Should members be deleted from a group because...
they don't want to put slanderous and demeaning words in their profile?
There has been a Private Group that has been making their members post "Thundercunts"
on their public profile. I'm sure many of you have noticed this in people's profiles
This clandestine group seems to pick and choose their members because they
play favorites. I am part of many private groups here; but we do not advertise
our Private groups; we do not haze members because we don't make people do
things in public (posting Thundercunts)
to show their loyalty to the group.
All I know about this group is they have a habit of kicking people out for no good reason
I feel this puts a bad vibe out
there. I guess I'm posting in behalf of many posters that were kicked out of this group (who were DRAMA FREE/ not causing any trouble at all). Why go through all the trouble of
deleting people when they are doing nothing wrong?
Comments for Post (66)
Who would want to be part of a group like that in the first place? Do people seriously have nothing else better to do with their time?
*blushing* - I should really get dinner started.
hmmm...I kind of want more info on this group!! I haven't heard of anything like this but I think it's really really stupid, for sure. I mean if they are in highschool I guess that's one thing- kids do dumb things in highschool. But as far as I know most everyone on BBC are adults with children and should probably act as such. I guess if I knew there were people on there that were doing things like that and I got kicked off for doing nothing I would be pissed. But I would also have to question myself for wanting to be in that group in the first place....just me though.
And I'm sorry, I'm going to sound so out of it, but what are thundercunts?? Is that just a name they call themselves or does it have some significant meaning?
I am hesitant to post becasue I really feel like the debate board shouldn't be used to re-hash arguments between individuals and group owners.
But, if you feel that a private group is that unfair, just ignore it.
That is kind of stupid, but then again so is going to different boards and starting thread after thread after thread about this said group. I know you came to the bargain hunters board and started three posts about this very same thing and even warned that this was your next stop. I guess it must really be bothering you or you would simply let it go. Pretty interesting since some of you don't like drama, but sure don't mind trying to start it. Interesting indeed.
ETA: This shouldn't have been brought to the debate board by them and it has been reported to community.
Private groups have the ability to choose and remove their members at will. If you don't like it, start you own. End of story.
I also think that drama should be kept to it's own board and not brought to others.
Nope not as far as Im concerned ..
They also shouldnt be deleted for being co-owners of groups that might rival them..
Like what happened to me , and the person doesnt even have the respect to answer a note asking why I was deleted.
Lady - You know who you are. Have some decency know your facts before you go on a power trip. I have never started my own group on BBC but did offer to be a co-owner in a private group of a very good friend of mine.
Facts are always better then fiction. Dont ASSume.
Funny Girlymamma2AJ&Paige - You didnt have a problem being in BOTH groups until the smack was laid down ..
I think people are obsessing a bit much, no? It's a private group. They have the right to deny anyone access. Get over it. Complaining about it in other groups looks really petty, IMO.
for the record, there are plenty of July '07 mommies on the NMU, honestly I see nothing that shows they are deleting for that alone, I can think of 7 or 8 july '07 mommies off the top of my head.
anywho talk to the ownders of that board why bring it to other boards, especially saying you dont' cause drama. Just seems weird. I am off now :)
p.s. TC was not a requirment if you posted a lot. I never put it in and had no problems. They wanted people to post. Again if you have questions ask the owners.
I don't get the problem?????? Seriously why would anyone care? If you want to be part of that group you've got to follow the rules. Like any other group. I am NOT part of that group and think there is nothing wrong with that. How could you be part of the group and not know what it is about, come on!!!! The private groups that I am part of.... I seeked out and am pretty close to them (well except the new one but we'll see about that one 'wink wink' Ken...). I actually was part of starting two private groups and as I look back there were a few people who I questioned why they were there.
The NBBC is made so you can have fun, let loose (when appropriate), and enjoy the board!
Is this group on BBC? Overall I'm just shocked that's gotten past BBC radar, they seem really strict on the censoring. I know I can't go into BC chat and type WTF, it rejects it and tells me to clean up my language for those 3 letters. So people can't say WTF, but they will allow a group with a name like that? Seems funny to me is all, private groups and their names don't bother me, it just shocks me the names got past the BBC cheese.
It's a private group, they should be able to delete whoever they want for whatever reason they want IMO. It's not like they're a birth board that HAS to be public for everyone - they can pick and choose who they want to allow in and who they want to allow to stay :)
All that being said, I'm a member of said group, I did change my profile at the time because they asked for it - the reasoning was to know who was active and desired to stay around instead of having 50 or so active members, 100 or so half active member and 300+ lurkers who said almost nothing. MEMBERS were asking for the lurking population to be cut back, instead of just saying "everyone who's screenname starts with an S" or something equally arbitrary they asked for some participation from the members (lurkers and otherwise)
who said we didn't lurve drama?
Posted on 6/27/08
-I also think that drama should be kept to it's own board and not brought to others.
LOL: Yeah, there's NEVER any drama on the debate boards. No scams or craziness ever happens on the bargain boards (where this topic was deleted twice). Riiiiigggggggggght.
Sorry about posting about this really delicate topic.
I'm going to head back to the race threads I've been chatting on since, you know, no one ever gets heated up there...
Justachicky~ Thanks for the personal attack! Also, it doesn't matter what groups I am or am not a member of, I still think that this board designed for DEBATE is not supposed to be used for DRAMA.
They are both D words, but have very different meanings.
It's a private club. They can do whatever they want. If it violates BBC guidelines, report it, and make BBC deal with it. They still don't have to let you in.
I feel that private boards can pretty much be governed by whomever chooses to start it they want the board to swing is pretty much on who chooses to request membership. If you dont like the rules...dont play. If I was to get deleted from a harm no foul. I wouldnt even ask why I was deleted....I would just keep it moving. Well, if I was a regular avid poster and got deleted.....I might ask why.....but if I know some boards dont garner my attention that much....getting deleted wouldnt bother me.
Also.....if a person knows that a private board they request membership "drama," "sex filled" "gossip" and those are the things that board thrives on......but a particular poster doesnt even indulge in stories or reply.....but go there to pretty much lurk, copy paste.....then they most certainly realize they are not posting according to the rules and will eventually get deleted.
-I also think that drama should be kept to it's own board and not brought to others.
Actually, that's a rule on the OBBC, and it probably applies here.
h. Don't transfer issues or posts from one bulletin board
to another with the intention of drawing negative attention to the
post. Don't quote someone else's post from another board without that
person's permission. Please don't direct people to controversial or
problematic threads on other boards.
tybabybug, I so disagree with what you said. I agree if you are on a public board to grow up. But a private board is PRIVATE for goodness sake, they should be able to play how they want. Don't like it, don't join!
Oh wait: Let me clarify...
The members who were deleted were drama free
I am a drama whore.
Is this petty: you bet it is. Just as petty as deleting people for no good reason.
It's Friday...thought I'd spice the board up
OP, how much did you participate in the group? A lot of members aren't all that comfortable with lurkers, so all the owners were really asking is that people participate. It wasn't too much to ask.
Am I transferring posts?
I didn't mention the group in question...someone here did.
So, I'm sure this will burn...oh well
feel free to go to another debate if you don't like this one
well..since this is going to be deleted...
to be a member of that private group, you have to be covered in shit. the shit of one of the have to dig far up her ass, and kiss it.
Wasn't a personal attack , pointed out the obvious .. a mere observation
You were a member at both until the smack was laid down...
Last time I checked that was not a derogatory statement..
Perhaps if I had stated it as until the rainbows were taken over by clouds and thunderstorms would have been more to your liking ?
Why is it such a big deal? It is a private group. They want the group to thrive with the current membership - not become stale and dry. deleted those who have not posted or are not attentive is a way of keeping the convo going AND keeping it active. If you want drama, there's plenty elsewhere so to keep kicking the same nearly-dead horse is useless.
Are you speaking from personal experience ihearted? LMAO!
I was never in the group, and never wanted to be in the group, never asked to be admitted.
But people on my birth board seem confused by why they were deleted. This group made their Private Group go Public by making people post this quote in their profiles.
I just thought it was weird. No biggie...
I know of several of us who were members of that board, did the stupid hazing AND were regular posters .. and frequent posters at that.
One power trip later we managed to get deleted because we were not kissing the right rainbow covered arse.
ihearted, why not, it is her board and she is the owner!!! I just joined a board with a screen name saying ________ Fan ____ it is all about the owner and why shouldn't it be??? I joined, I wasn't forced. No one else was either. I could start the rosequeens only board and hell, I could be the only one there, I could debate myself all darn day. Why would anyone care if to be in my board you have to praise me???? btw: not my cup of tea for myself. But I do butt kiss don't I Ang??
haha, nope, not really. my post did come off as bitter though, which i'm not. i did something that warranted being deleted, and i knew so when i did it. but, i was defending happens.
the reasoning was to know who was active and desired to stay around instead of having 50 or so active members, 100 or so half active member and 300+ lurkers who said almost nothing.
This completely makes sense to me, especially if the board was of a certain "riskee" topic that might attract a lot of onlookers, but who are too shy to actively participate (ie something of a sexual nature). Actually, if that was the reasoning for making everyone attach "Thundercunts" to their name, I think it was a very clever idea to weed out nonactive or semiactive members.
Private group- they retain the right to make their own rules as long as they don't violate NBBC rules. No biggie really. If I were in that situation, I would prefer to move on to groups who appreciated my presence.
No good reason? I didn't see it that way. I certainly can't speak for anyone else, but what I saw was a thread saying something like, "hey y'all, we'd like to weed out non-active members, could you put this in your status for a few days to show us you're paying attention?" Personally I thought it was a fun way of weeding out people who joined the group back in March and never returned. If you didn't take it that way, maybe it wasn't the right group for you? IDK
And FWIW I also saw 1) an owner reassure members who didn't want to put "c*nt" that they could use another word, including "cat," and 2) an owner state that if you post regularly, they'd keep you even if you chose not to.
So which is it? Were you inactive, or did you fail to put "Thunder Cat?" Either way, what's the problem again?
You are wrong Loca. If you are a regular member of the board, there was no requirement to post anything in your profile. The only requirement is to post regularly and not lurk.
As for transferring issues. Yeah, it's against the guidelines and this is transferring an issue not a debate. There's really nothing to debate. Either post regularly or go bye bye.
If the people who were removed from said board have a problem with it, they can report the group/group owners. If the current members have a problem with having the words Thundercunt on their profiles, they can always leave said group, and report the group/group owners.
It's a private group, and the group owners can and will run it however they choose, including removal from the group, for whatever reasons they deem appropriate.
This is not an issue that needs debating, it is transferring an issue from a different board, and what is happening with another board, is not the business of those of us on this board who are not members of said board in question.
RED, girl you should know I am too girly and it is freak'n PINK!!! OH, maybe you are referring to other lips.
Actually , I had go team Thunder C*nts on my profile since it went up..
Was a very active poster and posted on there many times a day..
Just didnt kiss the right arse I suppose..
What I found sad was one co-owner is "friends" with some of the people who were deleted, with members who DID POST on a regular basis.
And I know a few who were deleted, even when they did post "thundercunt"
Again; no biggie...I thought this would be lighthearted, LOL. I've been on the race debate threads and they were getting too deep. This is shallow...I get it.
But people on my birth board seem confused by why they were deleted.
If they don't know why, they obviously weren't posting enough to see the big posts at the top of the page about posting regularly, thinning the herd, etc. that had been posted for days.
-As for transferring issues. Yeah, it's against the guidelines and this
is transferring an issue not a debate. There's really nothing to
debate. Either post regularly or go bye bye.
I'm not really sure WTF the REAL ISSUE is because I'm not a member. My "debate" is along the lines of "playing favorites" in groups...and you can take that issue and relate it to real life.
LOOK AT MY original post: There were NO GROUP NAMES revealed.
the thundercunts thing is a dead giveaway even w/o saying names. you knew what you were doing.
Why shouldn't they be allowed to play favorites? They are a private group. They can do what they want. End of story.
ok, a little odd to get deleted because you won't put a stupid word on your profile. Sounds like a group I wouldn't want to be a member of anyway, plenty of other groups to join that probably won't ask you to do silly little stunts to keep from being deleted...I guess some thought it was worth being a member of the group and put "thunderc*nts" on their profile and to others wasn't a big deal. I personally can't see going along with it, I guess I would have been a member of one less group
I'm not a member; I have no loyalty.
IF you want to keep your group private; then don't make your members do anything IN PUBLIC WHERE WE CAN ALL SEE YOU!!!
Umm is this really a "debate"? I didn't think so and for future reference people in that group are all over and if one should desire admittance into another private group at some point one should play nice and realize life is not fair. It's really sad that this thread was started it's a private group that has no issues until people that get excluded cry. I've been excluded from groups and discussion and you know what it sucks but life goes on and you don't act like a child by riling up people that have NO involvement.
All you needed to put, to start an actual Debate, instead of transferring an issue with a different board was.....
"Should members be deleted from a group because they don't want to put slanderous/demeaning words on their profile?"
If you had put ONLY that, then it would not have been transferring an issue, it would have been a legitimate debate question. Giving us all the background, including EXACTLY what said slanderous/demeaning words were, is what made it an issue transfer, and thus an inappropriate thread.
ok, a little odd to get deleted because you won't put a stupid word on your profile.
It wasn't about putting a word in your profile. It was about being there enough to know that putting a word in your profile for a short period of time or posting would retain your access to the board.
You're not getting it. And since you weren't there, paying attention to how things really went down, you never will. No one held guns to our heads making us do things. Those of us who post regularly and understand the essence of the group, thought it was a fun way to weed out the people who weren't positively contributing. If anyone has problems with that, then it's on them, not us.
I'm not really sure WTF the REAL ISSUE is because I'm not a member. My "debate" is along the lines of "playing favorites" in groups...and you can take that issue and relate it to real life
Yeah whatever. I've been around your posts for what, 2 years now give or take, I know what your intent was. I've seen you post this over and over (oh and over b/c I think it was three times at least) on another board.
to use your words, I'm not sure WTF the "REAL" (pun intended) ISSUE is either. If it doesn't concern you, you weren't part of the group then why do you continue to beat a dead horse.
My problem with all of this is WHY CAN'T I JOIN THIS PRIVATE BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just joking, though I would be faithful and active, lol!
I just wanted to say again. I never posted it and said I wouldn't. But I post all the time about funny things so I wasn't banned. I also have kissed no one's butt. Well ok I kissed my 11 month old's the other day but I don't think she is a member so it doesn't matter.
I don't recall kissing anyone's ass, I just played by the rules and I'm still a member. I post on the weekly threads, try to be somewhat active on other threads when I can and I proclaimed my thunder cunt status for a week. And I try not to upset anyone ;)
OK, cool, that is a Private Group that plays favorites.
I agree, it's their group, they can do what they want.
Rock on! They can Continue to pick and choose their members, it's all good. It was just weird that they pick their members, then kick out them out for weird reasons...
Sorry for the trouble. I'm a petty drama whore.
eBay_Mom, oh...well I guess didn't read the original post correctly . I will admit that I didn't read all of the posts, just commented on the original post. I guess that is an interesting way to get rid of the lurkers
I was a member, but then kicked myself out, got back in and kicked myself out again. I'm indecisive that way.
Pauline, you can be a member, just ask to join. But remember, you have been warned!
OK...mods: feel free to delete's cool.
We can go back to the regular schedule programming: sex, drugs, race...
Honorary Texican!
i don't think so, but i'm curious what others may think.
Posted on 6/27/08