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No, I worked from home since I was off on maternity. I now have to go into the office. :( It SUCKS!!! | ||
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here, anita, let me take that chocolate cake for you. *removes cake from anita's hand*
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Mary Mama to: Ian, Macy & Jackson | ||
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Hey H2....*doing the secret GANG handshake*
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*waves to Laura*
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We saw but did not feel it appropriate to comment on. | ||
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hiiiiiii kristi | ||
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I saw it, too and I have to admit I LOL....it was pretty effin funny!!!
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:) That is one that the moderators can handle themselves and take whatever action they deem is appropriate. | ||
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I never really participate in the bs on this board but since it's a free for all I just want to add my two cents. 1. Please stop ridiculing posts that you think are stupid. It's hurtful to the OP and the board as a whole. People may not actually KNOW! This is supposed to be a support board. 2. If you are part of a "gang" please keep your "inside" jokes to your thread, where people can expect it to be. Again, this does not help the ENTIRE board because it alienates others. Especially if you are joking about whisky or ceral or whatever... and I guess this is going to be my 3 cents because finally: It doesn't matter the how's or why's... if Nicky was asked to stop breastfeeding, then the law was BROKEN. I think it's nice that awareness for said law was made! So can we just get over all this? If not, then I'm moving. I can get advice on things to come from Feb and be a know it all in April! | ||
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I have to get in on this. I don't really have any comments on the recent drama, other than for f u c ks sake, people, stop acting like you're in kindergarten. My toddler acts like this. Not grown women with children. "BHB moms could wipe the floor with all of you TUNAS." Prime example. Really. I stopped saying stuff like that in middle school. Now. planegirl99 - karma's a b i t c h ain't it? Backpedal all you like. The evidence is there. Black and white. You said it. You said that "the taxpayers" shouldn't be paying for things because people should plan. Where was your plan? Where were your savings? What about that extra job? Why didn't you have backup? I guess it's only bad when it's someone else, huh. Lori: Hear HEAR. I don't care about all this inter-group silliness. Everyone is awesome, except for some people, and those people suck regardless of their affiliations. Tunas rule, Lions rule, KTT rules, we all frickin' rule. KOOLAID WINS. Just because. Jessica: You and I have had our differences in the past, and I know you don't like me, but DAMN girl I like you. And to everyone who is b i t ch ing about the tunas: GROW UP. The "Tunas" aren't doing anything. A few women who are members of the tuna group are having a ball with this $hit. The tunas aren't. Get over it. One != All. I'm a hardcore tuna lurker and whiner. I know the freakin' difference. Lori != all of the tunas. Jessica != all of the tunas. when I was having a hormonal fit and decided the Tunas were being meanie poopieheads and leaving me out, you know what they did? They let me in. They're not excluding anyone. Although I still want to know what was on the $hit list. Why did y'all have to delete it? Regarding Nicky: who the f u c k cares what her hair color is? Seriously? Of all the things to pick on about someone, why their hair color? I don't care if someone has GREEN hair or is bald, it's irrelevant. Maybe she exagerrated. Maybe she didn't. You know something>? She's my FRIEND. I don't make friends with only perfect people. I'd be awfully lonely if I did. Maybe she made a mistake. I don't flipping care. She's still my FRIEND. I happen to think that she overreacted a bit with the email she sent, but that's okay. $hit happens. As for the board in general. Can we all stop being a bunch of whiny teenagers? We're parents now. all of us. that means there are little people who are watching everything we do, and who look to us as examples. Do we really want to teach them that it's okay to call people names because they're on the internet? If you wouldn't say it directly to someone's face, why the hell would you say it online? Total anonymity + audience + normal person = JACKASS. Oh, and the first rule of the grammar police is that anytime you correct someone else's spelling, grammar, etc is that your chances of making a mistake yourself quadruple. -Captain of the Grammar Police -- Heather1 Edited Jun-13 by Dragonchilde | ||
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There's a difference between being a tuna and smelling like one....I'm just sayin.....
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Just because I'm sharing the love tonight...let's all have a drink. milk & cookies? jack & coke- wait, if you're b/f you'd better not drink it! I'll drink it for you.
Mary Mama to: Ian, Macy & Jackson | ||
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Guess we weren't entertaining enough. Gotta come over and stir the pot so they can go talk about it on the Board of Hypocritical B itches. Ali - I'm sorry honey, but you weren't so ballsy till you made sure your new BHB friends had your back. That's the pot calling the kettle black, don't you think?
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2. If you are part of a "gang" please keep your "inside" jokes to your thread, where people can expect it to be. Again, this does not help the ENTIRE board because it alienates others. Especially if you are joking about whisky or ceral or whatever... ------------ I have to COMPLETELY agree on this one. I know alot of us do things that others find wrong, silly, ridiculous, or whatever. But after someone is picked on for something, it just carries on later down the line. I know of one incident in particular where someone stated that they did somthing that alot of other women don't agree with and she was made fun of for it and is STILL being made fun of it today, and was made fun of about it today, not directly, but we get the hint. Its mean, funny to some, hurtful to others. Ok now wheres my damn cookies!! ~Cat~ Alexander Lee - 3/31/08 | ||
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Nicky's hair is red- see the picture included with her AP story. So what if she lied, embellished, or told the whole truth. As many have said nobody was forced to send e-mails. Yes, there were better ways to handle the situation. I believe her to a certain extent due to she just wanted the employees better knowledged, not money, and not even for the poor waitress to be fired. Was she being discreet maybe, maybe not. That is irrelevant the law does not state that she has to be. I have seen more TnA from people not NIPing. TT is not a gang. I am not one of the original posters on there. When I did decide to start posting I was welcomed over. Since begining to post over there I have yet to see anyone be told that they could not. Yes, there was one incident where a person was not automatically accepted but now said person has become a regular. Now please flame me for already beating an already dead horse. I just wanted to get this off of my chest | ||
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Note to all: Know how to laugh at yourself, if you don't have this skill then get it. ;) It will help - I assure you!!!! Dragonchilde - #### list was deleted cuz it was mean and actually NICKY told us to play nicer BEFORE the Arizona Pizza crap. So we stopped being mean... well sometimes... I find it hard to keep my "inside jokes" to myself when I'm posting in another thread. I'm sorry if it makes you feel bad or you find it rude. :( I mostly post things that make me laugh a little bit. Like how Briana is a trailer park lady who gives alcohol to her kids. If you ever don't get a joke - just ask and we'll explain!!! I can't say I'll never do it cuz sometimes things just slip in! | ||
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I would like to say that I am a very supportive person. I do not, however, support the following: 1. Blatant stupidity. 2. People who beat horses, especially dead ones. 3. Straight up cruelty. With or without provocation. For my Tunas, I have a few words for you from my favorite Disney movie: "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim." "It's there, I know it is, because when I look at you, I can feel it. And-and I look at you, and I... and I'm home."
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If I was at the pizza place................I would have told her to sit down. And you'd have been breaking the law, too. Lori: Damn. I miss ALL the fun stuff. -- Heather1 | ||
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Im supposed to be cleaning my house!.... I keep rubber necking? Is that the correct term for what Im doing here?
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That is tacky and disgusting | ||
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I also wanted to add that I has kukies. Realz ones. Dey iz yummo!
Oh...and about the inside jokes: As many people like to say "If you don't like it, don't read it." Srsly. How in any way, shape, or form is that hurting you? If I told everyone who posts things that annoy me to stop (and they listened), there would be considerably less posts on this board. I'm just sayin...
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Telling someone to SIT DOWN isn't breaking the law!!! Why must one be annoying? I don't know. Why???
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Telling someone to SIT DOWN isn't breaking the law!!! Why must one be annoying? If you're telling them to sit down because they're breastfeeding it is. And "one" must be so annoying because it's FUN to be. Dudes, time for me to hit the hay, since the little one will probably be waking herself up in a couple of hours and I've already stayed up way too late because of this thread (damn you) but save copies of the most fun stuff. I don't want to miss out. -- Heather1 | ||
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Wow now that I have finally caught up and my LO's are asleep I have a few things to add. 1 I do not have a siggy cause I really don't spend a lot of time here since i am trying to care for two LO's 2 and under. (not implying anyone in a group is neglecting their LO's) 2. I don't Nicki lied but maybe worded things in a manner that was unclear and if you wanted more details maybe you should have asked. And why would the server write a letter of apology if she did nothing wrong I sure as hell never would write one if I did nothing wrong. 3. thanks for tonights entertianment 4. I have posted a couple of questions on the boards and feel that people don't respond since I do not have a siggy. I do receive a lot of help and support from the 2 under two ladies (love ya BTW) (if you wanted to search my responses I have posted in the past to other people's questions you should know that I started out as poohdoat and changed it to poohdoat2 after I forgot my password and my email account was changed and I couldn't retrieve my password from that account) 5. Thanks now I want so cookies and there are none in the house 6 I know my spelling and grammer sucks but I don't care. And finally if you don't like someones response or a certain thread don't read and make use of your ignore button. You are NOT going to change anyone by calling them names and reacting like your LO should be the parent and you are the one in diapers. Gotta run I have some things to do around the house before I crash. | ||
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There's a difference between being a tuna and smelling like one....I'm just sayin.....
Well you sure are not a tuna so call yourself or should i say smell yourself what you want No, you are correct. I am not a tuna and I am so brokenhearted about it....*sniff* Oh the woes....Where will life take me now..... Smell myself....I think my 3yo said something like that today....He's such a smart kid. Thanks H2.... Tiffany
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Hahahahahahahaahahahahahaha......this is amazing! You would never guess this forum is for adult women! I'm still not sure of some of the things you ladies are bickering about and again, I am grateful. Nevertheless, this is interesting and entertaining! Now...I've got the popcorn, can someone pass that peace pipe? Oh...and a beer! Lord, I really wish I had a nice cold beer to sip on right now! (I'm only 5 pages into this!) P.S.....whoever said "fuster cluck"...THANK YOU! RFLMAO...I nearly peed my pants!
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I just have two things I would like to say: 1) can some one please tell me what a "Troll" is, I always hear the term on different boards, but don't know what it is. I think it is someone who makes up a fake name, to say whatever they want, without anyone knowing who they are. Is that right? 2) I feel sorry for Nicky (sorry don't know the proper spelling) How many posts on this thread tonight have been about her? and her hair?...Let's just leave her alone...She has obviously decided that she is not going to participate in this thread, So why the need to keep brining her up. (I know the whole reason for this thread being created, is steaming from all the drama sounding that whole situation) but who cares. Maybe you all don't know who I am or recognize me, but the reason I have been a lurker for so long (have been on BBC since 04) is because I am a horrible speller and grammar person, and have always been worried that if I posted, people would be more concerned with my spelling than what I was trying to say. I would have liked to join TT, but was always worried about my spelling. I now feel more comfortable about posting on this board as a whole because of Koolaid. (there is no point in this last part I just wanted to say that maybe more people would post, if they wern't so concerned that their spelling would be bashed if not perfect) | ||
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Oh, and one last thing, since this thread's gonna be deleted. And no one take this personally. SIGGY is stupid. It's a signature. I quit using cutesie names a long time ago. This goes double for writers who call characters "charries". -- Heather1 | ||
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What do you mean, Heather Beather Boo Boo Bai? | ||
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Goodnight, H1. I'm off to bed too. Talk tomorrow!
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Message 19931.306 was deleted |
I have thicker skin that that, but it does alienate people. I understand posting an occasional joke or comment, or even more than occasional but some people start entire threads. All I'm saying is that if it's clear that it's for a specific group of women, then other's don't get sucked into it. Another thought not related to "inside" jokes is that I can't count how many times I have felt so BAD for a mom that posts something STUPID and gets immediatly thrown in front of the firing squad instead of someone reasonably saying "hey wait a minute, maybe that's not a good idea." | ||
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Lori you just made my head explode. Biatch. Grace: I am not the member of Koolaid, I am a member of Koolaid. And damn proud of it. I never said I was mature. Just that I don't use cutesie nicknames. Well, for anything but my kids and cats. But that's DIFFERENT. -- Heather1 | ||
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I srsly had a lot to say, but most of my friends done gone and said it all for me! I <3 Nickeh, and don't think she is a liar. I <3 the rest of Team Tuna, and srsly don't give a flying fukc what people say about them, because if they are talking smack, then they don't understand. To the person that started this drama today (which I think I missed most of because I was at work), GET THE FUKC OVER YOURSELF. You pride yourself on being this super caring, helpful, sincere person. Then you start a thread to start shti, you spend the whole day using the word "lemmings," and you bash people for... what, exactly? Having friends? Sorry if you are unable to make friends, even with all the bull you spew about caring about people. Lori, I <3 you for your posts. All of them. Ever. :D Ica, did you ever know that you're my hero(ine)? I nub noo! Oh, and the BHB is the bastrad stepchild of BBC. There is a reason people mock the hell out of that board. "Wipe the floor" with us? *snicker* Can't you find a good bargain on a Swiffer to do that? OH! I forgot, you don't actually HAVE any bargains over there. | ||
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Damn i knew we should have passed the name "Koolaid Gang" around all of BBC before we used it, now we look immature. just for that... IM TELLING!! LOL And for our koolaid sweety Heather, imma refer to you as "snookums wookums" now since u seem to like the cutesie stuff lol ~Cat~ Alexander Lee - 3/31/08 | ||
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Cat... go to hell. LOL. okay, okay, I'm REALLY going to bed this time. night girls. -- Heather1 | ||
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Gnite snookums wookums LOL I couldnt resist lol Gnite Heather ~Cat~ Alexander Lee - 3/31/08 | ||
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shame this is going to be gone by morning, besides a few of the mean posts and board hoppers that are left.. its actually pretty fun lol ~Cat~ Alexander Lee - 3/31/08 | ||
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