Saturday, January 26, 2008

The End of the World

How Will The World End?
War – 25 votes (13%
Asteroid – 12 votes – 6%
Global warming/natural disaster – 32 votes – 16%
It will never end – 45 votes – 23%
Other – 85 Votes – 43%

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: ~*angelsorce*~
I voted other. The Earth is going to be destroyed by fire.

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: Irish128
not touching this one!
My bargain of the day: going to Sam's Club to buy a pizza for our family: $8.87 plus tax. (I didn't want to make anything tonight).
Mommy to: Ian- 8 YO, Macy-3/16/03 & Jack-11/19/04

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: CCBerry
well the earth is a giant rock for the most part, so I highly doubt outside of the sun dying that the earth will be destroyed. now the earth as WE know it, and the human race, will probably end due to our own stupidity - my bet is on war.

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: jenro7
I think that it will end when there isn't room for anyone. Eventually there will be nowhere to put trash, sewage, etc... We won't be able to grow anything because there won't be any room.
There will be famine and diseases.
A huge fire? The earth is made up of mostly water. Fire wouldn't destroy the earth.
Wife to Jim
Mom to:
Claire Bernice 9/8/01
Robert "RJ" James 12/30/03
^A^ 1/1/04
Nicholas James 12/24/05
Lauren Elizabeth - edd 2/8/08

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: cola022
We are already consuming more food than we are producing. Check out the futures markets - scary stuff.
DD - 06/29/06

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: *~*LiVinG*~*
My world will end the day I die, I would hope for it to be during my sleep, but God knows how it will be.

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: laurah76
Mommy to...
Cross 10/97
Chaz 9/99
Lyvie 2/24/05

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: ~*angelsorce*~
The Earth is going to be destroyed by fire. I'm sorry you don't agree with me. :)

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: ajsmummy
How/when ever God chooses.

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: jenro7
The Earth is going to be destroyed by fire. I'm sorry you don't agree with me.
You don't have to be sorry; it's an opinion.
Explain how you think that though. I mean, fire can't jump continent to continent, so I don't know how that would work. How would the fire start?
Wife to Jim
Mom to:
Claire Bernice 9/8/01
Robert "RJ" James 12/30/03
^A^ 1/1/04
Nicholas James 12/24/05
Lauren Elizabeth - edd 2/8/08

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: PodBabyMom
I think the human race will be destroyed way before the Earth. We are but a blip on the radar screen of this planet in the big picture.
Mason 8/25/05

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: EricalynnC
How/whenever God chooses.
What she said.

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: Slaughterama
"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." - Bob Marley

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: ~*angelsorce*~
To be honest I don't understand the logistics of it. But the Bible tells us in 2 Peter 3:10 and 11 that "the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare ... That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat."
So if the Bible says it I believe it. :)
On another note if I didn't believe in God I would of voted for asteroid. The movie Armagedeon really freaked me out.

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: CindyT13
I think you missed the obvious option:
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
-The Hollow Men, T.S. Eliot
...and I barely got a B in that class...
Elizabeth 11/28/05
Andrew 10/11/07
Disclaimer - Typos are likely due to
typing left-handed while breastfeeding!
Where's the blinkie for that?

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: 3airforcebrats
Has anyone heard about the year 2012? I guess the Mayans and others predicted it that to be the year of destruction? Not sure what I think!
Proud Air Force wife and mom to 3 Air Force brats!
Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: BeezleB
Yeah! I've watched several documentaries on the 2012 thing! Supposedly in December of that year, right?
They were spookily accurate with everything else....makes me wonder....

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: hannahmaesmomma
God is coming back.

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: mamakateto4
I voted "Other"- cant really describe it, but read Revelations.
DD 7/25/02
DD 5/3/04
DD 9/2/05
DS 9/10/07

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: 2004&2006Babies
Human life will end when the environment changes significantly. There have been 5 major mass extinctions (we're currently in the 6th...if you look at the rate of extinction). They all correlate to environmental change.
Because so many have so many different beliefs on this one, please don't start any arguments. Let's all just agree to disagree at some point.

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: ~*~QueenBee~*~
For those curious, I think they say Dec. 21, 2012
But - I do the whole God thing too, so, whatever he has planned. Depends on if you're talking about the Earth itself, or the human race.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6

Date: Jan-21
To: All
From: jenro7
Ahhh, the bible. I couldn't understand why everyone was saying fire. LOL Nevermind. :)
Interesting... I'm off to Google.
Wife to Jim
Mom to:
Claire Bernice 9/8/01
Robert "RJ" James 12/30/03
^A^ 1/1/04
Nicholas James 12/24/05
Lauren Elizabeth - edd 2/8/08

Date: 9:31 PM
To: All
From: doctoralchick1
Haven't you realized it yet? The world has ALREADY ENDED.
We're all just a bunch of ZOMBIES walking around being exploited by the uber-rich who keep SUCKING ALL THE BLOOD out of us. Haven't you noticed all the ZOMBIES films out there recently?
Look at our movies...the stories start out very post-apocalyptic. By that, I mean the ending comes FIRST and then the beginning starts...just watch any film on DVD or in theaters. Even the way we tell stories is post-apocalyptic.

Date: 9:37 PM
To: All
From: Ash_Blueberry_HadBean
I'm not xtian so I don't buy into all the fire and brimstone business.. I'm not sure it's going to end, per se.. But I know I'm not going to hell if it does so before I die

Date: 9:44 PM
To: All
From: Lemony
The Mayans ended one era on Dec 21, 2012, but their calendar pattern can repeat long after that. They just didn't speculate as to what happens after that era.
Humans will destroy themselves either through war or overpopulation or whatnot.
The Earth will end when it collides with a large asteroid or as the sun becomes a red giant or something. Or maybe Tom Cruise's aliens will come back to reclaim the planet, they'll reanimate Tom's rotten corpse then fire their lasers at the poles, destroying Earth... and they'll all live happily ever after on Zorgon 5 or whatever.

Date: 9:47 PM
To: All
From: curvy1
Isn't it entirely possible that if the Bible says the world will end in fire that it could end because of a huge meteor that causes the fire? Just wondering (sincerely) because a PP said if she didn't believe in God, this is what she would believe would happen...
Off to google that 2012 thing, that scares me!!!!

Date: 9:56 PM
To: All
From: jypzi
....massive world war could be the cause of earth-consuming fire.....
I don't know, but maybe the mice do!

Date: 10:06 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
Famine, asteroid, and then fire.
There will be a food crisis, and pretty soon everyone will be eating beans from the stockpiles of those on this board. That will give everyone gas, and due to terrible timing, an asteroid will hit as one large fart sounds and we all go up in flames!

Date: 10:11 PM
To: All
From: Ash_Blueberry_HadBean
Nah, there'll be muffins aplenty, as is apparent by pp's siggy

Date: 10:13 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
^ Cannabalism, PP? Well, that would put an end to the world as well

Date: 10:15 PM
To: All
From: Ash_Blueberry_HadBean
Good point.. my vote is officially cannibalism.

Date: 10:15 PM
To: All
From: luvbeingnewmom
I mean, fire can't jump continent to continent, so I don't know how that would work.
Hmm...I guess if there was a large enough fire the smoke could block the sun, causing a significant drop in temps, which could cause famine, which could cause disease, and so forth. I've heard theories that volcanic ash did the same, which possibly caused the ice age.
I don't know how the earth/civilization is going to end. All I hope is that it's many, many generations from now. I don't want to be there when it does, nor do I want my children there.
ds 05/07/03
TTC #2

Date: 10:17 PM
To: All
From: Lemony
I think the penguins are planning something.

Date: 10:18 PM
To: All
From: curvy1
I don't know how the earth/civilization is going to end. All I hope is that it's many, many generations from now. I don't want to be there when it does, nor do I want my children there.
Yup, me too. The whole idea freaks me out!

Date: 10:20 PM
To: All
From: Way2Cool4U
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

-- Robert Frost

Just adding - I memorized that poem when I was about 5 and discovered a volume of Robert Frost on my mom's bookshelf. I memorized a lot of Robert Frost then...the poems were short!

Date: 10:27 PM
To: All
From: MyWitsAnd4
Lemony is right. Its the Penguins. Didn't you see HAPPY FEET!?

Date: 10:31 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
Lemony is right. Its the Penguins. Didn't you see HAPPY FEET!?
Or Billy Madison. That penguin was out to get everyone!

Date: 10:34 PM
To: All
From: Lemony
They're so evil!

Date: 10:39 PM
To: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
From: Powered_by_Starbucks
nice photo.
grow up

Date: 10:43 PM
To: Powered_by_Starbucks
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
What is your problem?

Date: 10:44 PM
To: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
From: luvbeingnewmom
I kinda like the photo. I think it's funny. In a good way, of course.
ds 05/07/03
TTC #2

Date: 10:44 PM
To: All
From: Powered_by_Starbucks
my problem is that you just can't let it go. that is a photo that i posted earlier in the week and you have taken it and added your "clever spin" to it. it's just time to grow up sweetie. it's getting old.

Date: 10:44 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
^ Hey, and who knows - muffin tops might just buy you an extra day or two when the world comes crashing down...

Date: 10:46 PM
To: Powered_by_Starbucks
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
What the eff are you talking about you crazy bat?!?! That is NOT your photo!

Date: 10:47 PM
To: All
From: Powered_by_Starbucks
whatever. it will be gone soon enough. and again, i tell you to grow up

Date: 10:50 PM
To: Powered_by_Starbucks
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
C U Next Tuesday!

Date: 10:50 PM
To: All
From: Lemony
It needs more top to be considered a muffin top anyway. Its more like a cupcake

Date: 10:51 PM
To: All
From: Powered_by_Starbucks
wow, so mature

Date: 10:51 PM
To: All
From: Lemony
THIS is a muffin top:

Date: 10:53 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
Speaking of mature, has anyone seen mommalovingfool post lately? She mysteriously dissappeared when Powered by Stupid came back around. How odd, indeed!
fyi, PBS has used another screen name, despite her saying she never has. During her banning she was momalovingfool. She never even bothered to change her font or the fact that she never capitalizes anything.

Date: 10:53 PM
To: All
From: Lemony
Sorry charlie, I meant cupcake in a good way - like yummy. Not that I'm a lesbian or anything.

Date: 10:56 PM
To: All
From: Powered_by_Starbucks
lol lemony, i love cupcakes
but this fool is making herself look so stupid. i'm kind of enjoying it. rant rant rant rant rant.

Date: 11:00 PM
To: All
From: Lemony
Ah, I get whats going on. and now I've accidentally got myself in the middle of it yet again. I seem to be good at that

Date: 11:00 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
Oh come on, that was lame, even for you. Did you take an overdose of Adderall and drink a ton of wine tonight? It has rendered you even more r e t a r d e d than usual!

Date: 11:03 PM
To: All
From: Powered_by_Starbucks
Wow. I really have no idea why you are so angry and hateful towards me. Have I ever done anything to you? And no, I didn't od on Adderall and drink too much wine. You are just a nasty person and there is not much else I can do to combat your personal attacks. Hope you feel better about yourself.

Date: 11:07 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
And you are no better than any other TROLL out there - still posting away during your "time out" under mommalovingfool. Shame shame!

Date: 11:08 PM
To: All
From: PeeweeChubster
Ultimately, the sun will become a red giant and engulf what remains of the Earth. What's strange is the Christian pp who mentioned the elements would be destroyed by fire - essentially all elements are made in stars up to iron and in a supergiant explosion after iron - then gravity pulls everything together and new stars are born when a star begins to fuse hydrogen into helium again. The bible and science are not completely mutually exclusive!
Jenny Sven Gavin 5 Arron 3

Date: 11:10 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
PeeWee Chubster, mommalovingfool & I are TRYING to have a "troll off" here. Quit with all the nonsense!

Date: 11:16 PM
To: All
From: Powered_by_Starbucks
It is sad that this is your idea of fun. The fact that you hide behind a fake screenname to bash me is pathetic. I can't imagine what your home life must be like for you to find pleasure in being so nasty and rude to someone you don't even know.
Grow up.

Date: 11:17 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
My home life is just fine and dandy, everyone is tucked into their beds all warm and cozy. Thank you for asking!
And hiding behind a fake screenname? Oh my...touche, "sweetie". But, I didn't have to tell you that, now did I?

Date: 11:19 PM
To: All
From: Powered_by_Starbucks
You are sad.

Date: 11:22 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
If I'm sad, then you're pathetic. I'll admit I'm a troll, but you deny deny deny even when your "friends" put you on blast for all to see. How did you learn to backpedal so fast? It must be hard trying to keep up the facade.

Date: 11:26 PM
To: All
From: Powered_by_Starbucks
I have no idea what you are talking about?? Regardless I think it's kind of sad that you have to hide behind a sn to personally bash me. How sad. I hope you feel better about yourself. Thumbs up winner.

Date: 11:27 PM
To: All
From: sxylv4evr
Holy, glad I decided to get back on! Never know what you're going to miss on the bargain
I think its kinda funny a troll is calling you out such a regular member.........sammysmommy..wth has she done to you..back off and go back to wherever you came from sheesh!!!

Date: 11:28 PM
To: All
From: lilbugs&bows
sammy'smommy, are you saying Powered by Starbucks has used a troll name in the past??

Date: 11:29 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
Just keep denying, it makes you more of a joke than you already are.
And I'm not hiding behind a sn, my original one got banned many moons ago. I'd gladly post under it if it was possible

Date: 11:30 PM
To: All
From: luvbeingnewmom
Hey y'all, I went shopping for my son tonight. I got him outfitted for Kindergarten next year for $200...saved over $500...woo hoo! Great sales going on now. And TCP rocks!

Date: 11:30 PM
To: All
From: Mali'sMum
The world will end if those two posters ever come in contact with each other.
If the world ends in fire I wont even need to pop my popcorn first!!

Date: 11:30 PM
To: All
From: luvbeingnewmom
LMAO Mali's mom!!
ds 05/07/03
TTC #2

Date: 11:31 PM
To: All
From: mom2amonkey
Wow it's crazy how any ol' thread can get tipped upside down.

Date: 11:31 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
sammy'smommy, are you saying Powered by Starbucks has used a troll name in the past??
Um, YEAH. Helloooooo bargain hunters! Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!
The 'ole blog was sent an anonymous comment just a couple of days ago:

Date: 11:32 PM
To: All
From: Powered_by_Starbucks
denying what freak? i haven't denied anything. and i have never "trolled"the boards. i would never stoop to your level to make someone feel like crap about themselves. just grow up. that entire fiasco happened back in october/ are just now coming out with this "breaking news". nice work super sleuth!!

Date: 11:36 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
You're denying right now, you dumbazz!!!!!
The gig is up. You've been exposed as mommalovingfool and you trolled this board when your "powered by starbucks" sn was on a timeout.
Keep it up, really. I could do this all night.

Date: 11:38 PM
To: All
From: lilbugs&bows
I'm reading that blog now, and it looks like you did stoop to that level to make someone feel like crap. You're not as perfect as you claim to be.

Date: 11:41 PM
To: All
From: lilbugs&bows
Are you saying you never made a new screen name called "mommalovingfool" (or something similar) during your suspension. It doesn't matter if you trolled with it or not. Are you denying it?

Date: 11:44 PM
To: All
From: Powered_by_Starbucks
Where did I troll? LMFAO. That's just not my style hon. I don't troll the boards like you and your buddies do. But keep it up. People like you make me sick, I have no idea how you get pleasure out of being so nasty to anonymous people. It has to be an illness.
I'm going to bed.
I guess you could say the world will come to an end when everyone is as nasty and evil as this gal. I have never done anything to her and I have no idea who she is but she has taken it upon herself to single me out and rip me apart calling me nasty names. The basic lack of respect is just the beginning.

Date: 11:44 PM
To: All
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
Of course she's denying it. She takes everyone here for a fool or an idiot.
Get real, Charlie. Practice what you preach and maybe YOU should grow up. Own up to it and move on.

Date: 11:47 PM
To: Powered_by_Starbucks
From: JamesGoesBuzzBuzz
Where did I troll? LMFAO. That's just not my style hon
Apparently, that is QUITE your style, "hon".
Maybe you need to rethink a few "friends" of yours, hmmm? Seems like someone isn't so trustworthy or loyal to you.

Date: 11:49 PM
To: All
From: TeqSun
Oh my......
/jerry jerry

Date: 12:54 AM
To: All
From: MyWitsAnd4
its the penguins, i tell ya.
it so sucks that no one wants to fight with me. dang...why cant I be the center of any negative attention.
hey lemony, wanna start our own fight?

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