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I am sooooo hurt..Me and DH got into an argument this afternoon and had the nerve to say I need to get off my lazy fat a** and do something because I refused to iron his shirt...Okay ladies I have a question here..DH is completely spoiled he always wants me to wash his clothes and iron them on demand...So any females out here daily washes and iron's their spouses clothes..First DH asked me nicely to iron his shirt when he showers..While he was showering I was cooking and our 9 month old woke up so I didn't do it...When he got out of shower he was like in a very disrespectful way telling me I need to iron his shirt...I was like no...It went on and on...screaming and yelling..He stuck his hands in my face and then I stuck my finger down his throat...hahha (That I'm proud of might I add))...We are now at non speaking terms and he wants a Divorce...Any help or comments please!!! Oh and this pregnancy is making me hate DH and it is making me a total b****...Help Needed!!! lol | ||
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I have gone over so many thoughts on this in the few minutes since I read it. First of all, I think he sounds a little childish and selfish. Is this normal behavior, or do you think maybe he is feeling a little neglacted during this pregnancy, and therefore acting out? Now, I am not saying that in any way excuses his behavior. I am sure he will calm down and see that he is being irrational. If he is a good man, he will even apologize. If it happens again, bargain with him. I'll iron your shirt if you take of the baby while I do it. I think men are genetically wired to find the single most hateul thing to say to us when they are mad. My DH used to it to me anytime we argued. I hate to fight dirty, but I finally had to start to make him understand. I would do one of two things that drive him nuts. I either stop talking to him at all (which is top on his list) or I call him names back, which always shocks him. Believe it or not, right after I got married I got some advise from women at work. When you're fighting, if you really want to see a man shocked and clueless, call him that famous "B" name they always call us. I did it once, and I swear it hasn't come out of my hubby's mouth since.....that was almost 2 years ago! Good luck, and keep me posted on how things turn out. I always have an ear open. | ||
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If it makes you feel any better, when I was preggo with dd#1 my dh told me my belly was getting BIG! I told him to shove it, I had a baby growing there!! He then asked me if I had a baby growing in my @ss too!!! Needless to say I was way POed at him. My dh makes stupid comments to me about ironing his shirts. I usually tell him that he is lucky I do his laundry!! I hope things get better. Edited Jun-13 by maddysmom102703 | ||
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You're pregnant for the second time in less than a year? He can take his fat @ss comment and shove it up his. Tell him that if he gets his divorce, he'll have to iron his own shirts anyway, so he'd better just come off of his high horse right now. Seriously, that probably won't help. I'm sorry that he's treating you this way. There's absolutely no excuse for him to act like a self-absorbed little jerk. It sounds like some family counseling may be helpful in your situation. Best of luck to you. -Vickie Samuel 7/15/04; Rachel 2/01/07; little bean edd 11/14/08 | ||
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Thanks you guys for all ur comments and postings..You guys made me feel better even though me and DH are still not on talking terms....I can't stand the silent treatment its sooooooo akward.. He never apologizes first its always me!! I am 25 and dh is 23 I know age is only a number but DH acts like a complete child...Cheers to all the men out there who treats their pregnant women like QUEENS!!
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My brain is so blown away right now. Is this a typical scenerio for you and dh? You do not deserve to be spoken to like that and certainly your 9 month old should not be seeing or hearing any of that not to mention the stress your unborn feels through you. I would have to say that the problem here is not a shirt needing to be ironed, but some seroius anger management and respect and plain old fashioned love issues. Reading your argument run down really makes me feel blessed to have a wonderful dh so thank you for that. Sorry your getting the silent treatment. | ||
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I've got to ask...how in the world did you get your finger down his throat?? I don't iron. Period. That's what a squirt bottle a dryer are for! Aprille | ||
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I dont think ironing is the main concern here, I hope you realize that. It sounds like there may be a very unhealthy dynamic between the two of you. Is there basic respect most every day or was this just a bad day? Verbal and physical abuse/confrontation shouldn't be a part of a healthy marriage. I hope that things work out - and no I do not iron for my husband. That is what dry cleaning is for. | ||
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i just wanted to say sorry that your not so DH is being so rude and disrespectful. i hate when people say very hurtful things in the heat of the moment. it never helps the situtation. maybe marriage counciling would help you guys communicate better. i do iron DH's uniform (and hes in the military, so its a pain in the @$$), but ironing is obviously not you and DH's problem. im sure there is something lying underneath this argument that is a little deeper. maybe just more communication will help. hope things get better. was he serious when he mentioned divorce? or was it just in the heat of the moment? | ||
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Like others have said, I think there's more going on here than shirts. You said he "always wants me to wash his clothes and iron them on demand". How is it that he feels justified expecting that, and why do you feed into it? Let alone the way he spoke to you. A marriage is supposed to be about mutual consideration and respect. It doesn't sound like he has either for you. If I were you, I'd demand better treatment and if he can't deliver it, let him get the divorce he's threatening. You're better off without someone who talks to you that way and treats you like his maid. BTW... Until recently I was an at-home mom full time and did my best to keep up with the housework, but my DH still did his fair share. He knew that when I did things for him (like his laundry) it was out of love, not obligation and he always showed his appreciation by doing things for me as well. Never would he "expect" me to iron his shirts or use the kind of language towards me that yours did. Now that I'm going to school full time and have zero energy from this pregnancy, my DH has even started doing his own laundry and would never dream of complaining about it. | ||
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My ex husband was just like yours. He expected me to iron his clothes and cook his meals and do whatever else he wanted. He was a spoiled brat! I'm sorry but he was a grown man and was perfectly capable of ironing his own things. Don't expect me to do anything for you. If I choose to do it it's because I love and respect you and want to make your day a little easier for you. Like pp said, it's not about the ironing it's a whole other issue. With my ex I felt like it was about him conterolling me and trying to mold me into his idea of a perfect wife. One that cooks and cleans and takes care of the kids and waits on her husband hand a nd foot. I'm sorry , but it goes both ways. If you do for me then I'll do for you. My DF would never expect anything from me. I iron his clothes everyday for work because I love him and I don't mind doing it. But if I'm running late getting the kids to school he has no problem doing it himself. If I have a headache he'll do the dishes and get the kids in bed for me. He's a very loving and generous person. And I appreciate him so much more after experiencing a jerk like my ex. It sounds like you and your husband have a lot of respect issues. I'm so sorry that you guys are not on speaking terms. My ex used to not talk to me for 3 days for a stupid argument so I know how it feels. But from my experience, the more you don't talk the worse it gets. Maybe be the bigger person, and be the first one to talk and let him know how it makes you feel to be treated like that. Nothing is going to get resolved if you don't communicate with eachother. I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything turms out OK. | ||
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My WH(wonderful husband) is like Carolyn's. He never expects me to do stuff. So, for me it's a privilage and honor and so much fun to do it for him. Sounds like you both are young and have some maturing to do. There are two sides to every story....I'm not too much older than you are; my husband and I got married at 22...but, I was SO determined not to have a crappy marriage like my mom and dad and step-dad that our marriage has seriously been a dream. Please, don't think I'm saying we're perfect. But, compared to what I grew up in....I married a piece of a god. Not talking never solves anything OPEN communication is the key to a WONDERFUL marriage | ||
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sounds like you should have just ironed his damn shirt. I know they seem very needy, well guess what? It's because they are. They chose us as their partners because they know we will nurture them and care for them as is our job. If he is headed to work and is stressed for time, I can see where he is coming from. You say this is something you always do for him so why wouldn't he be upset when you don't do it? And when men are angry they always say things they don't mean. But if a little fight over a shirt that wasn't ironed ends in talk of divorce and your sticking your finger down his throat (WTF???) then you have a lot bigger problems. And hopefully all this wasn't done in front of your nine month old. No kid wants to hear fighting and yelling nor do they want to grow up with it. It's like Dr. Phil says, kids would rather be from a broken home, than in one. And saying that your really bitchy with this pregnancy, IS NOT an excuse. It's almost like your using being pregnant as a shield to get out of taking responsibilty for 1. not doing what's expected of you as a wife and 2. physically putting your hands on your husband. Just as no woman should be abused, no man should either. Even if he is stronger than you and he could take you, you don't put hands on your man in a violent way. It's just wrong. You have some serious issues you need to address here. I think counseling would be your best bet.
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My Dh is the same way.. he seems to think being pregnant is easy and he has it rough..ha. I dont blame you for being upset, he has no right to call you fat. We are all carrying a baby, some even multiples and guys would go nuts if they had to go through it. My Dh and I are probably getting a divorce, I realized alot being pregnant and how I wanted everything to be. I dont want a fatherless baby but I also dont want someone who makes me miserable and disrespects me all the time either. Just sit down and talk with your DH and hopefully everything will work out. If it makes you feel any better my DH eats way too much and has stretch marks..so he showed them to me and said "see your not the only one getting fat and having stretch marks" I was ready to hurt him and cry at the same time. | ||
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Foxox - I totally agree with you! Yes, it was mean of him to speak to you that way, but it was totally wrong of you to stick your finger down his throat. That is abusive behavior and needs to be stopped. Also, I just took child abuse and neglect class (required here for home daycare liscensing) and they consider fighting in front of your children child abuse. You need to be very careful with this and you need to grow up and learn how to handle disagreements like an adult (as does your dh). Pregnancy is not an excuse for this behavior. | ||
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To foxox: I'm just so blown away by peoples thoughts, your take on the situation was an interesting one needless to say. | ||
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Beckanne and Foxox- If you read the original post he put his hands on her face first! I'm not saying that you should retaliate in any way, but it could have been a defense measure. Ever have someone with their hands on your face and holding it, it's not a comfortable feeling and it seems like as a defensive measure she put her fingers down his troat since that would make him stop. Anyway that's how I read it the OP. Not that she just approached him and stuck her fingers down there but she was defending her self in a way. The fact that this guy is expecting you to iron his shirts is crazy. I understand if you do it a lot but you need to sit down and talk with him and tell him with 2 kids he need to start pulling some weight around the house and doing some chores that he might not have done in the past, like ironing his shirts. When your 9 month old is older, it's going to be harder since they are into everything and always need an eye on them. You can tell him I'll try to do it when I can but it's not a guarentee. I think you both need to talk this out, a divorce seems unnecessary unless there is something else that's bothering him? Good Luck! Autumn DS- 2 1/2 (Our IVF miracle) Expecting baby #2 Nov 17th! (IVF miracle #2!) | ||
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To autichris she said he put his hands in her face, not on her face. Either way this whole argument is very childish in the first place. Honestly, why not save yourself the argument and iron the shirt? Why because ur cooking and the baby is up? Hmmm u can take 5 mins. out of your time to save the argument. Its ridiculous! And i think it is just a big cop out to get out of doing a little something for her husband, cause maybe she is lazy! And hello fathers day is coming up, why not be a little extra nice to the men who fathered our children? You women who sit here and complain about all the little things you have to do is sickening. Quit complaing and do it! It's your job as their wife, and if you think otherwise you shouldn't have gotten married! All i hear is this should be one sided and men should have to do things themselves. Trust me, that is not why men get married!!! And you certianly do not fight in front of your children. Oh am i going to get another cop out like oh well im pregnant and i can't help it cause of the horomones! PUH-LEEASE! | ||
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Foxox- I agree with you. If OP knew he expected his shirts ironed then how hard was it to just do it and avoid the whole argument. Op is this a new thing? His wanting you to have his shirts done? I mean if you have known for a few years that this is what he expects out of a wife, then why all of a sudden are you balking at this? I personally do not iron. I don't even know how lol. But thankfully dh does not work a job that require ironed clothes. He does however expect dinner to be cooked or at least cooking when he comes home from a 12 hour shift hanging iron at the plant. I do this because 1. He deserves it for working so hard. and 2. It is my job as his wife and caretaker of the house. But yes, it does go both ways. After dinner, he always takes the kids for an hour or two because he knows 1. they missed him and 2. I expect it from him to let me relax after caring for the kids for 12 hours by myself. I really think both of y'all need to grow up and leave this childness behind. Dh and I married when he was 21 and I was 20. I had our first ds at 21 and we are now expecting our third. Has it been easy Hell no! But we had to grow up and be adults so we could raise our children in a good home. | ||
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WOW ladies first this was a vent post...pregnancy hormones are ranging here for EVERYONE... To FOXOX first of all sweety I'm not lazy I worked a full time job pregnant while hubby was not wanting to work...You don't have the right to say I'm lazy when you don't know me (just reading a post)...Another thing hubby has put his hands on me..Sticking my finger down his throat was the first reaction...I know how he gets when he's mad.......I'm the idiot who stays with him trying to make this marriage work.. to prevent a divorce.... The only thing I agree with you is my son..He doesn't need to see the arguments or violence. We both say hateful things when we are upset....Our marriage has issues just like everyone elses's. If a marriage never had problems well thats not a marriage ...We have our good days and bad ones....Yesterday was our bad one... And guess what this morning DH is acting like nothing happened yesterday....and repeatedly told me that I'm not fat and he said that too hurt me in the argument cuz he was raged out.... You guys I didn't post this to start an argument...I was venting mainly on the fat comment..And DH had no right to call me fat cuz I'm carrying his princess.... "Cheers to the women who are carrying a bundle of joy, especially little girls, we are going to have blast shopping" | ||
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An argument that resorts to divorce and your going to act like nothing happened? Yeah i can really see things going somewhere. And if he has put his hands on you, then why are you with him? Like i said, children would rather be from a broken home than in one. Think about your children and don't be so selfish trying to save a marriage that is putting strains on them! And why act like your not going to get a reaction from some of us when you put a post about physically putting your hands on someone.
You say he had no right to call you fat, you had no right to put hands on him or do this in front of your child. Now your defending the behavoir and your just going to let is slide so this can happen again in front of your small child. Here is the mother of the year!!! | ||
Your post made me sick. You shouldn't be giving out advice when you come from a 50's decade. Men need to grow up and woman aren't put on earth to marry childish men and act as their mothers. You catering to your man may work in your relationship, but that is not healthy. I have been with my partner for almost six years and he isn't with me so I can nurture him and care for him as my number one priority. He is a man! I would be concerned if that is what your "man" needs from you. Do you wipe is tush too if he asks you? I feel very strongly about this and that is why I am being "bitchy" it is not because I am pregnant. You are male-identified and woman like you who put men before themselves do our society injustice. You should go get therapy and quit giving out slave orders to the poor woman who posted this bulletin. Her first priority is her child, as it should be. | ||
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First things first, no man will ever come before my child. And i don't think i stated anywhere in my comments that man comes first above all. All i simply stated was that our men need to be appreciated and have their needs taken care of? Do you expect it to be a one way street? If my boyfriend is up early morning and needs lunch before he leaves to work, i get up and make his breakfest and his lunch for him. I'll fold and wash his clothes if he needs me to, no argument. Same goes for me, if he is off work and i need to leave, he will make me breakfest and pack me a lunch or he will take me to an early breakfest. Just because I feel like men should be more appreciated for what they do, doesn't mean I put my boyfriend above myself or anyone else. I have needs just as he does, but I find them more easily met if he feels appreciated, loved and that his needs are satisfied. Like in the bedroom, my man will not finish until he knows I have. He loves me. We have that kind of relationship. And I feel sorry for your husband, obviously you have the do it yourself attitude. Your relationship is great I'm sure! | ||
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Amen Devoted!!! My DH and I have a wonderful relationship. He always tells me being married to me is the best decision he ever made. I don't cater to his every need. Sometimes he cooks his own dinner, sometimes he'll clean up the mess that the baby has made. A marriage has to work both ways. We both have respect for each other and the things we do. I know he's the breadwinner, but he also knows that I'm not his personal slave to cater to his every whim and desire. Do I clean his house, yes it's always clean and presentable, but not because he insists, it's because I want that. Do I do his laundry, yes, but if I'm sick or just stressed out he'll start folding the clothes and put hem away. Do I always cook dinner, no, sometimes I do, sometimes he does others times we just go out. You have to have BALANCE in a marriage. When I worked full time, I still had energy to keep my house clean, do errands, have friends and boyfriends. Just because you work doesn't mean you come home and somebody pampers you to no end. I'm not saying pampering is bad, it's a good thing but shouldn't be a constant thing. Please don't raise your little boy to expect that kind of behavior out of women, men need to know that running a household is a lot of time and energy and just because you provide the cash dosen't mean that you get out of your responsiblities to do other household chores. Being a wife and mother is a 24 hours a day everyday forever, give yourself a break every once in a while, I think you'll be a lot happier and not jump down someone else's throat when she had a mishap in her marriage that you were not there for and don't know all of the details. I'm not saying just because anyone is pregnant they have the right to treat their spouses bad, they don't. Just like a spouse can't expect to marry a woman and he has an instant slave and he gets to sit around and watch tv or play xbox when he's off from work. It has to work both ways. There will be a time when you are tired of doing the same things for your DH day after day and you've spoiled him so he's going to expect it and it's going to wear you down. Take time for yourself and make sure your DH picks up some slack! Autumn DS- 2 1/2 (Our IVF miracle) Expecting baby #2 Nov 17th! (IVF miracle #2!) | ||
My relationship is great. I am glad that you noticed. We have healthly and understanding commitment. I help him, he helps me. He understands that I am pregnant and tired, nauses. That I am not using my pregnancy as an excuse to be "lazy". He won't put me down for not cleaning the house or cooking. The woman who posted this bulletin wasn't having her needs met by her husband. He wasn't understanding why she didn't iron his damn shirt. You did certainly "attack" her, blame the woman. Men should be apprieciated when they deserve it. They shouldn't be pampered because they are men. Dh and I have a wonderful marriage. He is a real man and doesn't need to be married to his momma . He pampers me when I need it, I pamper him when he needs it. Sounds like that is a two way street, but when it is not equal, I don't iron his shirts;) | ||
You nailed it. Perfectly said:) | ||
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In my house my dh does all the laundry. I cook most of the time but if I don't feel like it we eat out without any complaints what-so-ever on his part. I do the dishes (except for huge seasonal meals), I clean the house though occasionally I'll make him vacuum or clean the toilet if he has done something to make them dirty after I cleaned and take care of our Son. We have a good list of duties we share just like the pants in the house. I DO NOT IRON but I never have so he wouldn't expect it. I don't even fold clothes if it's up to me everything gets hung if it can't hang it's shoved in a drawer. Hence why he took over the laundry. So my feelings on this are that if you have for years now ironed his clothing and served at his beck and call then it's your right to not want to take it anymore but it's also he's right to want what he has had and if need be go to someone else and get it. So if your not willing to do these things for him talk to him and see if a compramise can be made and if not you both have to decide what to do from there. | ||
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Wowieee... I'm exhausted and taking up some precious nap time to type this so sorry if this doesn't make sense and sorry if most of it has been mentioned... First of all I think your DH looks to you more as a mother than a wife. Does he not know how to plug in a freakin' iron?? I have no clue how to iron, but it can't be that hard. I don't think I agree with the whole physical thing here. Him putting his hands in your face was disrespectful as it was for you to stick your finger down his throat. I have a 2 year old and DH and I know that when we have an argument that he's around and even though he's 2 doesn't mean he doesn't catch on. I also do not believe (nor agree) for one second that it is MANDATORY OR EXPECTED for a wife to cook, clean, iron, wipe someone's hiney, pick out a shirt (unless they're just hopeless when it comes to fashion like my DH, hehe) or anything along those lines. I can't begin to imagine having that type of mindset. That's almost as bad as being physically abused and thinking it's ok. My DH is wonderful and doesn't expect a single thing out of me. I get up and make him crappy sandwiches for breakfast and lunch every day at 4AM and he acts like it's the most amazing thing ever. If he wants a shirt ironed, he does it. If I have been vomiting all day and the house is a wreck, after working in the TEXAS heat all day long he'll be more than happy to pick things up. I could never imagine having to live with a man who was so damn dependent. ETA: YUCK. I went back and re-read some posts and almost fell out of my chair. I cannot believe how many men/women EXPECT so much out of their spouses. The only thing I ever expect out of my DH is love... THAT'S IT. I don't care if he takes my kid outside just so I can relax, I don't care if the grass doesn't get mowed until next Tuesday.. I have honestly never, ever in my life read so many co-dependent themed posts much less heard some of this crazy stuff!!!! And BTW I'm in therapy and we've done couples therapy I guess that's why we have the great relationship we do. Edited 3:31 PM by Kaleb'sM0mmy Edited 3:42 PM by Kaleb'sM0mmy | ||
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Oh goodness....we are gonna end up on that gossip website again! To the OP, if you want to vent, vent mamma, vent! To all those that dont like it, how about you go kiss a rats behind? So what if both of them acted in a childish manner. In the heat of the moment, we can all get a little crazy. I dont blame her for not ironing. If I am tired, cooking, and watching a baby...to h#ll with his shirt. He was born with two hands and a brain too! Good for you OP, getting that frustration out instead of holding it in. Stress is no good for babies and if these childish ppl that want to fuss at you for a 'vent' are trying to get a rise out of you, f*ck them. Keep yourself level headed and protect that precious babe! No woman is subserviant to her man, you stick up for yourself. After all, he already had one mom before to take care of him like that. | ||
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Foxox: You are dispensing all this marital advice and quoting the "quack" Dr. Phil. I just realized from another post that you are not even married. Why are you preaching about a "wife's role" to others and your boyfriend hasn't married you? | ||
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The only way to learn to be a good wife, is to be a good girlfriend. I read literature on healthy relationships. Maybe u should pick up a book. | ||
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Sweetheart, I don't need a book. My husband and I have it figured out and certainly don't need your advice. BTW...reading books about marital relationships and having a successful one are two VERY different things. Write back at least five years after you are MARRIED. Then you'll have a leg to stand on. Your posts are condescending at the very best. We all have the right to give our opinions but you are downright spiteful. What are you so angry about? Maybe you can find some literature to help yourself out on that one. | ||
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OP - It is never good to fight about these things. However, stick up for youself and you'll feel better about yourself in the long run. As for catering to our husbands? AS IF! I am spoiled rotten and I'll admit that to anyone that asks. My husband works, comes home and makes dinner and does a lot of the cleaning as well. I also work and my job is to give my 14 year old daughter her chores, and I do the laundry and clean the bathrooms and pick up when I want. Rarely does the laundry even get put away. LOL - ironing only happens on special occassions and we each do our own. I can't even think of a time in our 11 year relationship that I have EVER ironed his clothes. Every relationship is different. We each have our own ways of doing things and those things work for us. If you want your life to be spent catering to your husband then feel free. But don't expect that of every wife. My husband says that he knows I'm high maintenance, BUT he knew that before he married me so it's ok. He loves me for who I am, even though I don't iron his shirts.
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If your all so happy why are you online all day long? Don't you have better things to do? I am stuck at work, we are really slow, and I don't go on at home. Obviously busy keeping up MY end of things. And why are u on here complaining (oops i mean *venting*) if things are going so great for you? Do you think your man goes on his little websites to *vent* (u have to see the beer commercial for coors about the man whose friend needs to vent, I'm sure you would ALL get a rise out of that because u are such c**ts. ooooh i bet that word gets you really upset? go ahead list it all on here.) | ||
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You know - for someone speaking so old fashionedly and talking about how to "keep your man" .... your man certainly hasn't chosen to keep you as obviously you aren't even married so shut your trap before giving out marital advice! If you were so great at what you do, don't you think you would have walked down the aisle! Pretty sure in the 50's (which tends to be your way of thinking) that it was definetly not customary to be carrying a child out of wedlock. Ha. Which BTW for any other posters please know that I am soo for feminism and independent women so for anyone doing it on their own or choosing not to get married props to you! I just don't agree with hypocrits trying to start drama for no reason! XoXo Steffi
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This is great! I think Foxox just pulled one over on each and everyone of you who responded just as heatedly as she dished out her unwanted opinion. BRAVO Foxox...you really gott'em goin'. To all you mothers...just chill. Foxox is opionated...so what~! Let her express herself and leave at that. I admit. She was really harsh but, whatever. She's the one who has to live with herself and her boyfriend knows how to put up with her....so, let her be. Maybe she's miserable?? | ||
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Ummm didn't know appreciated your man means your living in the 50s. Maybe you should read it first, then think. If I wanted to be married, I would be. But I have more common sense then to marry someone just because we are going to have kids. Obviously I have kept my man cause hes in MY #### every night. Im sure your men probably go else where. I sure as hell would be. | ||
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Just so you all know, I have reported both this thread and the response attack thread by Foxox to the BBC Gods. Anyone with any sense will let this and the other thread die (aka no more posting so that it will get burried). Let's get back to being supportive and ignore those that are starting (or continuing drama). That's not what this board is supposed to be about.
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Yeah. you look like you have nothing better to do. | ||
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she said he put his hands in her face, not on her face. You knwo what when your in a heated fight it is prity much the same thing. there is only inces from being in your face to on your face. and both can be frighting and belive me i have bean there before to know and when your put in the kinda postion some times you have to do what you can to get out before it gets worse. the one and only time my hubby ever spoke to me like that it was about his lunch for work. my coment to him was i spend my day cleaning cooking and dealign with kids on top of being pregneat and really sick at the begging to the point it was hard to get out of bed with out tossing my cookies And if he coudl not get off is #### to make a sandich and put it in a bag than i guess he will starve cuse i was not doing it. and I did nto do it for a month . now he knows If i make his lunch for him he is lucky. and he has never said any thing like that to me since. As for the hole married thign and then joing the adult talk. thats a little rude dont you think. nto all of us are married but yet some of us hve bean throw what she is going throw married or nto and have every right to coment and try to help her out.. being married or nto dose not mater I AM NOT MARRIED was once and got beat for it and I will nto go thorw it again. girl stand up for your self. and dotn stick with the marrage jsut for your kids. belive me I made that mistake and it almost cost me my life. If its abuseive than you need to get out. cuse it may seam small now but it only gets worse BELIVE ME it started small and than after a vupple year it keep getting worse.. stand up for your self tell your husband thing need to change site down and have a heart to heart with him let him know that some times you cant always do what he wants when he wants it and if you where bissy cokkign dinner and dealing with a 9 month old thre is no reasion he coudl not have ironed his own shirt. he had enuff time to fight with you he woudl have takeing less time to iron his own bloody shirt you are not his maid. P.S I KNOW THE SPELLINGS BAD i JSUT THOTU I WOUDL SAY IT NOW BEFOR I HAD SOME ONE WHO DOSE NOT KNWO ME JUMP DOWN MY THROUT ABOUT IT.I AM DYSLEXIC SO YES I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH MY SPELLING AND FOR TOHERS WHO ARE NOTDYSLEXIC WHEN YOU GET UPSET AND FRSTRATED SOME TIMES YOUR FINGERS MOVE FASTER THAN WHAT YOU ARE THINKING SO IN BEING UP SET YOU MAKE MORE MISTAKE THAN YOU NORAMILY WOULD... Edited 7:51 PM by KayMoon Edited 8:27 PM by KayMoon | ||
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In the 2+ years that I have been on BBC, I don't think I have ever seen a thread that makes me more embarrassed for some women on here than this one. Foxox, I only have one minute to spend on you, but I will say that I can NOT believe that you are dispensing marital advice when you freely admit that you are not married. I am a SAHM and happily married, so I feel like I would be qualified to say that OP shirt ironing is definitely *not* a must-- especially when her "D"H is being unfairly demanding. You are so out of line and so out of touch with a woman's sense of self that I personally feel that you should be banned from BBC. And, the next time I see a poster who can not spell or type gramatically correct sentences refer to Dr. Laura as "literature" I am going to throw in the towel and log off of BBC forever. So everyone that is getting worked up over this, I am glad that I get to hang out with you for the next several months. I am always proud to see women stick up for other women who clearly need it. OP was asking for help in what is obviously a rough time. We ower her that as members of this board. And for those of you who are being closed minded and unnecessarily judgemental, I am glad that you all are acting stupidly enough here to get yourself kicked off. This board will be a better place without you. | ||
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In the 2+ years that I have been on BBC, I don't think I have ever seen a thread that makes me more embarrassed for some women on here than this one. I agree. I don't think I've ever been more disgusted simply by some of the words that were used, especially when someone is a mother. I can't imagine what their children hear. There's no law stating that you HAVE to be married to post advice to someone's thread and I don't think the person who posted about the adult talk (sorry forgot who you were!) meant every woman who wasn't married (it was obviously a directed post). There are plenty of women who aren't married that can give excellent advice, and then there are those that obviously can't. | ||
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KayMoon, I am one of the ones who mentioned something about the poster not being married. I am truly sorry if you thought I was meaning that to all women who have children/are pregnant and are not married. That was not my intention at all. I was directing this toward the poster b/c she was giving her opinions and "advice" to someone who was married when she has nothing from a marriage to base her opinions and "advice" on. Sorry once again since this was not obvious. Christina EDD ~ December 1, 2008 mommy to Carson ~ April 18, 2005
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KayMoon, I am one of the ones who mentioned something about the poster not being married. I am truly sorry if you thought I was meaning that to all women who have children/are pregnant and are not married. That was not my intention at all. I was directing this toward the poster b/c she was giving her opinions and "advice" to someone who was married when she has nothing from a marriage to base her opinions and "advice" on. Sorry once again since this was not obvious. Christina Im sorry as well At that point i had l gotten lost on who had said what. :) | ||
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