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I got a call early this morning from my brother Malachi this morning, he was crying, because this morning when he woke up and went to get his 11 year old daughter up, she was missing from her bed. The bed had been slept in and the window was opened, they called the police, and they had been talking to them all morning while the house is being combed. My brother said that there has been a string of kidnappings going on in his area and the cops think they are all linked. Please keep my brother and his family in your thoughts, his daughters name is Hope and His wife's name is Lacy and she is having a really hard time because this is there only child. Thanks for listening, it scared me enough where I had to get up and check all our kids beds. I'm still shaking. Edited 8:58 AM by WishinUponAStar | ||
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OMG! I am so sorry many many prays being sent from PA please keep us posted I am praying she comes home & safe! | ||
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So sad. I hope they find her quickly safe and sound soon. Hugs. | ||
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How scary!! Where do they live? My prayers are with them that she will be found unharmed. Suzanne in MO edd Jan 2009 w/#10
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Oh God.... I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for your family. Heather, mom to: Connor 2-11-02 Aisling 7-17-04 DFC Wyatt 6-18-97 A joy in our lives since 12-15-05 Siobhan 5-7-08 | ||
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Please provide more info. Where is this happening? A news link to the local news which would surely have an amber alert or some other alert posted by this time. How can they be sure this is a kidnapping and not just a pre-teen who slipped out to see friends? I personally am a news hog reading all national news sources and have not seen anything in the last month about multiple kidnappings in any particular areas....
Jessica and the Terrible Trio~ ds~a 6 year old Star Wars fanatic dd/ds~3 years and attracted to anything they shouldn't be
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Prayers are with you all! You need to try to relax for babies sake!! Do they live near you?? Very scarey! Amy and her 6 pack | ||
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My prayers are with you and your family!
Kristin mom of Spencer(15)Hayden(14) Elsa(8)Amelia(2) Sylvia(brand new!) | ||
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The are not releasing information to anyone, I do think an amber alert has gone up, but I do not have a lot of information. My brother said not to give out info about where he is the police are trying to keep it down played. I will keep you posted as I get it, I haven't seen a news link for it yet and I hadn't seen anything about multiple kidnappings, but I was going off what my brother gave me. If I find out more or a news link I will send it out. Oh, answer to the other question, no they do not live near us, other wise I would be packing up the family to drive up there and be with him, my other brother is going up there now to be with him and my father is going to catch a flight tomorrow. Edited Jun-2 by WishinUponAStar | ||
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Your brother and family will be in my thoughts and prayers! Please keep us posted. Dawn #4 June 24th, induction on the 18th | ||
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You have my prayers. Melanie ds 19; dd 13; ds 11; ds 6; ds 3; dd 2; ds 9 mos Your floor looks like your kids could eat off of it, mine looks like they did! | ||
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This is very strange- if my child were missing I would be on every news network and internet site with her picture. I dont think police usually keep it quiet when a child is missing, there are about 24-48 hours that are crucial to get the child back or chances after that are very slim. Sorry, my skepticism is showing. I hope that everything works out ok. | ||
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did they contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children? I am only asking because on their site there is no active Amber alerts, if there has been a string of kidnappings they would have them on there. Were the other kids found? my thoughts are with you.... ~Nicky | ||
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I really don't know why they do not want to advertise or what all is going on, maybe I'm wrong and they haven't put out an amber alert yet, it's not like my niece to sneak out, but they may be checking with her friend's place. I really have no more info than when my brother woke up his daughter was not in her bed, the window was open and the police were all over the place thinking it was kidnapping. | ||
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Praying for her safe return! | ||
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I agree as a parent I would be telling them to do an amber alert regardless! HUGS to your family that the police are not doing their job properly. We have had amber alerts go up in our state for later finding out they were runaways etc...but it is better safe than sorry. I am sure it is frustrating for you not to be able to be there for them. Prayers and thoughts go out to all of you! | ||
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Praying for good news!!!!! Any word yet?
Kristin mom of Spencer(15)Hayden(14) Elsa(8)Amelia(2) Sylvia(brand new!) | ||
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Thoughts, prayers and best wishes sent. Hope that you have good news soon! Brenda | ||
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As someone who's sister went missing 2 yrs ago, the police drag their feet if they think they know the outcome sometimes! In my sister's case, it was horrible that they didn't activate amber alert right away a lot of pain and suffering could have been avoided. When we weren't getting anywhere with the police, we went to our Heidi Search Center here in San Antonio and they put out the missing report. Is there anything like that where your brother is? Praying for a safe outcome for your neice. | ||
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Keep us updated we'll be praying for her safe return.
Ethan, Sevrin, Iris, Josiah | ||
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What a horrible thing to have happen to anyone let alone someone you know or are related to! I will keep your family and your niece in my T&P's. I think I would be very upset if I was told not to give out to much information or that they weren't going to put out an Amber alert...that's going against everything they always tell you to do in that kind of situation. Please KUP! Angie DD 17 DS 14.5 DS 12.5 DD 6.5 | ||
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Alright, so having talked to my brother Matt, who drove up to meet with my brother I got some more facts and better clarification. The reason there is an amber alert for her, but they did not put one out right away because there were no signs of a kidnapping, the evidence just pointed toward her sneaking out. however since she hasn't showed up yet they sent one out hours ago. My brother is from a small town outside of Minot, ND and as for the other children missing there is just one, so in the beginning they were thinking Hope snuck out to meet up with the other girl, but now that the time has changed they are doing things. The police have a suspect, but have not been able to get in touch with them. I wish this were a false post, I wish my brothers would call and say just kidding, but they haven't. My dad is waiting to hear if they catch the guy before flying up there. This is all I know for now, they are hoping to catch whoever it is soon. | ||
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Your family will be in my prayers. I would suggest you contact your brother and tell him to call the Center for Missing Children and find out why they have not posted the Amber Alert for his daughter. They need to get them posted, also contact TV stations in the area. I was unable to find a single thing in any ND news source. Also there was another young girl taken from the same town May 17th of 2007. She was much younger, but maybe worth a mention to the police so they can see if they find any links between the cases. Here is a link to the other girls information. http://www.missingkids.com/missingkids/servlet/PubCaseSearchServlet?act=viewChildDetail&caseNum=1044761&orgPrefix=NCMC&seqNum=1&caseLang=en_US&searchLang=en_US Praying for your nieces' safe return. Theresa, SAH-Homeschooling mom to: dd (3/00), dd (11/02), dd (7/04), ds (8/06) and dd (9/4/07) | ||
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I will tell him as soon as I can talk to him again, it's hard getting in contact because he has to call everyone in the entire family and we have a big family. Thanks for the link. | ||
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I am very sorry to hear that- I have TONS of family out in that area... did they put out an amber alert!? I can start a calling/email chain for them to keep thier eyes peeled. Do you have a link to the amber alert!??? Angie Mom to three boys and 1 princess!
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Umm- I don't mean to sound awful here because if this story is real, I have this little girl in my prayers...However- I just got off the phone with a family member that lives in Minot and they haven't heard of anything at all. Nor have they heard of any "string" of kidnappings or anything of the sort. I hope that I am wrong here but this seems fishy ladies. I suppose I could continue calling relatives since they are literally strung across that entire state. But- it just seems fishy. Nothing on the Minot Daily News, anything! What town is this in? If it is true, I think I would be callilng one of the news stations up there and getting them to air my story since that is what brings children home. Angie Mom to three boys and 1 princess!
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Ethan, Sevrin, Iris, Josiah | ||
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I have no idea why there were no active amber alerts, my brother said they put one out, not really sure although I'm prone to thinking the place where he lives is not the most up to date with technology, or anything else about procedures. Anyway they found Hope last night at 1 am locked in the basement of a known offender. She was a little bruised and shaken, but other wise okay. I really do not have answers to why nothing was there, but I assure you I wouldn't joke about this. Thanks for the support. | ||
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I'm happy she was found. How terrifying Kerri Proud mommy to: DD 6 DS 5 DS 2.75 DS 1 ttc # 5 in Dec 08
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Good luck with your triplets. It's getting close, huh?
Heather -love goddess to Mike and mom to 5 great kids | ||
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LOL! No doubt Heather... Jessica and the Terrible Trio~ ds~a 6 year old Star Wars fanatic dd/ds~3 years and attracted to anything they shouldn't be
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How scary. Wonderful that she was found. Please share more. Had she snuck out? Teg Kathryn 11/01, James 6/03, Mary 6/05, Sara Claire 3/08
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I'll stop hinting. I highly doubt this story.. Being that I looked multiples times yesterday and found NOTHING on Minot daily news or WKNX.com about even a look out for a local child this is all very suspicious. North Dakota is not that far behind in the times that they don't use Amber Alerts people. there was NOTHING out there. If there had been suspicion about a *local known offender* you had better believe that that indivisuals probation officer would have been notified. *known offender* insinuates to me sexual offender and they usually have to report to someone regularly. SO if there was concern about that individual then they would have been the first person addressed- get that out of the way and then move on. PLUS if there was any reason to believe the child was with a known offender HELLO AMBER ALERT!
Jessica and the Terrible Trio~ ds~a 6 year old Star Wars fanatic dd/ds~3 years and attracted to anything they shouldn't be
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Heather, do you smell it too? I smelled it when I first read this (ok actually a while ago but brushed it off because I never catch on that fast LOL)
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I have NEVER posted on whether or not I think someone is fake or is lying, but this story is way TOO BIZARRE......I live in Northern WI and we hear Amber Alerts for our state as well as MI, MN, IL, ND, & SD, I think even IN. If this did really happen it would have been BIG news on our local station out of MN last night?? It's really a tragedy if this is true, and only a sick person would post about it for extra attention if it's not!!! | ||
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if indeed this is true then I am very sorry for your family, what a traumatic thing to have gone through. if it is not true and you are lying I suggest you get some help as this is one sick thing to lie about. ~Nicky | ||
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Wow...I'm glad she is safe. I live in SD and didn't hear anything either. Brenda | ||
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I really think we should give Taylor the benefit of the doubt because it would be horrible to go through such a terrible ordeal and not have support just because people can't find any information about it on the internet. For instance, we just had an incident a couple of weeks ago where a man killed his wife and then he was arrested and the two kids were left with family. Our local newspaper didn't run anything about it but I know for a fact that it happened. Taylor, I'm really glad that there has been a happy ending.
Christy Mom to Amber, Cadie, Laina, Janae, and Saria | ||
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So glad I'm not the only one that sees this as fishy. Actually a lot of things from the OP have not seemed on the up and up to me, but this one just put the icing on the cake. A little saying I remember from high school. "You don't have to lie to kick it". Theresa, SAH-Homeschooling mom to: dd (3/00), dd (11/02), dd (7/04), ds (8/06) and dd (9/4/07) | ||
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I hope someone wouldnt lie about something like this...she did say the town was outside Minot so maybe thats why no one can find anything I want to believe this is true but it does seem weird that there wasnt an amber alert issued and that no one was told to be on the look out, I think the only time something like this is kept on the DL is when there is ransom or something like that where the kidnapper has left a note or called and threatened...if it was me EVERYONE woulda known my child was missing! I am so sorry if your neice was really kidnapped but it is hard to believe with all the things that weren't done I also looked to see if an amber alert was issued and the only one that was recent was for the 1st and it was for a 14 month old girl and was cancelled because she was found.... | ||
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I sure hope no one was lying. Remembering what we went thru 2 years ago, not a time I would want anyone to go thru or even make up. I remember getting a call in the middle of the night 3 days after we were begging for a news release. If the police had done what we asked and helped circulate the missing flyers that we made, I am sure the outcome would have been different. Instead the two top cops ended up 'retiring' early. | ||
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(((Diana))) It sounds like the police really failed your family. I'm so sorry. OP, I am glad she's safe. | ||
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The whole triplet thing always had me going ...... hmmmm! Especially making it to 30 weeks and not on bed rest or anything! Wow, that's good! Lori-Ann DS 12 DS almost 11 DD 6.5 DS 4.5 DS 22 months #6 EDD Sep 2 | ||
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I grew up in Minot ND, and in another small town about 80 miles from there. I know the area- they aren't stupid...they have just as good of technology as anyone. In fact- I know a few dr's from that area who said they were more advanced in civil govt then our town here in South Dakota...so sorry- that dosen't fly with me. I did, for giggles send out an email to a few friends up there and there has been absolutely nothing about this anywhere. Check the Minot Daily News! I can name all of the small towns in that area too- nothing. I think that is a pretty sick thing to make up, but I guess if you have triplets on the way- its all in a days work huh? Angie Mom to three boys and 1 princess!
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To the PP....I was just a lurker at the point of the fake triplet pregnancy. It was a good year ago. Maybe someone else can fill you in. NOt many old timers left though. She posted on the Hopeful hearts thread I think and then all of a sudden she was pregnant and it exploded from there. That was my first ever troll that I witnessed! Now it is so easy... they always give themselves away eventually. Plus I frequent the bargain board adn there are always ton there! Edited 2:44 PM by ChuckNorris*Fan | ||
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I won't comment on the original post because I don't know what to think of it, but I will agree with Melanie: They WILL induce on a holiday. I am actually having a scheduled C-section on July 4th (no one that I tell can believe that my dr did this) because I want a particular dr to do the surgery (4th C-section) and he will be out of town following that. I have already been called by the hospital to confirm and everything so even though I am even having a hard time believing it it IS happening! | ||
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Just popping in to say I remember the "fake triplet troll" from a year ago. The ladies on this board are very good at "outing" trolls. I am impressed that so many people called this one out. Good Job!!!!! Ella | ||
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I know of only one person who had triplets and they were born vaginally. If all three are presenting down wards and you carry them long enough, sometimes they will allow you to try. She gave birth no problem but unfortunately had a bleed in her brain a few hours later and was in a coma for weeks. She has serious brain damage and its horrible! The little ones are thank G-d doing wonderfully but are without their mommy. Rocker 4-88 Zu 4-03 Tev 7-04 Frei 5-06 Jewish Women's Network | ||
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Ella I'm actually surprised that I knew she was a faker LOL Y'all *know* how easy I can be to fool when it comes to these things, I'm a bit slow to catch on normally. And I remember that triplet troll a while back too, that was just the funniest thing I thought once I realized it was a troll. And just for giggles.................... I sooooo have this song stuck in my head now! lol
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Sigh. Remember that one troll on here who claimed to be pregnant with triplets... LOL... she posted ultrasound pics from the net! I was here for that . . . not my first troll on this board, either. I have to admit I've been a bit skeptical from the beginning . . . sadly every time I see triplets I wonder, but I just try to take people at face value. Reading this thread this morning brought up a big red flag. I'm sorry OP that for whatever reason you needed our attention. I hope things get better and that you have someone IRL to talk to. | ||
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I think I'll agree with Bianca on this one... I have barely enough time to keep up with my own crazy life...never mind create a fake one! How in the world does someone have that much extra time? Especially with a large family, three on the way and a house (and barn) full of animals. Sounds fishy to me too. You guys are so good at ousting the fakes...I'm impressed! How sad to have to lie about something so horrible. My heart aches for those that have experienced this...it is nothing to joke or lie about. ~Chris 4 beautiful DD ages 12, 10, 8 and 4 1/2...and an ^i^ m/c after DH Vas hoping and praying for a vas-reversal miracle after 17 months | ||
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I am not saying that a dr would not induce on a holiday for a normal pg, but I really do not see a dr inducing a high risk delivery on a day when a lot of staff that may be needed may not be there. But thats really besides the point.
Theresa, SAH-Homeschooling mom to: dd (3/00), dd (11/02), dd (7/04), ds (8/06) and dd (9/4/07) | ||
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Sadly, triplets always gives me a red flag. *sigh*. I just read the profile...all those animals and TWO organizations for teens??? I dunno.... Where is she btw? Paige | ||
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from the bio: I met my husband while I was surfing in California at the age of 19 my third year in college that doesn't seem right. now everyone tell me their stories of graduating at the age of 16 Ella | ||
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Wait...we have had TWO triplet troll pregnancies on this board. I am not sure if we are allowed to mention names or not, so I won't but....the first was the one who was uber-rich and posted pics of her dc (that were actually models taken out of magazines) and the other was the poster who was here for quite a while who loved unique names | ||
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Makes me SICK to think that someone would make up something like that! Thanks to the PP's that defend us posters in the Dakota's. I swear sometimes people think that we are still stuck in the 1920's out here. LOL Good job Troll Hunters! | ||
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Actually Shannon, that second one who liked unique names was pregnant with twins I think. Oh, and just because I can................... (I'm loving the search engine on photobucket btw, I find all sorts of neat things sometimes)
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Shannon~I remember the rich troll with triplets. Remember how she used a picture from a beauty show with a number still pinned to the dress? Congrats on the little one!!! Ella | ||
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I don't know if this is true or not... I prayed for the girl and family... but as far as trolling... I can see how you could get a kick out of making up a fake life etc to get attention, but things like kidnappings and stuff isn't attention for you.... it's just weird and sick.... having triplets on a large family board I can understand, but this thread... wow.... I hope you never truly have to go through a true abduction... | ||
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Bianca - I can't imagine actually making up a fake life and pretending it's mine because that's deceitful and creepy and wierd. However, as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a fiction writer, so I think the making a person and life up would be fun. I just can't imagine taking that step of actually pretending to be someone else, that would feel too wrong. I hope I am making sense, lol!!! Kate Loving Mommy to Isabella, 3, Sam, 1 1/2, and our newest addition coming October 2008. | ||
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I wonder if she is 'charlie'.... a person who posted on a private large family group I am on for years. I always felt like her posts were fake, but I didn't say anything to anyone. Then she suddenly had twins that were something like 18 weeks early (or something, I can't remember all of the details now) and were out of the hospital in days and off camping, then she is pregnant with triplets and they are way early and fine and I think conceived after her husband's v and then he dies and then she finds another guy with a dozen kids or so and then well... finally everyone got it and booted her out but then I got an email of an obese naked guy sitting at the computer and it always sticks in my mind that this was really charlie!!! Kim ~Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.~ Elizabeth Stone | ||
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