Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Where's the money go?

Has anyone received a receipt...

...from the donation we made to the July mom's who lost their babies?

It occurred to me a couple of weeks ago we should be receiving something from the march of dimes. While I was completing my taxes this year I realized how much I could save next year if I itemized, but I need a receipt to count that donation. Every little bit helps at tax time! Then yesterday, I'm packing up my "office", and I was thinking that I would like to have all my tax stuff together for when I unpack some time later this year. I'd like to get this nailed down before I forget since we will be very busy with our LO's.

I'm having trouble getting a straight answer from those people who collected. I have asked about the donations before, because I was one of the people that donated and thought the $ might possibly go where they said it was going. I tried to send them an e-mail and it got bounced. Needless to say I have received no receipt, no email or note saying how it was spent or anything.

Does any one know any of the moms who lost a baby and if they recieved anything????

Posted on 5/6/08

We sent in one full payment to the March of Dimes. Mosey went onto the board and stated that time and time again.

Your 10.00 donation is dated March 7th, 2008 Casey so it is not usable for the past year. I don't think the March of Dimes is going to send out multiple donation receipts at all as it was a one time payment. We have violently explained this time and time again. The amount donated was less than 100.00 and personally I'm not too worried about taking any credit on my income taxes for those funds and don't think any of us can since it was not in a persons name but as a group as a whole.

If the 10.00 you gave is going to have an effect on your taxes and you need a receipt then I'll be happy to send you out an email in regards to that and give you your transaction number.

And as far as the donations go, I do not see why this is still such a huge issue when it has been explained over and over and over by Mosey and myself. We are both tired of the rants concerning these funds and have alerted BBC about all of this also so they are aware.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Wow! Talk about down-playing by using the amount, I think it's the thought that counts and that thought deserved an explanation a long time ago if a donor wasn't sure.

I guess it isn't important since it wasn't for $42,000.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I'm glad that the donations were made, I have to admit I was curious about this and so no mention at all that the donation was made. If this was posted time and time again, I surely missed it, I guess I have been off boards.

Have there been any responses from the Moms that the donations were made for? I'm curious to know how they are doing, but am reluctant to reach out.

Mosey and Eva- Have you heard anything?

Posted on 5/6/08
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You're wrong about it not counting on my tax's. If I donate $10 here...$10 there...$5 there...it adds up. Anyother place I have EVER donated to has given me a recipt. Weather it be a trash bag of clothes or random house hold items.

I donate ALOT of used material because of my work back ground. I know how charity works.

I must have missed the explinations. I only read 1 that said you PLAN was to send the $$ to the March of dimes.

It's a huge issue because I was told my $$ was going to a certain cause and I have no proof that it was carried out. By you or the mothers that you were planing to honor.

I don't care if I donated 50 cents ot $1000. I want to know where my $$ went.

I would like a copy of the proof you 2 got when our $$$ was donated today.

Posted on 5/6/08
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P.S. My e-mail address is casey.koenig@hotmail.com I'll be looking for it. Thanks so much!

We have violently explained this time and time again.

Can you point me in the direction of those explinations?

Posted on 5/6/08
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I never saw Mosey post it OVER AND OVER again. I never saw it posted once where the money went.

Thank you, Casey, for asking about it. I know it took some guts to ask for it, after what happened every other time any one has asked after it.

It is sad that asking a simple question makes people nervous due to the hostile environment. There is no reason why people should be afraid to ask a legitimate question, simply because of the often volatile responses they will get.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Yeah..I kinda feel attacked. Frown

Posted on 5/6/08
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It's easy to miss threads when they are constantly reported and deleted like I'm sure this one is already in the process of disappearing....

Posted on 5/6/08
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I didn't say that your donation didn't count. I said it wouldn't count for this tax year we just went through. And the March of Dimes does not email you confirmation of a donation that is that small in amount. Once you donate you get a page that thanks you for your support and tells you that your support goes to help fund support and education of preterm labor and delivery. I have never donated to March of Dimes via online so I was uneducated regarding how they manage they're online donations.

Mosey had a spreadsheet where the ones who donated could post a note to the mom's who lost their little ones. Those private messages were sent to the mom's along with the donator's name.

Mosey and I both mentioned this all time and time again on the other board. Everyone thought the March of Dimes was a super choice and seemed very happy with it. I don't see why their is an issue now with it again ... other than to cause more of a stir.

Casey ... like I mentioned, if you need something for your taxes, I'll be glad to send you your transaction information for your personal tax purposes if you need it. Just let me know.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I stand corrected. After I went back into my BBC folder in my yahoo account, I did find a note that I received from the March of Dimes. Here is its contents.

Dear Eva,

Thank you for your donation. Your generous support of the March of Dimes has:

- helped 3.3 million uninsured children get health insurance…
- enabled more women to receive prenatal care…
- and helped educate pregnant women about the benefits of taking folic
acid – which may help spare their unborn babies from neural tube
birth defects.

In short, hundreds of thousands of babies have been saved from low
birthweight, birth defects, and even untimely death – because people like
you cared enough to give to the March of Dimes.

Each time you read that our nation’s infant mortality rate is at an
all-time low or that groundbreaking research is helping women deliver
healthier babies, I hope you give yourself a pat on the back.

Because gifts like yours help the March of Dimes make these and other
vital advances possible.

Your ongoing support will help fund lifesaving programs that educate,
advocate and investigate - all in an effort to save America’s babies
from prematurity, birth defects and other threats to their health.

On behalf of our nation’s babies, and their loving parents, I thank
you for your support.

Best regards,

Dr. Jennifer L. Howse
March of Dimes

For the purposes of your financial records, no goods or services were provided in exchange for your gift.

Posted on 5/6/08
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And Casey .. your transaction will show up in your paypal history for March 7th, 2008 on 14:09:53 PST. You should already have a copy of that receipt you sent out. If you made mention of it being a donation in your transaction then that should suffice on your taxes. Hope that helps.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Obviously it wouldn't count for the tax season we just went through.

There is NO WAY a company like the March of Dimes didn't give you a receipt for $ or other items donated to them. It's the law. They have to.

It wasn't an issue again. It was brought up for the reasons I stated in the OP. You became very defencive in your response. Which alarms me BTW.

I obviously want transaction information. I asked for it in the OP and I asked for it in my last post. I would like a proof from the march of dimes please NOT the paypal. I got that from them.

I would also like the names of the mothers we honored. I would like to contac them and send them a personal message.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I posted what I got from March of Dimes. And I don't have the spreadsheet of names and I am not at liberty to give out personal email addresses without prior consent. Mosey has all that information along with the notes and email address. I will tell you however that I seriously doubt Mosey is going to give out someone else's email addresses without their consent. Her husband is in law enforcement and she is very caution about doing anything that could lead to issues. You are more than welcome to contact her however. She's clickable.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I went through a loss a few years ago, and I was very touched to see you guys collect money on behalf of the moms.

The only post I saw about it said that you guys were going to contact the moms to see if they would like a plaque or something. I thought this was a very nice idea too, something the moms could have to remind them of the online group who cared for them. When members of the online group I was a member of sent me emails, I kept them. I still have them and remember those women for supporting me.

Did our group send plaques or something else to the moms?

Just curious.

LA Terri
Posted on 5/6/08
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You are right. I do have the receipt from paypal. I want proof MY $$$ went from YOUR account to march of dimes.

I want the date. The transaction #. The amount donated. And 1 name or e-mail address of the mothers you honored so that I KNOW they were aware of the donation.

Thank you.

Posted on 5/6/08
Pass a Note!

You can give them my e-mail address.

They can click on me here at BBC.

Posted on 5/6/08
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LA Terri ...

We had looked into getting plaques too for the mom's but when all the drama broke out on our group from mom's who just wanted to create issues and were ones who never even donated a dime, we opted to just send the funds to the march of dimes and not ask the mom's for addresses to send gifts. We did post a link however to alert them to a website that offered free plaques to memoralize their babies. We thought that was the least we could do.

This was a WONDERFUL idea and the mom's who donated were 99.9% supportive of the decision to send the funds to the March of Dimes. Mosey and I decided once the smoke cleared and everything was done and over with that we would NEVER do this again. What we thought was a wonderful idea and a great way to show our support turned into a heinous drama thread that brought NO glory to anything. It only created more hurt for the mom's involved who lost babies. It was very sad that through our token of support, it got turned around.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I'm sorry that it caused so much drama. I think that if those of us that donated were each sent proof of the transaction made it wouldn't have been so messy. We could have defended you and Mosey.

From a business point of view this was NOT handled correctly from the get go. I'm surprised with all you business back ground.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Oh, I was unaware that there was drama around the collection. That is too bad.

Hey, if the plaques are free, why didn't we as a group get the plaques made for the moms? That seems like it would have been a good idea since there was drama and those moms probably saw it...

I hope the moms know who much our group cared for them. Maybe those free plaques should still be created by those who collected or someone else. Maybe pictures could be taken of them once they are recieved and a thread created just for the moms so that they can see them and send you a note with their addresses if they are interested in them. I mean if they are free...

LA Terri
Posted on 5/6/08
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If someone wants to take that on, I'm sure I can find the link to that website again. The issue with the plaques came up because several people threw a fit about us asking for addresses to send the stuff. That's why the one time donation came into play. To be honest with you, Mosey and I got so tired of answering the rants of people who never even donated that we were just more than happy to get rid of it and move forward.

The plaque idea was wonderful and the best part was that it cost NOTHING! LOL! And they were beautiful. I have no issues passing on the website information if someone wants to attempt that. I'd recommend you proceed with caution as there is ALWAYS someone who is going to start something no matter how great your intentions are.

Good luck and let me know if you want that link. I'm off to have lunch and finish up my work for the afternoon.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Not all my questions were answered!!! Can someone get me in contact with the mom's you honored??

I did not get the opportunity to send a note to the moms, and I would like the opportunity now.

One post said that reciepts would be sent to moms who wanted them, and I want one. Why was the donation made as one donation if you were going to give reciepts?

The donations should have been made in each mom's name who donated so that they could get individualized reciepts.

Posted on 5/6/08
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You are right. I do have the receipt from paypal. I want proof MY $$$ went from YOUR account to march of dimes.

I want the date. The transaction #. The amount donated. And 1 name or e-mail address of the mothers you honored so that I KNOW they were aware of the donation.

Thank you.

Posted on 5/6/08

Guess that one is getting completely ignored...

Posted on 5/6/08
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I would love that link. As a mother who has suffered a loss, I know that the mothers would appreciate a memorial from our group.

I wish I had seen more of the nasty posts you are talking about, maybe I could have said something to help clear the air.

But, from what I have seen, when there is a drama in this group, sometimes there is no clearing the air until proof is posted or an explanation is given.

I think the plaques are a good idea, and maybe I can find some volunteers to help me get that done for the moms. I will search around.

Thanks for offering the link.

LA Terri
Posted on 5/6/08
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Terr- I would love to help you.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Volunteer, here. If we are doing nothing shady, then there is no reason for there to be drama.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I would still like to know how the Moms are doing.

Casey- When you are forwarded the information for the Moms that the donation was made in honor of, would you ask them if they would mind if you reported back to the board with their status and how they are doing? I think you at this point are our only link to them and I know we would all like an update.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Quoting: "One post said that reciepts would be sent to moms who wanted them, and I want one. Why was the donation made as one donation if you were going to give reciepts? The donations should have been made in each mom's name who donated so that they could get individualized reciepts."

Mosey nor I had ever donated to the March of Dimes online before so we were unsure how it worked. One donation was done from our board as a whole. You have a paypal receipt that will cover you on taxes. And you can take this thread and print it as proof. Also the mom's who lost LO's all have a thread in the birth announcements on the old board. I'm sure many of them are clickable. I would hope they are approached with cooth and not just to incite further hurt as MANY of them were and are offended at the treatment of all the drama on the board regarding the donations and pictures of their little ones.

And as far as me blasting my personal information from a financial account online, I don't think so. I am shocked that you would even think that I would disclose my personal information from a financial account when "some of you all" have ransacked photobucket accounts, babiesrus accounts, other registries. The amount you donated was 9.41 once paypal took out their fee. If it is THAT big of a deal to you Casey, then I'll be more than gracious to send your 9.00 back to you. You are sadly displaced if you think I'm posting ANY of my financial information here for you or ANYONE to have a field day with.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Tristie- If I get any of the honored moms to contact me I will most definitely post it for everyone to see the second I receive one.

Isn't there a loss board somewhere on the OBBC? Maybe some of our mom's are there? I seem to be running into a brick wall here trying to contact them. I wonder if it would be hard to find our July moms over there? Any suggestions?

Posted on 5/6/08
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Terri ..

Here is that link to Spencer's Hope for the free plaques. Hope this helps and I commend your efforts!


Posted on 5/6/08
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Of course there's a birth announcement thread there. As far as I know all the mom's who lost lo's are on there. Good luck in your efforts. I'd contact them to make sure they didn't order their own plaques already too and you'll need weight, height, birth info for the plaques too. Hope that helps.

Off to lunch, run errands and work.

Let us know how you are doing with the plaques!

Posted on 5/6/08

Eva- I don't think thats what Casey asked you for, you might want to re-read her post. I really think that you are blowing this out of proportion, it was an honest question. When someone solicits donations on a public message board, there should be a certain degree of accountability that follows and I think thats all Casey was asking for.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I don't think she wanted a copy of your bank statement or anything, calm down.

The letter that you posted from MOD had no dollar amount. Meaning that you could have donated 10 bucks and not the total amount. I think she just wants to be sure that all is on the up and up. And before you get offended that someone MIGHT think you are dishonest, please remember that no one here knows you personally and we have to beware of anyone.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I run a non profit from home, and when we started things, I did a bunch of research on how donation had to be handled. I found out that the donor needs to get a reciept with the foundation's name and tax id number on the reciept. It is optional for a non profit to send a reciept if the donation is for less than $250, but if one is requested, the non profit must send you one.

Maybe you could contact the March of Dines, the lady who sent you the letter, and ask her for a receipt stating the amount that you sent. I am sure she would comply and then the people who wanted proof would be satisfied and your personal financial information would not be an issue.

Just a suggestion. I would hate to see more drama over this very thoughtful attempt to support those who lost their little ones.

LA Terri
Posted on 5/6/08
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Eva- Calm down.

I don't recall asking for your personal account information. I'm sorry if you assumed that's what I was asking. I'm not asking for my $$$ back either. I never once asked for that. All I'm asking for is a clear cut answer to my ?'s. I feel like I'm getting the run around. I appreciate the copy of the letter you received from the MOD. BUT there was no amount posted on the letter. Nor was there a date on the letter. For all I know you JUST donated today.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Thanks Terri ... I'll definitely look into that! That would certainly help and safeguard my personal information.

Posted on 5/6/08
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So Your offering to send Casey her donation back but you cant just get the receipt from either the March of Dimes or from your paypal account saying that the money went to the march of dimes. It doesnt matter if you donated $1 or $42,000. You get a receipt with EVERY donation you make if you would like one. Why do you keep avoiding that part of the subject?? there should be a receiptshouldnt have a problem showing everyone the receipt IF that is actually SOMEWHERE and you where the money went!

Posted on 5/6/08
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I smell something that starts with an F and rhymes with "ISH." Eva - is there a reason why you continuously beat around the bush concerning this issue? Is there any reason why you can't just give Casey the proof she's asking for?

Posted on 5/6/08
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Casey, correct me if I'm wrong, but the way I see it, you just want to know how much of the money went to the mums in question, or if any of it was needed for administrative or other costs?

I know that you can find info about registered charities that will tell you what percentage of your donation actually gets to the people it was intended for. I think you are just looking for a little more transparency in this situation.

I'm sorry that you've had so much trouble with this, but truthfully, this mess is why I'd never send money to someone I 'met' on the internet. I choose to send my charitable donations to registered charities so that I can be sure where my money went.

Good luck getting the info you need and good for you for getting your tax stuff for next year organized before your lo arrives. You've obviously had lots of experience with kids!

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Did you ever receive a receipt for ANYthing, Casey? I mean, after all the money WAS apparently donated, and there WAS a promise that moms who donated would receive a receipt, correct?? So, why on earth was this promise of receipts made, and never followed through on?

Posted on 5/6/08
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Wow... Sorry Casey... seems like this turned into a heated question. Eva, as a newby on the nbbc, it appears that you have blown this way out of proportion. I am pretty sure this didnt have to go this far. It appears that this is a straight forward and honest question that has been turned around and run through the bushes. I dont quite understand how hard it is to just be straight forward and help Casey out?

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The letter from MOD shows a donation was made. Eva is looking into getting the letter, like Terri suggested. Right now she is having some lunch and running some errands, so we will see what she can get from MOD with an amount on it.

And the reason there were no personal reciepts sent was because one lump sum was donated after the ordeal became a huge hassle.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I NEVER received anything until today (which is not enuff).

To be honest I could really care less about the stupid $10.

What I care about is the total amount.

Why am I not getting a straight answer?

Why was a receipt offered and never sent out?

Why has no one else stepped up and said they got a receipt?

Why did none of the honored moms make a public thank you?

Why are the people in question stating that they are being harassed when inquiries about the $$ come up?

Posted on 5/6/08
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Has anyone contacted the moms to find out if they have been aware of the donation. I mean the reason why the collection was taken in the first place was to honor them, and I remember when I was going through my loss that knowing the women from my group cared meant a lot to me.

Do the women know a donation was made on their behalf to the MOD?

I would hate to see all of this drama for nothing, I mean the whole point was to help them feel supported and cared for...

LA Terri
Posted on 5/6/08
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I just want to know that a donation was actually made. I want to be sure that it didn't go into a personal account.

I wasn't worried that it was in a personal account this morning (see OP). But not that I'm getting the runaround I am concerned.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I wonder how much $ was an acceptable amount to donate so as not to be bashed by the donation collector. If you have to keep reminding everyone of her insignificant donation than why don't you post for the public how much you donated. After all, it wasnt about the money, it was about a kind gesture for the grieving Moms. $10 can be a lot to some people especially now given the economy, not to mention our LO's on the way. That makes me so sad to see someone reach out and donate and then to have to feel belittled for the amount they donated. That was totally unnecessary and classless IMO.

Posted on 5/6/08
Pass a Note!

his CANNOT become a huge finger pointing session, or it will be deleted.

Eva has said that she will look into getting the letter from MOD, like Terri has suggested. Terri runs a non-profit (or something close, I think) so she has a little more insight into the donations side of this.

It may take a day or so for Eva to get a response from MOD, but as she made the donation, she will have to be the one to get the reciept. Let's see how that goes. We can beat this into the ground, or we can be civil, and give her the time necessary to get the reciept for Casey and the others who donated.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I just went over to the loos board and there is a thread full of July 08 moms. I didn't have to contact the moms because I found a thread that had some information about donations to them on it.

I didn't receive anything and I'm pretty sure no on else here did either.

frog, apparently a lot of ladies contributed, but they are getting upset b/c there was no communication after the initial "collection" that went straight to this woman's paypal account.

the thing is, she is still posting!!!!

I was angry on your behalf's, then realized that I didn't see anyone post about it (that had a loss) and it occurred to me you all might not know anything about it.

It was so sweet of those ladies who did donate. You ladies were very well loved and definitely missed by the group at large (based off what I have seen).

Eeep...doesn't sound good....it was lovely of any mums who may have contributed donations and I'd like to say thanks to all of them, but I don't think we know anything about it here. Just lots of good support and friendship from the other ladies on our board.


If this lady is scamming people, it seems like there should be somewhere to report it.Sounds like no one on here has seen any of their donations. As for the thread on bad things happening to bad people - I would read it, but I learned a while ago that people like that aren't worth my time or energy.

That was sweet of those ladies to try to do something for us, but all I've really needed here is support and understanding. We have a really great group of girls here and that is all that matters to me.


Posted on 5/6/08
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I appreciate the public "Thanks" from the mom that had no idea the donation was made til yesterday.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Hey, I run a real non profit www.nicafund.org

Yea, I think it might take evajessee a few days to get the reciept. Our orgnanization is not as big as MOD by any means, but sometimes it takes me a day or two to turn around a request if someone looses their receipt and needs a replacement. We should give her some time to get in contact with the MOD and for them to respond.

Yea - on keeping it civil too. I mean the whole point was to do something for the moms who suffered a loss. Since I had a loss when I was on a birth board, this situation is of particular interest to me. I appreciated it so much when the moms took the time to email me with their condolences. They did not take a collection for me or anything like that, but they helped me a lot with their words of encouragement and understanding.

LA Terri
Posted on 5/6/08
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i do agree that it may take some time for MOD to get back to Eva. that being said, i feel sorry for casey who in my opinion asked a question without calling anyone out and asked it without verbally attacking or insinuating any wrong doing. but somehow it becomes this whole big fiasco with warnings that it may need to be deleted. why? why oh why do things end up this way when they were not started this way???????????????????????

can't we all ask questions in a civil manner such as casey did and get some answers or at least the resolution to FIND the answers without walking into a field of manure on the way???????

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I wasn't sure if it was non-profit/not-for-profit/or something else, so I didn't want to call it something else.

Awesome work, Terri!!!!

Posted on 5/6/08
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I agree, lets keep this thread civilized, too many threads get deleted for drama when there is a real discussion underlying them.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I love it when people beat around the bush and can't give a straight answer...

Just for the record...I read the boards EVERY single day, several TIMES a day and I never once saw a thread that said the money was donated and when. My guess is they posted it on the July 08 Board on NBBC, that Eva runs and no one checks. That would be my guess. They certainly didn't cover their bases. Big surprise.

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Those moms on that particular loss board were not even on our board. The spreadsheet that Mosey started was for Terrianna initially. After that, we lost several more (Elena, Julie and Marlene) from what Mosey had down. Donators were directed to a google document that allowed them to access all the information and send notes directly to the mom's. A total of 65.00 was noted on the spreadsheet.

Another issue that came up was that people were VIOLENTLY opposed to including mom's who chose to terminate their pregnancy based on a diagnosis. We caught a TON of heck over that too. So in an effort to appease everyone and not leave anyone feeling left out, we just donated it to any moms who lost their little ones during July 2008. We didnt' necessarily send out condolences to women not on our board we didn't know.

It was a wonderful idea gone wrong because everyone formulated an opinion on who they wanted to receive it and who they did not. There were tons of controversy about including some and not others. We had NO idea it was going to be opposed by some. So we made a bad situation right by just donating a "cover type donation" that would cover the mom's in general and it didn't leave any out or made them feel wrong.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Those moms on that particular loss board were not even on our board. we just donated it to any moms who lost their little ones during July 2008.

They were on our board. And from what you said it should have covered them as well.

Donators were directed to a google document that allowed them to access all the information and send notes directly to the mom's. A total of 65.00 was noted on the spreadsheet.

I missed that. Would you mind directing me to it now?

You directed me to the board where I can find the moms we donated to. I found mom's but you say they are the wrong mom's. Can you have one of the mom's we donated to contact me? You have my info and you said you have their info. Hope fully this wont be a problem.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I don't have contact information for the mom's. That wasn't the part I was involved in. I assume they are clickable. You can probably access them from their profile or birth pictures. And I didn't direct you to a loss board. I directed you to the loss thread on OUR board. I had no idea there was an entire board dedicated to losses in July2008. I was referring to the loss thread our mom's announced with on our board.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I don't remember how many women suffered a loss on the Sept 05 board that I was on, since I left quickly after the medical diagnosis was given to us. I left quickly because I did not want to hear the judgments of women who would not or did not agree with tx for medical reasons.

It is so sad to me that a loss due to tx, miscarriage, or due to preterm labor would be distinguished. Both situations are a loss and a sad situation for the mother. I am so sad to hear there was drama over who should be represented from the collection.

On the birth thread, there are 7 posts. I have not read through them since they were posted, and I don't remember their names or circumstances, but it is sad that we have had atleast 7 women who suffered.

The plaques should be made for them from our group, a darm shame there were judgments over who should have recieved support from the group. A darn shame!

LA Terri
Posted on 5/6/08
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Oh .. and as far as the google document, I didn't set that one up and take care of it. I don't have that link or its information. It wasn't published as it had personal information on it from the mom's who donated on it.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Sorry you have not received your answer yet Casey, I agree with PPs as it may take some time for her to get the receipt. Best of luck getting what you need!

On a side note, that was truly a selfless act donating something in memory of the little angels!

Posted on 5/6/08
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I don't have contact information for the mom's. That wasn't the part I was involved in. Who was involved in that part? Mosey right? I directed you to the loss thread on OUR board. I didn't know we had one on our board.

Posted on 5/6/08

I agree Terri. You can NOT imagine the hell we caught over trying to do something as simple as honor these mom's. We all finally just said , "Screw it" and get this over with and that's what we did. We caught utter HELL for trying to do something nice and that's precisely why the plaques were not done either. If random people who NEVER even donated were complaining about wanting a voice in the gift, they complained because we'd need address and personal information for the gifts. Then we started getting hate mail for including ALL mom's and they didn't want us to give to a mom who chose to terminate.

You can NOT imagine what we went through. I am just SO glad its over and done with. It was a wreck from day 2 on. And 99.9% of those who complained didn't even have a dime invested. That was what floored us more than anything. It just went to further prove that the agenda was with "who" was doing this versus "what" was being done.

I'm sorry to hear about your previous loss too. It is a hard thing to endure.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Casey, She means the birth announcements board on the July OBBC, which right now is a loss thread, because to my knowledge, so far, none of the babies have survived.

And she also means that the google document was directed toward the MOMS that had a loss, I think, not the moms that donated.

Right? Or did I read that all wrong, too?

Posted on 5/6/08
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I would assume so Leah. I didn't take part in that part of it, so I can only assume. I don't think it was intended for public view as it contained personal information of the ones who donated and personal letters to the mom's who lost their lo's.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I might lose my cool on that part. I will be the first to say that I did not donate a single red cent. My words of encouragement were the only thing I could offer at that time.

But to distinguish between who was considered a loss, and who was considered not to be a loss because of AHC is unconscionable. I had no idea that it turned into a morals review instead of love and caring for women who LOST a child, no matter what the reasons behind the loss were.

That makes me sick.

Posted on 5/6/08
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the google doc was for the donators to send notes to the moms who lost LOs

if casey searched the old bbc i wonder if it would come up?

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Oh ... it got HORRID. You cannot imagine. We were FLOODED with emails from those who disagreed with WHO should get what. It was NOT pretty. We refused to pick and choose anyone. That is why we did one donation in memory of July 2008 moms and never listed a name one as the recipient. It was at that point we decided .. forget this! We were not going to get flamed for doing this and we refused to pick and choose who got what honor. We felt it was getting entirely out of hand and controversial. And after that, others tried to donate into it too and we declined ALL further donations so we could get the money to the MOD and get that monkey off our backs.

Posted on 5/6/08
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It was for Mosey (or whomever) to keep track of the notes for the moms with a loss, and for the info on those moms.

I don't think it was ever made available to the donators.

Posted on 5/6/08
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So this is what I gather...tell me if I'm wrong.

No one received a receipt. If I want one I have to hunt one down myself even though I was assured that the mom's in charge would send me one as soon as they got one.

I have to go to the loss board and drag a mom who devastatingly lost her baby into this.

I'm a drama seeker because I wanted answers to my ?'s.

Mosey is MIA and is unable to back you on my ?'s.

Posted on 5/6/08
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is that the cliff's notes version casey? LOL

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My head is spinning.

Posted on 5/6/08
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The last poster, #8, her babies have survived. I am hopeful that there will be no more losses.


It seems that those who did not donate should NOT have had a say in who was represented or recieved gifts. It also seems to me that those who did give, if they were VIOLENTLY offended if losses due to tx were respresented that you guys send their money back. I hope that you guys did you best to defend every loss as a painful experience for the moms who were members of our board.

I was reading what the women said that Casey quoted from the loss board, and one of them referenced a thread "Bad things happen to bad people" - I have some questions about that thread in respect to the subject of losses. I will post them over there.

I am going to organize the group to get the plaques done for ALL the moms who suffered a loss. We might need to do some investigating to find all of those who m/c, tx or went into preterm labor. I hope I don't get any rude comments about who deserves one and who doesn't. I might loose my mind.

LA Terri
Posted on 5/6/08
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The only receipts I have is through my paypal and the google document. I posted what I received through M.O.D. Everyone has a paypal receipt to use for their tax refund purposes from what I've been told.

Aside from openly sharing my paypal account information I am not sure what to do. And I am not comfortable with that.

And I have stated that if ANY mom has an issue with the donation, simply send me an email and I can go back in and reverse the donation and send out a refund. The amount was entirely too trivial to set her and hammer over. I'd rather cover the entire donation with my personal funds and enjoy doing so rather than to have to continue to deal with the donation issue. Mosey has stated the same thing. It was a great deed gone wrong due to all the forceful opinions and issues.

In hindsight had we known it would've caused this much controversy, we'd have just posted a link to M.O.D. and asked others to send donations themselves.

It's not that big of a deal. Or at least it shouldn't be. If you are not happy with not getting a personalized receipt, let me know. I'll graciously cover the charge of your donation and send anyone who wants a refund the money back. I am certain the amount of the donation is not going to make or break me financially. Really ... it is not that big of a deal.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Eva, I think that is what I would do if I were you. Return the funds to the donators and then you are in the clear and they are free to take their funds to the MOD themselves and donate how they see fit. Then you can feel good about what you donated and they can stop worrying.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Terri~ Right, the twins, how in the world did I forget them? Pg Brain is my excuse.

I know that there are way more moms than are listed on there. As far as I know, that thread was put up back in February, and since most of us got pg in OCT or NOV there were plenty of losses in that time period that never got posted.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Amen Brandie! And we've offered to do that and most of the mom's haven't even considered it or had one complaint with it. So, if ANYONE who donated is NOT happy with the way this was handled and wants their donation back, please speak now or forever hold their peace. I am more than ecstatic to add money to my paypal account to cover the amount donated if you want you donation retracted. It is no problem to me at all and I can have that done in a matter of moments so you can post your confirmation right here in full view.

If no one speaks up about and demands a refund, then obviously they are ok with the one bulk donation and their paypal receipt or are just keeping this going to create more tension.

You can email me or post here if you want your donation back. I'll get to it immediately.

Posted on 5/6/08
Pass a Note!


I'm amazed that a simple request for a receipt (that I was promised in the beginning). Turned in to such a head ache. It's not even about the tax refund anymore. It's about a straight answer.

I have to work tonight. I'm off to bed.

Figure out how you're going to make this right and let me know.

I'm happy with whatever you decide. A receipt or my $$. When I get a minute I will post on the old BBC that you were unable to provide me with one and to contact you if anyone else wants $$ back.

Posted on 5/6/08
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Whoa - What happened to contacting MOD to get a receipt showing how much was donated on behalf of the July 2008 moms or how ever it was donated?

I think that is a better option than returning the money.

I don't want to see the mothers who donated getting their money back simply because that was easier than pursuing the detailed reciept.

LA Terri
Posted on 5/6/08
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how can a topic be labeled as one never to be brought up again?

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If they get their money back, LA Terri, they can pursue donating how they see fit and have their individualized receipts for tax purposes. There would be no room for any more upset over this and the MOD would actually get more money. No harm, no foul, everyone's happy...or should be.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I don't think Casey posted with the intention of requesting a refund.

I think she just wanted to know that the money was sent where it was stated to be sent.

What happened to Terri's suggestion of getting the MOD to give a receipt to Eva? Why is that so hard? There don't need to be more transactions to fix this, it is done. A reciept is the only thing that was INITIALLY requested, right?

Posted on 5/6/08
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Oh, I did not look at it that was twolilhahas. I was looking at it like as a group, we should resolve the drama and get the receipt to those who are requesting one - you know do what we said we were going to do kind of thing.

I agree that your suggestion is a good one to quickly resolve the situation, but I also think it is a good thing to resolve and start putting an end to anymore drama. I am not sure of all the drama that has transpired already, but from what evajessee has said, it was a lot. I guess I think that providing a reciept will clear the air and any drama surrounding evajessee and Mosey. Returning the money to those who speak up NOW will only invite others to ask about it later. For example what if a mom who donated does not see this thread for a week or more or never and brings it up again. I mean that will keep the door open for evajessee to get more questions. I don't think that is what anyone wants.

I want the mothers who had losses to be honored and the mothers who gave to get the answers they want. I mean, I think that is the way to resolve it once and for all. It is such a shame that it has turned into this, but I think a receipt will clear things up.

LA Terri
Posted on 5/6/08
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Transfer to:
Casey Koenig
(withheld for privacy)

Total Amount:
-$10.00 USD

May 6, 2008
10:51:30 PDT

Casey ...

Here is your 10.00 refund back for the donation you sent for the March of Dimes.

Posted on 5/6/08
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There is one receipt. I agree with you Terri but you and I both know this is NOT going to end the drama. I've been here long enough to realize that anything just associated with my name is enough to ensue drama. Mosey and I initially talked about refunds to stop the drama. I wished we'd done that instead. It has SO not been worth the effort or the small amount we collected to deal with it. I'll pursue getting a receipt for my personal records regardless of the refunds.

It'll be interesting to see who is still complaining when this is all said and done. Lord knows .. there will always be a few of them.

Posted on 5/6/08
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What the?

Casey said multiple times she didn't want the money BACK.. she just wanted a receipt? I think contacting the March of Dimes and requesting a receipt is an excellent idea. It doesn't seem that hard either, just maybe time consuming? I think they would be more than understanding to send one as well.

It just seems a bit fishy to me that there is almost a refusal to get the receipt.

I'm very sorry for all the moms who lost their little ones, but I have to say I'm glad I didn't get caught up in this fiasco.

Posted on 5/6/08
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So you can't produce a receipt or anyother proof that our $$ was donated. I appreciate your honesty.

I will let you know when the $$ is back in my account.

Posted on 5/6/08
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I understand what you're saying, LA Terri. If Eva returns all the donations, then it's over and everyone can be at peace.

Posted on 5/6/08
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But, she is going to return all of the donations, Brandie. Only the ones who request it. Or should I say, only the ones who HAPPEN to see this thread. A simple receipt would have worked.

I am just thinking of the mom's who donated and will miss this thread. They won't get a refund, now will they? Since they didn't request it, like she said to do.

And they don't want a refund, neither did Casey. All they wanted was a simple reciept.

Posted on 5/6/08
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This is so sad...

The point was to support the women who suffered a loss, and now because a darn receipt cannot be located and posted or emailed, the women are not even being honored - the original intention!!

So sad... I just don't know what to say on behalf of all the mothers who lost a baby for July or at anytime. I just can't believe that grown women can't be civil and be patient with people trying to get receipts.


I hope that you will get that receipt and that you will post it despite the refund that you gave Casey... I think it is the only way to resolve it once and for all. Refunding money will just create more speculation and drama.

LA Terri
Posted on 5/6/08
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Atleast she gave your money back so you can donate it yourself. I do find it kind of funny that she's "willing" to cover ALL donations if people want their money back. That statement right there seems a little fishy that the RIGHT amount of money didn't go where it was supposed to.

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I checked my paypal account and the $$ is returned.

Posted on 5/6/08

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