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Geesus Ashley, why doesn't Mr. Ashley just leave a machete or a gun on his desk. I can't believe he had a stapler (a WMD to many sanctis) on his desk of all places. I think you should withhold sex from him until he comes onto babycenter and apologizes and in the meantime you can send the sex toys to me I just hopped onto your blog last night for the first time actually and was cracking up. You have a gift, duh, and it would be sad if you didn't use it. Ignore the sanctis...me thinks your new *pet* might be here
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You're right Tofu...I've been sitting here all morning thinking "What the heck can I do to get the Bargain Board to pay attention to me again...that's it! I'll leave the stapler within reach and then report it when little kid grabs it and tries to sneak it into his room. That will get them riled up." I report little kid's every naughty move, it's part of the documentation I plan on handing over to CPS to prove that I cannot take care of this kid. Most of it I do on the blog, but since people were so concerned about what he does while I'm online...I confessed. Apparently he goes into Mr. Ashley's office and schemes about what trouble he'll get into next. I guess I could try watching him like you do, but what's the fun in that? Btw, I was the perfect mother with my first too...because he made it easy. Kid got into NOTHING. Man, I thought I was good. Then came little kid. I see you have an infant...just a warning. As far as my alter ego, I don't have one. I'm not quite as flamboyant IRL, but I am a nut in real life too and even the moms in my playgroup joke about (and enjoy) the "Look at me, look at me" thing. I am very social, very talkative and often say inappropriate things. I have almost always been the class clown. So far, it has worked for me my entire life. The people who don't like it, aren't my type anyway. | ||
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Charlie, don't be ridiculous. We keep the guns and machetes in the toy box, we know he'll never look there since he will not play with toys or with anything that would be age appropriate. He may make us nuts, but we try to keep the injuries down to the level of stapler bites and food coloring stains. I did learn a valuable lesson about glue, even though he has no hair, we keep that locked up. | ||
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He uses all kinds of stuff to give him a few extra inches........ This reminded me that I need to clean out my bulk email folder. ~Lynn~ My husband says I'm PHAT! | ||
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Yes, he does. So our poor neglected children actually have TWO parents that are at home ALL THE TIME. Can you imagine how hard that must be for them? A mom and a dad, almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Does anyone need the number for FL CPS? And my address? I could have little kid waiting out front...we have a long driveway....just trying to be convenient. | ||
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Holly, try www.pkblogs.com/ashleyscloset.blogspot.com - that shouldn't be blocked by your IT. And it would work with any blog, just replace that last part with the blog name. | ||
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I cannot fathom working at home... and being around my DH 24/7... and my kids 24/7..... You brave woman. I'm one of those materialistic, neglective parents who likes to let daycare and school raise my kids while I work. That gives me more time to shop and whatnot... Holly
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Spanks, Sasha... I check it out right now. Did I tell you I went and spent NYE with Jennifer? She is doing so well... She was the DD. I got wasted and had an 8 hour hangover. I'm sure that strengthened her sobriety... cause it sure made me vow against never drinking again (for a while). Holly edited stupid typo Edited 11:25 AM by chandlers_a_girl | ||
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oh they are on their way ashley. the fact that you have sex toys in your house and admit it is disgraceful. didn't you know you will go to hell if you masturbate? that kid is better off in foster care where office supplies are far out of reach of little hands.
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Holly, I saw that on your myspace and it looked like fun! I'd love to see Jenn sometime, so maybe we can figure out a way to get the four of us together (Kim too). How was Malan's band? | ||
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I love the notion that because person A (ashley) has the ability to balance her life that persons b (like clean and tofu) cannot fathom how that happens. So my question to person B is how are you able to be online during the day. It's mid-morning. Your kids are up! Why aren't you watching them?!? OMG! WHat did they just get into?? Quick, get off the computer! How can you be on the computer and watch what your kids are doing? OMG! It's just NOT possible to do 2 things at one time!!! BTW, BB keeps me entertained while I SAHM with my 3 dds. :) | ||
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well...since you asked. DS is napping. He gets up by 5:00am and he takes a early nap. DD is sleeping on me since she feel asleep nursing. Thanks for asking!
fka tofurkey SAHM***DS 5/05***DD 7/07 | ||
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Ashley- Sasha pointed me to your blog and it wasn't blocked by IT. I luvred it, and I will DREAM of the day that you will use the turd quote. Sasha- We do need to get together. How fun would it be to have a gathering at the lake? I'm sure they would both be down for that! Malan's band was better than great. He is just amazing- I am shocked that he has not really made it bigtime yet. I have a secret crush on him... not that it ever went away from highschool! Panda- YES! I do take my kids to daycare when I don't have to work. How did you ever guess it? Charlie- Our daycare uses duct tape for nap time. It seems to work out pretty well. Do you have any ideas on how to get a 5 year old to stop whining? Her fingers are deft enough to get the duct tape off of her mouth by herself. Maybe I should staple it shut? Or use a hot glue gun? I might just settle for continuing to dope her up with Benadryl. They are SO much easier to contend with when they are slightly drugged. Holly
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SWEET! That's one heck of a long nap. Your first post was around 8am and this past one was after 11:30am and you've been posting inbetween. WOW! How do you get your kid to nap that long and still be napping? You deserve a medal. | ||
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lol holly, i was just coming on here to tell gretchen that they use duct tape, not staples. it's not as damaging. now if you'll excuse me i'm off to try to make a snowman out of the 1/2 inch of snow that covers our front yard.
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pandamonium, i think we have the same sitter. i try to only be on when charlie is sleeping. but the pinched nerve in my shoulder has reached an all new level of throbbing, stabbing pain, so im holed up on the couch today, i can see the kids, just not really do anything. yet dowlan thought leaving them with me for 10 hours would be perfectly fine. punk. | ||
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I am all about the lake. Name the time/place and I'm there. Slim too I'm sure. | ||
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oh man, that is creepy that you are timing my time on here but kind of sweet too. Yes, I neglected my son all morning while WE played with playdoh, while WE played with his wooden train set, while WE played cooking with his food set. fka tofurkey SAHM***DS 5/05***DD 7/07 | ||
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also, I was stating what my little ones were doing now.....not what they had been doing while i was posting. Way to go to twist things though! fka tofurkey SAHM***DS 5/05***DD 7/07 | ||
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LOL. I just saw your OP post and read the thread. But maybe in your eyes that takes a super sleuth. Honestly, Spend your time the way you want. It's yours! I just don't get why/how you'd judge Ashley or anyone else on how they spend theirs just because they post on here. Point being, you can multi-task. You proved it yourself by posting, playing, posting. So why doesn't someone else have that ability? Just wondering. | ||
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Are you talking to me?? I don't even get out of bed until around 9ish, so I don't think my first post here was at 8am. Also, if I ever said that I'm only on here when he's napping, I was lying. I was just explaining that my entire 24 hours is not devoted to following him around. We believe in free play and unschooling and all that jazz around here. Sometimes it involves staplers, food coloring, whatever. I work on the computer. I am, as I type, waiting for photos to load for a photobook I'm going to charge an obscene amount of money for. I work whenever I get the chance and since little kid is better about not having to cling to me in the mornings, I work a lot in the mornings. My husband and I are both usually home and we both parent all day long. Wait, why do you care again?? It all works out really nicely. Now do I have a free pass on posting? Are we or are we not calling CPS? I could use a pedicure and that is just not possible with young kids to watch. So if we could do it sooner than later, I could have a french pedi by the end of the day... So to make it really simple for everyone who is worried: I AM A WAHM. I WORK ON MY COMPUTER. MY HUSBAND AND I BOTH WORK FROM HOME. THERE ARE ALMOST ALWAYS 2 PEOPLE IN THE HOUSE TO HELP CARE FOR/WATCH OUR KIDS. WE ARE NOT HELICOPTER PARENTS, SO THEY DO OCCASIONALLY GET INTO THINGS, WE ARE OKAY WITH THIS SINCE THEY ARE KIDS AND KIDS DO THAT SORT OF THING. YOU MAY SEE ME AT THE COMPUTER AT ANY TIME. IT MAY SEEM LIKE I AM ON ALL DAY LONG. I DO TAKE BREAKS. EVERYONE HAS TO PEE SOMETIME. Does anyone else see the irony in the fact that people who are annoyed by me have managed to make this thread about me?? Do I have the luck of the Irish or what? ETA: Wait, maybe PP wasn't talking to me. That's okay though, I like to make it about me whenever possible, so I'll answer as well. Edited 11:53 AM by AshleysCloset | ||
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Hmm, I didn't say anything about her spending time posting here or on her blog. The only comment I made was in response to the stapler and that I don't keep things like that within DS reach. Maybe it was another poster? yes, I am a multi-tasker..I laugh and tell DH that all the time when I notice that I am nursing DD, paying some bills online, eating a snack, watching DS, all at the same time.
fka tofurkey SAHM***DS 5/05***DD 7/07 | ||
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