Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Your name sucks

WOW. now is the time i really wish i could bi..tch slap someone through the computer. must suck to be that big of a snatch.

siggy 1/24/08 Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
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  • razberiswrl
A few random points ...

Went to school with a Zane. Boy.
Umm, my bff's brother is Marcus. They are very white.

My dad flipped when he heard ODS's name (Isaac Taylor). Said it was a "GD Jew name" ... shocked I cursed him out, lol, and asked him WTF diff it made, we're neither Jewish nor any other religion ...

MIL flipped because DDs middle name is Simone, and that's "only for black people." shocked WTFE. confused

Kendall, IMO, IS spelled wrong if you want it pronounced like to kindle a fire. Kendall is a whole other name (ken-doll sort of) which I love. I had a friend in 4th grade with that name.

And the age thing ... we picked our names when we were 20, 21, and 23. I think they are sophisticated, timeless names that aren't very unique, but aren't so common that there will be several others in their classes.

Isaac Taylor
Ethan Alexander (middle name is S/O's first name)
Morgan Simone
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My SIL's name is Amyra. My FIL is from Egypt. ;) So it sounds like a "real name" to me!

Noah - 7/30/05

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  • My_Firefly
On the Neve/Neveah debate -
According to the Baby Name Wizard, which I just so happen to have right here on my lap, the Celtic goddess Niamh (pronounced "neev") is a hot name in Ireland and Scotland.

There is an Irish folksinger samed Niamh Parsons who is famous, but Neve Campbell's name does not come from the Celtic goddess, her mom is Dutch and it was her mom's last name. Neve Campbell pronounces it "nev" instead of "neev".

The variant spellings for Niamh are Neve and Nia.

The listing for Neveah - it is Heaven spelled backwards. It was girl name #150 in 2003.

KatieP - look at what year the book was published. Maybe they decided to alter the spelling to catch the wave of popularity of Neveah.
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  • DaynaR

I think it's so annoying when people spell things with a Y instead of an I. I also think weird 'unique' spellings suck. Unique names in general can be nice, if they're not spelled all funky. I just feel sorry for the kids.

I think more traditional names can do the same thing though. Long names are just as annoying as short odd spelled names. I have a friend who named her DD Anastasia.

My Ds is Gabriel. I think it's nice and traditional. I'm 22, so young people can name their kids 'normal' names too. We love his name.

We have unique-ish names in our family too. My cousins daughter is Alondra, and my other cousin daughter is Videl. I LOVE both their names, both are unique but easy to spell, read and pronounce.

I'm Dayna and I had a girl a grade younger than me in school have the same spelling of the name, but pronounced it "die-nuh." So if people didn't know me but her, they said my name like hers. It was so annoying. Read the name, how could you pronounce that wrong? Ugh..

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  • yw's2+babyin'05

I could give two sh!ts if someone doesn't like the "y's" in my kids' names. Really there are bigger issues in the world.

What did said "snatch" post, looks like a post was deleted.... hmmm....

oh and I once dated a guy named Jamal, he was very much White!!


Mommy to Jyssica 5/11/1989, Kyle 11/28/1998 & Haydn 12/30/2005

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  • dahlias987
Kara, how do you spell Kaden in Arabic? I am half-Arab and have never heard it as an Arabic name, but I like it.
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  • dahlias987
Btw, for the person who hates apostrophes, there are some very common names in other languages that get written with an apostrophe in English because they contain a letter we don't have. For example, an apostrophe is used to represent one Arabic letter that has no equivalent here. I personally avoided using any of those names because I wanted names that are both "ethnic" and easily recognizable/pronounceable, but it might have been a close call if dh hadn't vetoed one of my favorite Arabic boy names (Na'eem).

Just FYI, and I'm sure it doesn't make you like apostrophes any better.
  • Reply to this Message
  • AdventuresW/Gretchen
there are also apostrophes used in french surnames.

but there is a marked difference between using a name from your culture or tradition and wal-marting your baby's name
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  • Jesterette

I wouldn't have a clue how to write it for you in Arabic, since I don't speak or write Arabic at all myself. :) Whenever my FIL sends cards to the kids for holidays and birthdays, he includes a message to them written completely in Arabic. If I can find one of them to Kaden around here, I will scan it and post it. I figured I'd share this in the meantime... a while back I was having a conversation online with my FIL about Kaden's name; I pasted the conversation below. And just as a reference, my FIL was born in Palestine and lived in Jordan and Qatar before moving to the US when he was in his 20's.

Kara: Have you ever heard of Khaden, Iran, before?
Ahmad: This is an iranian name not an arabic for now. I will research it to find what the exact meaning for it even though it sound as an arabic name. (to translate for him a bit - he's saying that Khaden is Iranian, but sounds like the Arabic Kaden).
Ahmad: Kaden is an arabic name. it depends how you write it. some words from different languages in the middle east mean the same but spelled different like Saidi is spelled four different times here between the members of my family here in the states.Kaden can be spelled Kayden, kaiden, kyden and so on.
Ahmad: I think the word stated above Khaden is the same arabic name but written in iranian ( farsi) because that s very common between the different muslim countries.

Again, if I have saved one of Kaden's cards that my FIL has written on, I will scan it.

~ Proud mommy to ~
Matthew James, Khaled Thomas, Kaden Franco & Zayna Ann
etsy store banner

Edited Jun-15 by Jesterette
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  • ~*KissMyGrits*~

I think you are very confused here. Check time and date stamps on the threads and it would be really obvious what this is talking about. Since you weren't a part of any of the Team Tuna and public breastfeeding drama, I am pretty sure you have no idea what this is about.

Personal attacks and threats are not allowed here.

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  • briezy beezy

oh no. not confused at all. wretchen ( oops. i mean gretchen) has a issue with one of my friends. specifically what she chose to name her daughter. but...thats ok for her to do right? ive been busy with work so im kinda late in giving in my .02 better late than never my aunt always says. so what i said was not directed at anyone other than wre...i mean gretchen.

who names their child gretchen anyway??

siggy 1/24/08 Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Edited Jun-17 by briezy beezy
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  • AdventuresW/Gretchen
amazing how this thread keeps coming up.

Candy is right--this thread has nothing to do with your friend, brie. it has to do with drama from a different birthboard and a massive catfight that you weren't involved in. The thread you're pizzed off about is a spinoff of this thread, not the other way around. and that other thread brought back such oh-so-fond memories.

so Candy is right--check your time and date stamps before making personal attacks.
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  • briezy beezy

like i said. well aware of that. but that thread is locked and gone is it not? i suppose i could have started a brand new thread saying all this. but nah. im quite happy going this route. perhaps you shouldnt have done the spinoff thread at all now huh?

siggy 1/24/08 Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
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  • Cameron_Crew
You cant please everyone, so really why even try? Some people are bound to hate the name you chose for your child, period. Whether its normal, or totally jacked up. If you like it, dont worry what others think. I personally hate double middle names, funky spellings, and last names as first names. Does this mean that those names should be banned? Of course not! Does this mean I think your baby is doomed for life? Maybe....haha kidding of course not!
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  • Cameron_Crew
BTW atleast Gretchen is a normal name and not something people regularly name their animals ( like Kody ). In the 70s Gretchen was an extremely popular name, in the top 100s. It's never dropped below the top 500, which I realize is a large number, but still lends to it's popularity seeing as that's a global account of the name.
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  • My_Firefly
OMG Anastasia was a Russian princess!!!!! And the pp doesn't like it because it is too long????

Just goes to show that you can't please everyone and not everyone is going to love any one name. There is no name that everyone loves.

And stop hating on Gretchen. Jeez already. This predates anything else. Get OVER IT! Take your hate and go back to your birth board. If all you are contributing are attacks, you aren't really adding anything here.

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  • scratchy_bunny
Lets just remember Wretchen, YOU were the one who started all of this. Brie is just being a good friend. I think YOU are the one who needs to put on her big girl panties and own up to what you did. NO ONE is on your side on this one...........but, if you like, just keep on diggin!
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  • scratchy_bunny
OMG you sooooooo did not just go there. You are JUST as bad as Wretchen. How dare you say anything like that about Bries adorable little boy. Just remember, karmas a biznatch!!!
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  • DaynaR

My friend who named her daughter that probably knows nothing of it's origins, meaning, etc. Just liked the name. She's kind of clueless like that.

No need to attack me though. I said nothing about you.

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  • My_Firefly
My point was that "Anastasia" isn't even an 'out there' kind of name, but there are people who don't like it. Tastes are fickle. So people should realize that not everyone is going to like their kid's name and that is just how it is - whether it is because the name is too long, too short, or reminds them of someone they don't like.

Anyway, I like Anastasia, and actually Gabriel was on our short list for ds. I wasn't picking on you, I'm sorry you feel that I was. Just pointing out that Anastasia is a classic name and yet some people don't like it.

Meaning,people who are overly sensitive about their kids' names should get over - not everyone is going to like them. And it shouldn't matter.

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I also found it amusing that someone whose ds is named Kody was picking on Gretchen for her name...

Edited 10:08 AM by My_Firefly
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  • girliemomX3

(does anyone else find it amusing that someone named after un-fresh cheese, with a mispelled kid, is making fun of names?) I heart irony.

Gretchen... the Shiz still chasing you? hmmm. Their love fest must've soured. Go figure.

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  • AshleysCloset

LMFAO...some things never change.

FWIW, Gretchen disliked my beloved girl's name which I haven't gotten to use yet (BAILEY MORGAN but I've changed it to BAILEY AMELIA, is that better Gretchen?) and insists that naming a child after two alchoholic beverages is wrong, regardless of if they're family names;...and I don't take it personally. Not one bit. We're still friends, even if she doesn't recognize a great name when she sees it.

I do find it amusing to no end that the Shiz is still up to their old Shiz, with the same people no less! You all have one heck of an attention span.

Thanks again for helping to make me famous wink

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  • scratchy_bunny
Famous?!?!?! Are you freaking kidding me?!?!?! Wow, you need to get your ego under control. You are, were and always will be a nobody. Get used to it.

The idea that the "Shiz" is stalking wretchen is utterly ridiculous. She lives in a shack with a bum nasty hubby and sits at the computer all day TRYING to be witty. Please, if I were going to stalk someone, I'd make them worth my time.

What is wrong with you ladies that you think bashing peoples names and their childrens names is ok? If I wanted to I could come up with many things to say about your names, but I won't. Really, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.
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  • AshleysCloset

LOL...I guess 400,000 people have read your every thought?

Like I said, thanks for helping. I made close to $400 last month sitting on my butt in front of the computer just being much did you make? I was also asked to write an article for an anthology that will be published into a book. That's closer to famous than I would've been if a bunch of idiots didn't try to declare a Photowow war. I'd still like to know who to credit for the weiner gobbler thing, I'm sure I'll need to thank them in an acceptance speech one day.

My point is that as a group, you're pathetic. Same silly issues with the same silly people and it's been going on since August 06. There are so many more interesting issues to have.

Don't forget, skanky is as skanky does...and you all definitely do skanky.

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  • Mom_2_Boo_and_Anka
Does anyone else feel like they are missing something?

For what it is worth I love Gretchen & The Ashley. They are my peeps. wink
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  • scratchy_bunny
Whatever makes you feel better about yourself wink

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  • chandlers_a_girl

I have not read the whole mutha truckin' thread, so I shouldn't mutha truckin' post.

BUT- I'm very tired of Brie and Group saying Wretchen. I think that is in bad taste and you are making yourself look tacky. I know that I'm not the most tasteful, klassy lady in the world... but you got your point across and you should be good to go now.

As for Ashley- She is funnier, wittier, more clever, well read, and her words are powerful because so many people read her and appreciate what she has to say.

I better go read the rest of the mutha trucker.

If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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  • Mom_2_Boo_and_Anka
Better hurry Hau'lee or it will go poof like the other
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  • itsbeenawhile
Wow, some hard feelings over some names? I'm not understandin' the big tissue here.

But I'm alaffin' at the bu!!shizt that is bein' tossed like salad! Give it a rest people.
Leave the past in the past and let it go. kthxbai.
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  • chandlers_a_girl

I read most. I don't know where the Ashley-beatings started but I am not in approval. Holleh does not approve. Where are people coming from? They didn't get the Memo about the Lurve of The Ashley and The Gretchen.

PS- I lurve the name Gretchen because it reminds me of one of my favorite movies: The Sound of Music.


Momma to Chandler and Kennedi, and you can tease their names if you want to and I don't think it means you are teasing my kids because you do not KNOW my kids. I tease them all of the time, so they used to it.

If you're going to be a turd, go lay in the yard. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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  • girliemomX3
Famous?!?!?! Are you freaking kidding me?!?!?! Wow, you need to get your ego under control. You are, were and always will be a nobody. Get used to it.

The idea that the "Shiz" is stalking wretchen is utterly ridiculous. She lives in a shack with a bum nasty hubby and sits at the computer all day TRYING to be witty. Please, if I were going to stalk someone, I'd make them worth my time.

What is wrong with you ladies that you think bashing peoples names and their childrens names is ok? If I wanted to I could come up with many things to say about your names, but I won't. Really, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.
Um, I believe there is much proof that some do not posess the creativity to make up funny stuff. Naming your group after feces is proof enough, no?
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  • 2boysandaprincess
My BFF was going to name her ODD Daquiri Daisy-May. Til I b!tch slapped her. Her reasons? Daquiri for her favorite drink - yeah, because you wanna name your kid after an alcoholic beverage. Daisy - FROM f*cking Daisy Dukes and May because she liked it.


Formerly 2boysandabean :-)

Lukas 9/13/99

JJ 8/10/03

Alison 05/05/08
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  • Elyse116

My BFF was going to name her ODD Daquiri Daisy-May. Til I b!tch slapped her. Her reasons? Daquiri for her favorite drink - yeah, because you wanna name your kid after an alcoholic beverage. Daisy - FROM f*cking Daisy Dukes and May because she liked it.

Well thank God you b!tch-slapped her.

Out of curiousity, what did she wind up naming her?

  • Reply to this Message
  • 2boysandaprincess
Kris-Ellen May. Still different, but NORMAL...hahaha


Formerly 2boysandabean :-)

Lukas 9/13/99

JJ 8/10/03

Alison 05/05/08
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  • Jesterette

Does anyone else feel like they are missing something?

Yes! I have no clue what's going on! I feel like I'm missing a whole lot of juicy history here. Someone give me a history lesson.

Just when you think this thread is going to die... it keeps getting resurrected.

Anyway, I love Gretchen even though she insulted me once because she thought I was someone else. In fact, I think that makes me love her even more. And who doesn't love a weiner gobbler? I mean, c'mon, really? How could you not?

And I'm pretty sure my son's name was bashed only slightly less than the poor Nevaeh's out there. My panties were wadded.. so I stopped wearing them. Problem solved.

~ Proud mommy to ~
Matthew James, Khaled Thomas, Kaden Franco & Zayna Ann
etsy store banner
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  • StephWV1

Yep. I'm lost, too. I need someone to explain. Please.

And, while we're at it, what does MDU stand for?


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  • Mom_2_Boo_and_Anka
Steph~ MDU= Mama Drama Uncensored

Kiar'ah~ My hubby loves weiner-gobblers too.shockedwink
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  • AshleysCloset

About a year ago, their girl gang (The Shiz, like poop) went all Photowow Mafia on me. We were all on the same birth board, Gretchen and Shannon too. One of them created a troll name (Growsomeballs, ironically enough) and called me A Selfish, Attention Loving Weiner Gobbler. My readers loved it, I got a ginormous surge in traffic and two advertisers, and had business cards made wink

And the rest is history. Or it was but I've been seeing them here and there and everywhere lately, just as turdalicious as ever.

MDU stands for

and now everyone is all caught up, I think. Although I don't know whose name they think Gretchen was making fun of, since she was referring to the Salad Dressing remark made on MDU.

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Thanks The Ashley for the background. Now I am just wondering why they named their group after poop although I have thought of a few reasons it fits.winklaugh
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  • azmomto1

Ooooh, I love me some August 06 drama. Can one of you Aug 06 gals fill me in on the Shiz? I remember the spin off to BTBBC, but where did the shiz come from? Were they originally BTBBC'ers?

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  • StephWV1

Oh . . mah . . .gawd. . . That is the funniest thing I've read in a lonnnnnng time.

Thanks for the explanation. It's all making sense now . . .

I need a cool title.


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  • briezy beezy

ill try to make this quick. as my oddly-misspelled named child is tugging on my arm.

ur right shannon, my name is like a cheese. and you know what else you are right about. that cheese is NASTY! fo real. cant stand the crap. awwww. whats wrong? did you think that would hurt me. sorry chick, but you are gonna have to do WAAAYYYY better than that. lemme help you out. my initials are BJ for the next 2 months. im sure you can do something with that.

i can hate on wretchen all i want. this has nothing to do with the fact that she and all you other ppl hating on shiz are too lame to get through the doors. yes you. you know who you are. what this has to do with is her starting crap with my friend not once....but twice. she got warned the first time. and by the way, the boards nickname is only the shiz.

and now i have to go feed my kid lunch. and rember ladies who tried to hate on kody's name....yeah. its spelled with a k instead of a c. but my kids got more personality in his left pinky than your whole family put together. and he is cutier too!


siggy 1/24/08 Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
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  • HowdyDoody'sWife

OMG! The light bulb just went on! I never knew you were the photowow mom! I couldn't believe all the rude comments those other poop moms wrote.


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  • LavaLu
Mrs_D78 - My coworker has a son named Ransom. He's like 7, I think. I wonder if he gets made fun of...

I also know of twin boys named Evian and Perrier (like the brands of bottled water)!

I'm also dying to know what you all think of dd's's Laurel. I think it's unique but not crazy and definately not spelled cre8ively. She's the only one I know of IRL and for the longest time everyone thought I was saying her name was Laura...they just couldn't get the L on the end. So, what do ya think?

Rachael Mom to Laurel - 1.17.07
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  • creamedcorn

I like the name Laurel. It's very pretty.

My kids have ordinary, non-walmartized names so I'm not playing.


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
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  • Jesterette

Cat Fight

I could totally hear the psycho music playing when I read that woman's post on your blog. Holy hell there are some scary moms out there.

~ Proud mommy to ~
Matthew James, Khaled Thomas, Kaden Franco & Zayna Ann
etsy store banner
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  • Mom_2_Boo_and_Anka
Wow all this energy following Gretchen & The Ashley around to hate on them could be put to better use like paying attention to your kids or cleaning your house. Just sayin'.wink
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  • LavaLu
Awww...thanks, CC!

I think I may have posted at the wrong time...what with all the hatin' on Gretchen and Ashley. And I don't know the whole story and what not, but it seems silly to hold onto all the hate ... for what, like 2 years now. wow
Rachael Mom to Laurel - 1.17.07
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  • Jesterette

You mean to tell me that other BHB moms pay attention to their kids and have clean houses!? Wow. I can't begin to describe my shame.

The fact that after all this time they still have Gretchen and Ashley on their Shiz list is a little scary to me.

~ Proud mommy to ~
Matthew James, Khaled Thomas, Kaden Franco & Zayna Ann
etsy store banner
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  • cheesuscripes
I think Laurel is a beautiful name happy

Mommy To Bella & Nic

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  • Mom_2_Boo_and_Anka
No, I have a maid for my house but only our main one.wink
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  • Mommy2G,C,M&E

Long time, no talk woman! What the heck is up? I miss you terribly. And Hillary. cry

Don't waste your time here. It isn't worth it. Come to MySpace and let's send dirty e-mails to each other. devil

  • Reply to this Message
  • briezy beezy
i have no issue with ashley. if she is on someones "shiz" list. it sure aint mine. and as for wretchen, she wasnt on anyone's list. she just opened her ugly mouth one to many times.
siggy 1/24/08 Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
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  • yw's2+babyin'05

K, yo, I'm on the Jan 06 BB. BUT I have to say that I loved, loved the Aug 06 and soooo wish my kid would have stayed in a few more months!!

I loved me some Chawbacons!! I was a serial lurker and always loved Ashley's wit and her bluntness!!

Damn I dislike these name threads thoughsilly


Mommy to Jyssica 5/11/1989, Kyle 11/28/1998 & Haydn 12/30/2005

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  • briezy beezy

and FWIW, my house is clean, and the kid is right next to me. typing on his computer. so here i am. TADA!

and who are you Mommy2....(my siggys are broken, all i see are little x's and for the life of me i cant remember who you are. although im sure i miss you too!)

siggy 1/24/08 Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
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  • Mommy2G,C,M&E
It's Mandy. devil

My house ISN'T clean, my kids are running around outside unsupervised, and I have mass homework from a telemetry/cardiac monitoring class due tomorrow. I suck.
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  • girliemomX3
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Girliemom, hello!! and are you an Aug 06 mommy?? Just askinwink

Mommy to Jyssica 5/11/1989, Kyle 11/28/1998 & Haydn 12/30/2005

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  • Jesterette

Damn I dislike these name threads thoughsilly

I'm right there with ya, sister. I'm not a fan either.

I have to say, birth boards scare me. The craziness there sneaks up on you, you never know where it's going to come from or from whom. There seems to be gangs of badazz mommas teaming up against each other, starting wars over things you'd never dream there would be wars over (like photo contests, for instance). At least here on the BHB it's all straight up and you know what you're getting into the minute you walk in the door. Yeah. I dig it.

~ Proud mommy to ~
Matthew James, Khaled Thomas, Kaden Franco & Zayna Ann
etsy store banner
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  • Cameron_Crew
Perhaps you should legally change your name to Kunt to match your son's misspelling?
  • Reply to this Message
  • yw's2+babyin'05
Birth boards have their moments for sure. Alot of wars and who is the perfect mom etc... I hit mine up every so often, but since i've gotten over my BHB fear, this is more my speed!

Mommy to Jyssica 5/11/1989, Kyle 11/28/1998 & Haydn 12/30/2005

  • Reply to this Message
  • girliemomX3

Girliemom, hello!! and are you an Aug 06 mommy?? Just askinwink

yup. And a Chaw

And I heart Ashley too.

  • Reply to this Message
  • yw's2+babyin'05
I knew I love you for a reason!!! Can the Chaws adopt a Jan 06 mommy?? hmmm

Mommy to Jyssica 5/11/1989, Kyle 11/28/1998 & Haydn 12/30/2005

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  • Tater Salad
I heart Gretchen (Wretchen? What the hell kind of insult is that?) and Ashley. love

That is all.

Tater ( go ahead and make fun of my name silly )

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  • Fairy-Tale Family

Ok, ok, ok, I have to mention my aunt's family. Her name is Kimmi, which although not mainstream, isn't overly terrible either. She married Renee. Normal enough, no? Well Renee, last name Frank, is in Real Estate. He decided, one day, that he needed a more catchy name to boost his sales. So he changed his first name to... Frank. So now, somewhere in Ontario, you can buy a house from Frank Frank. You just KNOW his catchphrase is something like "I'll be FRANK with you..."

I digress...

They named their sons Kyle (normal), Kody (Different, but going with the pattern so ok), and then Klayton. I was on the fence about Kody, but Klayton was just cruel.

My family is messed up.


Edited to list them all together: Kimmi, Kyle, Kody, Klayton, and Frank Frank. Can I put MYSELF up for adoption?

Edited 6:46 PM by Fairy-Tale Family
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  • CherryPinkCat

ROFL on the K name to match......

It's not often that I LOL at something other than my own humor...LOL.

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  • OregonMom2

I have no idea who all of ya haters are but I smell a strong odor of jealousy over the stench of cheese.


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  • briezy beezy

you know what. that is a REALLY good idea! ill look into that when i have to change my last name next month.

mandy- OMFG! i forking miss you too! look look! im offically a kunt! arent you proud of me!?

siggy 1/24/08 Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
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  • CherryPinkCat

where are the Mods with their little admonishment speech about coming to another board just to stir up trouble.

If you're not a regular here each day for drama support, then you should not be posting here to argue and cross post problems from other boards and threads.

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  • john's momma

DS is Johnathan Douglas. Boring family names, right? I was amazed at the number of negative comments we received. I can't imagine if we'd gone with his fetus nickname: Apache Tomahawk. love

My mom named me Misty after a billboard for whiskey. My sisters are Veronica (Roni) and Kathryn (Katie). I've always told her that Kathryn or Veronica could be CEO of a big company, but Misty could only be CEO of the strip club!!!

And to top it off, my initials are M.F.

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  • Mommy2G,C,M&E
You have officially joined the Klassy Kunt Club.

Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you are here. laugh
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  • Mom_2_Boo_and_Anka
He should have changed his name to K'Frank & told everyone it was a silent K.wink
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  • briezy beezy


oh and wretchen isnt exactly a insult as it is a nickname. ya "gretchen makes me want to wretch." wretchen.

siggy 1/24/08 Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
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  • Mom_2_Boo_and_Anka
Wow that is so creative. Did you think of it by yourself or did all the other shiz help too?confused
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  • AshleysCloset

That would actually be "retch". As in, "The smell of shiz makes me retch."

(Thanks for the love Shannon, it's good to know.)

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  • jfredbeau

Thanks for finally pointing that out Ashley.

It was annoying me the correct bastardisation of the name would be Retchin' but I guess spelling is not Kody's mom's strong suit.

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  • Fairy-Tale Family

K'Frank! LOL! Nope, can't suggest it, he'd actually do it.

My grandfather passed away recently, and I really wanted to honour him when I found out I was having a boy - but his name was Frankish. Not just Frank, Frankish. As in, only a little bit Frank. And his middle name was Roy! Nothankyouverymuch. So DS was ALMOST Frankish Archibald after his two grandfathers. Thankfully the crazy-fog has lifted, and he ended up with a (somewhat) normal name. Even if it is crazy-long.


(FWIW, I still kind of like "Archie". I think it's cute.)

  • Reply to this Message

Archie is super cute. I am LMAO about the Frankish though. That has to be one of the funnist names ever. I love your son's name. I am part Irish & love Irish name but DH hates them. I wanted Jimmy to be Seamus Patrick instead of James Everett but DH vetoed it.
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  • Mommy2G,C,M&E
Wretch is also a word...


Main Entry:
wretch Listen to the pronunciation of wretch
Middle English wrecche, from Old English wrecca outcast, exile; akin to Old High German hrechjo fugitive, Old English wrecan to drive, drive out — more at wreak
before 12th century
1 : a miserable person : one who is profoundly unhappy or in great misfortune 2 : a base, despicable, or vile person

I'm just sayin'.....

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  • jfredbeau

But then Wretchen would not be correct usage.

Wretched would be but that wouldn't make the point your friend Feta was trying to make.

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  • Mom_2_Boo_and_Anka
However, your good friend Brie said it was Wretchen as in Gretchen makes her want to wretch. Wretch means a miserable person so Gretchen makes her want to miserable person??? If she said it made her want to be a wretch that would make sense since she does seem to be one.
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  • Irish128

Applause!! - ITA. happy

"Where are the Mods with their little admonishment speech about coming to another board just to stir up trouble.

If you're not a regular here each day for drama support, then you should not be posting here to argue and cross post problems from other boards and threads."


Mama to: Ian, Macy & Jackson

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  • girliemomX3

1 : a miserable person : one who is profoundly unhappy or in great misfortune 2 : a base, despicable, or vile person

MandyCandyPants???? Is that you? Weren't you in the midst of leaving your dh for some guy you met online? How'd that work out for you?

just sayin'.......

FWIW, Gretchen has more heart in her big toe that some will ever hope to have.

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  • Mommy2G,C,M&E
Eh, whatever. I was simply pointing out that wretch is also a word.

I came on here to show Brie some love. I think I already said my piece pertaining to the topic at hand. Where is that jacking off smiley again? confused
  • Reply to this Message
  • CherryPinkCat

Brie should have simply stated:

Ize here on your barginz bords  cuz i'mma mizzerabal wretch

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  • Jesterette

I'm having a hard time being mean to Mommy2G,C,M&E because her kids are so flippin cute and they're just standing there looking at me like that... all adorable and stuff. I think she should be tossed out of the game for using unfair fighting tactics.

~ Proud mommy to ~
Matthew James, Khaled Thomas, Kaden Franco & Zayna Ann
etsy store banner
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  • Mommy2G,C,M&E
Shannon, last time you had ANY remote contact with ANYTHING about me, my family, and my social life was over a year ago and it was limited at best. Don't try to act like you know anything personal about me or my current life. Nice try though. wink

  • Reply to this Message
  • Mommy2G,C,M&E
AWWW! Thanks Kara. I adore my children. They are my life. I appreciate the compliments on their cuteness and I highly agree with you. I am biased of course. happy
  • Reply to this Message
  • girliemomX3

Hmmm.... way to dodge a question! I have a very good memory wink

  • Reply to this Message
  • Irish128

Shout out to Cherry Pink Cat! laugh Holla!

Whew! Can someone toss out the stinky cheese & co.?


Mama to: Ian, Macy & Jackson

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  • Fairy-Tale Family

I love the Irish names too, obviously. happy We tossed around the name Seamus, but I (sorry) can't stand that spelling. It would have to be some kr8ive spelling like Shamus or something. I can't help it, the eyes read "Seamus", and the brain thinks "Semen". Stupid brain, ruining names.

K, I gotta say, I hate the name Riley/rilee/rhyleigh/WTFEver. It's kind of cute for a little toddler, but seriously, it's not an adult name. You might as well name them PooksyWooksyWiddleBit. Or Princess. JMO. I'd rather you name your kid Jack Daniels. My friend named her DS Riley, and I just call him Ri (Rhy). She thinks I just think it's a cute nickname, but really it's because I can't stand his name. Since I can't say anything to her, I'm so glad I have you all to unload on!


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  • Mommy2G,C,M&E
I have a good friend named Scott I met in a BAR back in 2001 that I posted about oh this time last summer. I did not cheat on my husband with him, nor did I leave my husband for him, NOR did I meet him on the internet. Oh and BTW, we are still good friends and we still talk daily. He is a great guy. Thanks for being so concerned. happy

You might need to jog your good memory and get your facts straight before you try to attack me on a "personal" level again. wink
  • Reply to this Message
  • AshleysCloset

Kara...get to know her. It will get easier, trust me.

And I know wretch is a word and thought you geniuses were probably going for Wretched but that's not much funnier and doesn't work in Brie's context.

  • Reply to this Message
  • Mommy2G,C,M&E
Ashley doesn't know me either. She didn't even belong or post on BTBBC until after I left. Once again, another nice try on the personal attack level. You guys really need to confer and get facts straight before you post. Geez.
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  • yw's2+babyin'05

Oh with that attitude I can overlook cute kids any day. I totally remember some messed up posts from that one recently. Kids aren't cute when their is a mommy a b!tch. Kinda feel for the kids, ya know.

And I hate stinky sh!t cheese, even the thought makes me want to puke.

NOW Kara YOU have a cutie!!


Mommy to Jyssica 5/11/1989, Kyle 11/28/1998 & Haydn 12/30/2005

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  • AshleysCloset

Mandy, I knew you from our birthboard, 'member that?

I also know of your love of the C word and have read PLENTY of your nasty drivel, trust me. Just your "where is the jacking off smiley" comment says oh so much.

Klass, youz gotz it. With a Capital K.

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