Date: 10/11/07
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From: ~*angelsorce*~
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I was at a Moms small group on Tuesday and one of the first time moms in the group was talking about her DD she adopted at two from Hondorus. She said that her DD is her life's greatest joy and she is doing everything she can to make her childhood magical. A few nights ago she was cleaning the kitchen after supper and her DD came and informed her that it was her stuffed pig's birthday. So she quickly finished the kitchen and then they made brownies for her pig and had a birthday party for him. This really struck a cord with me because throwing a stuffed animal a birthday party has never occurred to me. Sure my DD has told me a few times that it is teddy bears birthday etc but I never did anything more then patting the bear on the head and singing happy birthday. So what are you doing to make their childhood magical?
Date: 10/11/07
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From: KatieP1025
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We sing and dance all the time.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: _Pearl_
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That is a really cute story OP.
basically ds is my best friend. Home is a very happy, very open place. I guess I make it magical in that I Always get down at eye level and Really listen to him, Im Never too busy. I do the things he likes even if I dont. and I am teaching him about music and pretend play, what can be more magical than tapping into that???
great thread btw.
The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice that which we are for what we could become. ~Charles DuBois
Date: 10/11/07
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From: angelofjoy1
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Thanks for posting this thread. My DS is 9 months old and I really want to be a mom like you posted about. I want my children to have fun with me. I remember several people posting around April Fool's day about how they were pulling pranks on their kids. That's so cool and I would never think to do stuff like that. I think this board my help me become a better, more creative mom! :-)
I've already made over $300 on ExpoTV by only doing 30 1-minute
video reviews! Click the link in my profile and you can too!!
DS: Noah Matthew 12/20/06
Date: 10/11/07
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From: *Sweet_tea_for_me*
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Coming out of lurkdom here, :)
I like the thought of that kind of life too. But with 3 little ones sometimes time gets away from me.
Childhood itself is magical, and they see things we don't see. I hate it when people make kids grow up too fast.
Some things I do that seem to make my house happier: We don't have a lot of electronic toys. I don't always play with my kids---I let them play together without me, so they can use their own creativity. We spend a lot of time in the kitchen, cooking. We go places to "have time with daddy" since sometimes he doesn't get home before bedtime, ie, chuck E cheese for a "business lunch"!
I make a big deal of their discoveries. I decorate for every holiday, and we usually do little crafts.
There are a lot more things I wish I had time to do. But sometimes everyday life gets in my way, you know, sippy cups, diapers, shoes, clothes, colds!
Laura 5.5
Sydney 2.5
Jack 1
Date: 10/11/07
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From: AmbernChuck
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What a neat thread! I look forward to getting some inspiration on here!
FTM-to-be here, but I have a 5-year-old DSD who lives in another state. (She lives with us all summer, but with her mother during the year.)
But every month, I put together some kind of a care package for her. (What child doesn't love getting mail?) And when we're with her, both DH and I will play games like "Pretty Pretty Princess" with her. (I know if I had ever seen my dad wearing a princess crown, it would have absolutely been memorable.)
Our baby will be here when she visits us this winter, and so we're going to throw her a surprise "Congratulations Big Sister" party. I haven't figured out the details yet - and would love any suggestions on how to make it special!
Date: 10/11/07
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From: sarahsmumma
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I like being the house on the block that the kids come to. We have a neighborhood cookout in our back yard every June, a Halloween party for the kids every Oct. 31 and an open house one night during the week between Christmas and New Year's.
Not only are the kids always welcome here, but the adults as well.
We have had impromptu tea parties, and one time I actually did make a cake for one of dd's toys (Lovey's birthday, maybe? Can't remember "who".)
Mostly I just let dd be herself. Even at 7 yo, she is still allowed to run and play outside in her dress-up clothes. She's allowed to go to church with her hair done "her way". I don't insist that she looks like a Gymbo ad whenever we go out in public. Granted, there are specific times when I will explain to her that she needs to let Mommy help her with wardrobe choices and hair styling (ex: the baptism service for our godchild) but for the most part, she is free to create her own little self.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: bea95
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At first, I thought op was rolling eyes at the FTM's comment, but since we're taking this seriously...
I think the whole Santa Clause and tooth fairy things are magical. Also, anything that your gut tells you should say "no" to but only because it would make a mess, not because it's really dangerous, like letting DS put makeup on me and myself....letting him play in the mud...letting him stamp in puddles.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: Rachetgirl
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I can't say that I do any specific thing to make my children's lives magical. I am never to busy to be silly. Sing along with the songs on their goofy tv shows at the top of my voice, dance around with them, run the grocery cart to the car with them in it and jump on WHEEEEEEEE. They love that. My oldest once told me after she came home from a friends slumber party that she was so glad that I was funny and fun to be around. She said the other girls parents never smiled or played with her during the party. She said that it was really sad.
We as moms are always busy doing something to make our kids lives magical. We may not know it but when they smile at you for something you are doing with them or for them, that is magic.
Never be afraid to play with them. Get down on the floor and roll around with them. Slide on your socks through the kitchen. Dance and sing. Have tea parties. They are only small for so long and before we know it, we are not cool anymore but we will have our memories.
By the way. It doesn't take money to make magic. I was poor as could be with my two older ones and they will tell you know that they didn't know we were poor and that they had a great childhood full of fun times with me.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: StinkyBtts
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In addition to what all the other pps have said, one thing we do every year that my kids talk about throughout the year is have the leprechauns visit on the eve of St Patricks day. Every year they 'mess up' my house in a different way. One year we moved all the family room furniture into the kitchen and vice versa. They always leave the girls chocolate coins and spill Lucky charms on the table. The decorate the breakfast table with green ribbon. I always pretend that I am 'mad' that they messed up my house and vow to not let them do it again next year. Cracks my kids up.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: Blendedfamof6
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My step kids live with us. Their mom basically gave them up five years for $5000!!! Even now that my husband is deployed, I am still raising them except for 4 days a month, and she lives 15 minutes away from us.
I try to give them everything I can. I go to all of their sports things, take vacations, and spend quality time with all of the kids (I have 2 too) so that they can see what a "real" mom does.
It's very important to me that I love all of them equally as well!
Date: 10/11/07
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From: mom2GavinE
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Cool thread. I think about this stuff a lot. I'm a FTM and a single mom so I feel it's twice as important to put effort into making sure his childhood is fun and magical. I have guilt about being a single parent and him not having both parents in the house that I know I tend to over do it and spoil him a bit. I try to balance that with teaching him that he can't have everything he wants and things won't always be his way. Sometimes I'm successful at that and sometimes I have to leave him at home with my mom to go get groceries so I won't end up with a bunch of guilt bought stuff in my buggy
Some of the things I like to do to make his childhood more magical...
* traditions- I think set traditions make childhood easier to remember. When they look back they will be able to remember always doing a certain thing each year (or month or day etc) and relive them. For us it's big and little things. Sundays are pancake day. We get up and make pancakes from scratch and stay in our pjs for a while. We act silly and just enjoy ourselves. At Christmas, he gets to open one present on Christmas Eve every year. This has so far been his gift of Christmas pjs. Every October we go to the mountains and on the way home we stop and pick apples and he picks out a pumpkin.
* I go along with his pretending. If he comes to me and tells me that there are dinosaurs in my bathroom, I play along. we sneak in there and peek around the corners to look for them and if we "see" one we both take off running to the couch for safety.
* we whisper. it might sound silly but whispering, to me, lets your child know you are really listening to what they are saying and makes them feel important. we whisper about silly things, feelings, the best thing that happened during the day etc. it's fun to just get down on his level and see what he feels is important and fun.
* i indulge him. Yes, I admit it. We don't do a lot of expensive things so when something FUN comes to town I try to take him if I can. Once a year, this will be our 3rd year, I take him to see his favorite characters. He loves the Wiggles and always has. In November he will go to his 3rd concert and will be in the 2nd row this time. Last year we had tickets for the 7th row but they ended up being 1st row because of how seats were arranged. The tickets can be a bit pricey once all the fees and things are added in but it's so worth it to see him have so much fun. I also put some money aside so that he can pick out souveiners and get popcorn. We usually go to lunch or dinner before and make it a whole date night for just the 2 of us. Last year he met Jeff and one of the dancers and we're excited about possibly meeting one this year. We're thinking about adding the circus as a yearly tradition too but haven't decided on that yet. It may take the place of the Wiggles next year since he's slowly outgrowing them.
* I often let him pick where we eat out (which is not that often, maybe 1x or 2x a month). He might pick McD's or he might say Shoney's or Perkins. I just let it be his choice.
*I let him believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, and will let him believe in the Tooth Fairy. I know this is very controversial on here but I believed when I was little and it was some of my best memories as a child. There's something truly magical about Santa and all the excitement that he brings to little ones.
*I let him be hands on...he helps me cook in the kitchen, clean the house, take care of our cats. He is at the stage where he wants to help do everything and even if it means it will take longer or he will make a mess of it, I let him at least try to help.
* I surround him with family and friends. Love from me and our friends and family is unconditional.
*I let him be himself. If his interests are not that of the norm, I still encourage it. His dad wasn't crazy about him having a play kitchen and vacuum but he loves both of them and one day he will make a fantastic daddy (or chef!). I'm behind him 100% and support him as much as I can.
* we do silly things like have pj parties in his playroom (movies, popcorn and sleeping bags!), make tents with blankets and chairs when it's storming outside and hide in them with our flashlights, we sing along to his WIggles cds in the car loudly and do all the movements even if people are staring at us.
* and when he lays down beside me on the bed and asks "can we laugh?" I tickle him like crazy and we act silly untl neither one of us can barely breathe.
*most importantly, i let him be a KID (this means getting dirty, asking silly questions, eating chips and gummy bears, drinking chocolate milk, playing on playgrounds, and understanding that he's a child growing and learning new things every day.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: lttlwest
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We do imprompt tea parties with the neighbor kids with kool aid and snacks.
We try to involve them different activities such as karate, swimming, gymanstics, and music.
And the new thing that we are doing is drawing a map and having the kids finding a treasure chest.
Basically we do things as a family and that I believe makes childhood magical for my kids.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: Whateva!
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My boys are very into stuffed animals. They all have names and "personalities". We have had several b-day parties-the seals and walruses get canned tuna(we don't open it!) we celebrate a lot of b-days at Mardi Gras so we use beads and king cake.
My older son wants to be a marine biologist-he's only 7! So, every year for his b-day, we will either go to Sea World, Discovery Cove, etc. to cultivate that interest.
My childhood was pretty crappy so I am trying to be a better parent to my children-they are my life.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: _Pearl_
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Meredith, your post really touched me. I am also a single mom of a 3 y o boy and I can really relate. WE also love to pretend play, and what you said about the kitchen toys, his father was the Same way!! My ds also Loves to clean, he was actually scrubbing the tub with his body soap last night while he was bathing lol! I agree with the getting dirty, you can always clean it right up. I really really agree with everything you said and Im sure your ds loves you more than anything for treating him so good!!!!
The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice that which we are for what we could become. ~Charles DuBois
Date: 10/11/07
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From: boyandgirlmakes2
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We sing at the top of our lungs in the car, I let them play in the rain with no shoes on, We lie on blankets on the front lawn and stare at the night sky lots! I make it a point to take them to Boston 3 times a month and go to the Art Museum, Ballet, the science museum.
For the record I am pretty strict about what they watch, wear and how they behave, so I try to balance it by doing fun carefree stuff when the business end of being a kid is done.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: KPsweetpea
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Just coming out of Lurkdom to say that, Meredith, your post literally brought tears to my eyes...I can only hope to be the kind of mom you are, just wow, you have a very lucky little boy.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: Loving Motherhood!
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My happiest childhood memories are of baking which is probably why I love to bake with my DS. We often bring home-made cakes to parties that are elaborately decorated.
One day, I took DS and his friend to a movie. I let DS choose my clothes for me (super hero pajamas!!) and he had to wear a sailor costume. That was so fun!
We go for drives at a local park and look at all the deer. Or take the long way to the grocery store so we can see all the cows.
My DS is not even 5 yo yet and already has doubts about Santa and leprechauns. But for some reason, the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy are legit!
We read books at night with a flashlight and then do shadow puppets.
Thanks for the reminder to do something fun with my son!
Date: 10/11/07
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From: 2boys2love4me
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It's the small things that make magic, I think. One of my happiest childhood memories was one summer day, my mom came to my babysitters house at her lunchtime and she and I had a picnic on the lawn. I loved that. I felt really special.
On Oprah awhile ago there was a story of a mom who had Cancer. And she was going to die. She spent the whole year taking her kids on all sorts of marvelous adventures, they'd gone to Hawaii and Disney World and just filled up every moment with lots of fun. After the mom died and some time had passed, the daughter was on Oprah's show again and Oprah asked her what was her most cherised memory - and it wasn't swimming with the dolphins or anything "big" - this little girl's magical moment with her mom, the thing she looks back and remembers as being special was waking up early in the morning and eating Cheerios with her mom for breakfast.
So that's what I try to keep in mind. That I just don't know what it will be that my children remember and think back on. What little moments will be the ones that matter to them.
Melissa, with 2boys & a little lady
Date: 10/11/07
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From: mom2GavinE
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Lynn2145 & Blackbird_fly...
Thank you so much! Just as hard as it can be to be a single parent, it is also rewarding! My ds is definitely a mama's boy and I can't find anything wrong with that He's obsessed with Bambi 1 & 2 movies and I tease him like Thumper does to another dear in the movie. I tell him "mama's boy! mama's boy! You big ol' mama's boy!" he thinks it's funny.
Seriously, I thank you both for saying such sweet things! I'm not a super mom by any means...maybe to just him and that's all that matters really.
BTW, I'm getting great ideas from other moms on here too! I love the leprechaun idea! How fun!!!
Date: 10/11/07
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From: 3airforcebrats
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I vote this the best thread ever! That was such a sweet story!
-If my stereo is on in the kitchen and a great song comes on, I throw the kids wooden spoons and we stand on the chairs and sing.
-Two days ago I saw my son standing in the corner all alone in the child care room (he is usually at preschool when I go to the gym) looking alone, and super shy. I got off the track, went and got him and we played his own version of basketball for an hour. It was so fun!
-We make a big deal of Santa, his elves hide PJ's on Christmas eve before Santa does.
Proud Air Force wife and SAHM to: DSS 11 DS 4 DD 2
Date: 10/11/07
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From: ItzKelly
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Ok, I am reading all your responses and totally have tears in my eyes - what a great thread.
My boys are only 2 years old and almost 3 months old, but already we try to have as much fun with them as possible. DH or I will hold our 3-month old DS under his arms and put him close to the ground and have him "chase" my 2 year old DS around the house - he gets a kick out of it as he runs away from his little brother.
When older DS is going to sleep each night, while DH or I carry him upstairs for the night, the other one of us (whomever is staying downstairs) sings him a "night night" song, the same song each night, as he slowly makes his way up the stairs looking down at me or DH.
DH or I will get on our hands and knees and hide behind a wall and then when DS comes to look for us, we will grab him real quick as he rounds the corner and say "I gotcha!"- he gets startled, but giggles his arse off.
DH gets on DS's push tricycle and DS pushes him around the house (DH is 6'3, BTW - looks hilarious!).
During the day, DS and I play "pretend night-night" where he asks me to go night-night either in our guest room or my room; he climbs into bed and then says "Mama go night-night" and points to the place next to him and we both lay down on the pillows and close our eyes, pretending to sleep - about 3 seconds later we will pop our heads up and yell "Good morning!" with huge smiles...then he or I will say "go night night" and lay back down and close our eyes - then repeat the whole thing over and over again. He gets a kick out of it, especially being able to tell "Mama" to go night-night.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: jada'smomma
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My dd is my only child and I make sure she knows every day just how much she means to me. I make her childhood magical by being involved in her life as much as possible. I go to all of her class parties, I go to every basketball/t-ball game and cheer for her as loud as I can, we go and do a ton of fun things (e.g. the zoo, apple picking, pumpkin picking, swimming pool, indoor pools in the winter...etc). Things that my own mom didn't do with me. We snuggie every night and we just talk about the day, what is going on at school..things like that. We also will do pj day (usually on a cold winter day) and we stay in our jammies all day long. She cooks with me and loves to be my big helper. We just have a lot of fun together.
Being a single mom I don't have a lot of money so granted we will probably never see Disney but we do go on a mini vacation each year. I just do what I can.
Thanks for this thread!
Edited 10/11/07 by jada'smomma
Date: 10/11/07
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In addition to what all the other pps have said, one thing we do every year that my kids talk about throughout the year is have the leprechauns visit on the eve of St Patricks day. Every year they 'mess up' my house in a different way. One year we moved all the family room furniture into the kitchen and vice versa. They always leave the girls chocolate coins and spill Lucky charms on the table. The decorate the breakfast table with green ribbon. I always pretend that I am 'mad' that they messed up my house and vow to not let them do it again next year. Cracks my kids up.
I did this last year and OMG my dd still talks about it! I will be doing it again next year.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: The*Power*of*Three
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I play and talk to my dd's imaginary friend, Buggy, in public and I couldn't care less if people see me in the grocery store talking to him. I've even give Buggy a kiss and hug on the playground because he fell down and hurt himself. I also actually play with my kids on the playground. I can't even count the number of parents who don't even get out out their air conditioned cars to supervise their children.
I leave them messages written on their bathroom mirror. Or little drawings in the tub/shower written with crayon soap.
When I make pancakes or waffles I make them in different colors. My fiance has a way of making smiley face PB and J's but I haven't gotten the hang of that.
When we go to the Children's Museum we all take part in the fun. My fiance spent three hours there last time with blue dots all over his face because he had the measles. Poor guy wasn't cured until we got home.
There are a zillion and one silly and fun things we do. Some are simple - like picking strawberry's at the local grove or watching a movie together. Some are more elaborate - like a trip to Disney. But we always try to have fun even doing the simplest things, because that is what life is all about.
Date: 10/11/07
To: mom2GavinE
From: Liz0525
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I found your post beautiful and truly inspiring. I'm holding back tears because I'm at work. You sound like an amazing mom and person.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: shilohpitt
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Lurker here...I try my best to do this for my 3 little ones. However, I wanted to post one of the most "magical" memories from my own childhood:
We are of spanish descent and have always celebrated Christmas Eve with a family party, etc. Well, Santa always came at midnight to pass out the presents (my dad always dressed up as Santa). Well, when I was little, we lived in an apartment on the fourth floor of a building, there was no 'fireplace or 'chimney.' My mom and aunt would have my cousin and I sit/look out of the fire escape while my dad got dressed up and got all the presents ready......We would get all bundled up and go sit out on the fire escape and just stare up at the sky waiting for Santa to pass. I will still swear to you till this day that I saw him fly by one time!!! I get chills when I think about it. After about 5 or so minutes, we would come back inside and all of the presents would be there! Then my dad would pass them out (we knew it was my dad)!!!
I hope I can recreate the same magical memories for my babies.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: AnneTheQuene
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What an awesome thread!!! I don't have kids (yet!) unless you count my cat. But the biggest thing I worry about is not making the most of my kids' childhood, b/c we all know it goes sooo fast.
This thread really helps me keep things in perspective, too. Last weekend, I was babysitting my 4.5 year old goddaughter. She is literally the light of DH's and my life, and we adore her. Well, she was at our house (usually we watch her at hers) so there weren't any toys, etc. So we went to the park, and she decided that we should be Belle and Ariel (she's obsessed with Disney princesses), and we had to rescue all of the other princesses, who were captured and held in the playground prisons.
At first, I was kind of thinking, "Maybe I'll just sit and watch her" but then I realized, I am so lucky to have a goddaughter who i am so close to, who loves me so much and wants so much to hang out with me. So even though running around the playground rescuing imaginary princesses really isn't my thing, I ended up having a blast. I was amazed at how much fun I had just watching how excited SHE got over everything. We played out there for about half an hour, and eventually all the princesses got rescued . We then went home and Dh helped us build a FABULOUS tent (she's really into tent building now, and the engineer in him really delighted in this task, LOL), and we all had so much fun just sitting in the tent, getting ready for the "ball" and tryin to escape from the villians (like Maleficent). We had so much fun, and my aunt (my goddaughter's mom) told me the next day that all Rori could talk about was how we built the best tent ever, and my DH is the "expert at buildling tents" (her words) and how we had such a good time at the park, and she loved playing with us.
I realized, wow, look how much of an impact we can have on kids just by playing with them and paying attention to them. That's what I try to do to make my goddaughter's childhood magical, and I hope to do the same with my own kids one day.
As for things that I remember my mom doing with us, we had green carpet in our guest room (hey, it was the 80s) so once in awhile, in the winter (when it was obviously too cold to go outside) we would put together a picnic and eat it on the guest room floor, b/c the green reminded us of grass. It was so fun to see my mom sit on the floor and eat in a bedroom! That never happened, so it was a treat when it did.
Christmas was always fun too. We'd hang up our stockings, read the Night Before Christmas and then get into bed and look out the windows to see if we could see Santa.
When my mom made breakfast for us in the morning, she would make hot cereal, and she would put either chocolate or butterscotch chips in the shape of a smiley face in the cereal, and we always thought that was so cool.
I'm getting so many good ideas from this thread!
Date: 10/11/07
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From: mom2monkey04
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We play hide and seek when Daddy or Mommy comes home from work. "Where's DS?" "I don't know -- he was right here a minute ago!" We'll look all over, and then finally admit we don't know where he is. Then his little voice pipes up -- "Here I am!"
We bake cookies and make dinner together.
We tell him stories about when he was a baby and things that we did -- this morning as I was getting him ready for nursery school, I was telling him about when he was a baby and fell off the bed. He giggled and loved it when Daddy rolled off the bed as an illustration.
We buy a toy or book or treat "just because".
We play baseball in the backyard and announce him at bat, just like at the major league parks.
We dance to the Beatles, the Wiggles, whoever.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: just-my-two-cents
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My very favorite activity lately is painting spider webs. I have even piqued the interest of neighbors who have never spoke to me in years! All you do is find an empty web, away from anything like a house that you wouldn't want paint on, and spray paint it. You have no idea how amazing it turns out until you actually do it. I love watching them blow in the wind afterwards too. We are on an apple green color now and they look so neat. Also, spray tunnel webs and cob webs too, it seems like they just appear out of nowhere. My DC ask me to take a nature walk and paint spider webs daily, and my neighbors point out good ones for us.
The reason I love this thread is that I do try and make every day magical and it warms my heart that others do too. Just even trying means so much. I always try to have something to look forward to with them every day, even if it is just as little as painting a spider web and really looking at it.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: aiyac
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Where is the line between magical and normalcy?
We often act outside the home as we do inside, after all, that is who we are.....
I don't know what is magical or not, (yes, I have been to Disney once, and never did find the magic), but do I work at making it memorable? I hope so...
This morning my ODS cajoled his younger sisters into wearing socks the same way I did for him when he was that age, putting it over his hand, calling it a sock monster who ate feet....
Date: 10/11/07
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From: my2lilbugs23
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This thread has been great to read. We do many of the same things as you ladies do with your kids. We love to turn up the radio, grab a microphone(usually a brush handle) and belt out the tunes. We will also do it in the car. We have gotten a couple looks but it is great. There are many days we have pj days on the weekend. The girls love it. We will have a camp out on the living room floor, just to watch a movie. I am always coloring, cutting or painting something with them. They love to be in the kitchen cooking or baking with me. You should see the pride they have when we make cookies to take somewhere knowing that they helped to make them. When it is nice out DH will take the girls fishing with him. They both love it.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: Liam'sMaMee
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I loved reading what every one does. When I first started reading I couldn't think of anything we did that was magical for the kids and that made me really sad. It seems like lately we have settled in to surviving the days. But then I thought of a few things we have done in the past. We created the birthday fairy that visits you starting on your 4th birthday. The birthday fairy leaves you dollar for every year and for some reason is really clumsy and spills change on their way out of the room. At Christmas time when Daddy goes to the store Santa comes and looks in the windows to check or naughty or nice kids. The kids get a huge kick out of that. Last year Santa took pics of himself using my camera and left them on the camera. We go out play in the rain when it isn't storming just raining.
Date: 10/11/07
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From: melos
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Every night we all get in my bed together, me, dh, ds, and dd. We snuggle, say prayers and say what we are thankful for. Neither me or dh want to miss this so this makes for a long bedtime unfortunatly.
Like the leprechauns, we have a santa elf. Ds has to write Santa a letter asking him to send an elf. The elf comes in a sack and is a little stuffed thing(you can find these thing all over the internet for sale). The elf is very naughty and comes to life at night. The next day my ds has to clean up the mess. Ex. One night the elf toilet papered his room to remind him what it looked like when it snowed at the North Pole. Another night he made snow angels on my counters with flour. He watched movies and left popcorn everywhere and the movie was on the tv when ds woke up. It was a new christmas movie for ds(Charlie Brown's Christmas). He left a note that he missed the cold in the north pole and my dh found him in the freezer. etc..... He leaves with Santa when he comes Christmas eve. Because this can become a nightly chore I try not to let Santa bring him until about a week before Christmas.
My ds loves this and talks about it year round.
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Date: 10/12/07
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I love reading this! especially the traditions!
One thing DS loves that we do is a Picnic-in-the-van. We make lunch, drive somewhere fun and park, and then he gets to come up and sit next to me in the front seat. We eat lunch and talk. He's only 2, and already he asks for this all the time! It is so special and we both love it!
VBAC Success!!
Date: 10/12/07
To: angelofjoy1
From: BBCPasta
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MY mother has gotten me EVERY year for April Fools day.. ... She usually told me it was a snow day, even when I was teaching she pulled something....
I was going to tell her I was pregnant on April 1st, but I really was...
Date: 10/12/07
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From: sarahsmumma
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Where is the line between magical and normalcy?
That's the really great part of kids, it is ALL magical! Never in your life is your imagination so rich as when you are a child. As adults, a lot of the things we do seem pretty normal, but to the kids who enjoy those activities with us, it is a pretty big deal.
It does us grownups a lot of good to rediscover some of that imagination and share it with our kids. Or let the kids share theirs with us.
That's the magic.
Date: 10/12/07
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From: acarna
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Probably not 'magical', but one memory-making activity I've started with both boys is to have 'tooth' cakes for their first lost tooth. I created a Tooth Fairy email account for each one, that we take time to email (so the Tooth Fairy is told about the tooth). The 'Tooth Fairy' responds too! We type up a story of how the lost tooth 'went down' for the baby book, and bake a white cake w/white icing--shaped like a tooth (double layer square cake w/a small triangle cut out) for dessert on the evening the Tooth Fairy will visit. The Tooth Fairy brings $5 for each first tooth, then $1 or less thereafter or a small $ Spot/Dollar Store toy. The boys have both enjoyed this set of activities, and we have some lovely "Kodak moments" to show for our efforts.
Date: 10/12/07
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From: 3blues&1pink
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My childhood was pretty crappy so I am trying to be a better parent to my children-they are my life
same here.
Date: 10/12/07
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From: SAHMinAZ
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When we play, i get on "their level". I dont mean bending down either. Yesterday i had on a high school cheerleading uniform and the girls and I were doing cheers and playing cheerleader. I didnt care that my butt was hanging out. I'd say that was pretty darn magical. lol
We don't do santa, the easter bunny, etc.. but i think i am a pretty darn fun mom, i wish i had that kind of magic when i was a kid.
The most pretend play i got with my mom was going to her office all the time because she had work to do. At the time it seemed like fun getting to play there,but now i realize she was too busy for me. I did learn to type at a really young age and fast too. lol
The magic i give my kids is having a mom who is there.
Date: 10/12/07
To: mom2GavinE
From: Adrienne620
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I havent read all the replies yet, but I had to stop and let Meredith know that your post brought tears to my eyes! You sound like a gret mom and have one lucky son.
This is a great thread. Thank you OP. THis gives me great ideas and makes me take the time to think and slow down a bit. THey grow so fast.
DS, 12/04
Date: 10/12/07
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From: chandlers_a_girl
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My childhood was wonderful and magical. I am trying to live up to that.
One thing that will really set the tone for people to understand what my childhood was like:
My dad bought a new Blazer when I was 9. He had it specially ordered and customized. We looked at brocures and labored over every little detail. It finally arrived. He brought this brand new blue Blazer home, and asked me how I liked it. I guess I looked a little bumfuzzeled or something. I told him that I thought it was going to be red.
He took the car back the next day and got a red one.
Everything my parents did for me made me feel special and important and a valuable member of the family. They always listened.
I value what my 5 year old has to say. I listen to her. I love on her, I play with her, I make believe, we dress up, we dance, we make up songs, we are SILLY all of the time.
I hope and pray I can be for my girls exactly what my parents are to me.
Date: 10/12/07
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From: Live*Laugh*Love
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My kids LOVE< LOVE> LOVE Arts & Crafts!!! I let them hang their art all over the house as messy as it is. Glue Stick glue works like post it note glue, so no real damage. I NEVER let my kids see me throw any of their artwork away. We don't keep everything, but I started hanging lots of the preschool stuff in the garage on our walls since we ran out of room on our fridge. It's so cute to come home, pull in and see a kite flying in my garage all year round. And I dug up the paper plate thankful wreath from dd 2 years ago. Apparently she was most thankful for turkey at age 3. At age 5, it's still food related. Her "all about me" book from back to school night says, "I love my mommy & daddy b/c they make me breakfast". See a theme here.. and cookies...boy do we LOVE to make cookies, cupcakes, and deliver them to our friends. My kids are so proud to share. It's heartwarming!!!
We also love to play WITH them at the park. Let them ride their bikes after dark on friday nights, let them make lots of decisions, silly as they may be. Yes, it was 90 degrees last week and my dd had on snow boots. Because they were purple and they matched her short sleeved purple dress. It's fun to hear the giggles. LOL
My kids also decided the fridge was the new dry erase board. That was too cute. I didn't get upset, we had fun with it.
They also play doctor with big potholder mits and barbeque tongs as a stethescope. I could go on, but things other parents would get mad about I try to be laid back. This thread reminds me to do it more often.
Great post!
Date: 10/12/07
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From: just-my-two-cents
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I think it is so sweet when the parents who had crappy childhoods make their DC lives special! My Daddy had the worst childhood but you would have never known it by his fathering. It was like it was complete opposites. He wanted the exact opposite for us than what he got. It makes me feel so many emotions just thinking about it. My G-ma to this day marvels about how my Dad turned out with all he faced from his Dad. Your DC are so lucky and they will appreciate it one day, esp when they are old enough to know what you went through and how you wanted better for them.
Date: 10/12/07
To: melos
From: mom2GavinE
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What a great idea! I want to thank you for it because I'm stealing it I just wrote out this letter to my ds from Santa and I'm carrying it home with me tonight to give to him. It'll give him some time get hang of what is going to happen and give me time to find an elf! Thank you!!!! Here's the letter...
Dear Gavin,
I hear you have been a very good boy this year. That’s good because my elves are very busy making toys for me to bring to you this Christmas. Elmer Elf told me that you really want some more walking dinosaurs and a castle for them. I put my very best elves to work on this and if you stay on my Nice List you will see them under the tree this year. Since you have been so good this year and are learning to listen to your mommy so well, I would like to ask you for a favor. I have a very naughty elf named Sebastian that is busy getting into mischief and playing games while all the other elves are hard at work making toys for all the boys and girls around the world. He is always causing trouble and never listens when he is asked to be nice and behave himself. One night he snuck into the candy shop and licked all of the candy canes, took a bite out of all the chocolate bars, and bit all the legs off of the gingerbread men. He left an awful mess. He’s always playing tricks on the reindeer and taking my sleigh out for a ride without permission. He’s very naughty and needs to be taught some manners. I am hoping you will let him stay at your house for a little while and teach him how to be a good boy like you are. I will bring him back with me when I come to your house to bring you your toys Christmas Eve. It would help me so much and I will leave you a special gift for helping me. Will you help me please?
Sincerely yours,
P.S. He likes to pretend that he’s a stuffed animal sometimes so don’t let him fool you. He’s sneaky and especially likes to do naughty things at night while everyone is sleeping.
Date: 10/12/07
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From: ~SAHMof2girls~
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This past May I let our oldest stay up and make chocolate chip cookies with DH and I. Then as we ate them we watched our city's fireworks from our backyard with her. It was the coolest thing.
Th pig's birthday party is cute though:):)
Jen~~ SAHM to Dei & Ari & happily married to my soulmate, Chris
Date: 10/12/07
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Thank you again to those that said such sweet things. I really appreciate your kind words. I try to be a good mommy I'm sure we are all great moms!
Date: 10/12/07
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From: myprincessA
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You made me smile instead of cry, because I am a mom just like you!!! I could have written your post! Thanks for letting me know that I must be doing it right!!!!
"And there's that one particular harbour. Sheltered from the wind. Where the children play on the shore each day, and all are safe within"~ Jimmy Buffett
Date: 10/12/07
To: mom2GavinE
From: melos
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The elf can be lots of fun and to look at their face in the morning at the mess is great. For some reason it has become a big thing with ds's friends. So they all compare stories. My fear is that he will find that stuffed elf in its hiding place and it will ruin it all along with Santa. To be honest there are those very tired nights where ds goes to bed late and I lay in bed and realize I forgot to do the elf. I will have to remember this thread and remind my self of the magic kids feel. Oh, another thing that drove my dh crazy was that ds had to carry that elf around everywhere we went, dinner, family's house etc. He is in every one of our Christmas pictures last year.
ds(6) dd(3)
Date: 10/12/07
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From: charliesmom0204
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I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with Momma's boys--lol!! My husband often teases me that I run a three-ring circus and that is ok with me!
We have two boys--3 1/2 and 6 months. As far as the baby goes I sing to him every chance I get--usually crazy songs about getting dressed, eating, and what we are doing.
Our 3 1/2 year old is a little man and we have so much fun :) He refused to go to preschool this year because and I quote him "I AM a mommy's boy". I used to teach preschool so him and I do "school work" everyday. We have a great time.
We create magic by having fun together. There is a sandbox in the basement so we can play even when its cold outside! We play in the rain. We camp out in the backyard. We stay up late and have "star parties"--we eat star cookies and drink moon juice while checking out the night sky.
I try to take them to a museum or something once a month. We try to go when DH is off (he works a crummy schedule), but alot of times it just me and the boys.
I shower them with love and affection. We love to snuggle in our jammies on the couch.
We visit both grandparents about once a week. They are very involved and the boys know they are very loved. I didn't see my grandparents when I was little so I am thrilled to have them spend so much time together.
We make scrapbooks together! I found mini books (3 inches square). DS and I make a scrapbook of all our adventures and he has a shelf full of little books. He loves to read them and remember the fun he had.
We are huge on holidays--decorate like crazy, have special meals to eat, and just enjoy being together.
This is a great thread :) Thanks for all the ideas.
Charlie and Andrew
Date: 10/12/07
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From: pretty_babies
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I think that ever kid has lots of "magical" moments, and I'm sure it doesn't always include the time they went to Disney or that $1,000 bday party!
We all need to give ourselves credit for giving our children individually magical moments, b/c we all have contributed.
We don't believe in everytime we go to the store we have to buy our kids a toy, or treat. In fact our kids couldn't even tell ya where the toys isle is if ya asked them.
Me and Dh both had parents that "smoked" and partied with their friends, and we still have memories of that, some not that bad, but some not so good, so we both have tried in every way to be better than that. If we drink its when they are in bed and we don't ever have company after their bed time.
We believe in traditions. Christimas is most special around here, we take pride in putting xmas decorations up as a family, and all having our same stockings and special ornaments, Dh always goes overboard in picking out that one special present, even if it isn't their favorite, you can always catch DH smiling when they open it!
We let lil things go like someone gave me their dd's outgrown stuff and there were these clear shoes with heals and sparkles that my DD loves! Well, of course she wants to wear them every chance she gets (I call them "hooker shoes") and even though her daddy doesn't really like them, if we are just running to town for errands I'll let her wear them, and that just makes her day being able to strut her stuff through walgreens wearing those freaking shoes!
Of course I am also getting my fix by getting in on a deal so of course it doesn't bother me!
We always spend time with our kids individually, that is important, espicially when we have 3. I know I sometimes get carried away in everyday life so when daddy takes odd fishing, or I sit down and teach my 2nd dd how to fold towels while my odd is in pre-k, and ds is napping it is "special time" to them.
They feel important, the attention is focused on them!
I also spend extra money on letting them go to dance class, even though they are only 3 and 5, I want them to know at an early age they can be whatever they want to be meaning if they decide dance isn't for them in the future, then I'm ok with them doing something else, but anything is possible!
we sing, dance, cook, clean, do everything together! Yea, sometimes being a parent is frustrating, but so is being a child, sometime we all get stressed out, but so what it if it will take an extra 10 to 20 minutes to get dinner done b/c you let your 5 yr old help you grate the cheese for taco's, or help you mash the potatoes for dinner!
Its sooo worth it in the end, b/c they might not remember everything but they will remember one why not make the memories good!
I always tell them I love them when we go to bed, I make sure to make them breakfast every morning, I sing "I love you" (from Barney b/c when I first had #1 DD thats all I knew) to all my DC and that is a special song to them. We do crafts together, play outside together, I will take the kids to their favorite restaurant sometimes just because.
We play silly games like hide and seek in the house, peek a boo with DS...and so on...
So, its not about being a better mom, but being the best parent you can be! and that doesn't mean you have spend a ton of money to give them a magical childhood.
I'm so glad this thread was started b/c we call all look for new idea. I am writing down some of these.
All you girls are fantastic in your own way and have given me even more inspiration!
Thank you.
Visit my profile and see my link for ExpoTV-the easiest $$ I've ever made!!
Edited 10/12/07 by pretty_babies
Date: 10/15/07
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bumping because I think this is one of the best threads ever and I'm looking for more great ideas
Date: 10/15/07
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Bumping because this is a great thread and I would love more ideas.
Date: 10/15/07
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From: msjaj05
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I love this thread! I am now inspired to go home at lunch and set up a tea party for us to have when we get home later.
I am not at all a get down on the floor and play mom, I am terrrible at that and it bugs me alot. We do lots of messy stuff, DS went out to play in the mud yesterday, craft stuff is all over the place (that is somethign we all do together), I let the kids jump on the crappy couch and take all the pillows off the beds to build forts.
Some of my favorite childhood memeories are singing silly songs in the car on trips with my great-aunt and great-uncle.
DS loves to listen to big band/swing music with me, and we dance. He is currently teaching dd how to twirl, lol.
On Friday, DS had a faux sleepover at a friend's house (they are 4), and they painted pumpkins, had popcorn, and watched a movie in their sleeping bags...great fun! The bast part of it was the fun me and DD (2) had home alone....she was sad at being left out, so we watched A Little Princess and ate popcorn and painted her nails. It was so much fun, and she actualyl watched the movies and asked questions about what was happening.
I love little things that make my kids happy, it doesn't have to cost any money, just somethign slightly out of the norm that adds that magic.
Date: 10/15/07
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From: ***LINDY***
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Two things my parents did when I was little (ok, actually my mom, but dad gets credit for marrying her)...
"Love Days" I had a lot of siblings, and my mom worked weekends, so every once in a while she would let one of us skip school and have a love day (got her all to yourself, went to lunch, etc.) It was a magical day everytime.
She also played a "lost" car game where at every light someone would chose right, left, or straight. We would do this until we got completely lost and then try to find our way home (always managing to find an ice cream store on the way). To this day, I have a great sense of direction and never feel "lost".
My dad's magic was to tell us everyday that we were the most beautiful, intelligent, kind, wonderful, girls in the world. Had a boyfriend one time say "no guy will ever be able to think you are as wonderful as your dad... he set up unrealistic expectations"... and then I met my husband! I am thankful that his magic helped me never underestimate my value.
For DS, we built forts and play hide-and-seek. But honestly, I wish I had energy of my 20's to play more... although I know that's a cop-out because my dad was in his 40's! Going to try harder today.
Date: 10/15/07
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From: bcHOSTeBay_Mom
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We have picnics on the floor of the living room when it's too hot outside, we celebrate every children's holiday to the fullest - Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Halloween, etc. - we do a lot of silly stuff like sing in the car and grocery store, jump on the bed (supervised) and I let oldest DS play with the vacuum cleaner whever he wants. (He loves to clean because vacuum cleaners ARE machines, you know!)
When he was 3 he had his own pumpkin patch that he watered every day. We also let the kids put apples out in the yard for the deer. Those might seem stupid to some, but they love to know that the deer ate the apples we put out.
Date: 10/15/07
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From: KFMac
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I have two boys, 4 and 6. I absolutely adore these two little men. I try to spend time just doing for the, you know? WE watch their movies, and have picincs in the living room. They get "no mama nights" with their daddy when they all sleep in the guest room without me. I sing"The boo song" to them. It's to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree" and that's the song I have to song every night. It goes:
Oh Garren boo and Gavin Boo
Whatever would I do without you
No bluse and hazel eyes that shine so bright,
no little arms to hold me tight.
Oh Garren boo and Gavin boo
Whatever would I do without you.
We dance and play baseball in the house. I hope and pray they can look back on their childhoods with joy.
Garren 7/24/01
Gavin 2/4/03
Date: 10/15/07
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From: jenfor
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I remember things about my childhood that my parents probably didn't think anything of at the time- like sleepovers, movie and junk food night or family dinners (especially the breakfast for dinner ones or make your own pizza night). Routine type things that are ingrained in my memory for one reason or another and made my childhood "magical". I think it's important to make a special effort but at the same time I think the common things like eating dinner together or going on a family vacation are the things they will really remember.
Date: 10/15/07
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I just remembered another one after reading about the 'lost' car game....
we go on "Penny Walks". this is a tradition from DH's family--they used to do this all the time. You go on a walk with a penny, and at every intersection you flip the penny--heads is right, and tails is left. See where the penny leads you.
I agree that the stuff they'll most remember is probably stuff we don't think is a big deal. We all do "magical" stuff in our own ways. This thread is so great though for new ideas--who knows what "magic" we'll find! thanks!
VBAC Success!!
Date: 10/15/07
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We love going puddle jumpin'! Although we do have two rules. We can only do it if our boots are on, and the person standing next to you dosen't mind getting wet. We spend a lot of time pretending. The kids love "making" food for me and then I get to eat it. DS throws tea parties for his sister and I all the time. He also "builds" tree houses out of wood scraps and toy tools. We dance around the living room and play with shaving cream and pudding. We listen to kids music in the car all the time, and love to have the kids music on in the house so we can play our rythym insturments and dance around the house! We are also very big on traditions in our house. We go to the same pumpkin patch every year, try to have pictures with "Santa", pick out a toy for an underprivelaged child together. (Last year it was books for the library's book drive for kids---I think we got Sammy the Seal and Danny the Dinosaur.) We go on frequent nature walks together. Last night I came home with eight dandelions, seven rocks, four leaves and two twigs in my pockets. I also let the kids choose what they are going to wear for the most part. I must say, I wouldn't mind if the kids never wore rain boots with shorts again, but I love their individuality!
Mom to Anthony 5/30/04 and Katherine 10/20/05. Wife to Joseph 8/15/99
Date: 10/15/07
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I absolutely love this thread. I don't have time to read right now so I'm bumping to put it in my High Interest.
Thanks for the great ideas!
Nicole S.
Date: 10/15/07
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From: bumblebee398
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I cannot tell you how much I love this thread! SO many wonderful ideas, too many to count! I especially love the star cookies and moon juice, and the naughty elf--definitely going to bring those up to dh!
One thing I do for dd is to keep a special activity box in the closet. When we're out and I see a book she might like, a small surprise, a little craft project, etc., I stick it in her box (hopefully w/o her knowledge). We especially love Dover Pub.'s little books ( Then some day when we are looking for something to do, we pull out something from the box. Right now, my stock is pretty low, but I have a big bag of buttons, two make-your-own-bracelet kits, a pack of bubble stickers, a "grow your own cat" (small figure you put in water), a Miffy Thanksgiving book w/stickers, and a special box of Christmas crafts.
Dh works a part-time job at an arcade/mini golf/ice cream place, and dd is at the age where she's really starting to get into it. We go on Saturday nights at closing time (9 pm), and dd and I play skee-ball and other games while dh closes up. Then we all play duckpin bowling together, and dh lets dd pick out one or two small prizes from the prize counter. This past Saturday, she got a bouncy ball and a little doggy purse. I swear I can see the memories building in her little mind. We do this once or twice a month.
That's all I can think of... Hoping this thread stays bumped b/c it is so inspiring!
Maria, wife to Frank and mama to GracieBug 12/9/03
Date: 10/15/07
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Date: 10/15/07
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I love tradition! I like for my kids to be able to remember things that we do as a family and learn to look forward to them. Holidays come to mind-crackers after dinner on Christmas Eve (the kind you break open to find a paper crown, a fortune, and a prize), Advent calendar and wreath, I hide a pickle ornament when I decorate the tree-finder wins a prize. Every year the night before shcool starts I read "The Kissing Hand" to each of the kids. We two books to each child every night at bedtime, I play with them when I can, I take a real interest in whatever their interested. My 4YO told me this week when he grows up he's going to marry his baby sister, make and sell pickles (which he hates) and be Donald Duck at Disney World. I play along to make them feel special. I keep a scrapbook for each time (older children have more volumes that are more detailed and complete). Each year on their birthday I take out their scrapbook(s), put them on the coffee table. We look at them and share them with guests. I try to saw something nice to each , each day to make them feel good about themselves. Before we say prayers each night we talk about what we did that day and what's ahead for the next day. We go ot church together as a family. I wish I cooked more and that we ate as a family more. I love hearing about traditions that families share and wish I could think of more at the moment.
Date: 10/16/07
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From: Jenmnop
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Bumping for more great ideas...
Date: 10/17/07
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From: charliesmom0204
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Bumping for more ideas :) I'm putting the ideas into a word document so I can create a book. That way when I'm having a bad day I can pull out one of these ideas and hopefully make me laugh and help us to have a better day.
You ladies are awesome!!
Date: 10/18/07
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From: *~cassafrass~*
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My ds is still a bit young for this, but I plan to go ahead and start it this year becuase I loved it so. On December 1st my mom always made a chain of 25 links from red & green construction paper. Each night my sisters and I would tear off a link and read what it said inside. Sometimes it told us to play a certain game, make Christmas cookies or cards, open a present, watch a movie, read a book etc. I can remember looking forward to opening the next link all day at school. It was fun to do something as a family and each link meant we were one day closer to Christmas!!! This is definitely the most magical thing I remember about my childhood. My mom told me last year that she always wrote the task right before we were going to tear off the link to make sure that whatever she chose fit into that nights schedule.
I love this thread! Thanks for the great ideas.
Ramsey 5/8/06
Date: 10/18/07
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From: SebBenLuc
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What an awesome thread.
We are big holiday tradition people too. I love the naughty elf suggestion. My boys would get the biggest kick out of this.
*Instead of rushing home after school, dh lets them play on the playground every day with their friends (giving me time to come and see them too).
*We have Fiesta Taco Night every couple weeks and the kids LOVE IT! The funny thing is that 2 of the boys don't even "like" tacos. I make them special tacos with turkey and cheese rolled up in a soft tortilla and put a colored toothpick in to hold them together.
*We let the big boys sleep in the playroom on the weekends and watch a movie while they fall asleep. They love it.
*We have pancakes for breakfast on Sundays and dh makes them into different shapes and sometimes adds special ingrediants to surprise them.
Now that I'm writing I can't think... The important thing is that we take the time to listen and talk to each of them. We give them choices when possible. We love and cuddle and spend oddles of time together.
Keep this great thread going.
Date: 10/18/07
To: just-my-two-cents
From: Southern_Charm
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My very favorite activity lately is painting spider webs. I have even piqued the interest of neighbors who have never spoke to me in years! All you do is find an empty web, away from anything like a house that you wouldn't want paint on, and spray paint it. You have no idea how amazing it turns out until you actually do it. I love watching them blow in the wind afterwards too. We are on an apple green color now and they look so neat. Also, spray tunnel webs and cob webs too
We did this when I was a child, but after spray painting the web, my mom would put a piece of white posterboard on it and it would stick so we could really study the patterns. Looks really cool, too!
Date: 10/19/07
To: Southern_Charm
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Wow! I will try that one this weekend! Thanks!
Date: 10/19/07
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From: hahawillis
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bumping this thread because it is such a cool, positive thread.
Please keep the great ideas coming!
Date: 10/19/07
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Date: 10/19/07
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From: Julda
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I didn't read what everyone else posted, but here's some of the things we do:
1. We have pizza picnic movie nights on the living room floor. The kids pick out a movie, sometimes a rental, sometimes one we own, or sometimes a new movie they've been dying to see... like this month with Twitches 2! We order pizza and put a sheet down on the floor and we ALL sit down there and eat. DH has a bad back, so it's super silly to the kids to see him down on the floor.
2. Candlelight dinners. A couple times a year, usually about once a season, I make a full 7 course meal and everyone dresses up in their best clothes... shirts and ties for the guys and dresses for the ladies. The girls even get to wear jewelry and makeup and we have dinner by candlelight using our china and crystal. The guys escort us ladies to the table and help us with our chairs and it is just a magical night of dress up and fun, not to mention great table manner practice!
3. Family game night. We hold family game night once a month. The kids adore that. During the winter when we have less activities going on we do it once a week.
4. Family hikes. We will go pick up subs and have a picnic by the river, then go for a walk down the river then cut back through the woods and loop back around. On the way we come up with a theme. It could be a story, it could be an I Spy, or a made up adventure. The stories are my favorite as we will pick a theme to start off and we all add to the story as we walk along based on things we see in the woods. Sometimes we stop and dh will tell stories about parts of the trail that he remembers from being a kid and how it has changed in the last 30+ years.
5. Remembering our past. Every other Memorial weekend my family gets together and goes back to our roots in West VA. We visit the remaining friends and family there, visit family cemetaries with the elder members of the family share old stories, and explore the beauty of the area our ancestors settled and lived for so long. If it is a nice weekend we will sometimes opt to camp, which is always fun for the kids. Otherwise we rent a log cabin - which they always get a kick out of too!
There is sooooooooooooooo many other things, these are just a few and about all I have time for right now. When I get a bit more time I'll go back and read what everyone else posted. What a fun topic!!
Date: 10/20/07
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From: jojobee81
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Wow, great thread. No time to post, but I wanted to share this site, the newsletters have lots of ideas:
You all are very inspiring.
Date: 10/20/07
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From: momagainat401965
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My DD will be 2 next month so I've just started with her, but my son is 19 (almost 20) and I've done lots of stuff with him.
He was a huge Ninja Turtle fan and I scored 2nd row center seats on the day of the show. I wasn't sure if we could go so I waited till the last minute to get tickets. They released some tickets and the lady in front of me needed three and I only needed two so I got them! He had no clue we were going and I surprised him when we pulled into the lot. He was around 6 years old at the time.
I did the same thing with Harlem Globetrotters tickets. Got them last minute and scored courtside. He knew we were going but I didn't tell him how cool the seats were. When we got there, we started heading for the nosebleed section, but I stopped him and asked him if he would like to sit "down there". Of course he was like...yea sure, I wish. So I said let's go and started walking down. He freaked and was trying to talk me out of it because he didn't want to get in trouble or worse, embarrassed. I ended up handing him the tickets and telling him to find our seats...he was sooooo happy. We had an empty seat beside us and I let him go get his best friend who was sitting up higher to come down with us.
When he turned 10, I hired a guy dressed up like a chicken to surprise him at school. I cleared it with the principal and teacher. I met the chicken in the parking lot and he hid behind the door and I knocked on it. When one of the kids got up to answer it, the chicken ran around me and started yelling me sons name while flapping his wings. He handed him a bunch of balloons and led the class in Happy Birthday. I have the whole thing on video.
His dad dressed up as Santa one year and came over to my apartment after Devin fell asleep (we divorced when he was 5 but were great friends). I woke Devin up and told him I heard Santa. He was sleeping with me that night and we got up and snuck into the hall and watched Santa eat the cookies and read the card Devin left for him. I had already put out his gifts (wrapped in special Santa paper) and stuffed his stocking. I took a few pictures (proof for the non-believers) and I remember holding him and feeling him shake and feeling his heart pounding. After Santa left, we had to call upstairs to our friends apartment and warn them that Santa was on his way up, (he was doing this for a friend also). Devin was so excited that it took forever for him to fall back asleep. I will never forget that feeling either...I remember I had tears in my eyes and I was thinking how I will never forget this. This is probably my favorite memory.
Santa also always left a new pair of house shoes by his bed when he was little. He always made a comment about how quiet Santa was.
He swallowed a loose tooth once and was upset that he didnt' have anything to leave the tooth fairy. I took him outside and we found a small, white pebble about the size of his tooth and told him that we could fool the tooth fairy. He was skeptical, but was willing to try it. It worked and I still remember his face that morning and how he came running into me yelling...MOM, MOM, IT WORKED! We fooled the tooth fairy. Yes, I still have the rock.
We had to pass Baskin Robbins everyday on the way home. Once a week we would have backward dinner day when we would stop in and I'd let him get a scoop of whatever he wanted in one of the little baseball hats they had at the time. He collected all of them and still has them.
He had to switch schools in 7th grade. He had gotten to know a few kids that summer and made friends really easily, but for Halloween that year, I went all out and hosted a party at our house. I had dry ice in a couldren (flower pot) on the table, black lights in all the track and recessed lighting in the basement, spider webs all over, a black spider hanging from the ceiling, a wooden chest decked out like a coffin with a glow in the dark skeleton in it and black string lighting all over the front porch. My friend and sister came to help out and we all dressed up like much fun.
I'm sure there's more, but like a lot of the other posters, I always played with him. As soon as more leaves fall, I will be raking them up and getting outside with Keira and we will be jumping in them.
I always thought he would be my only and I've always "lived in the moment" with him. I plan to be exactly the same with my DD. I'm just glad I get a chance to do this all over again.
Good thread.
Proud mom of:
Devin 19
Keira 11/28/05
Edited 10/20/07 by momagainat401965
Edited 10/20/07 by momagainat401965
Date: 10/20/07
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From: Hugs and Hissyfits
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This is a really great thread...I've gotten all kinds of fun ideas to do with dd. I think a lot of posters are right...there are tons of things we do daily without thinking that are quite magical. That's the beauty of bring out the magic in the ordinary. Today, I ran a couple of errands while Elsie took a nap. I brought her home some new pajamas which she wanted to wear right, we went to the grocery store in pink/brown pajamas covered in pigs! At the store, we picked out cake mix, frosting, sprinkles, and cupcake liners...then we came home and made them for no reason at all. As messy as that can be with a 2 year old (my kitchen is covered in pink sprinkles), I totally enjoy spending time with her in the kitchen. One not so great thing I remember about my childhood is my mom always shooing me out of the, I want those memories with my own daughters.
I'm not overly indulgent, but I do take interest in what she likes and make sure that we spend time together as a family. It'll be hard to grow apart if we're always together! Some of the holiday suggestions are great! We already do an advent calendar and we make a cake for Jesus on Christmas Eve and throw Him a birthday party. We pick out new ornaments every Christmas, and I'm definitely going to make the Christmas paper chain this year that another poster mentioned!
One of the greatest gifts I'm giving my daughters is their parents got divorced when I was only two, and I definitely feel like I missed out on something growing up...don't get me wrong, my mom did a great job and I love her immensely, but I'm so thankful for my husband...he had no sisters growing up and all the cousins are boys as well, and we're getting ready to have our second girl...after 2 1/2 years, he's already getting the hang of tea parties...I'm happy to say that he gladly lets dd "style" his hair with brightly colored bows, etc. He pampers Elsie and I every night by lotioning our feet while we watch t.v. together. Our girls might not recognize for quite awhile what a great gift they have in a daddy, but I recognize it everyday.
Date: 10/20/07
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From: Cupcake^Ninja
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My oldest ds' favorite book when he was 3-4 was Green Eggs & Ham, so one morning I added green food coloring to his green eggs & ham. He STILL talks about it to this day about how cool that was, and can't wait for youngest ds to understand the book so he can make him a "green" breakfast, too.
Our oldest sons (9 &11) LOVE when I do April Fool pranks on them, I never remind them of the date, so they usually don't see it comming.
We like to camp out in the living room where we all bring our top mattresses in and line them up, watch movies and have a slumber party.
Sometimes ( like 2X a year), we surprise the boys with stay a night in a hotel with an indoor pool, so we can all go swimming anytime during our stay, even in bad weather. It's like a mini vacation for all of us!
I love this thread!!
Date: 10/20/07
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From: Mama2Royalty
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His dad dressed up as Santa one year and came over to my apartment after Devin fell asleep (we divorced when he was 5 but were great friends). I woke Devin up and told him I heard Santa. He was sleeping with me that night and we got up and snuck into the hall and watched Santa eat the cookies and read the card Devin left for him. I had already put out his gifts (wrapped in special Santa paper) and stuffed his stocking. I took a few pictures (proof for the non-believers) and I remember holding him and feeling him shake and feeling his heart pounding. After Santa left, we had to call upstairs to our friends apartment and warn them that Santa was on his way up, (he was doing this for a friend also). Devin was so excited that it took forever for him to fall back asleep. I will never forget that feeling either...I remember I had tears in my eyes and I was thinking how I will never forget this. This is probably my favorite memory.
Ok.. this made me bawl! I love it!
My mom and I were talking about one of my cars falling apart and I said " I guess I should have spent more time in the garage with Daddy when I was a kid". She then mentioned that I wasn't spending any of my time in the kitchen either because I can't cook. I told her.. But I had a really great childhood. That's so much better in my book!
Date: 10/20/07
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From: ItzKelly
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I love what everyone has written!
Angela, the story about holding your son while watching 'Santa' brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely gift of a memory you and he share.
Date: 10/28/07
To: KFMac
From: jojobee81
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I sing"The boo song" to them. It's to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree" and that's the song I have to song every night. It goes:
Oh Garren boo and Gavin Boo
Whatever would I do without you
No bluse and hazel eyes that shine so bright,
no little arms to hold me tight.
Oh Garren boo and Gavin boo
Whatever would I do without you.
I usually sing "You are my Nathan" (sunshine) to my son at bedtime, but I had this one stuck in my head lately and I've been singing this one - he loves it!! So thanks
This thread is in my faves and I come back to it often, you ladies can really tug on my heartstrings LOL
Edited 10/28/07 by jojobee81
Date: 10/28/07
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From: KaRiZzMaTiKaL_oNe
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I remember being little and the smallest things being magical.... playing in the mud, stamping in puddles... of course there were the holidays. My parents weren't really the 'involved' type, they both worked full time after I started kindergarden and after work they spent a good chunk of their time at the bar (they both had an alcohol problem) so I was pretty much alone to be watched by my older brother when he didnt dissapear and made life magical myself. So I've made it my goal to make my sons life "magical" and I think just involving myself is a big part of it. We don't have a lot of material things, we're broke most of the time, but we have a blast and he is happy and thats all that matters. As a single mom, I put a lot of pressure on myself to make sure my son is happy. At least once a year we do have a trip somewhere, like the aquarium or zoo... we live in the middle of nowhere so going to the zoo is over a 3 hour drive. This year we're going to see the wiggles. We play pretend and dress up in funny clothes and dance and sing... I put on random shows for him and he laughs his butt off.
On top of involving myself in his world, I also let him be involved. He can help pick out what he wears, when we go clothes shopping he helps pick clothes out. If I want to get him a plain blue shirt and he's hell bent on a shirt with a cat on it, he's getting the shirt with the cat. I let him help in everyday activities even if it makes impatient people angry (like, pay at the grocery store.... he wants to pay for his stuff with his money and I'm going to let him, even if the man behind me in line rolls his eyes and huffs that we're taking too long).
Date: 10/28/07
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From: PeeweeChubster
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I love to read about your boys. I have two as well Arron - will be 4 in Jan and Gavin - 6 in May. I call them Gavin Goo and Arron Goo all the time - a bit like what you call your boys.
Here are some things I hope give my boys a good childhood.
-We took cardboard boxes, covered them in wrapping paper, cut doors and windows out and made a "doghouse" for DS3's stuffed dogs and "cathouse" for DS 5's cats. They each have like 5 animals.
-I decorated my boys room with Batman (for older DS) and Superman (for younger DS) we have border, valences, cloth wallhangings, and various decorations. They love their room.
-They put their clean underware on their heads and chase me around the house as "underpants monsters".
- We have picnics on a sheet in the living room where their action figures and stuffed animals are guests. We put out paper plates and Dixie cups - and put all kinds of food on plates. Usually these aren't planned. One time they ate a can of cold green beans. Last time, however, the bad guy action figures had a huge fight with the good guys AT the picnic.
-We have a play structure in the backyard. The kids take their blankets. pillows, sippy cups, coloring books and crayons/books/snacks in their fort and hang out in their for a couple hours at a time. Sometimes this fort is a pirate ship, a space ship, and any other structure they come up with.
-I play toys with them all the yime - like castle Imaginext and dinosaurs.
-I sing songs for the before bed - sometimes I wear a dinosaur puppet and sing to them in a deep voice as a puppet
-DH and I put them on our shoulders and play "chicken" around the house
-I cut their PBJ into animal shapes with cookie cutters.
-Mostly I am spontaneous. I was cleaning out the garage and DS3 found a frog in our garage - we live in Cali and I think he came in to escape the smoke. Anyway, I caught him, we named him, looked at him in the container and then took him down to the end of the street to the natural preserve there and released him and said goodbye. My youngest said " Now he will go find his Mommy."
Jenny Sven Gavin 5 Arron 3
Date: 10/28/07
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From: Seether
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Thanks to everyone! You have given me some fun ideas! Here's the only thing I could think of to contribute.
My 4 yo DD knows what's up, but she still plays along for my benefit.
When she comes downstairs in the morning, I will take a look at her and say, "Wait a minute! Did you grow while you were sleeping? Weren't you about this tall last night?" Then I hold up my hand at the level of the top of her head. I say, "Come here. Let me see if you grew."
While she is walking toward me, I lower my hand a little so that by the time she reaches me, my hand is at her chin level (or her nose, or her chest - it varies). I say "Holy Moly! You did grow!"
I will never forget the first time I did this. The look on her face - She could not believe she had grown 6 inches since last night!
And then at bedtime I remind her not to grow too much while she's sleeping or she might not fit in her bed (or her jammies) anymore. She says "Ha ha, OK Mommy, I will!"
Date: 10/28/07
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Angela, that was a GREAT story about your son seeing Santa! You have me wondering who I can get to help us pull that off this year...
Date: 10/29/07
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From: Brandi_mom2_3gr8kdz
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What a wonderful & inspiring thread. I love the leprecaun & the elf stories!
I do alot of the things mentioned.
We love tea partys all dressed up with hats & gloves, we have a back to school tradition with a tea party with friends.
Also on the girls birthdays I go to school & take them a special lunch usually a tea party complete with hot tea in a thermos & sugar cubes. We always have a big party, my girls birthdays are 6 days apart so they share a party. On their actual birthday they have thier own cake & they plan the whole meal for the day. Breakfast, lunch & dinner.
We love to do a scavanger hunt. We plan it out & walk around or ride the 4 wheeler searching for things on the list. We do it as a family.
My DH wakes them up each morning for school & brushes the girls hair to make the mornings so smoothly. It is so sweet! He also picks them up on his day off & always takes them to get icee's. This is something small but has lots of meaning to them.
We use to always have pizza night on Fridays & have family movie night. We have gotten away from doing that but need to bring it back. :)
We do all still believe in Santa, Easter bunny, & tooth fairy. Im sure it wont be long for my oldest DD she is going to be 10 soon. She questioned thanks to kids at school last year. I just hope to keep it going as long as I can. It makes it so magical for them.
Oh the toothfairy story reminded me. My youngest DD was so sad when my oldest DD lost her 1st tooth. She wanted to leave the tooth fairy a tooth under the pillow too. She found some bubba teeth that we had in the dress up chest & she left the tooth fairy those. She said she wanted to twick the toothfaiwy (she has trouble with her R's) The tooth fairy fell for DD trick & left her money & candy. (our toothfairy leaves candy too in hopes to get more teeth soon)
I also make my kids costumes each year for Halloween. My mom did that for me & it was so special to me. I have done this for my kids each year & they love their one of a kind costumes.
Something my dad did for me each year when I was a kid was wake me up singing to me each morning. It use to annoy me when I was so tired. But it was so special how he was. Great memories!!
Looking forward to reading more great ideas on here.
We have some truley amazing moms on this board!
Date: 11/18/07
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From: 3girls4me05
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I am bumping this because somehow I missed this in October. What a great thread. And I have two to add
In the summer months we go on "adventures". We piled into the car and drive around and go down streets we have never been before just to see. Seems so simple but my kid's love it. They beg to go on adventures!
We also do the leprachaun thing. My children build traps to try to catch him while they are sleeping. Their traps are always disturbed slightly and there is a note from him. My DH is a machinist and he makes leprachaun gold for them. This year he made enough for them to take it to school and share it with their class.
Date: 11/18/07
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From: no1spartan
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I kept meaning to post to this one... but we do a very magical thing this time of year.
Every year, I get tickets for my daughters and I to attend the Nutcracker Ballet. We dress up in our finest holiday wear and I even let them put on lipstick (oh, so special!). Then I let them choose the venue for dinner. They also order by themselves and while we wait for our meal, we sit and talk grownup style. After dinner, we go to the nutcracker and as soon as we are in our seats, I present them with their very own nutcracker. I try to find the most special, beautifully nutcracker around. They love holding their "prince" while we watch the play. At the end of the show, I tuck their program into their baby box, along with any other mementos from the evening. They sleep with their nutcrackers for months and often I find them still looking at them in July! This is our fourth year and they are so excited... so much so, that even DH said he wanted to attend this year! He has no idea about men in tights! LOL!
Date: 11/20/07
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From: just-my-two-cents
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PP the story about you and your little ladies was so sweet! Talk about making memories! LoL
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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