Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Eva transferring issues.

    • Donations Cleared Up ...
  • EvaJessee

I want to address this ... again .. since it was brought up to clarify what was done and how it was handled. We took donations to get gifts for moms of our board that suffered a loss. The amount we gathered was less than 100.00 and the money was then sent in one big donation to the March of Dimes.

The SOLE reason we handled it that way was because we had ALL sorts of controversy with people who never donated wanting a say in what gifts were bought, how they were going to get to the receiver, and WHO got gifts.

We had people who never donated get VERY offended at the fact that we were honoring ALL mom's who lost a baby. Controversy began to ensue about whether or not we would be giving gifts to moms who chose to terminate due to a diagnosis. There were people upset and questioned whether we should ask for personal information such as addresses to ship the gifts too.

We had never donated online to the march of dimes and had NO idea how to do this. When the donation went through we got a thank you note for donating. Mosey has a spreadsheet to show who and what that person gave and each mom got a receipt for the donation via paypal.

Since we cannot provide a personalized receipt to each mom who donated and since this has been NOTHING but controversy, I am prepared to refund any mom's donation if they would like a refund and cover the cost of the donation myself. I realize that 99.9% of the mom's who donated have never complained or threw a fit and were happy to do it. If however you are concerned or have changed your mind, please post your name here or I am clickable and let me know and I'll promptly refund your money.

It is a shame and a discredit to the mom's who lost little one's that we tried to honor. Had we known, in hindsight, that our efforts would be chastised, that we'd get hate mail for honor all the moms, and that a few rare ones would continue to drag up such a trivial token of money, we would not have done this to begin with.

We honor the mom's who've lost lo's and apologize for this intrusion to the board with yet ... more issues! Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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  • mommylacie0508
Honestly...I do find it hard to believe that a fund raiser like MOD has no way to give you receipt. They receive TONS of money and I'm sure they have to give receipts PLUS if you ask for one they are required to give you one.

People just want to know where there money is going, Eva. Economy is awful right now, so every penny counts. She just wanted and answer and you couldn't provide for it. You have no right to get upset with her about that. They honestly have no way of knowing at all if you actually donated all the money or if you just donated $5. It's peace of mind that they deserve. I don't think you handled this properly and that's why people have gotten so upset about it. There would have been a MUCH better way to go about this, IMO!
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  • babycameron08
It is a shame and a discredit to the mom's who lost little one's that we tried to honor. Had we known, in hindsight, that our efforts would be chastised, that we'd get hate mail for honor all the moms, and that a few rare ones would continue to drag up such a trivial token of money, we would not have done this to begin with.

casey asked a question that was not a drama starting question. it wasn't directed to any one person. she was asking for information. she wasn't dragging anything up and no amount of money given to a stranger should ever be considered trivial. charity can come from all walks of life, it doesn't have to be Oprah money to make a difference. she earned her money and chose to share it with someone else. that says something and is not trivial. i have sat back and kept my mouth shut for months wanting to remain neutral, well i no longer can do so. the statement above basically says anyone who now asks for a refund so that they can then donate themselves is part of the whole drama conspiracy.

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  • EvaJessee
I gave all the answers I have aside from handing out my paypal account information. Do you need a refund Lacie? Because this thread is for refunds ... not conflict.
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  • EvaJessee

Mosey and I have beat this dead horse til hell won't have it. We have given answers and given answer and are quite tired of the drama with this to be frank. This thread is for refunds. Not endless banter.

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  • mommylacie0508
Honestly Eva...I think your upset that you got caught. Too bad it had to be covered up with a fake M.O.D donation that wasn't made for the amount it should have been. And I truly think your more upset that you didn't get all the "good credit" for this "great idea".
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  • mommylacie0508
......and if you REALLY wanted this to end, you'd just give EVERYONE their money back and end it. But I don't see that happening.
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  • EvaJessee

Lacie ...

You didn't even donate and until you have proof then I consider your post a waste of time and a personal attack.

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  • mommylacie0508
Hahahahaha personal attack?!?!?! Really?!!??! Good Lord.....report it, report it!
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  • leahraye

I want a refund on the time I spent praying for this to work. I want a refund on the hugs and love and thoughts and wishes and tears of love that were sent to the grieving mothers, since this is getting so very nasty and now everyone else seems to want to just take it back instead of posting a stupid receipt...

BUT most of all, I want a refund on the brain cells I just lost trying to figure out where the 99.9% statistic came from. Let's assume (oh I love that word) that 10 women donated and only one of them has questions. That would be 90% of women with no problems. Let's say 20 women donated. That would be 95% of women with no problems. I know full well that not more than that donated.

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Caleb~03/04/1999 Just turned 9!!!
Layna~12/06/2001 Newly 6!!!

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  • Sim&Col

As a mother that got donations sent to March of Dimes when my daughter died in 2006, I just thought I'd let you know that you can check the site to see how much money was donated in the child's name. I thought the goal was to give in support of the mother. Noone from the 2006 board or the Preemie Board ever asked for a receipt. Asking for a refund back? It's ridiculous that Eva had to even post a thread to provide refunds to people. I swear I'm worried about raising my daughter in this world. Yet again, a mother ie going to sign in today and be hurt.


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  • jacksma5901

Simone- I've been in the same boat as you, so I hear where your coming from when you say Yet again, a mother ie going to sign in today and be hurt. But on the otherhand, these ladies donated money because they truly cared about another mother's loss. I think most of them need to know that the money went to the "right place" and want a reciept for peace of mind. From what I've seen, the people asking for refunds are going to MOD themselves and donating so they KNOW that their money really is going to MOD.

I wasn't involved in any of this, I actually didn't even know about the collection, but just wanted to add my 2cents.

I actually think the mom's asking for refunds then donating their money themselves to MOD are ensuring these moms are honored.

Janelle, mama to:

Jack 5/01-6/02

Harrison "Harry" 6/04

Charlotte "Lottie" 7/08

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  • babycameron08
who knows, maybe more people will decide to go ahead and donate now that the subject has been brought up again. i just did. and i wasn't part of the first round.

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  • Sim&Col

Janelle I hear you, but "To each their own" I guess.

I just feel at this point Eva shouldn't ever volunteer to do anything on this board again, because it's always some issue. I feel sorry for her cause I swear each week something else comes up to tear her down. As if she's not pregnant and emotional at this time too. Who knows, pretty soon everyone may be on my back for feeling sorry for her.


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  • jes0199
Eva can you scan or take a picture of the receipt you got from MOD. Honestly whats the most amount of money someone donated, in this day and age you girls should know better than to donate money to strangers anyway IMHO
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  • jacksma5901

I've noticed that too, but then again, if it were me that constantly had "issues" surrounding them- I would probably stay pretty low-key. It wouldn't be worth the stress to me to have people constantly targeting me.

Anywho Simone, sorry for your loss and I see you have a child in the NICU. Hugs to you, because I've been there before! Good luck! And I'll be honoring my little angel on Friday- he would have been 7 years old and we throw a b-day party for him every year at the cemetery. I'll be thinking of your little angel too!

Sorry for the mini-hijack.

Janelle, mama to:

Jack 5/01-6/02

Harrison "Harry" 6/04

Charlotte "Lottie" 7/08

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  • Sim&Col

Janelle, no baby in the NICU right now. I just haven't updated my profile on babycenter (I'm assuming that's where you saw it). I've still got the bun in the oven for now. We cremated our daughter, so her ashes are in an urn stuck inside the back of a teddy bear at home with me. Thanks for your kind words and same to you.


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  • gLobeY


It is moments like this, why people take issue with you. You produced a letter that March of Dimes suposedly sent you, but it lacked a dollar amount. People then went and contributed on their own and surprisingly they received the same letter only it actually HAD the dollar amount on there. Do you see how that makes you look a little suspicious. You know what they say, when there is smoke, there is usually fire.

I also find it amusing that you have yet to comment on this discrepency. You spent a good deal of your time mildly bashing Casey for even asking the questions, but have yet to put in any time in composing a response to this issue.

I find most everything you do and say should be taken with a grain of salt.


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  • mommylacie0508
Ladies....Eva was caught. She's not coming back to post anymore. She'll report her OWN thread stating that its a violation. You know how she rolls.......
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  • ~^~MrsJez~^~

Eva, would you mind re-posting your receipt letter WITH the dollar amount? I think that would ease a lot of minds and hopefully end this. Mine looks like this. It includes the dollar amount.

Dear Alyson,

Thank you for your donation of $5.00. Your generous support of the
March of Dimes has:

- helped 3.3 million uninsured children get health insurance…
- enabled more women to receive prenatal care…
- and helped educate pregnant women about the benefits of taking folic
acid – which may help spare their unborn babies from neural tube
birth defects.

In short, hundreds of thousands of babies have been saved from low
birthweight, birth defects, and even untimely death – because people like
you cared enough to give to the March of Dimes.

Each time you read that our nation’s infant mortality rate is at an
all-time low or that groundbreaking research is helping women deliver
healthier babies, I hope you give yourself a pat on the back.

Because gifts like yours help the March of Dimes make these and other
vital advances possible.

Your ongoing support will help fund lifesaving programs that educate,
advocate and investigate - all in an effort to save America’s babies
from prematurity, birth defects and other threats to their health.

On behalf of our nation’s babies, and their loving parents, I thank
you for your support.

Best regards,

Dr. Jennifer L. Howse
March of Dimes

For the purposes of your financial records, no goods or services were
provided in exchange for your gift of $5.00

Alyson - Oct. 05 and Jul. 08 mommy!

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how long until this thread is locked or deleted? i for one am so tired of censorship. nobody is calling anyone names, threatening harm, swearing, etc. but yet we all get a mod to come here and scold us. i found this definition of personal attack on wiki. that phrase gets tossed around so much and it is being over used first of all. And also being used in the wrong context. just so we are all clear on what a personal attack is:

Generally, a personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when examining another person's claims or comments. It is considered a personal attack when a person starts referencing a supposed flaw or weakness in an individual's personality, beliefs, lifestyle, convictions or principles, and use it as a debate tactic or as a means of avoiding discussion of the relevance or truthfulness the person's statement. It works on the reasoning that, by discrediting the source of a logical argument, namely the person making it, the argument itself can be weakened

So if we all can avoid the above then we should be able to engage in conversations and even discussions without the authorities needing to be called in. Which I believe most of the time the so-called personal attacks have not met the above guidelines. Now not liking what someone is saying is not grounds for personal attack status. I am posting this because I am pretty sure that this will be locked and for personal attack reasons. THIS WAS NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK! This is people who wanted truth. People get edgy when they are not told the whole truth. It makes them uneasy. It is human nature.

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  • ~^~MrsJez~^~
Oh, and the title of this thread does not read correctly...I am under the impression "donations [have not] cleared up..."

Alyson - Oct. 05 and Jul. 08 mommy!

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  • cmtrivi71

I was not part of the initial donation, only now do I find out that donations were taken.

I have learned if I am going to partake in a group effort, you are better off doing it on your own.

I can understand where both sides are coming from and see the valid points both have. It is pretty simple, people are asking for documentation, easy screen capture paypal info blacking out the "private" information and the letter from the MOD.

I do believe MOD has to provide you with at reciept for the AMOUNT of the donation since it is a tax write off for some.

I think that is what most are trying to get to the bottom of, if the donation was made just provide proof. I don't think it is asking for too much.



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  • ~^~MrsJez~^~
You are correct, Claudia. 3 of us now have posted our letters from MOD that include the dollar amounts of donations. Eva's letter, however, did not. I'm guessing that by sharing the letter INCLUDING the amount would suffice for most women.

Alyson - Oct. 05 and Jul. 08 mommy!

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  • babycameron08
it would clear it up. that letter acts as receipt that the actual amount collected is what was donated.

somebody had to alter the letter she posted because that info was missing. it was missing off of hers but not the rest of ours.

where is scooby doo and that mystery machine when you need it? probably at the malt shop!

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  • edenpannell

Who's to say that if the amount was altered out, it can be easily ADJUSTED and altered back in....

Screen shots work nicely, as long as it's a copy of the ACTUAL letter sent. No tainting can be done that way.

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  • ~^~MrsJez~^~
I think a screen shot is a perfectly good idea...and possibly just the right solution.

Alyson - Oct. 05 and Jul. 08 mommy!

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  • babycameron08
that is what happens when you do not give full disclosure of the truth at the time- there will forever be doubt. so even if she does show the actual letter there will still be those who will doubt. and it will go on and on and so forth. makes me sleepy.....

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  • EvaJessee
Mercy! We've done our best and even offered refunds. I am not going to share names, donation amounts and personal information with the entire board. I have stated that I am more than eager to send out a refund for those who donated and want one. That is about all I can do at this point. I'm not going to entertain this thread any longer. I do work and still have some to do. This is truly so sad that this has taken this sort of turn. Certainly not what we had hoped.

The total amount donated including my own donation was $103.85. The reason the money is an odd amount is due to paypal fee's when you send/receive funds. Like I said .. if you need a refund, I'll be delighted to send you one. Just email me, I'm clickable.
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  • edenpannell
I don't think we're asking you to entertain this thread. I think the point is, that through your actions, you've have shown many reasons why people shouldn't trust you, or take your word for things.

Edited 4:37 PM by edenpannell
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  • babycameron08
while reading what people are asking for- it seems all they want from you is to post the letter that has the amount that was donated in it. seems simple enough. i posted my letter, casey did hers as did alyson. nobody asked for a refund. you refunded casey on your own, she just wanted to know what to do to get what she needed for her records. that is how it started, now it has become this whole refund issue. refunding was your idea.

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  • gLobeY

As usual, you skirted the issue.

Why did you post a letter pretending it had no amount on it?

I keep trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but over and over you prove there is something not quite honest about you and the things you say.

Disappointing, to say the least.


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  • leahraye
I was all for giving her the benefit of the doubt this morning when this whole issue came up. Even tried helping some women understand what she was saying, because sometimes she is obscure and comes across the wrong way. But after the bogus letter, I was a bit let down and shamed that she would do that.
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Caleb~03/04/1999 Just turned 9!!!
Layna~12/06/2001 Newly 6!!!

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  • edenpannell

The original statement posted was that the head of the donations department had "NO idea" how to donate online. However, when someone copied and pasted on Casey's thread the response Eva had given with the missing dollar amount, it is in the same form as the ladies who donated online. And in that thread, there was also another statement of the amount sent to MOD ($103.85, correct me if I am wrong) ..

How is that so?

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  • 3fleurs+1intheoven

I just wanted to say that while I didn't contribute donations, I can see where people want proof that the amount said went to where it is said it went to. They want to be sure their $ was delivered to the right people.

I contribute to the Leukemia and Lymphoma society, and have for 5 years. They send me an email saying thanks for donating X amount of $. It always says the amount.

I think what needs to be done is you need to take a picture or scan this letter so people can see that $ really was delivered. You can sit and say that you did it, but people want proof.

I also think that this will hinder any future donation type things this board does. People just want to know what happens to their $.

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  • Virgo&SparklerMomma

Hmm....in one post it's less than $100, and in another post it's $103 and some change. Semantics to some, but yet another inconsistency to others. Just the most recent in a very VERY long line.

Simone: Just to clarify, not a single person has asked for a refund. That is something Eva is throwing around as an option. The moms who donated want proof that their money went to a good cause, that's all. Instead of getting answers, people are given ultimatums.

Eva - You brought this from one board to another, and you think *I* start drama????????????? shocked

I guess one drama thread about this issue wasn't enough, huh?


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  • babycameron08
virgo- i caught that, too but when i re-read that statement, that i believe was in regards to Casey's question about a receipt for her tax records. something about Casey's donation being less than $100 and she wouldn't need a receipt for that. not that the total amount was less than $100.

somewhere an amount like $65.00 came into play...can't remember that exactly. the whole thing now is that letter with the amount omitted. that is what is so weird.

as wow wow wubzy would say ''that's Kooky''

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  • Virgo&SparklerMomma

Oh OK, maybe I did misread it happy. I can admit making a mistake!

But really...posting a receipt in the amount of the ENTIRE donation isn't too much to ask, is it? It would stop the entire conversation dead, and then the issue really would be resolved.


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  • ~^~MrsJez~^~
Quick Q, Eva: If avoiding spreading personal information is of utmost importance to you, why was Casey's personal information smeared across both the OBBC and the NBBC???

Alyson - Oct. 05 and Jul. 08 mommy!

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  • babycameron08
Virgo- Exactly! Instead of refunds, and cries of personal attacks wouldn't just answering the question entirely make the most sense? I do not get it and never will.

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"The amount donated was less than 100.00" - part of a previous response to Casey by one of the ladies responsible for donations...not Mosey...

Alyson - Oct. 05 and Jul. 08 mommy!

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  • babycameron08
Alyson- I have asked that exact same question over and over but it will never get answered. Nope all the threads will be locked and deleted before that happens.

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  • gLobeY

At this point, my opinion is she was not being honest, got caught and is now using the smokescreen to hide behind. Smokescreen=Privacy issue.

It's so sad. Eva, you've certainly let me down with your apparent disregard for the truth.

The good thing is that this issue being raised certainly got more people in to donating to March of Dimes. I did.


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  • ~^~MrsJez~^~
I agree. There has been dishonesty brought to light here.

Alyson - Oct. 05 and Jul. 08 mommy!

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  • babycameron08
at least something positive came out of today.

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  • Virgo&SparklerMomma

...for the umpteen millionth time.

Yet there are people who will STILL think she's the great bringer of light. It amazes me.


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  • babycameron08
why is it her supporters do not get deleted for personal attacks on those who are not ''followers'' why is always if you call her out on something by asking questions- you get locked and deleted?

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  • jes0199
Maybe God told her to not tell the truth..lmao. Okay back to lurking.
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  • Virgo&SparklerMomma
I think we should all form a prayer circle. That way, GOD will answer our questions.

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  • happy4anotherlittle1

I just had to try a donation too, to see if my letter had a donation amount on it!!

I received this letter in my email:

Dear Jessie,

Thank you for your donation of $5.00. Your generous support of the March of Dimes has:

- helped 3.3 million uninsured children get health insurance…
- enabled more women to receive prenatal care…
- and helped educate pregnant women about the benefits of taking folic acid – which may help spare their unborn babies from neural tube birth defects.

In short, hundreds of thousands of babies have been saved from low birthweight, birth defects, and even untimely death – because people like you cared enough to give to the March of Dimes.

Each time you read that our nation’s infant mortality rate is at an all-time low or that groundbreaking research is helping women deliver healthier babies, I hope you give yourself a pat on the back.

Because gifts like yours help the March of Dimes make these and other vital advances possible.

Your ongoing support will help fund lifesaving programs that educate, advocate and investigate - all in an effort to save America’s babies from prematurity, birth defects and other threats to their health.

On behalf of our nation’s babies, and their loving parents, I thank you for your support.

Best regards,

Dr. Jennifer L. Howse
March of Dimes

For the purposes of your financial records, no goods or services were provided in exchange for your gift of $5.00

ETA: I've tried to be very positive about this whole thing, and even though there are now some questions since donation dollar amounts were left off some letters, I'm glad more people are donating today!! love


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Edited 6:30 PM by happy4anotherlittle1
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  • C and T's Momma

Sorry to hijack or hit and run, mostly a lurker, and never a donator online. I think the ladies that did donate, you guys are sweeties, and I am truly sorry someone abused your money and kindness. The only people that are being abused here is you.

Couple things noticed- discrepancy in $$$$ amounts the whole time through.

No actual dollar amount in the altered "receipt" from MOD, yet everyone else that donated got a $$$ amount. Funnt, MOD must be picking on Eva too.

Eva, you are so quick to say your cheating them their proper (generous) donations to be cleared up by offering them a refund. No one wanted a refund, they wanted confirmation of where and when their money went. You couldn't provide this, not because you weren't given the info, but because you lied about the amount you donated. Must feel good to be so "Holy" and rip people off when they are being kind to strangers.

You weren't trying to protect people's personal info when you disclosed Casey's amount. And then tried to belittle her for donating only 10.00, are you kidding me, that is more than most, and very generous to ANY charitable cause. SHAME ON YOU FOR DOWN PLAYING HER KINDNESS.

I also like how the ONLY rebuttal you have for this argument is to say how nasty things got and turn the direction from your scamming to the rudeness of some of the ladies "who didn't donate" Come on you are a big girl, if they didn't donate don't listen to what they say. Instead they apparently got more of your time then the ladies who did donate and just WANT PROOF THAT YOU DIDN"T RIP THEM OFF. which is pretty clear you did.

So quit saying how ugly the situation got and just show them the receipt. Unaltered, oh yeah thats right, there isn't one.

Like I said ladies, sorry to hijack, this is ridiculous that people are still backing this nonsense and she took advantage of your kindness.

ETA: So NO EVA the donations are not cleared, stop trying to mis-lead with you title, you are just trying to appease those who made noise. Trying to make yourself look good by returning $$ that wasn't rightfully spent to begin with. DROP THE CHARADE!


Edited 6:36 PM by C and T's Momma
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  • babycameron08
She will return with her personal attack button pinned nicely to her and tell us all again how she is more than willing to refund every single person their money. Politics would be a great avenue for her, she deflects so well. It almost is like she really doesn't hear what she is being asked. She just stirs the pot and diverts the drama somewhere else. Like her saying that the poor mothers who lost babies shouldn't have to witness a debate again over this money. BUT those poor mothers can evidently listen to her go on and on about hate mail she received about how those who tx due to poor diagnosis and how they were undeserving of donations-

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Edited 6:44 PM by babycameron08
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  • CuteMama729
Yea I'm just a lurker but I agree it all sounds quite shady and I thought it was inapproriate that Caseys full name and donation amount were posted. Thats not anybodys business but Caseys. I hope that post gets removed. Also, I didnt like how it seemed like the amount Casey donated was being belittled. Some people just think they are so high and mighty. Gimme a break.
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  • mommylacie0508
I also think its funny that she was sure to say that it was over $100 after SHE donated. Baiscally wanting people to think she donated the most. I found that kind of funny.

You ladies will never get a straight answer. I hope she returns all of your money so you can donate it yourselves. I also think BBC should really be stepping in here and kicking her out or something. Using people is against the rules......isn't it?
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  • MichelleLee

Oh my goodness....I get so sick and tired of all of the "drama" on this board! I would never send money to someone I didn't know and expect them to do donate it for me! Hello?! Use common sense people...donate yourself! I've gotten to know Eva a little bit and I'm so bothered by all of the picking on she gets by other women on this board! I don't think Eva is the kind of person to keep the money to herself....

This should just be a lesson learned...don't give money to strangers and do your own good deeds!!

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~ "Zachary Owen" due 07-05-08

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  • Virgo&SparklerMomma

Why yes, Lacie. It's funny you mention that.

Soliciting for money on BBC IS against the guidelines!

But...some of us are apparently above the guidelines.


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  • babycameron08
I have to say that when drama started at first, i wasn't in the ''know'' so to speak. So i stayed out of it. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, I felt sorry for her that she was being picked on. Little by little I witnessed a few things that led me to question character to a certain extent. When I realized today that the amount was omitted from that letter, well it was clear. She was hiding something for whatever reason. She may very well have donated every last cent that was donated but why omit the total from the letter? That is the issue. It is not picking on her to ask why she chose to do so.

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  • gLobeY

I agree with Carley. No one is "picking on" her. Why did she omit the amount from the letter that was sent to her (and the she then posted), and tell us that they didn't include an amount. That's pretty much a lie. Either way you look at it, she handled things very poorly and then blames others or attempts to divert attention to other issues not being discussed. I'm whole-heartedly disgusted with all of this. Blech.


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  • goodchild7508

More than anything I am so disappointed by BBC. They had a responsibility to step in when Eva was soliciting money to her private account on 2 seperate threads. It took them over 2 days to delete a thread, another several hours to finally delete the second. There was never any public acknowledgement of what occured or gentle reminder that solicitations are against bbc policy.

What was the solicitors reward? Ownership and moderation of the first July 08 birth board on new bbc. When bbc recognized that there was a deep division of the July 08 members, they created a bbc run July 08 group.

I fear that bbc will do with this problem as they have previously when a thread becomes intense because people are asking VALID questions, lock down the thread for a vague "creating issues within the community" answer, delete threads and continue to ignore a glaring problem that continues to divide this community.

It is clear that the original solicitor, Eva, made a donation to March of Dimes. Not in the name of July 08 mommies, in an amount that won't be confirmed. It is clear that fraud has taken place on bbc's dime, by posting a fraudulant letter from MOD. It is clear that her letter has been altered to not show the total donated amount. There is no confirmatin when her donation was made either. For all we know it could have been made in between posts today that asked for some clarification of money that was sent in good faith. Obviously ladies donated today and recieved confirmation today. Seemingly in a matter of minutes.

Shame on bbc for allowing Eva to defraud members of bbc and have no consequence occur. Shame on bbc for their partiality and compliance in the issues that have divided the July 08 board.

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  • mommylacie0508
MichelleLee-The fact that your sick of the drama and people "picking" on Eva is old at this point.........she would have all of this cleared up if she posted the receipt with the total amount donated and the date. However...she can't do that because she didn't donate the amount she was supposed to and go caught. Her intentions were good, at least it seemed to others. If you were a parent that lost a child wouldn't you want to believe her too? Maybe some people just didn't realize the kind of person that she was and wanted to help the moms that lost. Don't get on their case for trying to do something nice...that's just rude and uncalled for. Eva would of gotten all the "thank yous" and the "your so great" if she really donated the money. Telling other people that "this should be be a lesson learned" is pretty rude...........and its VERY apparent that you don't really know Eva. Telling them to "do their own good deeds" is a little uncalled for. They were trying to do something nice, why would you be rude like that?

I used to feel bad that she got picked on, too. Then I woke up! Hahahaha
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Good - That was very well put. I'd suggest you send it to BBC, but since you're on the "wrong side" of the conversation, I doubt anything would be done about it.

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  • babycameron08
Well put Goodchild!

Also, by locking and deleting these threads, all it does is add fuel to the fire and people get increasingly angry because their issues are never addressed. I think the thread should remain open unless verbal assaults begin with UNFOUNDED accusations (the letter is not unfounded because there is a discrepency) and as long as it stays on topic. No name calling, no threatening, etc. Why can we not continue to ask the questions until they are answered or until those who are asking decide to give up?

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  • goodchild7508
Thanks...I'm thinking about it...I just sincerely hope that when they (bbc moderatorts) review these threads, as I have no doubt they will be called upon to do so, they start looking at the bigger picture. Seems like anyone and everyone can cry personal attack, which can be perspective based, but fraud? That's a pretty black & white issue.
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  • AmericanDreams

Yeah, all that was needed was a screenshot/scan of the letter or receipt sent INCLUDING the amount and that probably would have cleared everything up.

Sigh, its sad, but this is one of the main reasons I didn't do the group donation in the first place.

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  • EvaJessee

***** In advance I apologize immensely for the BS and mistrust that has been spread about regarding these donations. The money was collected and donated for this explicit cause and as you can see, confirmation was received and accounted for. Hopefully this will shut the mouths of the drama llama's who NEVER donated a dime to this cause but continue to attack regardless as if they have some say in this. I bet you this 103.00 dollars and some change NOT ONE OF THEM will step up to admit they are wrong or misjudged. There will be no apology as they didn't care a bit about this money but just came to attack.

(print this page for your records)

Thank you, your $99.00 donation has been received on behalf of March of Dimes.

First Name:


Last Name:


Address 1:









United States



Donation Amount:



Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Authorization Number:


(I took out my personal information and added the X's). After this one was sent we got another donation for 4.00 and I sent that one in also.


Dear Eva,

Thank you for your donation of $99.00. Your generous support of the
March of Dimes has:

- helped 3.3 million uninsured children get health insurance…
- enabled more women to receive prenatal care…
- and helped educate pregnant women about the benefits of taking folic
acid – which may help spare their unborn babies from neural tube
birth defects.

In short, hundreds of thousands of babies have been saved from low
birthweight, birth defects, and even untimely death – because people like
you cared enough to give to the March of Dimes.

Each time you read that our nation’s infant mortality rate is at an
all-time low or that groundbreaking research is helping women deliver
healthier babies, I hope you give yourself a pat on the back.

Because gifts like yours help the March of Dimes make these and other
vital advances possible.

Your ongoing support will help fund lifesaving programs that educate,
advocate and investigate - all in an effort to save America’s babies
from prematurity, birth defects and other threats to their health.

On behalf of our nation’s babies, and their loving parents, I thank
you for your support.

Best regards,

Dr. Jennifer L. Howse
March of Dimes

For the purposes of your financial records, no goods or services were
provided in exchange for your gift of $99.00

I don't have the transaction information for that one but I do have the confirmation that it was received also.


Dear Eva,

Thank you for your donation of $5.00. Your generous support of the
March of Dimes has:

- helped 3.3 million uninsured children get health insurance…
- enabled more women to receive prenatal care…
- and helped educate pregnant women about the benefits of taking folic
acid – which may help spare their unborn babies from neural tube
birth defects.

In short, hundreds of thousands of babies have been saved from low
birthweight, birth defects, and even untimely death – because people like
you cared enough to give to the March of Dimes.

Each time you read that our nation’s infant mortality rate is at an
all-time low or that groundbreaking research is helping women deliver
healthier babies, I hope you give yourself a pat on the back.

Because gifts like yours help the March of Dimes make these and other
vital advances possible.

Your ongoing support will help fund lifesaving programs that educate,
advocate and investigate - all in an effort to save America’s babies
from prematurity, birth defects and other threats to their health.

On behalf of our nation’s babies, and their loving parents, I thank
you for your support.

Best regards,

Dr. Jennifer L. Howse
March of Dimes

For the purposes of your financial records, no goods or services were
provided in exchange for your gift of $5.00


I will gladly forward any and all correspondence to the BBC Team for further review if need be for verification purposes.

To the mom's who donated, I will provide you these receipts graciously if they will help you at all. And to the mom's we honored, I apologize that some would stoop so low as to question the integrity of a donation when they didn't even donate.

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Edited 8:44 PM by EvaJessee
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  • GwennW
I have no idea what exacty has gone on here regarding this but I feel the need to speak. I am a mom who lost my little July 08 Baby boy at 13w. I speak for the Life After Loss of July 08 thread on the miscarriage board. Where as we appreiciate the sentiment behind the collection of funds and donation to such a worthy cause, we feel that this has gotten way out of hand. I assume the idea was to join together but all I see is disaster.

Eva: Thank you so much for the thought. I apprieciate what you've done and apologize for the way others have decided you were being dishonest. It's a shame that tragedy of our losses is being used by others to simply create trouble. I know you intentions were pure no matter what anyone else may say and WE really were touched by your kindness.

The good news is that many of us who post regularly on the other thread are now pregnant again... or should be in the very near future. For all of us, there was no reason for the death of our babies.


Mom to Gregory (08.23.04) and Angel Baby Boy (02.04.08 @ 13w)

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  • Virgo&SparklerMomma

FTR, it is VERY easy to "doctor" something that was already posted. Were all the funds donated? Who knows? But...I highly suggest that each and every mom who donated get together with the others and see exactly how much you donated combined. See if the numbers add up.

Issues like this are EXACTLY why solicitations for donations, no matter how well intended, are AGAINST BBC GUIDELINES. It is impossible to know if everyone's money was truly donated unless there is mass cooperation between all of the moms who did.

Ladies, I urge ALL of you to think before you donate money to anyone's personal paypal account. If you want to do something for the moms, make a private donation in their honor. There is no less impact in all of us donating seperately than if we let one person pool all of the money together. Simply more risk in the latter scenario.

As with all things internet related...be smart, and think before you do something like this.

Just to illustrate exactly how easy it is to fake a receipt, here is one I made up (though I'd looooooooooove to have this much to donate to charity, sadly I must admit I'm not quite that well off!).


(print this page for your records)

Thank you, your $10,000.00 donation has been received on behalf of March of Dimes.

First Name:


Last Name:


Address 1:









United States



Donation Amount:



Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Authorization Number:


Dear Bethany,

Thank you for your donation of $10,000.00. Your generous support of the
March of Dimes has:

- helped 3.3 million uninsured children get health insurance…
- enabled more women to receive prenatal care…
- and helped educate pregnant women about the benefits of taking folic
acid – which may help spare their unborn babies from neural tube
birth defects.

In short, hundreds of thousands of babies have been saved from low
birthweight, birth defects, and even untimely death – because people like
you cared enough to give to the March of Dimes.

Each time you read that our nation’s infant mortality rate is at an
all-time low or that groundbreaking research is helping women deliver
healthier babies, I hope you give yourself a pat on the back.

Because gifts like yours help the March of Dimes make these and other
vital advances possible.

Your ongoing support will help fund lifesaving programs that educate,
advocate and investigate - all in an effort to save America’s babies
from prematurity, birth defects and other threats to their health.

On behalf of our nation’s babies, and their loving parents, I thank
you for your support.

Best regards,

Dr. Jennifer L. Howse
March of Dimes

For the purposes of your financial records, no goods or services were
provided in exchange for your gift of $10,000.00


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  • EvaJessee

Gwenn ...

God love your heart. I am SO saddened that this thread was even brought to your attention and caused you grief. We have caught SO much hell by trying to do something good for the mom's on our board. These moms have had to endure a most horrible experience only to have some members of this board complain about the pictures of their little ones and now they attack the issue of the donations. We were not even given the chance to go out and get something special for these mom's for fear of offending someone whether it be by the chosen gift, the need for addresses, or someone taking it upon themselves to voice their opinions about who received and who didn't based upon termination or not. It has been INSANE and I am SO glad it is over with.

I don't regret what we tried to do. I regret the fact that we have mom's on our board who have NO respect for others and are immature.

I thank God you all have healed somewhat and have went on to attain and carry your pregnancies! That is wonderful news to hear and also to share with our mom's who've endured loss. I have suffered a miscarriage also and know that pain so I can sympathize with you.

Your comments put a new perspective on this thread and hopefully will encourage our mom's that lost their little one's and those who sowed a miraculous seed into them for a future hope! Thank you so much for your comments!

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  • EvaJessee


d. Members of the BabyCenter community sometimes organize donations, gift exchanges, reunions, and other offline activities. Such arrangements are private and are not sponsored, vetted, or hosted by BabyCenter. You participate at your own risk.

And NOOOOOOOOOOO nothing we did was against BBC rules. Another case of someone blasting out information when they are yet again ... misinformed!

You can read for yourself.

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  • goodchild7508

Oh Eva I can play too...

Community area agreements
To participate in our community areas you agree to the following:
a. Don't use any community areas to buy or solicit goods, services, or money, or to advertise or sell products or services to others. Please don't post any advertising, promotional materials, referrals, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation. Don't sell, give away, or ask for prescription drugs (such as unused fertility drugs) on our boards, chats, or article comment areas — it's illegal.


Soliciting money to your private paypal account is....soliciting money to others.

Could you, would you oh could you please also explain to BBC the discrepencies int he amounts that you claim to have donated? No really was it

a. $65.

b. $103.83

c. $99.

Also you can drop the hostility toward those who asked legitimate questions. Funny I feel like we've danced this dance before Eva.


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  • Virgo&SparklerMomma

Actually...I can read. THIS is the guideline I was referring to. I'll even bold it for you...

a. Don't use any community areas to buy or solicit goods, services, or money, or to advertise or sell products or services to others. Please don't post any advertising, promotional materials, referrals, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation. Don't sell, give away, or ask for prescription drugs (such as unused fertility drugs) on our boards, chats, or article comment areas — it's illegal.

Also...why don't we take a look at all of the other guidelines you've violated today. I'll bold the important parts on these too!

b. Never divulge any private or personal information about another person online. That includes the person's real name or address, e-mail address, and any other personal information that the person has not asked you to make public. Don't forward or post private messages that someone has sent to you unless you have his or her permission. Only send e-mail to another BabyCenter member if he or she has given you express permission. Please don't solicit other members' personal information.
h. Don't transfer issues or posts from one bulletin board to another with the intention of drawing negative attention to the post. Don't quote someone else's post from another board without that person's permission. Please don't direct people to controversial or problematic threads on other boards.
k. Don't post the same message more than once on a bulletin board or on multiple boards. This includes posting on multiple boards asking other members to vote in online contests or baby name polls, asking for signatures for petitions, and any other "public service" announcements about public or personal causes or issues.

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  • LoveMyLittleCuties

Hopefully this will shut the mouths of the drama llama's who NEVER donated a dime to this cause but continue to attack regardless as if they have some say in this.

Oh nice. Now Eva your going to pick on those of us who had enough brains not to send you, (the biggest drama monger of all of us) money??

Why in the HECK wasn't the $99 shown the first time around?? What was there to hide? I find it really sad that some people had so much trust, and still now don't know what truely happened. You say you are offering refunds, but will you then turn around and try and make those that want them look bad??

When someone donates money, they have the right to know what happens to it. YOU do not have the right to try and make people feel bad for wanting that accountability and you certainly do not have the right to make any negative reference to people who simply chose not to get involved at all. Just because some of us aren't willing to give money to strangers doesn't make us uncharitable.



Baby #4 due July 18th!!!

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  • Pookerbutt

I try to stay out of the drama over here, but 99.00 and 5.00 do NOT add up to 103.ish...This all seems pretty fishy to me and it is apparent that this will not be resolved. I suggest that some people (I m thinking just one needs to) take a moment RE-READ this entire thread (and the one on NBBC) and really think about what the initial question was and what the issue is (which is still just about one in the same thing). If something hinky was done with the money, that person has to live with what they did because this is now going nowhere.

I am not a mom who lost her LO, but I thank those of you for supporting them emotionally and those attempting to donate in the names of the little angels.

On my last note...'what goes around comes around'

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  • EvaJessee

And for the record ... the reference to drama llama is a term given on the New BBC to those particular women in a group who go from board to board and rant to rant trying to create issues. I didn't say if you didn't give you're a drama llama. I guess you'd have to be on the new BBC to know that though so I should have clarified that.

The point is the money is accounted for. The mom's who were receivers of those funds obviously came on to verify they are well pleased and happy with the donation and gave a big thumbs down to the further drama this has ensued. If the mom's who donated are happy, the ones we donated for are happy then for the love of God what is there to complain about? NOTHING!

I am putting this thread on ignore. I have proven my point and no matter how I try the drama llama's are going to try to turn it around. I am glad we were able to do a good deed and the mom's who suffered a loss came on to thank us for it. I just hope and pray this will be put to bed now that it has been addressed. I refuse to entertain this any further. Have a nice evening.

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  • Virgo&SparklerMomma

Eva - YOU are the one who goes "from board to board". The women you are referring to keep to their own side. WE stay on OUR July 08 board, and OUR DM board, while occasionally posting on BBC'S July 08 board. Please, provide a dated post from any one of us on a board that we aren't an active member of.

I'd bring up the issue about your "side" coming over to OUR board to cause drama (including posts FROM YOU ON OUR BOARD) but that would just be indulging your desire to divert this thread from the real issue of your accountability.

I'm sure everyone has noticed by now that every single major drama that has occured on this board has one common denominator.



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  • goodchild7508
Oh... I see, so your a drama llama Eva? I guess if your using the term to refer to yourself in third person, then it really isn't attacking those that you have judged.
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  • babycameron08
virgo- she is ignoring us remember? when the going gets tough she bails. at least that is what i notice. i do so enjoy the reading though. on a more important note- how are things? i think about you often and can't wait to see pics of AJ when he gets here.

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  • haidyn&alexias_mommy
Ding Dong the witch is dead! devil
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