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get in meh belleh................ | ||
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i could have said - fer me to poop on?? | ||
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ouch | ||
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I'm just sitting here reading and wondering how many people from other boards are enjoying every bit of this. I'm sure we are a huge source of entertainment tonight. That being said - I have a March 08 baby. I love my March 08 baby and 99.9% of people on this board. As far as the Nicky situation goes - the BIG problem I have with the whole thing is that AP stated in the e-mail that they have been receiving threats. IF this is true...and I mean IF - these are the people I am worried about - the ones making threats. That's all from my end. Let's get this over and settled so we can move on. Peace, everyone. Gotta run - Pizza delivery man just delivered some deliciousness.....
Janna | ||
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Good thing we've got lots of butt songs :)~ "Baby Got Back""Baby Got Back" "(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty" "All I wanna do is put my zoom zoom zoom in the boom boom" "to thank your mother for a butt like that." "[Person's name] got a big ole butt/Uhh hun." Whoomp! (There it is)." "You can do side bends or sit-ups/But please don't lose that butt," | ||
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Sweeeeeeet!!!!!!!!! Material to read while I'm pumping. Bring on the immature drama!!!!!!! yea!!!
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7. I could go on and on but honestly...you bore me. If you are so bored, go spend time with your family instead of beating that poor dead horse. For Jebus' sake he is DEAD! And if anyone is mean, its you. OH and I have a thesaurus if you would like to find a new word for lemmings because, franky any word overused like that just makes you look... well, IGNORANT. I enjoy the diversity of the different threads. Its totally natural for people and especially women to migrate to others they feel comfortable with. Those ladies who aren't the "group" sort here probably aren't the "group" sort in real life either. Some of us enjoy close friendships more than we an enjoy a huge board of people we barely know. And Steff, feel free to stop beating the dead "pity party" horse, most of us have heard enough to last us a lifetime. You spewed your bitter medicine by your past remarks on public assistance, now you get to take your own medicine. Cry me a river. Isn't it funny how you can dish it out but can't take it? Tunas are loyal and welcoming to moms who are genuine. No matter what "side" you take, Nicky is as genuine as they come, if you don't KNOW that, you don't KNOW her. And if you don't know her STFU. OH and btw, while this is a "Free for all" it was specifically mentioned to adhere to the guildlines and since when did they amend them to say you can attack a specific person and call names? | ||
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My 3 year old has her own song - "shake the tookus, shake shke the tookus" | ||
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Just sharing some love for my fellow trailer park mamas, woot woot! Honest to God, I is one. We aint all that bad, honest! My kids are clean, so is my house, and we have all our teeth!
For real, I'm a March mama from way back and I don't have a problem with anyone on the board. Can't we all just get along? Ok, proceed. | ||
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Kristen.. I will insult you as my 3 year old would... you look like a banana to ME! | ||
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Sa - TRUST ME - NO ONE is more sick of the "Steff is on welfare" s h i t than me. It's you TUNAS who won't f-ing drop it. And AGAIN, I still stand by my comments ! What part of that do you NOT understand ? NOTHING I said in the past has ANYTHING to do with what is going on with me NOW. Please stop - it's old and annoying. Enough is enough.
Steff - Mommy to 2 Spoiled Rotten Chicks: Keegan 1-05-05 Fallon 2-09-08
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I wonder if I am big and yellow... cuz she calls me a banana a lot. :( | ||
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Could be a watermelon also!!! So many plump fruits! Oooo bananas are skinny! Ok, my daughter rocks!
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No, No No Lori, Its me.. I got the whole keyboard situation under control. I got a new keyboard..... ............. I left work at 4PM and now Im on here..... but Im glad you remembered me... Rosie..... | ||
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Oooooo OK! I'm glad that is fixed! So the other lady was just yelling at us?!? *cries* | ||
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Hey...for you searching pros..TRY to find a thread that I was a part of ANY drama. I've been a part of this board from day ONE. TRY to find a thread where I wasn't SUPPORTING someone who was the VICTIM of your drama. Enough was enough and I decided to speak out. THANKS for supporting me in this decision! FUNK lemmings and their ridiculous @ ss kissing suporters. AND if you read this and thought...better not get involved...don't want to make waves...you are equally responsible...and will continue to be. I've read a TON of responses...that were unresponded to...from moms who thought it better to "just let it die" that didn't stand up for those who NEEDED it, and subsequently LEFT this board. I just couldn't continue to do that...because I have my own mind! I don't think it's right to victimize the few for the entertainment of the "masses" I have REAL friends that I can rely on. This board became nothing more than a big JOKE to me. Screw you and the lemmings that support you. IF you grabbed your "big girl pants" you'd realize the same. So MY response is in honor of EVERY mommy that felt like she COULDN'T post her feelings for fear that she would be "jumped" by a bunch of non-thinking lemmings. Mommykate: you're too ridiculous to respond to. BYE. THANKS! Lisa J. Mommy to Chase - Due 3/18 -- DOB 2/24/08
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Whatever, Lisa, you bore me. You are like a broken record. | ||
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lem·ming Audio Help (lem'ing) Pronunciation Key :) | ||
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Oh Man. That horse is glue by now. I do wish I was part of a group...but really, I'm not that cool IRL or online *back to lurking* | ||
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just to | ||
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granny panties are icky | ||
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why's it so hot..................................and why are we in this handbasket????????????????? | ||
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legally blonde is the best, i might have to watch it now! thanks a lot kailynn sheesh | ||
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LOL I love the birdcage. I love my tunas, i have been going through a rough time and they are always supportive. I also enjoy all of the baby pictures posted by march moms.I don't like drama and i especially don't understand people who seek it out and enjoy it. There is so much drama irl why have it here as well? I love: Nicky Lori Libby Tracy Ash Jessica Alicia Renee Nora and all the rest of the tunas. Thanks | ||
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Jessi, why am I #2 on the list? Would you like to fight?!? | ||
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Wow that was more bullsh*t reading then i wanted to do in one day.. my god cant we all just get along? Really how long is this going to draw out? I havent voiced my opinion on all this yet so here goes.. Im not taking sides here but NIcky didnt even get a chance to state why she changed her story before everyone was all over her case, she was outright pegged a liar. A post with the video link was made at at the time i dont think Nicky was online so everyone just started accusing. Maybe the waitress did try to cover Cat's head, maybe she didnt. Im sure alot of you are pissed you sent in letters that may or may not hold the entire truth about the situation. But, heres a thought, did anyone contact the company to hear their side before they took the word of (no offence Nicky) a women they barely know anything about except over the internet. For all anyone knows she could be a 50 year old guy sittin behind a computer posting to get a rise out of us, we know shes not (obviously we just saw her on TV) , but hell any of us could very well be. All she did was post a story and email addresses, you all took it upon yourselves to #### at the company before hearing their side. Nicky's situation is nicky's business, and YES I KNOW, that alot of you think she made it our business once she posted for help. Nobody twisted anyones arm to write letters... Just one womans opinion, i dont take sides... and NO, its not for fear of any group. Until one group calls me out personally i have no problems with anyone. AND AS A KOOLAID I RESERVE MY RIGHT TO NOT SPELLCHECK, DEAL WITH IT!! lol ( love ya ladies!!) ;) Flame away, im too tired and covered in baby drool to care. lol ~Cat~ Alexander Lee - 3/31/08 | ||
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Wow sorry my post came all late after everything seems to be cooling down, i needed to vent as well and doin all that one handed took a bit of time. lol I feel better now :) ~Cat~ Alexander Lee - 3/31/08 | ||
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Hi Silver, would you like some milk and cookies? I mean, I am a lemming so I might trick you into a mass migration that will cause you to drown but the milk and cookies are really good! | ||
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What kind of cookies are we talking here? I take cookies very seriously! ~Cat~ Alexander Lee - 3/31/08 | ||
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#1- funny how this thread says for March mamas only, but y'all came running over to the BHB to rescue Nicky & her lies. Nicky's story online & what she's posted on BHB: http://www.winknews.com/younews/19634434.html "Katherine's" story to Fox 4: http://www.fox4now.com/Global/story.asp?S=8485009 #2- Myranda- Your- is possive. You're is YOU ARE. And You're obviously NOT reading Nicky's siggy. Her siggy states that she's a PINK haired mama. And while Steff may not be 100% PC, she calls it like she sees it. Did I mention Nicky's hair is PINK? NOT RED? Damn you girls are giving the BHB a run for their drama! Of course word is going to get out. I'm wondering how quickly this will be on Mama Drama Uncensored (I remember seeing a few of you around there... -signed, the old timer since 1998!
Mary Mama to: Ian, Macy & Jackson | ||
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He'll get up, we will all get up, it will be ANARCHY... sorry that was my Breakfast Club ..... dont know too many Legally Blonde Lines... oh wait yes I do....... Like getting into Harvard was hard?
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What does it matter what color her hair is?? Are you kidding me this is like the 100th time ive read this today lol.. Hell if i change the settings enough on my computer her hair looks blue... so i disagree with everyone, its not red, its not pink, its BLUE. lol ~Cat~ Alexander Lee - 3/31/08 | ||
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Yesterday...when I was trying to convince the upteenth person who was leaving this board because of a bunch of lame-@ss lemmings and their @ss kissing wannabe's who come here to start drama by making fun of people EVERYDAAY I got P*ssed! Hi Lisa - you had reached out to me when I posted about possibly leaving, I hope that I didn't somehow get you in trouble? Your advice was right on target, and actually made me feel like there was someone out there listening. I just want to say that this is the least supportive board I have seen if you don't have a big blinky in your signature and aren't part of a bigger group. I see one off questions not even responded to. I don't think I have the best advice, but I have tried to offer it up where I could. I once reached out and asked about breastfeeding books and I had 2 - yes, 2 responses! Yet there are a ton of women on this board who are breastfeeding - and I'm sure a lot of you are well read. To the posters who do not discriminate - and to posters who always have a ton of info to share *LoriP* - thank you. To the rest of you? Have fun in your clique (yes, I spelled it right this time - thanks to the rude woman who corrected me last time). Please just bring your children up to be better people than you are. Sorry, I feel better now. And yes, I am a March 08 mommy. I just don't have a blinky, a signature, or anything else that would affiliate me with any special groups. | ||
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Can I have a cookie?
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Hey Irish128 - I've been on here since 1998 myself. Good to see another oldtimer. Celebratin' 10 years..... | ||
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What I want to know is when are you heffas going to transition to the NBBC? I'm sick of having to go back and forth, sometimes I even have to open a second window to keep up with the drama. It's really becoming an inconvenience. Give it a try, you'll get the hang of it I promise.
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my odd was born in 98......i am sooooooo sad that she will be hitting double digits in less than a month......
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Lori-I can haz cukie pleze? | ||
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anita - did you just say i couldn't have a cookie??? B*tch
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#1- funny how this thread says for March mamas only, but y'all came running over to the BHB to rescue Nicky & her lies. Nicky's story online & what she's posted on BHB: http://www.winknews.com/younews/19634434.html "Katherine's" story to Fox 4: http://www.fox4now.com/Global/story.asp?S=8485009 Already got the links but THANKS!!! #2- Myranda- Your- is possive. You're is YOU ARE. And You're obviously NOT reading Nicky's siggy. Her siggy states that she's a PINK haired mama. POSSESSIVE is what you are looking for? Yeah and if you check out her NEW hair color in her AVATAR it is red. Okay. :)
And while Steff may not be 100% PC, she calls it like she sees it. Did I mention Nicky's hair is PINK? NOT RED? New hair color now, move on! Damn you girls are giving the BHB a run for their drama! Of course word is going to get out. I'm wondering how quickly this will be on Mama Drama Uncensored (I remember seeing a few of you around there... Ummm because a mod didn't say we couldn't go to BHB which is for any member of BBC. March 2008 is for people who actually were expecting a March Baby or had a baby in March. BHB is for bargain hunters, perhaps we would like the bargains? -signed, the old timer since 1998! Wow! I graduated that year! | ||
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#2- Myranda- Your- is possive.
if YOU'RE going to give someone an english lesson, can you at least use the language correctly yourself?? | ||
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ok screw cookies..............how about some magic brownies! | ||
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I haven't read all the threads yet. I guess I also assumed by the way that Nicky explained what happened is that the waitress repeatedly tried to cover her DD with a napkin. I think the reason that this whole thing even went as far as it did, is because everyone else thought the same thing. Handing her a napkin is completely different. It's like if my kid had a snotty nose and the waitress was sickened by it, whether she handed me a napkin to clean it or went straight for my kid to do it herself are two very different things. I never sent any emails to anyone at AP because even though it was wrong if the waitress asked her to stop BF'ing and very very wrong that she "tried to cover her DD with a napkin", this was one person's mistake. There was no reason to go this far and try to ruin someone's business and livelihood. Yes maybe they are trying to cover their azzes with that last email, but it's hard to blame them. This could have been better taken care of with management at that location, the waitress could have been reprimanded immediately, and they probably would have gotten their meal for free. This company ended up receiving thousands of hate mail because of the way that the story was explained to these people all over the internet. I hope Nicky comes back with some kind of update because people that stood up for her deserve that. Also, I am not a member of any "gang" or "posse" here. I'm only 34 but my god this board makes me feel old. Like a teacher with a bunch of high school kids. I do have to vouch for the Chunkie Munkie girls though, they are a really nice bunch of women and I have never heard a mean thing said in that thread. Also I've been frequenting the BHB board alot more often in the past 6 months or so (yes there are actually some good bargains there...lol...thank you). I really don't think it's fair to call them names as a whole. People are afraid now to post on the March '08 board so they won't get called out for being an idiot. I actually feel alot better posting anything on BHB then I ever did here. Maybe in the coming months this board can get back to being supportive and helpful, because in the past few months it really has been cool to watch all these babies growing. Lana | ||
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Seriously! *gives cookies and milk to all except the BHB people cuz they KEEP COMING OVER* Ummmm Ok, I lied... I really don't have real cookies. :( I am hoping for real cookies, does that count? All of the cookies I have to offer are cyber!! So sorry!
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well its about dam n time! i'm hungry!
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me want cookieeee | ||
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Here is your milk:
Oh and for the person who posted me and helping, no problem. :) I am always here to sort through google BS. Okay, that's not true, I'm back working now so I can't really post as often!!! | ||
Thanks for the correction. That's what I get for staying up past your bedtime.
Mary Mama to: Ian, Macy & Jackson | ||
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To the poster who thinks Nicky lied....so the fukc what! You have your own mind as you have already stated and YOU chose to write the company. So now your pi$$ed that you feel as though you've been lied to.....I saw no arm twisting going on and there was no "Hey,______, can you send an email for me?" Get over the whole thing and stop blaming someone else bc you failed to get all the facts and now you feel like an idiot.... Not every situation can be controlled....sometimes you need to sit back and say, "what did I learn from this?" I hope you learned something instead of going on a hate brigade. Nothing good has come of it. As for enyone who feels "gangs" were created to keep ppl out - I've lurked on TT and I have seen nothing nasty....I, being the adult I am, felt there were too many pages and too much I missed out on to become a "member". When I saw another group form, I chose to jump in since it was still new. There is nothing hurtful I have seen in either group. Perhaps I have missed something.... Hey Cat! Myranda - AMEN SISTAH! Kailynn - Clueless is one my faves: As if!!! Tiffany
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ok, its a little late....i needed this one earlier:
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Okay. I'm done pumping for a little bit. Must let me bleeding nips rest :( The joys of relactation. Um... Myranda, I'm pretty sure Nicky's siggy reads "pink haired momma". Not red headed momma. In a little defense of the business here. I used to be the youth director for a naval base and spent many weeks training my employees on caring for children. Yet time after time, I would see them doing something completely contrary to what was taught. I gave them the resources to do their job the correct way. It was NOT MY FAULT that they chose not to. Adults make their own decisions. There is such a thing in the military called a chain of command in which complaints and issues are dealt with. You never go to the top first. So I don't believe that one waitresses actions should be a representation of a whole business. It's not fair. Unless youv'e gave yourself entirely to a business venture or any project, it sucks that one person messed up and everyone else suffers. I think it really sucks that Nicky was put in that situation. But I also think it sucks for the families involved in the business who have to deal with public scrutiny and media attention becuase of a stupid action of the waitress. I personally do not have a problem with NIP. But I know that my husband has certain expectations when we go out to eat. (which is why it's often difficult to go out to eat with our toddler!) He believes that people go out to eat to enjoy themselves and feel comfortable, especially if you are paying for it. I know that if someone was standing up in a restaurant and breastfeeding, he would feel uneasy, not just for himself, but for others. I actually was reading this thread and planned on speaking a lot of my mind. But actually Lori's thoughtful post calmed me down. I do feel that people have left this board becuase they felt insecure and attacked. There are a lot of FTMs on here who don't have mothers to teach them about parenting. They don't do a ton of research and need a lot reassuring that they are doing what's best for their children. I'm sure it hurts to have a serious question picked apart and made fun of. I miss a lot of great people that were once on this board and I wonder if they left becuase of the state that the board is in. I've been a member of the preemie board for almost 2 years now and I have NEVER seen a post that was rude or hurtful. The support on the board is amazing and no one is made to feel insecure about their parenting decisions. But then again, they all have a lot more going on than worrying about who lied and who didn't have to pay a dollar for their child's birth. (Which I didn't pay a dollar, but please let me clarify that it's not medicaid. My husband just sacrifices his life for the military so that everyone on here can express their opinions... no biggie... definately not a good reason for free medical care... :) okay. back to relactating. why am I only pumping a ton of water from my breasts??? Is that odd????
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Yo mama so stupid that she thought Boyz II Men was a day care center. | ||
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~Cat~ Alexander Lee - 3/31/08 | ||
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oh lord how i love a good cookie!!!
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Last I saw, Nicky doesn't have a picture of herself in her siggy. red, pink, or purple hair. | ||
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My opinion is that your hubby rocks! :) Go troops!
*hands out more cookies and milk*
We all should be very thankful that we survived pregnancy, birth and 3 months with beautiful children. I am sappy btw cuz I went back to work yesterday so I sit here and coo at my baby and get random kisses from my 3 year old. Mikey says hi and ayayaaaaaaaaaaaa! :) | ||
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Maybe I am thinking of her avatar on new bbc? I dunno.. I saw an avatar somewhere! Oh well! Can you please start a thread stating what a liar I am? Thanks! | ||
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Anita, HI!!!!! I am going to be so tired tomorrow....I srsly think I am going to make some popcorn.....this whole thing is amusing....ppl get so bent out of shape over someone they've never met. Please be an adult and inform me of grammatical errors.
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Lori-- what are you doing with yourself lately??? are you working from home?? Did Nicky change her siggy? Last I checked it was her holding bambino. I'll be honest, I don't pay too much attention to siggy's now days :)
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Yo mama's is so fat, she wore guess jeans and the answer popped out.
Yo mama's so ugly your dad takes her to work so he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye
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Great thread!!!
Mary Mama to: Ian, Macy & Jackson | ||
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Amen Ali! Milk and cookies? come on ladies - can't you come up with something a little more entertaining than that? BHB rulz! Karyn DD 5/22/04 DD 3/22/08 | ||
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a smelly poopy head liar???? | ||
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Ummm for all you poopy heads that keep addressing me, ummm get with the times. Her hair is red now and it looks great. I wish I could get that color but I'm too lazy. But do me a favor and don't find my name in the drop down box because my cell phone tells me everytime I get an email and I am trying to enjoy my vodka and rum. And I had a baby in my hand grammar police if you read the end of my post I cleary said that. STOP BEING A BUZZ KILL. Go love your child. Smooches! | ||
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