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OK, I know some of you need to get it out of your system. I'm giving you a "Witch" post (please replace the W with a B). I will be deleting this thread when I wake up in the morning. THE RULES: I will not be checking this post, and only read if you can handle it. Then tomorrow, this post is gone. Posts still need to be under Babycenter Guidelines, but total negativism is allowed. Adding: This post is for MARCH 2008 Moms ONLY. Also Adding, link to locked thread: http://boards.babycenter.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?tsn=1&nav=messages&webtag=bcus1525911&tid=19926
Have fun! Debbie Edited 6:55 PM by BCDebbie Edited 7:01 PM by BCDebbie | ||
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Message 19931.3 was deleted |
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HA! Debbie, this is good. Maybe a cleansing will be good for them. Is it called detox. FREE FOR ALL - really. Gotta love freedom! BellasMamma | ||
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Okay then, I will address my question here....
May I ask a question?? I am being completely serious. I am not on a "side." I just want to ask Nicky (I can never remember how she spells her name!!) a question and give her a chance to defend herself; Nicky-when you saw how some of these women were taking your story and perhaps twisting it or distorting your words (i.e. assaulting your child), why did you not come back and clarify before things got out of hand? Again, a serious question ~C~
DD 4. 23.06 DD 3.27.08 | ||
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And this is what it takes to bring me out of lurkdom!
May I please join team Nicky? | ||
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Stephanie, can you scooch over and is the popcorn buttered?
Edited 7:07 PM by babycreep3 | ||
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SaygesMommy- didn't you have another screenname, i recognize your pics... and I remember you have good advice? I love the popcorn, and the "sit back" comment. It's true, it's almost as if, I wanted to stop it all, but realistically it's almost like Jerry Springer (well maybe not that bad). Someone else mentioned train wreck (that is also bad). It's bad, because feelings are at stake. So which high road am I on? I wish I could get back to my real job (Graphic Design) - BUT IT'S FRIDAY. Very confused. But you all should play nice. We are moms, and I am FTM, so I would like to think I have come to a new phase in life, like the rest of you all, no?
BellasMamma | ||
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Wow what part of March '08 mommies ONLY did you not read? ~*Sara*~ | ||
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DARN FRIDAYS. BellasMamma | ||
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March Mommies ONLY!! ahem, yes you ____________________________________
Sydney 1/23/03
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HA! They must be having it out elsewhere. What people do with FREEDOM, when they have it. BellasMamma | ||
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Pass the popcorn please.. Love u ladies! All of you! And i wanna say to the mod, you have alot of patience. I used to moderate a forum for a MMO gaming community and i thought those guys were bad lol. They got nothin on the March 08 moms lol ~Cat~
Alexander Lee - 3/31/08 | ||
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What no one wants the fruit now that it is not forbiden?
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And someone called all us March08 moms trolls. That's funny. So I naturally posted a pic of my baby troll in the troll thread, I thought whoever started that was a great diversion. Popcorn is too caloric anyway (that is with butter- great comment though). ; ) BellasMamma Edited 7:23 PM by BellasMamma | ||
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Message 19931.29 was deleted |
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Then again, it doesn't have to be buttered popcorn.
BellasMamma | ||
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Just cracked open my beer too. I wish the drama queens would stay on their own boards. I wish people had morals and class. If someone comes and your board and posts, then hash it out over there. Don't bring your trash talk over here to try to gang up on somebody. This isn't the "everyone hate on Nicky board" or the "Let's make fun of FTM's board." Grow up and get a life. Just because your miserable doesn't mean you have to make everyone else miserable too. People need to remember that there's a PERSON sitting behind the other end of the computer. Take a lesson in KINDNESS. There's a way to disagree with someone without being heartless witches. I'm not perfect, but I'm not going to intentionally hurt someone's feelings just to show off to my friends. Karma, as much as some of you think it's bull, is REAL. You may not get yours immediately, but it will come back and bite you in the butt eventually.
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K, I'll go!!!
First off...I have NEVER been a part of ANY drama here. Yesterday...when I was trying to convince the upteenth person who was leaving this board because of a bunch of lame-@ss lemmings and their @ss kissing wannabe's who come here to start drama by making fun of people EVERYDAAY I got P*ssed! When, it was made clear...without a shadow of a doubt that one of said lemmings who is OBVIOUSLY the most attention deprived person that I have ever come across...come on now, be serious...we ALL know this...flat out LIED to get MORE attention...I became infuriated. And come on, IT WAS A LIE! SO, I started a thread for those of us that have been LIED TO, to go ahead and apologize to the company we helped to bring harm to. I posted both my original letter to the company (on her behalf), and I also posted a retort to another poster who I thought was WAY out of line for the way she attacked her. I was compltely 100% behind her until it was made OBVIOUS that she had LIED to us. AND, let me just state that I think the continued discussion of "was she discreet" "she should have gone through this or that channel first" completely bugs me STILL. IF she were telling the truth I could not care less HOW she went about feeding her child, or how she handled it afterwards. Hey, I would like to think that if something like that ACTUALLY happened to me that I'd have behaved differently...but, people are human...they can act on emotion in "the heat of the moment" and WOW, I might have actually handed my child to my sister and smacked that server, again...IF that ACTUALLY happened they way she FIRST described the incident. Anyway...I've gotta go, but let me just say that: 1. I feel that an apology is in order to this company and all parties involved. 2. OOPS, my bad...didn't know I couldn't have an oposing opinion because I'm not part of some ridiculous internet POSSE. 3. there are PLENTY of other members of this board that feel the same way I do, but are too scared to voice their opinions for fear of facing the "wrath" of said internet posse. 4. It is MY opinion that not standing up for others is just as bad IF NOT WORSE than actually partaking in the attacking of others (you KNOW who you are). And NO, I didn't attack anyone...I pointed out that we were lied to and that OUR actions caused harm to others and I invited others to join me in rectifying that situation. 5. You're not cool...you don't think for YOUR SELF, and I'm NOT IMPRESSED NOR AM I SCARED. 5. BRING IT ON LEMMINGS! Lisa J. Mommy to Chase - Due 3/18 -- DOB 2/24/08
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First of all, i'm not taking sides. Second, how do YOU have the facts? None of us do! Are you one of those people who actually believe the articles in Us Weekly, Star, and People too?? Yes, I've read everything you have and have the same info. Way too much time is being spent talking about stuff we don't have the facts about. ____________________________________
Sydney 1/23/03
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Sure...I don't have the facts
A post by her stating "she tried to cover my child with a napkin" and a VIDEO of her saying "she handed me a napkin" (sorry...don't have the actual quotes as I am on another computer) are TOTALLY different! Funny how the "facts" were changed AFTER they told her they had VIDEO of the incident!??? Yeah, *I* MUST be confused? Lisa J. Mommy to Chase - Due 3/18 -- DOB 2/24/08
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Lisa, you can type your feelings out very fast, I am impressed. ALL - I must say, that I am not part of a posse, and don't need to be - someone pls explain to me why these posse's exist? Is it because they are on all the time and they made friends? DOES IT HELP to belong to one on BabyCenter? Just asking, I noticed that there are many on this site... I also wanna know, since I am a March 08 mom, AND YES A FTM, what is up with "siggys"? Does that mean that you all smoke?. Sorry for the naitivity (sp).
BellasMamma | ||
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Second, how do YOU have the facts? None of us do! Are you one of those people who actually believe the articles in Us Weekly, Star, and People too?? Yes, I've read everything you have and have the same info. Way too much time is being spent talking about stuff we don't have the facts about
No, we don't have all of the facts, but there is enough out there for anyone who can think to see that there are different stories. Different stories = everyone feeling they've been lied to. It's just ridiculous that this was posted all over a million different boards wanting support, but when the going got tough, the OP got going.
Edited 7:50 PM by Hey-There-Honey-Bee | ||
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Also, I am going to run with posse thing, and also the naitivity (sp) thing... (I am a sometimes-user-sometimes-lurker-random-poster) Can someone from the TUNA posse/grp/whatever tell me the origins of being called Tuna. There must be humor coming from the start/get-go of the group. Honest, true question. BellasMamma | ||
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SOME posse's exist because they were created by a bunch of insecure people that bonded over their ability to ONLY be "funny" by making fun of others. So, no. If you have ANY common sense and a desire to not partake in being a total B*TCH to others...not necessary. Though...there are several other groups that just bonded over other GOOD reasons. I wouldn't rule it out...just make sure that you know WHO you are lining up behind.
ALSO, being part of this posse means that you are NEVER wrong. You could post that you took a crap on another mothers child because she looked at you funny and everyone would JUMP to your aid "good job!!!"...so ya know...if you're into that sort of thing...go for it??? I kinda wish you "knew" me...this would all make MUCH more sense =) Lisa J. Mommy to Chase - Due 3/18 -- DOB 2/24/08
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Can I just remind all us March08'ers that someone called us TROLLs too? Why are there haters. Goodness, this is really silly. BellasMamma | ||
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Lisa I posted in your other thread. How do you know she didn't have camera fright at the interview or that she rather have not made a huge deal of "the napkin incident" as it was because, after all, they re-trained the staff and she was happy w/ the outcome.
How come YOU didn't take this off the board first and email Nicky and ask for an explaination of the differences in her post and the interview?! | ||
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I just don't get why so many people have taken it upon themselves to invest their time into talking about it for so long!! If she lied, she lied. Sounds like there is some truth to it...........but whatever. I too can lurk and have seen hundreds of posts of people just repeating themselves but "using different wording" so they say something "new". I dunno, I'd put my time and energy elsewhere, not dwelling on if a lady on the internet is right or wrong. But that's just me! ;) ____________________________________
Sydney 1/23/03
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I will admit that I misread Nicky's original post about what occured. I *assumed* that she meant the waitress put the napkin on Catalina's head. I *assumed* that "tried to" meant made an attempt, not that it meant handed a napkin to Nicky. I also admit that I should have asked for clarification from Nicky. However, I am responsible for my own actions. I am responsible for writing my email and I still stand behind it. I am responsible for thinking before I act and I am responsible for asking for clarification when it is needed. I do not blame Nicky for me not asking for clarification of details - which I should have done. I take responsibility for my actions and stand behind Nicky because she did not lie. She could have used more clear language but she was obviously upset at the time. When you are upset and you type something, it sometimes comes out unclear. I am sorry that anybody on these boards blames their actions or lack of actions on another member. That is what I find is sad. Nobody told you to email the company, you made the decision. If you wanted further clarification then you should have asked for it. | ||
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! Lisa J. Mommy to Chase - Due 3/18 -- DOB 2/24/08
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And where the heck did my Chunkie Monkys siggy go?
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Did somebody not read the part where Debbie said March '08 mommies only? ~*Sara*~ | ||
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Thank you for the explanation - or at least your interpretation of it. AGAIN, very impressed with your ability to type fast. BellasMamma | ||
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Ok since it's a free for all...
I'm sick and tired of the picking on others on this board. YOU know who you are.. I've read postings on here late at night about others researching people and mocking mommies on this board behind their back. Then it's deleted in the AM- what's the point in that? It's rude! I hate when people pick on others just because they said or did something that you don't agree with.. just state your opinion and move on- gimme a break! How old are we? On this NIP topic.. I posted on my blog about the story and Nicky I don't know what happened other than what you told us and the media. I really don't care exactly what happened other than the waitress was in the wrong to tell you to cease BF. I came to this board for supportive moms who enjoy sharing about our LO OK I feel better now :) | ||
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Reminder: March 08 Mommies ONLY! ____________________________________
Sydney 1/23/03
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I'm not commenting on the drama- I wasn't any part of it (other than reading some of the posts) but I had to answer the siggy question. The "siggy"s are the blinking things at the end of people's posts. Short for signature. It's where you can see what "posse" someone belongs to. For what it's worth, there are plenty of March mommies who don't belong to gangs, come on the board for support/ questions, whatever and enjoy it that aren't part of any posses. And yeah, most of the groups formed when people responded to certain threads, then got to know each other better (I'm guessing at this since although I've been on since early in my pregnancy, I'm still not part of a group.) I guess what I'm saying is if you want to come on here and avoid the drama, for the most part you can. I do think that a few people have gotten slammed for asking what others considered "dumb" questions, but I hope that doesn't keep everyone else from participating. I know that I have been helped by many moms on here, and I want to continue to be able to do that. Can't we all just get along? | ||
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I see your Chunky Monkey siggy! ~*Sara*~ | ||
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AGAIN, does siggy's mean cigarettes? Or does it mean something different.? BellasMamma | ||
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Siggy's = Signatures ~*Sara*~ | ||
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siggy = signature
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Here we go with this BULL again. Ms. Lisa why don't you go back and read Nicky's story then read the response she got and after that read what she wanted to come of the situation. All she wanted as an outcome was breastfeeding awareness, not 2.5 million dollars. She was NOT on a crusade to liberate everyone to NIP. She was asserting her RIGHT to feed her hungry child. Why the he ll are you nitpicking the entire letter. POINT BLANK no matter what detail was added or not added:
She didn't stand up and say "Hey everyone look at my nipple" You "women" kill me with that crap. I'm modest blah blah blah. No, you're ashamed to feed your child and feel that your child should be fed in a corner, in the restroom, or under a damn blanket. Every child is different. And gimme a break with this posse #### Lisa, if you paid attention more than half of her support was from lurkers, check the tuna thread like I'm sure you do. Stop pretending to be so high ang mighty and try thinking about what your doing before hand. Being a hurtful If I wasn't already going out to drink tonight, I would drink! I'll be thinking of you as I sip my vodka Briana. PS If I spelled anything wrong save your time correcting me. I am typing with my left hand while feeding my pookums and don't really care to fix it. Tootles!
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Just like I said - SOME people can't argue without being rude and immature. So, what, just because I come on here and make *friends* with a few people means I'm insecure? Gimmie a break. Nobody made you write that email. You decided to post your apology to show everyone how perfect you are. NOT. You posted it to get everyone to jump on the "let's crucify Nicky" bandwagon. Get off your pedestal. | ||
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I just wante to say...I cannot keep up with this, but at the point I am in reading this...I read from a thread the other day of someone getting upset about something over a stupid misunderstanding and how people tried to email, text her off BBC was WRONG...and it should have been discussed on here. People need to pull up their big girl panties and deal with it....stuff happens, words get mixed up..Ihonestly do not care two Sh*ts to what is going on with this whole drama thing. | ||
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Here you go... Please note certain key statements:
· First account of the altercation: [Irene] “TRIED TO COVER MY BABY WITH A NAPKIN!! ” and then again “She tried to cover Catalina a few more times”
· Second account of the altercation (to fox news rep…also on video): “she attempts to hand me a napkin like she wants me to cover my child”
There is a HUGE difference between actually attempting to cover a child’s face with a napkin and attempting to hand a person a nakin…which she ASSUMED was to be used to cover her child and/or breast. It is very clear that this person lied once, so it would lead me to question the entire story altogether. So basically...if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its @#### when it hopped. For NOW, I'm going to err on the side of common sense? Lisa J. Mommy to Chase - Due 3/18 -- DOB 2/24/08
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Here here Kailynn. Thank you Gator Baby. I like both of your styles. IM paying attn to your posts Some of these mommas are really sleep-deprived I think. Thank you for the good explanations. BellasMamma | ||
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ALSO, being part of this posse means that you are NEVER wrong. Ooh, ooh. I want to be a part of that posse. Oh wait. I am. Awesome!!
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No, Caressa, start it - you are the mommy trust your instincts. Just my opinion. | ||
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I'm not a March 08 Mom....thank God! I've never seen such a fuster cluck in my entire life.
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lori and C- how about chocolate, eggs adn peanut butter the chunky kind of course?
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Tracy, Briana, Jessica? I know someone posted this yesterday! I love it! ~*Sara*~ | ||
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I have a March Kiddo, but I only lurk so I do not need to reminded about the rules for this free for all.. I love this group, I love this drama..Bunch of chicks sticking up for some pink haired skank that lies, gets caught, lies some more...
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then definitely chocolate!!! duh!!! oh make eggs too! | ||
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For those who HAVE NOT seen the video: Lisa J. Mommy to Chase - Due 3/18 -- DOB 2/24/08
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So I guess my question is not going to be answered. ~C~
DD 4. 23.06 DD 3.27.08 | ||
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First of all, do you have something stuck up your ####or what? Bellasmom: Tuna- thread started with "my can of tuna and other random thoughts" bc the OP was looking at a can of tuna and when it expired our babies would have been 3. Other people started posting and continued to and a bond was formed within the members of that thread. We are NOT a gang, or a POSSE. We are simply friends. Others here call themselves gangs, but thats thier perogative, I don't like to refer to my friends as 'gang' but to each his own. and LISA, if you knew anything ABOUT the girls in that thread, (which you obviously DO NOT) you would know that they are sweet people, and I consider them all my friends. What SOME ppl dont like is that we call a spade a spade. If your being an IDIOT for giving your 2 month old chocolate, we're going to call you on it, we always try to be nice, and post facts and links, but somehow people dont like hearing anything but "Oh your such a great mom for _______________" even if they AREN'T. Then they get defensive, and everyone ends up with their panties in a bunch. (and we do the same thing WITHIN our thread, just so ya know.) Now, that being said, YOU are a nasty person, you know that? I am so sick of your self righteous attitude, Nicky posted on your drama starting thread, and explained to you what happened, how wording was misconstrued, and yet some people have NO LIVES and will just NOT let it drop! SRSLY, GET A LIFE AND GET OVER IT. I dont care if you don't believe Nicky. You are being quick closed minded to not think for ONE SECOND that the management is trying to twist things back to their advantage after seeing the outpouring of support, you are also being naive that if they have this "video" why havent they released it to the news stations, or for that matter, defended themselves to the news stations? again, naive to not wonder why they apologized and why Irene apologized AND WAS FIRED if she did nothing wrong? Obviously they KNOW they messed up, so OBVIOUSLY they want to protect their reputation and get their 'business back'. I call BS on the company! | ||
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Lisa J. - I love you ! 1) Why should people need to ASK Nicky for clarification ? She said what she said ! And now it's CHANGED ! Her whole account is different. What started out as her being TOLD TO STOP Breastfeeding, is now a nano second altercation where she was handed a napkin - BIG F-ing difference from someone PREVENTING her from BF'ing and "assaulting" Cat by covering her with a napkin ! Do you Tunas and others REALLY NOT see a difference ? 2) Nicky was DIRECTED to the BHB. They didn't come looking for her. I consider the BHB my HOME board and have for more than 4 years. Yes, I have 2 kids and they have birth boards, but I don't consider them my HOME boards. The BHB are my peeps. Some like me, some hate me. I know that and that's fine with me. To quote Melissa - "Stick with us Bargain Hunter B i t c h e s - we may be mean, but at least we are honest!!!!!" AMEN !
Steff - Mommy to 2 Spoiled Rotten Chicks: Keegan 1-05-05 Fallon 2-09-08
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