Monday, January 21, 2008

Small Black Aunt Problem

my home is very clean but we have a small black aunt problem I have been dealing with them for a couple months now . They started in the kitchen on the tile floor then in the family room on the hardwood floor I have even seen a couple in my sons room . We have done terro we thought it worked but only for 2 days . They are driving me nuts I feel like I kill a couple aunts every time I'm in my kitchen . There are absolutely no crumbs on my floor either . I know it will only get worse in the spring . HELP!

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  • funwithnumbers123

Ant= bug

Aunt= relative

Which do you have a problem with?

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  • QueenAmongKings

Okay, I know what you really mean, but I am cracking up over you having a "small, black aunt" problem in your house! Sounds like an african-american inlaw infestation or something! ROFL!! devilsilly

Mom to M and A

Edited Jan-15 by QueenAmongKings
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  • Elyse116

Are you racist? Why do you have a problem with your small black aunt? devil

Okay, seriously, if you have a sugar ant problem, you need to make sure you keep everything super dry, don't leave any water drips on any counter, don't let any leaky faucets go unrepaired, etc. Make sure any dry goods are sealed up tight, especially anything sugary. Then try to figure out where they're getting in & seal it up. You can put down boric acid powder or tablets anywhere you see them crawling around, it's non-toxic for humans & larger animals, but it will kill ants & roaches.

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why not ask your uncle to bring them home lol

or you can set up some ant traps you need to see the trail and clean that well they leave a chemical so they can follow it back and forth

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  • *McDreamy*

when I read "small black aunt" I had an entirely different view of what this thread would be about lol

anyway, we have had an ant problem before. It kind of took care of itself after my Dh walked around the perimeter of our house and sprayed ant poison. Other than that, I have no idea.

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  • *Michelle*
We had the same issue and our pest control man said that they were looking for water. We had to have him put down some ant killer around the house outside.

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  • LinoJeannie

I just googled and found this :

I have heard about these home remedies, and they do work!

(now for inlaws, I don'tknow! LOL )

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Maggie and Cassie 3/12/03

Nate 1/18/06


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  • Julia Gulia
*giggle snort

OK, we know what you meant. Have you tried that sprinkle stuff you put around the perimeter of your house?


"You can eat once you find the Dufrenes."
Mitch Hedberg (February 24, 1968 - March 20, 2005)

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  • Victoria'sMommy05
We have had the same issue as well. We had to have our house treated for them last spring becuase nothing we did got rid of them!!! We ended up having to do 2 sessions, but the 2nd was free because they guaranteed their work for a year.


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  • Green Eyed Goddess

Ok, this is the funniest thing that I have read in a very long time, but this part - "They are driving me nuts I feel like I kill a couple aunts every time I'm in my kitchen ." - was my favorite. I was LOL so loud, my kids actually stopped what they were doing to see what was going on, hehe. Thanks for a great laugh this morning! Oh! And sorry, I have no tips on your ant problem.

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  • KatieP1025
I am laughing so hard that I'm crying.

Those poor black aunts....
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  • buggy20

They are driving me nuts I feel like I kill a couple aunts every time I'm in my kitchen

This one made me laugh the most! We have a serial killer on our hands!

Sorry, now that I'm done laughing, the best thing I've found is spray right where they are coming in (I guess you would need to find that place first) with either glass cleaner or spray ant killer. I can't remember my brand but it works every year for us. We always get ants in the spring, get rid of them quick and have no problems for the rest of the year.


Max 7-11-04 IA

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  • Way2Cool4U
We get them on occasion too - I think they are looking for water - often we get them when the wind is blowing hard and dry.

I use a spray - it's non toxic and it works well.
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  • LiveLaughLove212612

LOL I'M Sorry I'm holding my daughter and trying to type fast with one hand yeah ant not aunt

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  • Orly*Yarly

*Giggles* Just stop inviting them over then she should get the hint. Although you will probably stop receiving birthday checks and Christmas presents. So you may want to think about getting rid of them. Plus you don't want to start a rift in the family.devil

As far as ants I don't really know anyway of getting rid of those blush

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  • boyandgirlmakes2

I am at work and I just nearly aspirated on a candy reading this!!

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  • Frenchie

Sorry I'm with the other posters that whole post had me cracking up. I love the line about killing a few of them everytime you walk into the kitchen lol.

Anyway I had a similar problem with grease ants. They are so tiny and so hard to kill but I got something at Publix Grocery store that worked like a charm. I put a few drops in a milk lid with some water and they swarmed to it for the water. Within 2 days I didn't have a problem anymore. It's called Protexall "Ant-Kil" it's a very small bottle with a red cap and big blue writing on it.

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For your ant problem mix equal parts of salt and baking soda and sprinkle it on your carpeted areas. Leave it on for a hour then vacuum. The salt will kill the ants. Now the Aunt problem......LOL
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  • DreamladyK
Wait. I'm offended. I'm small. I'm black. I'm an aunt. devil


Loving my 3 princesses Kiera, Kylah and Kayli. Watch them grow!!

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  • GreenEyes24f

we use combat gel stuff. Its like 6-7 bucks a tube but it lasts a long time. The hardest part is not killing them when you see them after you put any kind of ant baits down otherwise it doesnt make it back to the rest of them. I just follow where the ants are coming from and put a little of the gel stuff nearby where my kid and cats cant get it and couple days later no ants and I dont see them for a few months.

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  • Frenchie

Wait. I'm offended. I'm small. I'm black. I'm an aunt. devil


Just stay out of her kitchen and you should be fine happy.

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OMG. I can't stop laughing! Your poor poor Aunts....

Erin, Mommy to Isaiah 2.3.04 Michael 6.9.05

"Mothers are all slightly insane." ~ J.D. Salinger

Some people are like slinkies; not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!

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  • Whateva!

a small black aunt problem I have been dealing with them for a couple months now .

I have reported this thread-I have never seen such a racist thread!crycrycry

I am sorry, OP! This made me LOL!!!

RIP Bobbie Stokes

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  • Prd2BMum2-4
OMG, thanks for the chuckle...small black aunt...priceless.

Michelle Mom to Jen-18, Patrick-16, Kelsey-11 and Ryan-3 1/2

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  • moose_

Though you may be tired of reading all the LOL's i just can't help myself. This was the funniest thread title/post i have EVER SEEN!



Edited Jan-15 by moose_
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  • LinoJeannie

this whole thread has me laughing out loud...

thanks op, great typo !sillylaugh

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Maggie and Cassie 3/12/03

Nate 1/18/06


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  • Raisin_Kaiden

Sorry I had to add my LMAO! Too funny!

I hope you get your ant prob resolved tho!


Moms to K!

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  • ky_mom
Clean everything with vinegar/water. It works!


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  • Amanda 'n Boys
I have a couple of aunts I wouldn't mind squashing...but they are white and and real big...I would need a monster truck to squash them heffers devil

aka SuddenlyEyeSEe

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  • ctmaryd

Okay, I need to thank you all for the absolute funniest thread I have EVER read on BBC....and I've been here for three years. Seriously, there are actual tears coming out of my eyes! Each post makes me laugh harder. Thanks for the great laugh!!

As for the many black aunts you need to kill, we hired a Terminex-type guy to deal with the problem after we had unsuccessfully treated it ourselves for several years. It's been three years and I've yet to see another ant in out house. I know this is the bargain board, and I'm quite stingy when it comes to this stuff, but that was $100 VERY well spent.

Ian 11.22.04 Abigail 4.11.06

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  • Tiffany529
Oh my gosh I am laughing so hard I am crying. I had to show this to my DH.

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  • Orly*Yarly

Okay, one last jab wink

You can still invite them to a know because if you don't they will show up anyway.

Along those lines you could set up a picnic in your kitchen and when they wander in you could smoosh them devil

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  • jada'smomma

laughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaugh That was the funniest post I have seen in a long time! Now my coworkers think I am crazy, I was laughing so hard I snorted!


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Mommy's special girl :)

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  • QueenAmongKings

I've heard you could smear one side of your kitchen with Magic Cream, and light the other side of your kitchen on fire. Then, when the Small Black Aunts go running across, you could hit them with a flyswatter.


Mom to M and A

Edited Jan-15 by QueenAmongKings
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  • ReggeeD

That last post really did make me LOL!


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  • Orly*Yarly

I've heard you could smear one side of your kitchen with Magic Cream, and light the other side of your kitchen on fire. Then, when the Small Black Aunts go running across, you could hit them with a flyswatter.

No, no, no that only works on crabs, silly. wink

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  • Irish128

I've heard you could smear one side of your kitchen with Magic Cream, and light the other side of your kitchen on fire. Then, when the Small Black Aunts go running across, you could hit them with a flyswatter.

laughLMBO! First the aunts are all over & now she'll be a murderer w/ the Magic Cream & a flyswatter! laugh


Mommy to: Ian- 8 YO, Macy-3/16/03 & Jack-11/19/04

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What would a fire aunt or red aunt be?

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  • QueenAmongKings
You would think that, but the method was $o h€lpful with my €rab problem, I'v€ b€€n u$ing it €v€rywh€r€.
Mom to M and A
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  • DoubleDimples

Hoy cow, I am LMFAO right now. I have mascara running down my face. Sorry OP, I had to add my own LMFAO!

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  • jypzi

I follow their trail as well as I can, to see where they are getting in. Then I clean all hard, non-porous surfaces with a 50/50 solution of water and bleach. This completely gets rid of the trail of pheromones the ants leave - then they don't know where to find the water/food. I also completely clean the kitchen and use the same bleach mixture on the counters and floors. This is usually enough, but if they've set up a colony in your yard or under your house, you'll probably need professional exterminators. Good Luck!

Oh, and ROFLMAO on the aunts!

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Baby steps - Gettin under 200!

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Try Borax. Or there is a non-toxic product called Diatenacious earth you can also use to create a barrier around your home :)

Depends on how deadly you want to be with your "aunts" :)

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  • bijouli

Thank you for this - I needed it! (Wiping away tears)...

Seriously, if you know where they are coming into your house, you can put baby powder down - they will not cross it. This will give you time to squash the little buggers and call an exterminator. Windex kills them on contact so you can happily spray away and not worry about your walls or anything.

Good luck - ants are gross!


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Olivia (2/13/01)
Isabella (4/13/06)

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  • MichyMich
OMG, that just made my day. THank you!
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  • PrettyWoman
I love it!! so funny...

when I am in a hurry I always mix up words too!blushwink
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  • PolkaDots&Stripes
Send them an e-invite to your dc's bday party. Then ask them to bring a dish, some paper goods, oh and don't forgot the gift list, preferrably a registration list for pricey toys. Serve snacks bought with b1g1 free coupons, be sure your kids have lots of character clothing and lighted shoes. And also be sure NOT to send a thank you note. That should get rid of your aunts.
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  • *Team*Estrogen*
Send them an e-invite to your dc's bday party. Then ask them to bring a dish, some paper goods, oh and don't forgot the gift list, preferrably a registration list for pricey toys. Serve snacks bought with b1g1 free coupons, be sure your kids have lots of character clothing and lighted shoes. And also be sure NOT to send a thank you note. That should get rid of your aunts.


Lisa **Mom to three girls**
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  • Melbick

Everyone has completely missed the point... just call the baby-deliverin' vet! The one with the dead husband... she knows how to take care of aunts too!

Although magic cream and fire should do the trick also...


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  • MnGMom.

OMG, thank you OP for giving me a good laugh today. I was having a crappy day and really needed that. "I kill a couple aunts every time I'm in my kitchen"-oh that's just too funny!

By the way, I use those little ant traps and they always work for me.

Check my profile for my favorite GPT sites!

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Edited Jan-15 by MnGMom.
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  • Jareds_Mommy

I really hope we haven't scared her off

we were just being silly I hope you are not offended


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  • 2boys4me&thatsall

laugh Too funny! laugh

But, omigosh, an you imagine the newspaper headline if she killed those little black aunts in her kitchen w/magic cream and a fly swatter???

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  • myprincessA

OMG, I just can't stop laughing!!! tears are running down my face and dh wants to know if I drank his cosmopolitans on him cuz I sound like a crazy woman...

thanks for the best laugh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Debbie mom to Ainslee

While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

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  • Isaiah&Elijah'smom
ROTFL!!!!!!!!!! I think this is the funniest thing I've ever read on BBC before! Thankyou for the laugh.
I hope your Ants go away soon..they're a pain in the you know where!
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Isaiah Feb. 2005
Elijah June 2007

^m/c^ "Emily" 8-17-06

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  • KGMaMaMia

...."I have been dealing with them for a couple of months now.." ...Where are your small black uncles when you need them???


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  • travelfamily
Well at least they're SMALL aunts and not big ones...those would be a lot harder to carry. I would just throw them over my shoulder one at a time and drop them outside. Or you could just tell them to leave....quite simple actually. My aunts leave when I tell them to.
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Thanks!! ...... my face hurts & there is now diet pepsi on my screen.


dd ~ 10 yrs, ds ~ 7 yrs, dd ~ 4 yrs, ds ~ 2 yrs

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  • LiveLaughLove212612
Hey Ladies, Glad I could give ya good laugh and no you did not scare me off some of your comments made me LMAO !

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  • aquariangoddess0206

OMG! Absolutely hysterical...

"I'm small, I'm black, I'm an Aunt!"

She's trying to give you a hint... Go Home, and take the others with you!

-Heidi (who is actually LOL)
*This is just as good as Sweaty's "Cookie man go bye-bye?"


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  • momtofour98

Coming out of lurkdom to say that is the funniest thing I have ever seen on BBC!!!!laughlaughlaugh

...wiping off tears and slinking back into lurkdom.....blush

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Okay, Lisah327, I actually think you are going a little too far in the wrong direction that that picture of Aunt Jemina. confused Not trying to spoil all the fun, because I think OP's typo was hillarious but . . . I am just saying.

where's DanjurezNegress when you need her?

Seriously? I don't think she would find that funny actually.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Edited Jan-15 by BOBTHEBUILDER
Edited Jan-15 by BOBTHEBUILDER
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  • Silly_Frog

I have to agree about the funniest thing I have ever seen on BBC- I even showed my hubby! He was rolling! Thanks


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  • pandahugging fool
In case anyone was wondering, it is nearly impossible to find a picture of an african-american "little person". Well, unless you want them naked.

Still, that would have been a funny joke.

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  • mommytotwingirls

I just have to say, I've read this thread since it started, and have come back over and over & my face hurts from smiling so much!

Thanks OP for the typo...I really needed a good laugh today! happy

Emily & Sarah 2/18/04

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In case anyone was wondering, it is nearly impossible to find a picture of an african-american "little person". Well, unless you want them naked.

Still, that would have been a funny joke.

Gee whiz, so should I expect to start seeing pictures of
African Baka Pygmies. Is that what's next? shocked I mean, OP's mistake was funny, but careful how you tread.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker
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  • pandahugging fool
Oh sheesh, bobthebuilder, get a life. Did you see me mention African American pygmies?
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Oh sheesh, bobthebuilder, get a life. Did you see me mention African American pygmies?

No, but I was trying to imagine what creative and sensitive images you were going to pull up next.

You get a life. And African Baka pygmies are NOT African American so get a clue.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Edited Jan-15 by BOBTHEBUILDER
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  • pandahugging fool
Psssssssssssssssht. It was along the same lines as the Aunt Jemima picture. I'm sure if the OP had been killing small white aunts you wouldn't have had a problem.

My aunts are white and I really love them - I'm out trying to raise white aunt awareness right now.

PS - don't do me like this on MLK's birthday. Thanks.
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Psssssssssssssssht. It was along the same lines as the Aunt Jemima picture. I'm sure if the OP had been killing small white aunts you wouldn't have had a problem.

First of all, I said something about the Aunt Jemima picture. 2nd of all, are you implying that I would not defend white people? This is not even what I am saying so don't put words in my mouth. I thought the thread was funny until people started showing images of black women or suggesting that. You don't know me enough to talk about who or who I will not defend. I am giving a warning that the thread, which was funny, was starting to get offensive. Take it or leave it.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker
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  • Whateva!

This thread will self-destruct in 10,9,8....

Keep it nice or it is going bye-bye.

RIP Bobbie Stokes

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  • PolkaDots&Stripes
yeah, it was funny, but now it's starting to get grumpy like the other 109834094 threads we have.
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Have fun, but don't put images of black women up on the screen so people can laugh at them and expect people to tolerate it when you obviously don't know the history of some of these images. Also, don't bring other people's screennames into this who are not even involved in the thread.

Continue with your fun, but have some sensitivity please so we can all enjoy the fun.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker
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  • pandahugging fool
I seriously, seriously, seriously do not get your beef Bob the Builder.

If someone had said small white aunts and they showed a small white girl I wouldn't get all up in arms. It's harmless fun that has nothing to do with anyone being racist or intentionally offensive.

Explain to me EXACTLY why we can't show a picture of a "small black aunt" or "aunt jemima".
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  • pandahugging fool
BTW, I can ALMOST see the Aunt Jemima thing, but not so much anything else.

Hell, I'd be laughing more at the midget aspect than the skin color. I know that's not nice but it's the truth. Now the midgets are going to flame me.

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  • Jordan's_Kisses

I just wanted to say THANK you OP not only for the typo, but for NOT getting your panties in a bunch and getting huffy when someone pointed it out and ran with it. This is some of the funniest stuff I've read lately, I am literally sitting here still wiping away the tears, I laughed so hard it hurt!

If you find a way to get rid of the small black aunt's, I have a small white one I wouldn't mind getting rid of so could you share--that is if it's not just an ethnic product? wink

On a serious note, we had MAJOR ant issues in the bathroom and I tried lots of stuff but with it being the bathroom (water) they resisted it all...until I got the Combat gel that a pp mentioned. We figured out that they were coming through a crack under the window sill, I gunked some of that stuff in there, and that's all she more ants! The only good thing about them was that they climbed down the wall and around the bathtub but rarely did I find any on the floor, and it was neat (for about a day) watching them do their thing, in fact, my kiddo (6 at the time) sat on the toilet for about half an hour one night 'studying' them but they had to go!

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If someone had said small white aunts and they showed a small white girl I wouldn't get all up in arms.

first of all, i have no problem if you showed a non-descript picture of an aunt most likely, but someone showed a picture of Aunt Jemima, which is a racial stereotype. For example:

This is a sensitive image and I am pointing out that it is not appropriate for this thread. I do not think it was intentional, but I wanted the PP to know this. I did not want to have my fun (and others) spoiled by unintentional but possibly hurtful images, so I am pointing this out to make it clear to people. Obviously, I am not seriously offended at this point, but wonder why you don't understand that somethings are not appropriate. Why push the issue? Why do you want to risk offending people, especially when I am making a special effort to ask you not to offend this way?

And, OP, my mother suggests pulling the stove out and making sure you spray behind there.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Edited Jan-15 by BOBTHEBUILDER
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  • Adventures~With~Gretchen
the only 'little person' i know is dixie's gma....but, alas, she is a small white person.
and i do not mind her in my kitchen. except when i trip over her crutches.
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gretchen, texan mama to dixie (4) melody (3.5) charlie (1) for your latest fix of Dixie/Melody/Charlie

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  • scoutnpiper
Funniest thing I have ever read on bbc..lmao. This laughter just might get my labor goingwink

BTW, I thinnk people see the AUNT relationship in a photo of AUNT Jemima because AUNT being the key word and typo here. Showing a picture of AUNT Jemima is way different than referring to a specific individual as AUNT Jemima. I have nothing but love for AUNT Jemima. Shall we erase her from our history as the sight of her can be so "offensive"? This is a hilarious thread about a typo. We don't need to be ruining the laughter over assumptions of what someone else may or may not be thinking.

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  • Not the Mama

Oh geez, some people are offended by everything. confused

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I have a question.

I know she isn't small, but, do your small black aunts look anything like Rasputia? If so, I know of a little boy who would like to visit you. happy

Michelle Mom to Jen-18, Patrick-16, Kelsey-11 and Ryan-3 1/2

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  • mommy-to-be-again2004
ROFLMAO..FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER READ..I was searching for the popcorn at first..lmao

Edited Jan-16 by mommy-to-be-again2004
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  • LeaSamsMom_

Ok, just don't answer the door when you hear them drive up. Don't peek because those aunts see everything.

Tell your kids you are playing hide and seek so they will be quite.

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  • Happy 2 B Nappy

Bringing my name up in that sarcastic way = not cool man

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  • Ding*Dang*Yall
Like a pp stated I have Large White Aunts not small black aunts. I just don't answer the phone when they call so they don't come over. To those of you who would like the OP to spray her Small Black Aunts with pesticide, shame on you. I feel sorry for your Aunts.

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  • Prd2BMum2-4
The typo was hilarious, and the posts for the most part have been great. Some people are over sensitive that is for sure. Take things in the manner for which they were meant. Black aunt+ google=Aunt Jemima. No racist intent behind it...get a grip.

Michelle Mom to Jen-18, Patrick-16, Kelsey-11 and Ryan-3 1/2

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  • AmyBmom2JMandBaby

OKay, I haven't read the whole thread or anything and I know I'm late, but I HAD To comment that I cracked up when I read this!

FWIW- We had a smalle black ANT problem and called a bug company to come spray every 3 months. Ants gone grin Aunts still visit, however wink

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  • LISAH327
OMG I haven't read this in a few days but sorry if I offended by the Aunt Jemima picture. I just ... thought ... "aunt". Nothing more. And if she is a sensitive icon racially, why is she still on my pancake box? (I was just putting a pic to go with all the "aunt" posts, sheesh)
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The picture of Aunt Jemima that you posted is not the current picture used on the products, by the way.

Product Characters like Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben have a long interesting history. If you do a search on Aunt Jemima and racism, you can learn about it if you want to.

For example:

I don't have time to look up more for you. I have to "get a grip" (aka - living my life) like some of you have suggested. Sorry to spoil ya'alls fun. confused

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Edited Jan-17 by BOBTHEBUILDER
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  • LISAH327

Again, it was the "aunt" in her name that was the reason I posted her. And by the way, my original post is gone now.

Even if the pic I put up was the old version of Aunt Jemima, her NAME and PICTURE are still on grocery store shelves everywhere.

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I am not saying that you intentionally did anything. Thank you for taking the picture down.

Even if the pic I put up was the old version of Aunt Jemima, her NAME and PICTURE are still on grocery store shelves everywhere.

Obviously you did not click on the link or learn about the image you put up. oh well. I give up.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker
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  • Me&A.B.

I have a question.

I know she isn't small, but, do your small black aunts look anything like Rasputia? If so, I know of a little boy who would like to visit you. happy

ROFLMAO, Michelle! That has to be the smoothest segue from one thread to another that I have ever seen.

Kathie & Amelia 12/5/05

Click it and listen! You know you wanna!

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  • nmp233

I did not read through all the posts just the first two pages but I have to thank the OP for her typo. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Thank you for making my day. Hope you get your ant problem taken care of.

FWIW I would have to say in my family it would be more of a mother/sister problem then an aunt problem.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Lilypie Baby Ticker

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  • Prd2BMum2-4
Glad I could make you laugh. This thread and Rasputia deserve awards. They are by-far the two best threads I have ever read.

Michelle Mom to Jen-18, Patrick-16, Kelsey-11 and Ryan-3 1/2

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  • Susan Banks

This has got to be the funniest darn thing I have ever read.

Loving my little Elvis
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