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I don't want the poster who started the bikini post to feel badly. I wanted to share my beautiful plus sized body with you all. I love myself and do not care to show it to anyone. I think I am beautiful, even at 5'6 and 232lbs. I love myself. I wanted to share with you ladies a series of photos that I took of my body. I call it body art. My husband loves these. I have a couple of these framed above my mantle.Everyone knows the photos are of my body. I love myself and I encourage everyone to get into this kind of thinking. If you don't love yourself, your body, then who can you love? Jenn My side, beautiful rolls My beautiful stretch marks. They look like beautiful rivers. | ||
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?? is this real??? If so that is OK Just wondering I am happy that you are happy with yourself
Emily | ||
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Yes, I am a regular poster at babycenter. I am not a troll. I have a passion for photography especially photographing my body. | ||
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Awesome. I am always curious about how a size 2 person can be afraid of her body and a size 24 person isn't. I would love for my son to find the beauty in every shape... how boring of a world we would have if we all looked exactly the same. I think African American women in general are much better about self image than the rest of us. Even big AA women dress trendy, wear bikinis, look hot (turn my DH's head hot) and Caucasian women seem to (in general) to shirk if they are even a size 12. Beautiful, just beautiful. Lindy Edited Jan-17 by lindyMI Edited Jan-17 by lindyMI | ||
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WOW! You gutsy girl! I love when women of all sizes wear bikinis and are comfortable. A woman who is a size 14 or 16 and super comfortable in her body on a beach is way more attractive than a size 2 who isn't comfortable with her body (which many aren't). Dh feels the same. Now I wouldn't have the guts to do what you did on here....and I'm a size 6 right now. | ||
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I admire you greatly for posting those pics and accepting yourself, but I ask you, honestly, aren't you worried about your health? I truly mean that honestly, and I don't care what you look like and I'm not talking about appearances.....but being that amount overweight just isn't healthy for your heart, lungs, blood pressure, potential diabetes, etc..... is there a middle ground between accepting our imperfections and blemishes, and just compltely neglecting our health? | ||
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I admire you greatly for posting those pics and accepting yourself, but I ask you, honestly, aren't you worried about your health? I truly mean that honestly, and I don't care what you look like and I'm not talking about appearances.....but being that amount overweight just isn't healthy for your heart, lungs, blood pressure, potential diabetes, etc..... is there a middle ground between accepting our imperfections and blemishes, and just compltely neglecting our health? I agree with everything that you said here. I'm 5'5 and maintain at 135. I want to make sure that I'm eating healthy and exercising not only for myself, but to show my children how to lead a healthy lifestyle. I want it to be second nature for them to crave healthy food insted of junk. Anne | ||
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I have to agree with the pp. I worked in the healthcare field for 10 years before I had my son and being overweight has SERIOUS health consequences. I don't want ANYONE to feel bad about themselves, rather I want them to care enough about themselves to eat for fuel not emotional reasons, exercise as a lifestyle not just to burn calories to fit into a certain dress. I certainly think it is great to love yourself where you are NOW, but that doesn't mean being overweight is where a person needs to STAY, KWIM? Michelle | ||
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Thanks for sharing with us! You seem like an amazing woman! Have you ever submitted your pics to http://theshapeofamother.com/ ? It takes a strong woman to be truly happy with her body...I hope I can get there some day | ||
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Thank you for sharing! How do you feel at your core??
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thecenturyproject.com Awesome site! And thanks for sharing your feelings and pictures! I think the issues go so far beyond just weight anyway. There are hairy men and stretch marks and etc. etc. etc. etc. Cat | ||
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I am overweight too (a size 14) and am trying to lose weight by refocusing my life and the way that I do things like eating and exercise but it's a struggle at 38. I want to do it to be healthier, not to reach a certain weight. I am comfortable with who I am. | ||
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I'm not trying to point out anything to the OP, I know she's aware of her own health...I am asking her, for my own edification, what her thoughts are on the topic....is being large and accepting the health risks worth not worrying about what to eat or about exercising.....that's all....some might say, I'd rather eat what I want and enjoy myself and take 10 years off my life than be miserable in what I eat and live for anotehr 10 years.....I can actually see both sides and I am curious about the OP POV | ||
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OP I am very proud of you for being so comfortable with your body. To some of the OP's how do you know she doesn't eat right or exercise? There is such a thing as being plus size for other reasons than being "lazy and not watching what you eat". Is it possible she has a thyroid problem or some other medical issue that would cause her to be plus size? I ask because my mom was a size 5/6 when she was 21...then she started gaining weight for no reason. She went to the dr and come to find out she had a thyroid issue that was causing her to gain the weight. Not all of us who are plus size because we don't exercise or eat unhealthy. OP you go girl. You keep your faith and loving yourself...too many times plus size women are made to feel inferior because WE don't look like an anorexic barbie doll. Angela | ||
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You go girl! You are BEAUTIFUL. Whoever posted the websites - thank you. Maybe if someone would publish a magazine with photos from them - girls wouldn't grow up with poor self images. These are REAL women . . . not fake, changed by plastic surgery, airbrushed women. | ||
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To some of the OP's how do you know she doesn't eat right or exercise? There is such a thing as being plus size for other reasons than being "lazy and not watching what you eat". Is it possible she has a thyroid problem or some other medical issue that would cause her to be plus size? Why does everybody drag this argument out? I think that it's safe to say that yes, those conditions do exist, but the vast majority of people who are overweight or obese got that way by over eating and not exercising enough. This country has seen this "epidemic" (as the media has pegged it) of over weight and obese people within the past few years. It's not because everybody's thyroids whacked out within the past decade. It's not as if I don't understand this. I had to lose 50 lbs after each of my pregnancies. With the help of Weight Watchers, I always lost all of my weight within approx. 7 - 9 months. I was conscientious and consistent about what I ate and how I exercised.
Anne | ||
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There is such a thing as being plus size for other reasons than being "lazy and not watching what you eat". Is it possible she has a thyroid problem or some other medical issue that would cause her to be plus size? Oh please. I've had hypothyroidsim for over 12 years now and there comes a time when you can no longer use that as an excuse for being fat. My time came about 10 years ago when my levels stabilized thanks to my medication. Sure, they go off every once in awhile (especially when I'm pregnant) but then they stabilize again. You know why I'm fat? Because I don't exercise enough and I eat too much. Same reason 99% of fat people are fat. --Rebeccah-- Erick (1/23/01), India (2/8/05), Saffron (1/23/07 VBA2C!), and Nickolai (1/23/01-4/22/01) | ||
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Well, not to go all "facty" and "researchy" on people again (since I cited so many links in the other thread, but actually, studies of adopted children and separated twins show that genetics have a much bigger effect on a person's weight than how they are raised, their environment, custodiall parental behavior, etc. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3941707 http://www.springerlink.com/content/xq7730614g25h205/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2336075 Clearly, as a society the changes in what we eat and how active we are have lead to average weight creeping up across the board, and I am not saying that a person's behavior and choices don't have any impact -- of course they do. But they have a lot less impact than most people think. Research clearly shows that most obese people are predisposed to be obese -- even if they can lose the weight, it is usually extremely difficult for them to maintain a "normal" weight without surgical intervention. If they lose weight through "diet and exercise," their metabolism slows -- other studies have shown that if thin people are forced to consume extra calories, their metabolism speeds up! | ||
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OP that rocks that you're comfortable with yourself... really, you have those pictures on the mantle though? Erin | ||
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AWESOME!! Those photos are gorgeous-- you should feel beautiful! | ||
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Ok, I'll be the first dissenter. I don't find the photos beautiful...heck, I can't even tell WHAT I'm looking at! This country is crazy in our acceptance of being fat and unhealthy! I wouldn't call this a "real" body, I'd call it an obese one. And no, thats not a personal attack, its a medical fact. Not something I'd want to show young girls as a good example. (Note: I don't agree with only skinny pics either!) I'm all for curvy, healthy, fit women...no stick figures here! OP - I applaud your confidence. I also applaud your photographic talent. But there is no way your (or anyone else's rolls) will be on my mantle. | ||
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But there is no way your (or anyone else's rolls) will be on my mantle. Well, these photos are on HER mantle, not yours, so it doesn't really matter, now does it? OP, I think you are great and your confidence is a beautiful thing. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. It's a shame more people can't be so secure with themselves...myself included. If we were, I bet depression statistics would go down...seriously! So good for you! | ||
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Those are pretty amazing photos! It is too bad the way society has tried to tell us how to look. If anyone wants to wear a bikini, wear it. You, not you personally Jen, may be ridiculed and pointed at but look at us on this board, we will pick apart anyone, no matter what. If you feel comfortable you are braver than me! | ||
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I have a question: For all of those that find photos of obese women beautiful, would you be just as happy if it was you 12 year old child that had all those rolls? Would you encourage them to keep the weight and just be happy with themselves? And this is assuming there isn't some medical cause before someone throws that in. | ||
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I dont think anyone is encouraging the OP to keep the weight on. What I have learned in the fight against obesity is... before you can fight the fight, you have to be comfortable with yourself, otherwise you sabatoge yourself. OP, I really applaud you for loving your body and being comfortable in your own skin. I wonder what this world would be like if the same percentage of women that are uncomfortable in their skin suddenly felt as peacefull about it as you. | ||
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I dont think anyone is encouraging the OP to keep the weight on. No, but anyone who even hints at encouraging her to take it of is basically told they are in the wrong for encouraging negative body images.
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And people wonder why so many women hate their bodies, have eating disorders and an over all messed up self-esteem! After reading some of these comments now I know why. I sure do hope none of the judgmental people on this thread ever have something happen to them and they become fat!! It does happen. Remember karma is a bitc$ and very cruel! OP - you rock! I am so glad you feel so comfortable in your own skin that you can post pics like that. I admire you. I hate my body, I always have (even as a kid - even when I was very skinny)...I cannot imagine ever looking into the mirror and actually loving the reflection. Even when I had lost 140 pounds by taking very dangerous diet pills, I still hated my body. Now I have gained about 45 pounds of that back I still think I look as bad as I did when I was 289 pounds (my highest weight before I lost 140 pounds). I am now a size 14, I don't think I will ever be satisfied w/myself. Jamie Edited Jan-18 by jada'smomma | ||
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I saw these pictures on the other thread and didn't think they were for real. I guess they are. OP, you are a very talented photographer. My comments to follow are not aimed at you directly, just society in general ~ I don't think there really is any debate that the OP is overweight. In light of that, I pose this question:
I, by no means, support the stick-thin. I don't support anyone who is promoting an unhealthy body image. It just seems that the stick-thin get slammed in the media while the overweight are celebrated for being comfortable with their bodies. Both are unhealthy - bottom line. | ||
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I said it on the bikini thread and I'll say it here too. Losing weight is not always as easy as just eating less and moving more. Although I agree that's the only thing that will work, I'm just saying it's not easy because there are sometimes other factors involved (e.g. depression, lack of sleep, injuries). And until that person makes the decision to make the change, we have no business judging them. OP, I love your pictures. Personally, I have a love/hate relationship with my fat. Esthetically, the roundness and softness pleases me...but I know that people judge me for having it and I find losing it very difficult. I love it. I hate it. Lisa Edited Jan-18 by ReggeeD | ||
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Just to be clear, I want to add that I'm not judging people for being overweight. I understand that there are many factors involved in both the reason people become overweight and problems losing weight. Same can be said for the stick-thin. I am judging the decision to celebrate an unhealthy body - whether it be too heavy or too thin. I am also judging the way society reacts differently to each. ETA ~ here's an example of what I'm trying to get across:
Edited Jan-18 by Prepster Edited Jan-18 by Prepster | ||
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OP-You go girl! That is absolutely wonderful that you are comfortable with your body! I wholeheartedly agree with Lacey that you must love yourself before you can make a change! I think your pictures are beautiful and what matters most is that you love them not a bunch of strangers! So I have a question, maybe turning the tables a bit: Do you look down on all skinny women because you believe that their weight(or lack there of) is unhealthy? I am 5'1 and 107lbs. I am not Tara Reid skinny. I still have curves and I am healthy. I was sick summer of 06 and lost alot of weight. I was more unhappy then than I have ever been in my life because some of the looks I got were devastating. My goal right now is to make myself happier in my body. I have been working out so I am more in shape, stopped smoking, eating healthier....etc. Not every skinny woman is happy with her body. I have gotten so sick of random people and my family telling me that I need to eat a sandwich or a biscuit to put on weight. TO me thats the same as telling OP to put her dam sandwich down. Candace~Proud Army Wife to Chris Mommy to Madison(7-02) & Morgan (3-06) | ||
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I also am thrilled that you are comfortable with your body OP. However, if it's not okay to generalize that overweight people overeat and don't exercise than it's equally wrong to generalize that thin people are starving themselves or aren't a "real" weight. IMO our society's view of what is a "real" woman has been getting bigger and bigger. Just because the average size of women in our country is a 14 doesn't mean that's how it should be. | ||
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Prepster - Not sure if they will answer you question or not: My younger brother has the opposite problem of me, I am overweight yet he is underweight. He can out eat me any day of the week! I swear he eats double sometimes triple of what I can eat and yet he is still underweight. He doesn't exercise either! He is 6'1" and if he weighs in over 130 pounds I would be shocked! While I am eating grilled chicken salads with a little dressing, no white breads, no sugar and basically killing myself to stay at a size 14 he is chowing down on a Big Mac, large fries, a large coke and 2 apple pies from McDonalds. Yet, he gets teased about being so skinny. He told me one time that it hurts him just as much to hear everyone talk about how skinny he is, how he must starve himself...basically the same comments I would get except they talk about how skinny he is. It just sucks when people judge you for how you look on the outside vs. the inside but that is how society is. Jamie
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Prepster, I see what you're saying. And maybe we'd have just as difficult a time celebrating the anorexic body as some people have with celebrating OPs. But I think that until you accept your body for what it is and (and yeah, that means being comfortable enough to wear a bikini or take pictures of yourself) and learn to respect what it can do, then you can't change it. I do believe that to be true for both overweight and underweight people. And I know that seems to be contradictory...accept it so you can change it...but I'm pretty sure you can't make any lasting, healthy changes when you are filled with self-loathing so it pretty much has to be that way. Lisa Edited Jan-18 by ReggeeD | ||
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From a photographer's standpoint....Great pictures! (especially the stretch mark one, great lighting!) Loving yourself enough to post them here: COOL Displaying them on your mantle: NOT COOL I'd say the same thing if you were a size 2. I would not be comfortable seeing my host's naked body on display if I were at your house. Friends of friends of ours have a nude photo of the wife on the entertainment center in their living room. Tastefully done and all, but not tastefully displayed. Master bedroom/master bathroom, maybe even a den would be all right. It's just weird and I am totally not a prude. It's your house and your guests though, so feel free to ignore me. However, I totally think you should submit these to those websites!! You should also look into doing a whole series (if you haven't already) of all different kinds of body types, especially in black and white. That could be really interesting and you definitely have an eye for what to depict. The pp's observation about what reaction an underweight person would get is a very interesting one. I guess people still associate being underweight with people who are making themselves unhealthy for vanity related reasons? Or maybe we're all jealous and would rather everyone get obese so we look thinner? | ||
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that is great that the OP is comfortable in her own body. good for her. that being said...i would not want my dd or ds for that matter looking at those pictures and thinking it is ok to be that heavy. it has already been said but that is very unhealthy. whether she eats healthy, excercises, etc. my best friend is very overweight and she really is someone w/ medical conditions(that unfortunately were misdiagnosed for yrs so not treated properly. she now has a new dr who gave her a new diagnosis. and she sees a pyschiartrist who is going to give her meds. to help lose weight) and she doesnt eat junk. she also doesnt exercise. she knows she isnt healthy. she knows ppl shouldnt be judged on their bodies but she also is smart enough to know(not saying the OP isnt smart. i dont know her to say whether she is or not) that something has to change and she SHOULD NOT celebrate her body the way it looks now. (she used to be a size 8-10 10 yrs. ago and is now a size 24-26) though she hasnt done everything she should to lose the weight YET she knows that she needs to start. i would much rather have my children look up to someone who realizes they NEED to CHANGE and make it happen then someone who just says "i am happy in my own body even though i am obese" i also want to add when not pg. i am generally around 145lbs and just under 5'4" so i am not skinny by any means.i have some chub and curves. and i know i need to change my eating habits and exercise more. after this pg. is over and i am recovered from my c/s i plan on making big changes in this house so my children learn what it is to be healthy and happy. i would also say the same comments about someone who is underweight and not healthy. and a serious question to those who are saying to the OP "good for you" " your pics are beautiful" what would you HONESTLY think if you saw her in person on the beach wearing a bikini or some other revealing outfit? i really want to know. i HONESTLY would not want to see someone that overweight showing all her flesh and body. just as i think someone who is all bones doesnt look good/healthy |
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OP where are you? I was really wondering about the 'core' question.
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Why is it OK for an overweight woman (unhealthy weight) to celebrate her body but not OK for an underweight (unhealthy weight) woman to? Thank you! While you are an excellent photographer, I'm sorry OP, I just can't applaud you're willingness to accept and show off your body. If I were super-skinny and posted pictures of myself, I would get dozens of you (rightfully so) yelling at me to go see a doctor and develop a healthier lifestyle. I can almost guarantee I wouldn't receive any comments saying "Good for you for being happy with your body." Whereas many PP agree that your size isn't the healthiest, but they're still very accepting of your size and your attitude. | ||
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ITA! | ||
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From personal experience, I have received comments about my weight only when I was "too skinny." Everyone felt the need to tell me about it. When I have been overweight, no one said a word, at least not to my face. I know so many people who have developed health related complications, such as diabetes, from being overweight. I guess I don't understand how that can ever be good. | ||
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Well, I guess I am one of the few that do not find that attractive at all. I am not saying anything bad about you being overweight because I am trying to lose weight and get healthy myself, but I would never display a picture like that above my mantle or anywhere else for the world to see for that matter. While I think it is great that you are happy with your body I myself feel like I need to get healthy and set a good example for my children and I would not want them to think it is okay for them to be that heavy because it is for sure not healthy. Amy, & Preston 6-05-06 Kenzi 2-16-02, Jake 1-31-04
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Why do many women feel that an anorexic woman's body ugly and pathetic but an obese woman's body is beautiful and to be celebrated? Both bodies are unhealthy. Both bodies are being disrespectful to what nature and/or God created. While the op's pictures are truely breathtaking and beautifully composed I can not say that we, as a society, should celebrate someone who clearly does not respect herself or her family enough to try to bring down her weight to a level where her heart won't be strained and her joint's won't be taxed. I am glad that you are happy with yourself and your size but I, for one, could not be happy with myself if I were obese. I like knowing that I can comfortably get down on the floor with my DD and that I can stay outside on a hot summer day and not get overheated and that I can walk to the park AND run around with dd. My chances of developing breast cancer is lower than if I was obese and my risk of developing heart disease is almost non-existant. | ||
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"someone who clearly does not respect herself or her family enough" Ouch, that hurts. I am obese & I hate to tell you that I have respect for myself & my family. I am addicted to eating. Do you think I want to be? It's like someone who is addicted to smoking, drinking, drugging. It's easy to say just stop the addiction. Everyday I make an attempt to stop. Everyday I seem to fail. Don't judge. | ||
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OP, I admire your confidence!! You are a brave, brave woman! Jamie, nice to hear I'm not alone with the comparison of siblings. I am obese. Yet one of my sister's is barely 5 ft and struggles to maintain 100 lbs. She eats more than I do and yet she loses weight. It's frustrating and crazy . .for both of us! lol She, too, gets tired of hearing how great it must be to never worry about her weight, how tiny she is, etc. So, it definitely applies to both sides. We are from the same family, the same genes and were raised with the same eating habits. Why are we both so different?!?! I do believe there is truth to the genetics theory . .good and bad. They are proving that more and more everyday. Some people are meant to be thin and others fat ..plain and simple. My ex at first assumed I ate too much. OR maybe I had a cupboard full of sweets. Because that's how fat people get fat, right?!?! Not always! After about 6 months of living together, he admitted he was wrong and said, if anything, I didn't eat enough. I ate like a bird. Yet, I was overweight. Do I like it? No! But I refuse to DIEt any more to please societal standards of what is normal. Everyone is different. My metabolism is so screwed up from the yo-yo dieting of my teens and 20's. I admit I'm lazy and eat too much . .now. But I didn't always. Yet, I've always struggled with my weight. I'm 5 6 and felt fat even at 150-160 lbs and a size 12-14 over 20 years ago. Back then I ate normal (whatever the heck that is), yet I could not lose weight. I joined Nutri System for a month and did not lose 1 lb. They actually made me go on a medical leave to run medical tests and make sure nothing was out of whack. Nope, my body was fine . .it just didn't want to lose weight! The dr's had no medical explanation for not losing weight. And I didn't cheat! I started working out 5 days a week . .for over a year. And all I lost was 5 lbs. 5 lbs!! I realize I gained some in muscle, but still . .ugghh! lol My dh was the all american jock. Joined the military, became an MP. He was in shape and at his appropriate weight. Over 6-10 months he gained more than 100 lbs. 100 lbs! Long story short he has a pitituary tumor that caused it. Now he struggles with his weight as a result. I'm not trying to make excuses, but I do get tired of hearing/reading . .just eat less and exercise. Or telling an underweight person to eat more. It truly is NOT that simple. Do you honestly think if that's ALL it took, obesity would be so widespread and eating disorders on the rise?!!? Do you really think obese/overweight and even underweight people really want to look that way? Yeah, they may be comfortable with their bodies, but that doesn't mean they want to look that way, kwim!! There's a difference! Seriously . .overeating--as well as undereating--is an addiction, a disease. People have emotional/physical issues, some of which are out of their control. It never ceases to amaze me at how people can be so judgmental . .over just about everything. I pray those people never have a medical issue (or anything really) that causes you to look at yourself in the mirror and wonder "how did this happen?" Damn, if we all looked the same and thought the same way, it would be boring, don't ya think!?!? | ||
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PP - for your eating addiction, who are you seeing to help you through this? We have alcoholism and drug abuse in my extended family, and both are in treatment centers for their 'first steps.' Are you doing this? | ||
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If I were super-skinny and posted pictures of myself, I would get dozens of you (rightfully so) yelling at me to go see a doctor and develop a healthier lifestyle. I can almost guarantee I wouldn't receive any comments saying "Good for you for being happy with your body." Whereas many PP agree that your size isn't the healthiest, but they're still very accepting of your size and your attitude. I totally agree. If I started a thread, posting pics of myself slightly underweight in a bikini - or naked shots of parts of my body saying "Look at me! I worship my beautiful body, don't you?" there is NO WAY I would get the kind of kudos that this woman is getting.
Sweaty | ||
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I don't agree with that everyone would be more supportive for an overweight/obese person. I praise the op for being confident in HER body . .regarldless of it's size. I would feel the same way if an underweight person posted a pic. Doesn't mean I have to LIKE either image, but I do support people being comfortable in their own skin. (BTW--that's not to say I like or dislike the pictures posted--just making a point). I think we should all be more supportive, regardless of the weight. It doesn't matter to me if you're fat, skinny or otherwise. I was taught--and do actually believe--to treat others as I would like to be treated. Probably why I'm in the minority and didn't fit in with the 'popular' cliques in HS! lol I've never played the catty, judgmental games that women seem to thrive on for whatever reason--mostly to make themselves feel better. | ||
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I'm easily 20lbs overweight and just wanted to say this..... Imagine being addicted to a drug, but still having to have that drug to live. Overweight people might be addicted to food, yes, but we still need to eat to live.
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I don't get it, I don't get it, I don't get it! A LOT of the PP agree that the OP is at an unhealthy weight and yet we STILL support her! What are we supporting? Her confidence? Her happiness? Her attitude? Why? I am very sad for her. I would be the first on the bandwagon to support any efforts she made to develop a healthier lifestyle including shedding a few pounds. But to support her happiness, confidence and acceptance of being overweight?No.
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OP...I'm glad you're comfortable with your body and I have to say those photographs are great in terms of lighting etc....but just as I would not find close ups of an anorexic's body beautiful, I don't think they are beautiful. I would not display either stick thin or obese photos as "beautiful" to kids because neither body image is healthy. but yes, you're certainly a talented photographer! (and you have every right to hang your art over your mantel) Edited for typos Edited Jan-18 by devi28 | ||
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Eat to live not live to eat, though.
Anytime someone posts a pic saying I am happy with my size whether small or big along with I dont care what anyone thinks (In any thread) I automatically think the opposite, you really arent happy with yourself. You are looking for approval & attention whether it is negative or positive. I feel the same about the how old do I look threads. If someone posted a picture of themselves looking hot, there will be less supportive comments or comments at all. For example look at the Heidi/Spencer thread. Heidi has a great figure yet look at the negative comments about her body. Edited Jan-18 by Mommy2Lil'Yvette | ||
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Loving yourself enough to post them here: COOL OP, Don't invite the above poster over to your house. Look, problem solved! | ||
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I am addicted to eating. Do you think I want to be? It's like someone who is addicted to smoking, drinking, drugging. And that KILLS people too. Addictions are a horrible thing. Do you need to hit rock bottom and be diagnosed with heart disease before you do something about your addiction? I don't want to be harsh and I'm not flaming. I recognize you as a frequent poster and I respect your opinions and advise that you give but why not work on saving your health? If you had cancer, wouldn't you fight like he!! to get healthy again? | ||
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Thank you ladies for your kind words. To those who think I am unhealthy, I just want to say that it took me forever to get down to 230 lbs. I used to be much bigger (think 317lbs) so yes I do love the way I look now. I am proud of myself. Yes, I am still fat. But, I love my body, I loved my body at 317 lbs too, but I knew at that weight I wasn't healthy, I was getting breathless walking. Don't get me wrong, I loved my body then too, I have a series of photos I took at 317 lbs. But, now I love my body even more. I am really healthy (yes even at 230 lbs) | ||
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Okay, I have to say that I did not find the photos attractive in any way. I am not a small woman by any means, before getting pregnant, I weighed 180 lbs at 5'7". Yes, I was 50 lbs. overweight. I just plain got lazy after I had my son in 2005 (where I put on about 70 lbs). Now that I'm pregnant, I've only gained 12 lbs so far (yay for me), and am really down about how much weight I am going to have to lose afterwards. I realize that my entire household eats very unhealthy, and we are taking steps to change that even now. Fast food has been cut, we don't eat out much anymore, and the snacking is down to a minimum these days. That being said, my DD who is only 13, was weighing 130 lbs - way too much for her body, and even though I'm not sure what she is weighing now, I can definitely see that her belly is much smaller than it was. I don't believe that people should use genetics as an excuse for their weight. My father's family is on the obese side, and I have to be careful what and how much I eat if I don't want to be that way. It can be done, but you have to want to do it. I was always a thin person (not skinny by any means) weighing in at 5 lbs over my supposedly ideal weight of 125 for my body/height. Society in general is very unhealthy these days. It's pretty sad, actually. Hopefully people will wake up and realize what they are doing to themselves at some point.
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Loving yourself to post them here: on a internet forum without your face because you are so proud of your body? Major eye roll
That was to Samantha
Edited Jan-18 by Mommy2Lil'Yvette Edited Jan-18 by Mommy2Lil'Yvette | ||
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I just want to say that it took me forever to get down to 230 lbs. I used to be much bigger (think 317lbs) That is awesome. I have a friend who lost that much weight and it was a struggle for him so I know how hard it is to loose that much weight! You should be proud. Very proud. Now I see that your pictures are something to be proud of. I would like to see more as you continue down your path to a healthier body. It's good to be able to look back and see how far you have come. I am sending you strong thoughts! Keep up the good work! | ||
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To answer a pp . .NO, I am not celebrating op being obese. But, it takes amazing confidence to accept yourself in our society--no matter what your size. Women, especially, find something to nitpik no matter what! I applaud her for that. Being confident just because you are not an 'ideal' body size is nothing to be ashamed of. People will and do judge no matter what, as this thread proves. So, she's obese and that means she has nothing to be proud of? WTF?? To the person who doesn't agree that people don't really care. Make sure you're sitting down . . . . because YES, there really are people who don't care what YOU or anybody else thinks. Not everybody goes around wondering what everyone thinks. I don't think it has to do with being happy--or not happy--with yourself. It has more to do with being confident in one's choices and decisions . .regardless of what the rest of the population dictates. I know I go thru periods where I'm happier than others. It doesn't change my mindset of caring or not caring what you and everyone else thinks. 2 separate issues, imo. Did I care what people think years ago? Heck yeah. I spent ridiculous amounts of time wondering what people thought and if what I wore was ok or if I should say this or that?!!? You know what? It was and still is a BIG waste of time. Thank goodness I found my own confidence and I REALLY don't care what others think. That's not said to be offensive and it's not said to look for attention. I hate being the center of attention, but I DO speak my mind, more than did 10-15 years ago. Some people really don't care . .that's all. It's not about my weight or what I'm wearing. I've gained life experience and confidence and can speak my mind, wear what I want, do what I want and not have to waste time seeking approval from people. Especially people I don't even know, kwim. Even when we get these threads proving how judgmental people can be, people aren't really paying as much attention to you IRL as you think they might be. | ||
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Well, I will confess that the first thing that came into my mind was "yeah, but that's clearly not a healthy body." However, sometimes our first thoughts are not the most enlightened, and it would do well to recognize that. Do we tell smokers that they should be ashamed of themselves? No, because that unhealthiness is on the inside and because we can't see it, it is easier to ignore. Do we tell boxers that they don't respect their bodies because they are risking brain injury ? Do we assume a mountain climber is depressed because they are doing something that could kill them? My conclusion is people take risks with their body. The only thing that is "sad" about being overweight is being overweight and not wanting to be. Feeling like we have no control over that risk. That is the sad part. If someone feels in control of the risk, who am I to tell them they should feel differently? | ||
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I think she posted them face-less to make an artistic statement vs. stay anonymous. She did post under her real BBC name, I do recognize her. Those of us who have good memories will remember these photos when we "see" her, so she's not really anonymous. If she showed her face, or just a regular body shot of herself in her living room, you would have glanced at it quickly and judged that she was ugly or pretty or plain or had a dirty couch or a french fry on the floor. This way, as a more abstract image, it's easier to see the artistic-ness of it all. Do I think it's good to be obese? Heck no! I also don't think it's beautiful and I'm not saying I wouldn't roll my eyes if I saw her in a bikini at the beach, and honestly, I wouldn't want to be invited to her house because I would be uncomfortable (fat or thin, like I said, it's more about being forced to look at nude photos of someone I know) but I think it is great that she has lost some weight and is proud of herself. She seeing some results of her healthier eating habits, but in the meantime she's not full of the total self loathing so many women do have. I'm a size 8 and I would never, never ever, post a photo of my chub here for you all, not even in an artistic fashion. OP, I applaud your artistic vision and your courage, not your eating habits. | ||
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Congrats, OP on your weight loss! Sweaty | ||
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I am addicted to eating. Do you think I want to be? It's like someone who is addicted to smoking, drinking, drugging. And that KILLS people too. Addictions are a horrible thing. Do you need to hit rock bottom and be diagnosed with heart disease before you do something about your addiction? I don't want to be harsh and I'm not flaming. I recognize you as a frequent poster and I respect your opinions and advise that you give but why not work on saving your health? If you had cancer, wouldn't you fight like he!! to get healthy again? You know, I ask myself that question everyday. Do I need to develop some type of disease to stop this unhealthy eating addiction? I certainly hope not. I understand what you are saying-but I haven't reached the point where it sticks. It's hard to explain even to myself, so I could never do it for others. I hate myself sometimes for getting to this point. I heard about overeaters anonymous, but, I am too chicken to go. Sometimes I ride my stationary bike for 20 minutes, but think to myself, well this isn't going to help because I ate so much other crap-it will never balance itself out. As it is, I walk between an hour to an hour and a half, 4-5 times a week. I want to feel healthy again. I am tired often. Thankfully, I haven't encountered any ill health problems-yet. I know it would likely happen if I continue this way, so each day I try. Like I said, trying is a beyotch some days! Hope that makes sense. Hope no one feels insulted. Edited Jan-18 by susanrose 3 Edited Jan-18 by susanrose 3 | ||
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As it is, I walk between an hour to an hour and a half, 4-5 times a week. I want to feel healthy again. I am tired often. Thankfully, I haven't encountered any ill health problems-yet. I know it would likely happen if I continue this way, so each day I try. Like I said, trying is a beyotch some days! Take that beautiful picture of your incredible daughters and put it on your fridge and your pantry and in front of your tredmill. Hold that picture in your hands when you are at the grocery store. It's not an overnight quick fix but it is do-able. I was there every step of the way with my BFF when he lost over 100 lbs. It took him 3 tried and when he did realize that he loved himself then the weight came off and stayed off. I have found that it helps to play mindgames on yourself. It's what works for me whenever I feel that I have an insurmountable goal. Break things up into managable chunks. Don't look at the big picture. Yes, things are easier said than done. Keep charts and journals and one day you will turn around and realize that you HAVE achieved your goal. No woman's body is perfect. We all have blemishes and stretch marks and pooches. We are not striving for perfection. We are only working towards health so we can be there for our kids. Strong thoughts heading your way! | ||
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People who are applauding the OP are doing so because they understand that loving yourself regardless of what someone else thinks is HARD. They're saying beautiful because that kind of self confidence IS beautiful. I don't think that anyone is suggesting that OP not worry about her health. Or that the obesity epidemic is not real. But who are we to judge her, or anyone else, based on her size? Why can't we let her be happy with her own decisions? Lisa | ||
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Loving yourself to post them here: on a internet forum without your face because you are so proud of your body? Major eye roll
That was to Samantha Huh? I'm not the OP. And my face is on every post I make. | ||
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You are right, I'm sorry. | ||
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Do we tell smokers that they should be ashamed of themselves? No, because that unhealthiness is on the inside and because we can't see it, it is easier to ignore. Do we tell boxers that they don't respect their bodies because they are risking brain injury ? Do we assume a mountain climber is depressed because they are doing something that could kill them? My conclusion is people take risks with their body. The only thing that is "sad" about being overweight is being overweight and not wanting to be. Feeling like we have no control over that risk. That is the sad part. If someone feels in control of the risk, who am I to tell them they should feel differently? ~Sarah Sarah, you're awesome. I also want to make a statement about exercise. I've never been fond of it myself. I had athsma as a kid and was never very coordinated, at least when it came to organized sports. I was teased in PE because I needed an inhaler when I ran and that I could never throw a baseball as effortlessly as the other kids. I was the kid who was always picked last during dodgeball because, well, I sucked! I didn't have a weight problem back then, but fast forward to now, when I do. I have a gym membership, but I don't go. (DH's employer pays for it, so nothing OOP for us. Money isn't the motivating factor here) When I think about going, or even going outside for a walk, I have an anxiety attack. I'm reminded of how humiliating it was to exercise in school and I go on autopilot thinking, "I can't do it. I won't be able to breathe (although I don't have athsma anymore). I'll look like a moron on the treadmill. I have no idea how to use the other equipment (I didn't take advantage of our free personal training sessions because I didn't want the PT to think I was a fat, worthless, moron who couldn't figure out the leg press machine...if there is such thing)." I have, however, actually gone to the gym in the past. I used the treadmill and sweated through the whole ordeal. I went early in the morning when no one would see me, much less care that I was struggling through it. That was, until, burling, sweaty ol me turned the corner and ran into a small little thing dressed to the nines in work-out gear. She looked me up and down and huffed. I haven't been back since. I don't exercise because I'm afraid. Think of it as an excuse, heck it is one, but it's the reason I admire women like the OP who can be proud of what she looks like and not care that people bash her for her looks, her health, and her self esteem. If I had that kind of attitude, I'd be at the gym every day. But it certainly doesn't help me any to hear how much fat women are looked down upon. Threads like this set fat women like me back months. You don't want to look at my fat when you're working out, so why should I go? My DH and my kids aren't going to look me up and down and huff if I stay home. So, I beg you ladies, lay off the OP please. She knows the health risks and, at least in my case, you're doing more harm than good. True, I could just "get over it", but the OP has, and you're still tearing her down. Just something to think about. | ||
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Samantha, I know how you feel. Let me also add this. I have tried and FAILED at pretty much every one of my weight loss efforts so far. Even the one where I "just" eat sensibly and exercise. That's pretty heavy punishment on an already damaged self-esteem. And yes, I've tried therapy, nutritional counselling, personal training, fad diets, blah, blah, blah. I've yet to succeed. So, I really don't need judgement from anyone else...I judge myself plenty harshly enough for everyone, thank you very much. So, yeah, when I see a woman who is fat but doesn't give a rat's @$$ what anyone else thinks, I think that's something worth celebrating. Lisa | ||
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Great post Samantha Being overweight myself it is easy for someone to look at me, see 40 extra pounds and say ugh, she's so unhealthy. That is what is lopsided about society - they would never look at my 5'6" 120 lb friend and think ugh, she's so unhealthy. But the reality is that she drinks Starbucks all day and smokes like a chimney, which contributes A LOT to how she stays thin. She eats very unhealthy things (when she does eat) and will sometimes go a day or two without anything because she drank so much coffee and she "forgot to eat". So appearances, whether appealing or not, can be very deceiving. Just something to think about. (this is not directed at you, Samantha - just an observation after telling you I liked your post Maggie Alyssa 9/13/02 Colin 7/28/05 | ||
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Thanks ladies | ||
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ummm......Healthy and 230 lbs should not be in the same sentence together..sorry! And while you are much healthier at 230 than at 317 I can guarantee that if something happened where you needed surgery your surgery would be MUCH more difficult (for you recovering and for the doctor performing) on you than it would be on someone who was a healthier weight. Medically speaking all that fat around your midsection increases your risk for heart diesease and a myriad of other problems. I am sorry but I do not applaud you for posting your pictures here or above your mantel. If you are proud of yourself for losing weight thats great but I don't think it should be hanging on your mantel where whoever walks into your house is bombarded w/ naked pictures of an obese woman! I think you are crying out for attention...good or bad.
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Here's a story from MSn that pretty much sums it up for ALL of us....overweight, underweight....we've all got our demons and issues. It's not about excuses - it's about who we are and what we deal with every day. It's no one's place to judge that. | ||
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THANK YOU Samantha! I too have BTDT and forced myself to walk through the gym doors while shaking, literally SHAKING, I am so afraid of being stared down by skinny minnies (and I'm not referring to those of you who struggle with the opposite problem, but the self-righteous beyotches who always seem to plague these threads). While I don't find it aesthetically pleasing to view OP's photos (or myself in the mirror for that matter), I do applaud her for taking pride in having accomplished a goal, and for wanting to share that with others of us who are or have been in the same boat. I've struggled all of my life with my weight, while watching others in my family who eat more and do less and STILL weigh far less than I do, and felt miserable about, all because other people tell me I should feel that way! It's crap! I'm appalled at the people who would stoop to sharing meaningless rhetoric about how if "we just loved ourselves enough" we'd lose weight. How dare someone else tell me I don't love myself! If you don't have something constructive to share, keep your mouth shut!!! Not directed at anyone specifically, lest someone be offended... Katy Patiently waiting to be Mommy to: Miriam Kathleen ~ or ~ Emmett Leland Approved and waiting since 09.27.07 | ||
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For those of you afraid of the gym, a few thoughts: Anytime I see an overweight person out walking or working out I think, "Hey, at least they are trying. Good for them!" You may be surprised how many people have positive thougths towards you...even if they don't say it. You may not stand out as much as you think, you may just blend. I'm a total mom-body...pooch, 20 extra pounds and all. When I'm at the gym I find myself looking at the skinny/fit people WAY more than people bigger than me. (probably out of envy...just being honest) What if you really aren't that noticable and your fretting over nothing?? | ||
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What if you really aren't that noticable and your fretting over nothing?? But see, that's the thing. We are by at least one person. And that ONE person means more to me (and women like me) than a hundred women like you who have positive thoughts about us. And I hate to sound catty, please don't take it that way, but the fact that you're only carrying around 20 extra pounds tells me that, although you might mean well, you really don't know how I (and women like me) feel, which makes me (and women like me) feel even more alienated. Katy, I think Curves was originally developed with women like us in mind..those who don't go to the gym because we feel like we're being judged all over the place. The funny thing is for me is that I feel much more comfortable working out around hot men than I do around hot women. Men will judge you on your looks, yes, but its a split second "I'd do her" "I wouldn't do her" judgement and then its over. Women, on the other hand, will look at you out of the corner of their eye (or full on if they know you wouldn't notice) and judge every part of your body, your clothes, your sweat level, how you use the equipment, etc, and then go talk to their friends about you when you're out of the room/going to the bathroom/taking a shower. I think I'll join Curves when hell freezes over. | ||
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I just want to say that it took me forever to get down to 230 lbs. I used to be much bigger (think 317lbs) That is awesome. I have a friend who lost that much weight and it was a struggle for him so I know how hard it is to loose that much weight! You should be proud. Very proud. Now I see that your pictures are something to be proud of. I would like to see more as you continue down your path to a healthier body. It's good to be able to look back and see how far you have come. I am sending you strong thoughts! Keep up the good work! WTG,OP! You should be SO proud of yourself! You have an awesome attitude and I wish you luck. Anytime I see an overweight person out walking or working out I think, "Hey, at least they are trying. Good for them!" You may be surprised how many people have positive thougths towards you...even if they don't say it.
What she said. RIP Bobbie Stokes Edited Jan-19 by Whateva! | ||
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Women are definitely harder on other women than men are. The gym by my house will make ANYONE uncomfortable. Oh my goodness it's the who's who of Las Vegas. I find scummy men looking to pick up women the worst & most annoying. That's why it is best (Imho) to go with a friend & not wear glasses or contacts-If you normally do. That way you dont have to worry nor see who is staring at you. | ||
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That's why it is best (Imho) to go with a friend & not wear glasses or contacts-If you normally do. That way you dont have to worry nor see who is staring at you. LOL! You know what? That's not a half bad idea! | ||
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The worst thing about being obese is having a skinny person encourage you to loose weight. Or, a skinny person posting pics of themself in a bikini and claiming they have a muffin top, so they can garner attention and have everyone tell them they look great. | ||
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OP - Congrats on your weight loss! I am sincerely happy for you. The worst thing about being obese is having a skinny person encourage you to loose weight. Or, a skinny person posting pics of themself in a bikini and claiming they have a muffin top, so they can garner attention and have everyone tell them they look great. Now let's talk gyms and being judgemental - people are claiming they don't go to the gym because they don't like exercising around skinny people because they think the skinny people are judging them. THAT mentality is judging skinny people unfairly. Anytime I see an overweight person exercising, walking, etc. the first thing that comes into my mind is "Way to go!!!! Good for you!!!" But supposedly overweight people don't want to hear skinny people congratulate them on their weight loss - sooo I have to keep my mouth shut and be accused of judging the overweight person for being fat. Thanks alot! | ||
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Anytime I see an overweight person out walking or working out I think, "Hey, at least they are trying. Good for them!" You may be surprised how many people have positive thoughts towards you...even if they don't say it. See? this is exactly the point. You are making judgements. You are looking, you are judging. Do you look at the average Jane on the treadmill and think, 'good job, lady!'? My guess is no, if you're being honest with yourself. When I'm working out, I want to work out. Not be an object of speculation or curiosity. People are judgmental, and while they might not SAY anything, a look on someone's face shows much more. Andrea | ||
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Only got through half the posts and had to comment on something. FTR, I am passionate about this bc I have gone from very big to very skinny to normal. I have been all over the place. 10yrs ago, I made a switch to be kind to myself and my body. I am avg weight and comfortable with it. Just to be clear, I want to add that I'm not judging people for being overweight. I understand that there are many factors involved in both the reason people become overweight and problems losing weight. Same can be said for the stick-thin. I am judging the decision to celebrate an unhealthy body - whether it be too heavy or too thin. I am also judging the way society reacts differently to each. ETA ~ here's an example of what I'm trying to get across: Imagine a poster came on and posted pictures of her extremely skinny (anorexic) body. Would we be celebrating her for loving her body? TY to this poster. Barring medical issues, I do NOT understand why people in America don't treat obesity like an EATING DISORDER and not a battle of wills problem (if you would just exercise, watch what you ate,etc...)? Like all eating disorders, it's a compulsive/addicive habit. PP's asking obese people to "just stop eating or start exercising"- would you tell this to somebody with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)? Just stop touching the doornob!!! While that would work for a day or 2, it doesn't get to the core issue!!! Now I KNOW people will argue with me about this, but I'm not pulling a rabbit out of my hat here. I've BTDT. OCD and other compulsive disorders/addictions are VERY similar. This begs the question, why isn't obesity treated like a compulsion/addiction in America? Think too many people would lose money with those crazy diets and exercises??? I honestly think food addictions (read- NOT obesity at that point) used to be a huge money maker for America (fast food purchasing, fad diet purchasing, etc...), but now, bc of obesity, it's starting to cause them to lose money. Now you see this rush to get America back on track. IMO, the prob with America is that they're putting a bandaid over obesity. Once people recognize it's a disorder and addiction like Anorexia, I think we'll get somewhere. Just had to put this out there since there have been so many posts on this stuff lately. Kelly
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I'm easily 20lbs overweight and just wanted to say this..... Imagine being addicted to a drug, but still having to have that drug to live. Overweight people might be addicted to food, yes, but we still need to eat to live. TY to this poster. Many don't understand why Eating as an addiction is so diff to handle. Some will say it's not an actual drug and therefore, easier to kick. However, any healthcare prof will tell you that it's the Emotional Addiction that keeps addicts alive. Since eating is an accepted "habit", it's hard to recognize if it's an addiction or not. Which beg the question, how do you know if it's an addiction? Just like all others- if you've tried to quit or feel guilty. But WHAT is it to feel guilty or what is one trying to quit with food? People without the addiction will say things like "sweets! fast food!" No. It is eating when one is no longer hungry. The person need to relearn hunger and satisfying body ques, learning to love and accept themselves, etc.... Same as anorexics that are on the flip side of this. You know, I ask myself that question everyday. Do I need to develop some type of disease to stop this unhealthy eating addiction? I certainly hope not. I understand what you are saying-but I haven't reached the point where it sticks. It's hard to explain even to myself, so I could never do it for others. I hate myself sometimes for getting to this point. I heard about overeaters anonymous, but, I am too chicken to go. Sometimes I ride my stationary bike for 20 minutes, but think to myself, well this isn't going to help because I ate so much other crap-it will never balance itself out. As it is, I walk between an hour to an hour and a half, 4-5 times a week. I want to feel healthy again. I am tired often. Thankfully, I haven't encountered any ill health problems-yet. I know it would likely happen if I continue this way, so each day I try. Like I said, trying is a beyotch some days! Susan, I don't know if you've tried this, but I love Geneen Roth's books and Intuitive Eating as well. They both literally changed my life. Mind you, I read Roth's book 2yrs bf implementing and trusting her plan, but it worked and has for the last 10yrs. I swear by her books bc it addresses the emotional aspect. Even if you've read them, like I said, I waited a few yrs bf implementing them. I did it over 4months and by that time, it started really working. Just an idea and hope things work out for you! | ||
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This whole thread is insane. Exercise is not about being skinny. The main benefits are healthy heart, reduced stress, and improved mental health. Getting thinner is just a side effect of that. When I see anyone exercising I think of the overall benefits. You don't have to look perfect to go to the gym. That's just crazy. Becky | ||
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Samantha - I'm right there with you - Curves is my idea of hell!!! I KNOW the men in the big weight room are not paying any attention to me, so I can relax and pay attention to what I'm supposed to be doing! Going in the women's room literally makes me nauseated! An entire room done in mirrors, where the women have nothing better to stare at on their treadmills that your butt looking back at them in the mirror - where's that puking smiley??? PP's asking obese people to "just stop eating or start exercising"- would you tell this to somebody with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)? Just stop touching the doornob!!! While that would work for a day or 2, it doesn't get to the core issue!!! Good point! Katy Patiently waiting to be Mommy to: Miriam Kathleen ~ or ~ Emmett Leland Approved and waiting since 09.27.07 | ||
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When I'm working out, I want to work out. Not be an object of speculation or curiosity. People are judgmental, and while they might not SAY anything, a look on someone's face shows much more. Geez - I'm not even allowed to offer words of encouragement without being accused of judging? I see a thin person working out and I think "Wow, they must work really hard for a body like that. Good for them. I wish I had their dedication. You are judging my thoughts and you don't even know them! When I'm working out, I want to work out. Not be an object of speculation or curiosity. People are judgmental, and while they might not SAY anything, a look on someone's face shows much more. Then they are wrong, but be honest with yourself: what are YOUR thoughts on fit people? I'm sure there's quite a few judemental thoughts in there. | ||
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All I can say is........... EW. Good for you for liking your body but my goodness I am so grossed out. And for the record, if these photos were of your ribs sticking out because you were a twig I'd say the same. Coincidentally, I envy your view on your body image but I wish I never saw that. I also think your image is flawed in that you are unhealthy. The woman inside may be worth loving but that excess weight is not good for you. Obviously it is your own home, your own mantle but I can't fathum that sort of "Art" or decor. To each their own. EDITED TO ADD: WTG on your weight loss. Best wishes in your loss of many more pounds!!! Edited Jan-19 by mommadukes416 | ||
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OP - Good for you for liking yourself! Samantha - Thanks for opening up like that. I've been to those judgemental gyms before. Very uncomfortable. I’m not a huge fan of the all-male (or mostly male) gym either. DH teaches at an all male school & we have access to their workout facilities. Nothing like working out with 18-22yo guys lifting weights and letting out primal screams… (I didn’t see them comparing penis sizes, but it wouldn’t have surprised me.) Have you considered an exercise bike or workout videos at home? I think I’m going to stick with that for a while, plus there’s no childcare at dh’s work. IMO, the prob with America is that they're putting a bandaid over obesity. Once people recognize it's a disorder and addiction like Anorexia, I think we'll get somewhere. Just had to put this out there since there have been so many posts on this stuff lately. Kelly – I agree with this. I do feel that it is a lot easier to spot a problem with someone who is anorexic and a lot tougher to find the cutoff for being overweight. Plus, a lot of people will recognize someone who is anorexic as sick and the overweight people as lazy. It is a tough hurdle to overcome. Cindy Elizabeth 11/28/05 Andrew 10/11/07 Disclaimer - Typos are likely due to typing left-handed while breastfeeding! Where's the blinkie for that? | ||
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OP Kudos to you for being comfortable in your own skin. I am overweight and completely do realize I need to make better choices and live a healthier life. I do the best I can. In the meantime, I'll be damned if anyone makes me feel less worthy or undesirable. I am also quite comfortable in my skin, even if there is definitely room for improvement. In the meantime, I will continue to hold my head up high and live a very happy and fulfilling life. If others choose to be grossed out, that is fine I am equally grossed out by their lack of acceptance and tolerance. Peace to you and thanks for sharing! | ||
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Op, I'm glad that you are comfortable with yourself, really I am. But I am worried about your health. Samantha, I'm I bit concerned with you girl, isn't that a pic of you in your avatar? What gives? I am NOT judging, I am worried for both of you, though you might not need or want my worry it is there all the same. I personally could use some life changes just as much as the next person, but we will get to that on the next how much wine do you drink in a week thread comes back up.....see how I put that off
Julie | ||
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Op I envy your ability to be so happy with yourself. Now on all of the other stuff.. Considering more than 64% of americans are overweight or obese who are you people to sit back and criticize this lady? Really? I'm sure all of you all telling her how unhealthy she is are just the perfect picture of health right? Riiiiiiiight. It's easy to be whatever you want to be when you hide behind a computer screen and feel like dishing out whatever you want to try to make a person feel like crap. | ||
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Well, I can guarantee you I'm not one of the 64%-& that figure is nothing to be proud of. If someone posts pictures of their gut, fat rolls, ribs whatever you cant be surprised if you get less than favorable replies. This is a message forum if you post people are going to reply, simple as that. | ||
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