  Pardon the mess and quality, they were taken in my garage with my cell. |
Nice I am jealous. I haven't got tattoo'd in a few months, and I am itching to get back in the chair! |
I thought it hurt so bad, I leaned into my dad haha.
Yeah I think the first is always the worst because you don't know what to expect. How'd ya get a tattoo and you're under 18? Here you have to be 18 and you can't get it under parental consent...which sucks. [Well it did when I wasn't 18, my mom wouldn't sign for me anyways lol] |
It's beautiful! I got one on the inside of my ankle and I seriously thought I was going to die. It was my second one. I dont remember the first one hurting as bad. My second one was also my last! I'm itching to get another one too, but it's been about 10 years now and I'm a big ol chicken. LOL Yours is sooo beautiful! |
I turned 18 on thursday. My DF and dad got tattoos by the same person today too.
Ugh I want another on. My ds just got a really cool one on his upper back. It is pretty big. I just want another small one with something to recognize my 2 bio kids. Dh is a prude and thinks they are trashy. It kinda ticks me off. I don't ask for much and the one thing I want he says no. I guess he brings home the bacon so he can say that. Edited to add: I forgot to tell OP that I really like the tatoo. It's pretty sweet.
Edited Jun-22 by reegrace |
very pretty! I am waiting until I am finsihed nursing & drop about 20 lbs before my next one...it will be my reward!!! :) Bridget |
| - Date: Jun-22
- To: All
- From: Lemony
| |
pretty! I love how the name is in the same style as the butterfly. good artist.
I'm going on Tuesday to meet with a tattoo artist. Thanks for the inspiration!
Lemony |
No problem. I have a question, for those who have tattoos, is it normal for it to hurt worse the next day? Mine is really achy.
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And for Heavens sake CLEAN THE GARAGE !!! |
Whoa! What did I miss....where the h e l l did that come from?!  |
Chelsea- it looks good and it is going to keep looking better as it begins to heal! Stay it out of the sun! Holly Happy BD! |
No Chelsea...make sure if it itches you scratch it.....and I mean scratch it real hard. |
Please. Take the teeny bopper fight elsewhere, mkay?
Chelsea- the tattoo is really pretty!! And yes, mine hurt more the next day. Lots of Vitamin D lotion and try not to itch it! Danielle
I recently took up ice sculpting. Last night I made an ice cube. This morning I made 12, I was prolific. Mitch Hedburg 2/24/68 - 3/29/05
Chapstick will help.
I think you should have to have a passport to travel between the other board and this one.
Sorry BOB no passport needed..... |
WishUwereME What are you four? Grow up. Your tattoo looks beautiful. I want another one too but am going to wait a bit. I want to get a side piece done up my rib cage. Gotta find the courage for that one, lol. |
Hey Moo Chick go back to fat camp and let Smelshie fight her own battles.... RAWR!!!!! |
No I'm 6 1/2 going on 7...Same age as Chelsea. |
Your screenname alone made me barf in my mouth alittle. Go away stalker. |
If you're gonna start drama on other boards atleast keep it fresh.
Everyone's over the Chelsea drama..except..well, the as you say "Skanks" and just plain bored, life less people.
Now, back to cooking my dinner.
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Doesnt work to make fun of something that Im already making fun of....but nice try, I guess. And why try to type "out of character"? You're gonna get reported under your real name. |
Personal attacks? Nice...see ya later! OP, the itching sucks! Try not to scratch it! Don't put too much ointment on it. I did this and I had to get the colors touched up after it healed. (which is common...but they did tell me not to put ointment on it. Can't breath that way or something) |
Chapstick is perfect. It stops itching, and helps it heal and seals the color in. Or non scented lotion can help, but dont use to much.
Beautiful! And familiar too! lol
Here's mine!
cool tat! it's really pretty! if I ever work up the courage to get a tat, I would love to have something done that would be revolved around my kids with their initials or something. I'm just too afraid of the pain, but the guy I'm with now has several tats, I think he has 9 tats, one is on the side of his neck, it's his daughter's name in chinese letters. if he went with me and held my hand I just might be brave enough to go through with getting one! lol! my kids father has a good sized dragon in the middle of his back and some kind of tribal band around his upper right arm. Laurie |
I hope this doesnt mean that you'll be wearing shorts now Chelsea. |
Vitamin E oil also works really well. Believe it or not so does A&D ointment. Works double for tats and diaper rash. I am being totally serious, please don't think I am trying to be mean. |
Perhaps. I have another idea of who it might be.... Bekah  |
Regardless, whoever it is will probably be banned for trolling. That means all her screennames (personalities) will be banned as well. |
Someone got skeerd and deleted messages, with the hopes of not getting banned. HONEY Mom to 3 amazing kids. DD Jan/98 Rides in a regular seat belt. DD Jun/05 Rides FF in a Marathon. DS Nov/06 Rides RF in a Radian. |
LMAO!! I am quite sure BBC can still see the deleted posts! hahaha!!!! |
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