through, and just use that. Like the pp, we load all the toys back in and then leave them in the tub with the curtain closed. No one knows they are there, although that is the kids' bathroom, and guests don't use it, so I guess if everyone shared, that might get in the way a little. | | | | CLEAN - Can't find you in the drop down box. But wanted to say that those glass door knob thingys you posted last week (I think they were from JC Penny).... I have one very similar that I bought at HL for like $5 and I use it to hang my kitchen dish towel on. I will post a pic when I get a chance! Get lots of compliments on it! | | | | Kristin & Nate with sons Andrew (4yrs) & Jonah (11mo) | | | | Hey guys, I tried doing the Nester's mistreatments today in my dd's room but it was not easy! I need to fix them b/c they are all crooked. I had to use a hammer, too. Not sure what kind of walls she has that are so easy to push those things into but mine are not! I think the smaller window will look better once I get it straight. I wonder if I need more fabric for the bigger window. I went to BL this morning and they had more of that shower curtain. LOL It's fabric btw so looks really soft and pretty. Now I just have to find her a new comforter to match. So much for bargains! These curtains cost me $4 a piece. I think I'm going to find either a purple or a turquoise bedspread for her room.
  My blog w/ more pics of the fabric:
| | | | bump Darcie | | | | I was looking for one of the oil bottles at Linens and Things today for my dish soap and I found a package of the oil dispenser stopper thingies for $4.xx. I collect cobalt blue glass and I found an antique milk of magnesia bottle that the dispenser fit. It's something different than the usual oil bottles and it matches my collection so I thought it was neat. Wish I had my camera so I could take a pic but just wanted to share the idea. The bottles are pretty easy to come by in flea markets or antique stores and not all that expensive. My bottle is something like this but a deeper blue Kate | | | | Love the blue bottle idea, that is EXACTLY what I did (posted somewhere in this monstrous thread LoL) I collect the cobalt too and happened to pick up a tall blue wine bottle with a spouty thing already in it at the flea market for 25 cents a few summers ago. We've used it ever since and have saved so much dish soap because it comes out of the stopper so slowly LoL I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that was a neat idea  Jenn DD 02/20/05 DD 09/15/06 EDD 08/03/08 | | | | Forgot to add The other thing I'm planning on doing but haven't done yet it to go through my pictures to find some of my LO's "cooking". They are still pretty young so cooking is pretty much attemping to stir and eating batter but I have some cute pics. I'm going to make copies in black and white and find some matching frames. I'll put them on my kitchen countertops when done. | | | | I was planning on using a blue wine bottle but I found the other bottle when I got home and decided to use it instead. I think I may still have to pick up a bottle of Our Dog Blue, a good glass of wine would be tasty while washing dishes in a nicely decorated kitchen:) | | | | Are you in Virginia?
I live not too far away from Chateau Morrisette where that wine is made. I know just the bottle you're talking about. Sweet Mountain Laurel is my favorite though.
| | | | Oh I just had my first taste of Sweet Mountain Laurel a few weeks ago and how yummy!!!!!!! It's my new favorite even if it doesn't come in a pretty blue bottle. I am in VA, not near Chateau M. but a friend of mine turned me onto it. | | | | ramteacher - I like your idea of putting b&w pics of kids cooking in the kitchen. I'll have to steal that. I did window treatment like the nester in my living room but I still need to get fringe. I'll post pics when it's done. Thanks to whoever first posted about the apothecary jars at Big Lots. DH laughed at first but now he thinks it looks good. I also spray painted a gold trimmed mirror and my fireplace screen. Looks much better. I can't wait to get started painting. I want to redo the master bath. I'm going to paint the cabinets and walls. We have this huge mirror that I've wanted to replace for years. Carolyn Julia 7/02 Olivia 2/05
| | | | It took me hours to do my mistreatments. We have really bad walls, some of the areas were easy to push in, others not so much. I think it takes time and practice to get things right. I love your fabric choice, it's really cute! | | | | Hours you say? I think both those windows took less than an hour but they are crooked as can be. I'm short and even standing on a chair it's hard for me to see level. LOL
Love your blog! I just checked it out. It's great.
ETA: directed to the voice of reason. Oops.
Edited 3/22/08 by mommy2EmnC8 | | | | Yeah, I kept having to stop and tend to the children ;) And it is so hard to get things to line up straight. Next time I'm forgoing the fringe, that caused the most headaches! Thanks, my blog is my outlet. You have a VERY long archive to get through, we seem to have a bit in common....  Bloggity Blog | | I noticed that!
I've been blogging myself since July 2005. I got started thanks to some moms on my birth board and have loved it ever since. Definitely an outlet. Not so sure I'd want to print it off for my kid's to read though. LOL I complain a lot!
Yours was so funny though. I wish I were witty like that.
| | | | If anyone got the new issue of All You Magazine, they made a valance out of ribbon and it looks beautiful!
I love everyone's decorating tips and tricks!
| | | - Date: 3/22/08
- To: All
- From: Yaz&Iz
| | | Hi ladies really great thread. I have a tiny apartment witht the worlds tiniest bathroom..... but we got new shower curtain and rug.I bought a shelf that was hand painted) on Ebay!...I love has palm trees its cute...  BUT I need some help....our place is really small and we have a 14 month old running around. Here is our living room and we need a better coffee table but small and not glass....any ideas? | | | | I got this idea for organizing the rubberbands for your hair from my friend, a tacklebox. Go to the fishing dept at Target or Walmart and get a tacklebox with as many compartments as you think you'll need. I separate all the rubberbands by color. I just have a small clear one and it works great for me. Hope that helps.  Elisa DD Anastasia DS Zachary Edited 3/23/08 by Zackster1 | | | | I saw a pretty coffee table at Big Lots yesterday that was a rectangle with squares of different colored slate. They weren't glued down though but I bet you could fix that w/ a handy dandy glue gun. Not sure how much it was. Love your tiny bathroom. It looks very clean and nice and isn't that what matters?  Elisa | | | | I started a seperate post for this but I figured that this would be a better place to ask for help. Anyone have any ideas for this? I'm really stumped as to what I can put on the ceiling of our sunroom to keep the sun out a little. It gets sooo hot in there because the whole room is made of windows. I would like to atleast put something on the ceiling to help with the heat, I think that would make a big difference but we don't know what/how to cover it. Does anyone have a sunroom like that? This is the only picture that I have of it online, you can kind of see it here:  We really don't want to spend a fortune on window treatments because the sunroom itself is about 20 years old and not in the best condition. we bought the house last year. There are so many other thing that I want to do in the house that I would rather spend money on so I'm looking for more of a DIY idea for this. There used to be something up there because there is some kind of tracking up there. Any ideas? Lisa 
| | | | Yaz&Iz - IMO the very best coffee-table when you have a little one tottering around is a fabric/cushiony ottoman. They even make small ones that have storage inside which would be great for your small space. I've seen them at LNT, Target, BBB, etc. I had moved our wooden coffee table out of the room 4 years ago when our oldest dd started walking because she kept toppling and hurting herself on it. A friend suggested an ottoman because they are soft, comfy, aesthetically pleasing, and also a makeshift changing table, LOL! We've since had another dd who is 2 1/2 and like our ottoman so much we've never brought the wooden coffee table back. | | | | This is my tackle box of pony tail holders......I'm sure you could put fabric or something on the outside to make it cute...I just didn't take the time. I also put them in these little canvas buckets.....we have a ton of hair stuff!  | | | | LostInTN, can you please please tell me the color of your second bathroom that you posted, the burnt orangish color? I NEED that color!!!  I don't know WHERE I need it, but I love it! Maybe our bedroom, hmmmm..... | | | | THANK YOU for all of the great ideas! I saw the PB Teen box for the hair bands and thought "hmmm, maybe we can decoupage some kind of box like that for each of their rooms" (I have 2 DDs). I'm sure they'd love to do a Hannah and/or Princess theme!!!! The tackle box is an awesome idea too!!!!!!!!! What great ideas you gals have!!!! THANKS again! And the Bath Toys.....I am still trying to figure something out, we have mostly "dolls" that my youngest DD plays with........your ideas are all inspiring!!!!! Keep em coming!!! I'm LOVING this thread!!!! ~Dawn | | | | For bath toys: the only tub in our house is in our bathroom, so I try and keep the kids stuff to a minimum. The whole bathroom is aqua & white. I found a "basket" made of woven plastic for $7.99 at Home Goods. It's about the size of the top of the toilet tank, so it rests there, but is deep enough that you really can't see that it's filled with Polly Pockets, Rocket & the Little Einsteins gang.  A Wiggles, 10-01 Gumballs, 1-04
| | | | For the sunroom, could you buy those rolls of tint that are made for car windows. I kow Wal-mart carries some. maybe if you tinted the outside it wouldn't get so darn hot! Meg  | | | | Oops - typing while talking, LOL - I bought it at World Market. They had great colors, and the baskets in no way looked "plasticky."
A Wiggles, 10-01 Gumballs, 1-04
| | | | For the the hair rubber bands we used scrap book paper on empty toilet paper tubes and paper towel tubes and put the scrunchies and rubber bands on those. We have a strip with decorative clothes pins to hold the tubes. I got tired of having tons of those little things in a box. Michelle | | | | Silly Question and kind of off topic but how do you all store your fingernail polish and tools, your hair accessories ( I love the kids storage pictures that have already been included) and all your jewelry. If you have any pictures to share I would gladly appreciate it. I am trying to get organized with all of that but I am having such a hard time coming up with ideas.
| | | | Man isn't this suppose to be a day of rest. Especially since it is Easter. LOL I have been moving all day and rearranging a ton. I'll post pics later but I redid and cleaned out my YDS's room - just waiting on the LARGE Blue STAR to come in and then it'll be done. I also had a TON of daycare activity and craft books (I run a Home Daycare) on top of my DVD stand and I decided to finally put them on a shelf in you guessed it the PLAYROOM (DUH now why didn't I think of that sooner). So I placed a collection of small photo's on top instead now. Looks so much nicer. | | | | The bathroom is Gingerbread from Lowe's Olympic (B22-5). I had it mixed at Porter's. I don't recommend it for a larger space. It photographs really well but it's really too orange for me. We live in TN and so it looks like UT orange. DH likes it but people seem to be half and half on it. Ann - Mommy to: Kaelyn - I'm 3! | | | | Thank you! Okay, I'll definetly take that under advisement regarding not using in a large space. It photo's beautifully, but I know that can be deceiving. I'll pop in and get a chip and take it from there.
| | | | I'm only on page 2, so don't know if someone already mentioned this, but... Our comforter kept slipping around inside the duvet cover, so we'd end up with it bunched up in some spots, and not in other spots. I sewed a button on each corner of the comforter, and a small loop of elastic on the inside of each corner of the duvet cover. I then hooked the little loops over the buttons and voila! No more slipping comforters!
I love the table runner idea for valances. I use fabric napkins. I have a tension rod up, then I lay the fabric napkins over the rod diagonally (so it has pointy ends). Super cheap and easy to do and take care - when they get dusty I just throw them in the wash. Easy to change for Christmas too. I got some really cute poinsettia print napkins on clearance after Christmas last year and plan to use them this Christmas. Oh - and my "valance" of napkins over my kitchen sink is made of two blue napkins. I then laid a small white embroidered doily over them in the middle of the rod. It helped break up the blue color and is very pretty. | | | | I stole this idea from someone on this thread - I can't remember who now but I LOVED it and made my DH help me get it done!! I bought unfinished frames and letters at Michael's. I used a dark brown paint called "pumpernickel" to paint everything. YAY! We used our last name on the collage, but I didn't want to post it here, so I erased the letters out and replaced them in photoshop with different ones so that you can still get the idea but I can maintain some privacy!   Emmaline - allergic to dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, treenuts, dogs, horses, grasses | | | |
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