Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ebay mom retaliates (part 2)

I'm glad she posted here because I didn't realize the new boards gave the hosts so much power. It's going to get ugly over there if this is how they are going to play. Everyone needs to know that.

It's hard to stand on shifting sand...I am saved, from this moment on.
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  • Jolinar
Not all group owners are like that. The few that are give the rest of us a bad name.
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  • mandafur

Please give her a chance to explain. Are you sure the gang banger thug of a casheir didn't hack into her account and block you?

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  • ^2_Giggly_Girls^

I have a hard time thinking that eBay mom and I sell on eBay are the same... I've been friends with Kim for a very long time and that post by eBay mom was hard to follow, didn't sound like her at all! I honestly can't imagine Kim writing like that at all... and, after all the level headed, play by the rules posts that she has had here over the years, why one earth would she ban someone for posting ANYTHING in that thread? I think many people had a lot of very valid points...

This is SOOOO not right OP... I hope you can get this cleared up. Something is wrong.


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  • hahawillis
LOL mandfur!

Edited 11:55 AM by hahawillis
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  • CathyN.
Lame, lame, lame.

Methinks NBBC will be going to he11 in a handbasket.

Cathy -- DS 8/06 DD due 11/08 -- Planning HWBAC!!

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  • MarMarsie
OMG you just made me shoot diet coke out my nose. Oww

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  • Princess Peaches

While what Kim did was childish, what you did OP was just as childish as well. Does that make you feel better about yourself? Bringing it here to cause issue instead of emailing her yourself or emailing TPTB?

It really doesn't make you look like a bigger person. It makes you look just as petty.

And yes, Creamed Corn is right. BCRebecca/Mamaholic has made it VERY clear that transferring issues between OBBC/NBBC is a no-no.

And the OP was NOT kicked off of NBBC, just the BHB over there. A group owner can NOT kick you off the whole site, just their own board.

The bargain board is also public, and you can rejoin.

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  • Shoe**Connoisseur


ebay Mom IS Kim. It is. I'm not sure why this is happening.

I will say that I don't think it's cool to transfer the issues. The OP should have emailed Kim or one of the other owners of the Bargain Board on NBBC.

Goodnight and Big Balls!

bigballs.jpg picture by Meltf928

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  • Zippitydoodah
I agree, the post didn't seem to be inline with how Kim normally posts. I thought it was odd but she has the same board name on the nbbc. How do you explain what OP c&p'd on here in the first post? Maybe Kim's account was hacked. In that case, they need to look into it. I'd be going to community with it and ask them to look into it.

It's hard to stand on shifting sand...I am saved, from this moment on.

Thank you.

It's been a while since I have been on the BHB and I am so glad for the distractions from reality.


Andrea - Mom to 5

Three who run - Two who soar

Edited 12:04 PM by 235mommy*
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  • AdventuresW/Gretchen
other thread was very weird and didnt really seem like kim. maybe the reason she was worried about the cashier coming after her is because her name is really Kim Pallin and her mother recently covered up her unborn lovechild?
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  • The JET Set

LMAO Gretchen! laugh

Maybe it was an accident? I don't think Kim would kick someone off the NBBC Bargain Board for something that was said over here. In fact, I discussed that thread with Kim yesterday and she knew I was questioning the whole situation...she didn't kick me out of the group. Why not give her the benefit of the doubt?

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  • boyandgirlmakes2

Well, I disagree with you Princess Peaches.

Kim could have easily emailed me, as a host she she have done that instead of booting me from a board.

If a host acts like that, then I think people have the right to know. I am not transferring an issue. She did, she booted me from a new board, because she didn't like my post to her on this board.

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  • Princess Peaches

You took an issue from one board and moved it to another board. That's called transferring issues.

And if you don't want to act like a bigger person and feel that it's ok to bash someone publically, have fun with that.

But, KIM didn't take it public. YOU did. That's immature. You are intentionally trying to stir up trouble. Good job with that.

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  • RebeccaRowe
boyandgirlmakes2, you are one of our most highly liked posters. I really do NOT understand why Kim would boot you like. She must have her own problems, didn't she get her kids taken and put in foster care? Maybe that was someone else?
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  • ajsmummy
First, many of you need to STOP & I think apologize to Kim for attacking her like you did.

Whatever happened, may have had nothing to do with her & if it did, let Kim contact the OP & explain what happened if it was indeed her.

I know from recent experience that one person said something negative, many people attacked me until I read the post and was able to provide proof of my actions, then received apologies from some kind people.

Be patient, adults and let Kim (or Rebecca) handle this situation with the OP.

I agree with PP, OP, this was unkind of you to bring it to this board & create more drama, make accusations and assumptions, not very mature.

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  • boyandgirlmakes2
No, I am sure I am not highly liked and that is okay. I am true to myself, and I don't have to sugarcoat things. There will be some that agree with me and some that don't, I won't lose sleep over it. I have no idea about her children if they were taken away I feel horrible, because I had to take in my brothers children before they went to foster care and I know it isn't fun for anyone involved.
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  • earthenways
You took an issue from one board and moved it to another board. That's called transferring issues.

I don't think that's actually the case here since the "offending statement" happened on this board and now she's discussing it on this board. The other board has nothing to do with it except she's been banned from it for what appears to be no good reason.

I, personally, have no idea what's going on beyond what I've read in this thread. Didn't see the other one, but might have to dig it up now.grin

And to the PP, no, I don't think Kim's kids were taken away from her. That must be someone else.

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  • ~Swizzle~
It all STARTED from this board! From a post made here not from the NBBC. But because of the post here Kim banned her from the Bargain Board on the NBBC. That is a transfer of issues. Kim should be the one that is questioned about it. Why is it okay to kick someone off the NBBC Bargain Board that said something that Kim did not like over here? Is it really fair to be kicked off a public board at the NBBC because the owner does not like you? Not like it is a private board and you kick them off because you don't like them.


Apologize for what?

Did you even read that thread?

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  • **Erin**

Do you post on the other board?

How do you know that being booted was a result of that post here since you haven't talked to her?


Mom to Liam - 6/07

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  • Princess Peaches

The offending statement may have been here, but this issue that the OP brings up is an issue with the other board, NOT this board.

I admitted, if Kim deleted her due to remarks that the OP made here, that was very childish. But then, I don't know for sure if that's why either.

Either way, both of them are being childish and this thread was not needed. It only served the purpose of the OP, which was to obviously stir up trouble and cause issues.

There were other routes that she could have chosen, and she chose to bash Kim pubicly and now wants people to rally for her.

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  • City Granola
Maybe the best thing to do is find out WHY you were kicked off the board. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe there was a reason. You can't just assume the crazy thread was the reason... you know what they say when you assume.
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker
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  • boyandgirlmakes2

No, just wanted to point out that she banned me, plain and simple for no other reason than that crazy thread.

There is no other reason.

Edited 12:55 PM by boyandgirlmakes2
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  • Florinna
I'm sorry - maybe I'm missing it.. but I don't see any Kim bashing going on, I see the OP stating that she was booted from NBBC which she believes to be a result of a thread HERE which makes no sense... there's got to be more to it than that.. seems very odd for Kim to do that..
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  • City Granola
How do you KNOW there is no other reason - a simple mistake, perhaps? I have broken rules on the boards before and not even realized it.

I still say you should find out the reason.
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  • On_BBC_all_day
I didn't see any Kim bashing either, believe me OP drives me insane but she was just stating what happened :)

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  • Zippitydoodah

As I see it, this isn't transfering issues because this is Babycenter's bargain board and so is the other board, so they are one in the same for now :) And said incident happened right HERE on this board and she was banned on the other board. That IS transferring issues and is wrong. and even if someone is having a hard time in their life, doesn't give reason to just do what ever they want on the boards.

PP - if the hosts have this kind of power, then this is giving a light to how hosts can behave in the future at nbbc.

OP are you contacting community or Kim about this?

It's hard to stand on shifting sand...I am saved, from this moment on.
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  • boyandgirlmakes2

I have not posted on the other board in a while. If I broke a rule here, stilling dumping me from that other board would not be allowed.

How convient to get booted right after that thread.

The other thread makes no sense at all.

BCRebecca/Mamaholic has stated quite a few times, that transferring issues even from OBHB to NBHB and vice versa is still considered transferring issues per the rules of the boards.

If you want to argue that, talk to TPTB.

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  • LittleOsa
I agree with Denise that it could have been a mistake or something. We'll never know.

However, even if Ebay Mom came back to the OP and said it was an accident, she'd be highly unlikely to believe it after the way and the timing.


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  • Amanda 'n' Boys

Peaches - I lurve you tons! But I have to agree with this:

Well, I disagree with you Princess Peaches.

Kim could have easily emailed me, as a host she she have done that instead of booting me from a board.

If a host acts like that, then I think people have the right to know. I am not transferring an issue. She did, she booted me from a new board, because she didn't like my post to her on this board.

I think it is important to know what the "hosts" to the public board are doing. If she had just emailed her, no one would have been the wiser and she may just willy-nilly boot people who don't agree with her. If this had happened on a private board, it is what it is - but this was a public board.

Also, I am glad she posted it over here - the original thread did start here and this is where all the cool people hang out anyway :)

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  • LoveMyA's

I can't believe that anyone thinks it may have been a mistake or there is some other explanation. If Kim came to explain and said anything other than "I didn't like her comments to me so I banned her," I would not believe it. I think it's pretty obvious that Kim booted OP as a result of the comments that were made here. If it smells like a fish and looks like a fish, it's a fish.

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