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Poll Results
Poll Question: WWYD? Would you take your DD to your annual exam?
Yeah, no problem
46 Votes (32%)
Only if I had NO other options
50 Votes (34%)
No way
46 Votes (32%)
3 Votes (2%)
Your vote was Yeah, no problem on 1/23/08 11:35 AM
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Date: 9:38 AM
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From: *Pandamonium*
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I'm overdue for my annual and really need to get a few things checked out. DD will be 5 in May. I'm not working so I have NO childcare or anyone to watch her tho. We're pretty open about things, but not sure if THAT would be too much, kwim!?!?
Anybody been in a similar situation? What do you do? Dh works long hours and with commute time there's no way I can schedule around his work.
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
Date: 9:40 AM
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From: Momin5/00and1/05
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Do you have any friends with kids that would be willing to watch your dd for an hour or so? Offer to do the same for her when she needs to go to the doctor.
Date: 9:40 AM
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From: InAHurry
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I had to take my 2 sons (5 and 2) with me. I had them stand up by my head and told them the doctor just had to check something under the sheet. They had no problem with it.
Date: 9:43 AM
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From: *Pandamonium*
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Nope, no friends. Some acquaintances but nobody I would trust or know well enough to leave my dd with. Trust me, IF I had any other way, I wouldn't be asking for opinions! lol Part of me thinks it's not that big of a deal ..she's going to learn later anyway. But then another part of me wants to shelter her and thinks she might be too young.
Course, she's dying to have a baby--she's obsessed with babies--so maybe this could help bring her into reality! haha j/k!
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
Date: 9:44 AM
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From: Leotie121
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I would take her. I had to take my dd once. The Dr was prepared to handle it. She said it happens every once in a while that a Mom has to bring a little one in. DD stayed in the room with me most of the time. During the more private part of the exam the nurse sat her out at the nurses station with paper and crayons.
Life is not tried, it is merely survived If you're standing outside the fire
Date: 9:44 AM
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From: DreamladyK
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I've done this several times. I had no problem with it. It depends on your individual comfort level. In fact, both of my older daughters were there when I had my last baby. The oldest one cut the cord. So, obviously, I'm very comfortable with that type of stuff.
Loving my 3 princesses Kiera (11), Kylah(10) and Kayli (14 mos). Watch them grow!!
Date: 9:46 AM
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From: cheriann22
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Next month I will have to bring my 3yr old DS, so I know how it goes. Just have her stay at your head and I dont' think it's that big of a deal. With the sheet over you anyway, it's not like she's going to see your bits, kwim? And, I think it's a good idea to expose her to those kind of things. In an ideal situation, I realize that 5 might be too young, but I was 21 when I had my first annual and even then, I had no idea what they entailed! My mom sheltered I think it makes me realize how important it is to teach our children about those kind of things. Just take her!
Michael 8.03.04
Date: 9:48 AM
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From: mum22loves
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My first response was no, and it's only b/c I have a few different alternatives so could make it work with my schedule and daycare/sitters (i/e my mom, or scheduling it early in the morning, drop the kids off at daycare, then go to the dr's then head to work - usually I'm about an hour late which is fine by my employer). Anyway, in your case (& if I were in your shoes with no other choice), and where she's a bit older and the fact that you are overdue, I would say yes, bring her. I'm sure the office will handle it well, probably happens a bit...Not ideal, but I don't think this is awful in the grand scheme of things!
mum to two little love bugs - soon to be mom of 3
Date: 9:56 AM
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From: madzmum
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I know this isn't going to be a popular answer, but....
I wouldn't take my child to ANY doctors appointment that wasn't for her. It's one of my big pet peeves. This has nothing to do with exposing your child to your vagina, but the fact that the appointment is for YOU and exam rooms are not set up to be day care centers!!
We have women come in here EVERY day expecting our staff to babysit. We can't, we have patients to take care of, and the liability is not acceptable or appropriate.
The PP that has your kid sit at the nurses' station--if I saw that, our regulations would require that I terminate that nurse due to privacy violations--no one that's not an employee can be in areas where records are kept.
Just a viewpoint from the health care industry....
Date: 10:10 AM
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From: *Pandamonium*
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While I can appreciate your professional opinion, I don't feel that applies to ALL patients that bring a child to their appointment. I would never ask the office staff, dr or nurse to watch my child IF I brought them. They are my responsibility and I'm sure there are liability and other issues as well.
Obviously, I wouldn't bring a newborn or a child that needed constant supervision--how well can you attend to their needs laying on a table naked?!?! lol But, I don't see the big issue with bringing a child that can listen, sit still and sit out of the way for a couple of minutes. Surely, I can't be the ONLY one in the world that doesn't have childcare options 100% of the time.
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
Date: 10:17 AM
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From: Travis'mom1
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You do what you have to. You wouldn't be doing your child any favors by NOT getting your annual exam done. I had to bring my then 6 year old daughter to an OB appointment that I knew had the possibility of an internal. I actually explained to her that I may be having an exam (in terms she could understand), but kept her up at the head of the bed talking to me. She really didn't even pay attention to the doc. Although she did ask once if he could 'see' the baby....LOL.
Date: 10:21 AM
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From: Ray'sMommy
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i am taking my ds, 5 years old, to my iud removal at the end of the month! he went to a TON of my ob checkups when i was preggo w/ dd, and came when she did the strep test and also the last few when she checked for dialation.
he has a leapster and gets pretty enthralled in it, so i'm not so worried about him being nosey about what's going on. i'll just tell him i have to have a checkup. but he knows that mommies are different down there, and go to special doctors (he once asked what a gynercolist was!) and has once, in a dire emergency at target, dug a tampon out of the diaper bag for me LMAO!!!
i may actually have him sit at the desk area if they're not too busy. they LOVE having the kids hang out with them, and have a small beanbag back there for just that reason (parents who can't get someone to watch their kid)... i wouldn't leave both my dd and ds w/ them, but ds is 5 1/2 and can be calm and chill kwim? when dd was a newborn the nurse who was in on my csection held onto her while i was getting checked out.
if you have nobody to watch your kids, what else can you do, kwim? you gotta go to the doctor! i took dd to an ultrasound to check my iud placement - i was STUCK with nobody to take her... she stayed in her stroller and played and ate snacks. she was a little grumpy and squawking, but what could i do.
you gotta do what you gotta do. :)
ETA: just read pp's comment about the records and privacy - OUR desk area that I'm referring to is not the front desk/records area, it's the actual OB's RN's desk, where she sits patients to take bp, history, weight, etc... there are no records there :)
ds 7.12.02
dd 10.20.06
Edited 10:26 AM by Ray'sMommy
Date: 10:21 AM
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From: 2augustbabes&1aprilfools
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I don't see what it would hurt if dd stood up near your head that is what I have done in the past. I don't always take my kids but my midwives love seeing my kids when I go being that they delivered all 3 of them
madzmum I think is who posted about the child at the nurses station and how that is a hippa violation . I remember when I worked this father came in with his 4 yo and wanted to be in the delivery with his wife fine the kid was asleep no biggie well mom started screaming woke the kid up so dad was suppose to leave and tend to his child well security got called and it was a mess well guess what happend one of my co workers got stuck babysitting. so I have to agree with you and what you said that is so not approriate
Tabitha mommy to 3
Dylan 8-17-99
Kendall aka Kendy 8-20-03
Danica 4-1-05
Date: 10:22 AM
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From: BCMissy
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You do what you have to do, kwim? I would keep your daughter at your head, bring stuff for her to do (books, magnadoodle, etc) and hope for the best. The worst case scenario is that she gets curious and you do some experience about how it's important to have your whatever-you-call-it-in-your-house and insides need a check-up. If you gets fearful about needing a check-up down below for herself, just tell her that it's most important when you're old enough to have a baby...and that's a loooooooooooong way off for her.
Good luck! I know it sucks to have to bring your DD, but I'll bet it'll go more smoothly than you're imagining.
Community Administrator
Date: 10:26 AM
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From: mommy2Sis&Pris
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I had to take my dd once BEFORE she was even 2, and she still talks about it! She is 3 1/2 now. I had no idea she was even getting it at that age. She was in her stroller in the upper corner of the room.
We went to the reg. doctor when I had a sinus infection and she asked the doctor if he was going to check Mommy's "coochie".
She will not be going to the gyn with me anymore.
Date: 10:28 AM
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From: rizzndizz
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I wouldn't take my child to ANY doctors appointment that wasn't for her. It's one of my big pet peeves. This has nothing to do with exposing your child to your vagina, but the fact that the appointment is for YOU and exam rooms are not set up to be day care centers!!
Spoken like a true working outside the home mom who has childcare available all day long.
I am a SAHM with a hubby who travels M-F. i have no other choice. My kids come EVERYWHERE with me. I ask NO ONE at my visits to watch my children. They sit in the room with me and red or color or something. If it is a GYN appt I bring the double stroller and they stay in the stoller during the exam.
I would never dream of asking a nurse to watch my child.
Date: 10:36 AM
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From: pvmom
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I think you have a real problem and it isn't the Dr.'s appointment. How could you possibly have a 5 year old and absolutely no one to call? Why isn't your 5 year old in pre-school with all the other children her age? Why do you have NO friends, Why does your dd have NO friends?
I think if the appointment is next week i would find someone to watch dd. Put yourself out there, dig deep.
If the appointment is tomorrow then you will have to take her.
Date: 10:50 AM
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From: Elsie and Claira's Mommy
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I'd take her with me...actually, both of my dd's will be going with me for the same kind of appointment next week. They'll be in the stroller so I'm not worried. I'd never ask a nurse to babysit my child either. I do think it's easier for someone who's used to leaving their child with someone else to do so for a doctor's appointment. I'm not one of those people. My oldest will be 3 next month, and I can count on one hand the number of times she's been left somewhere without dh or I there, that's including staying with grandparents. Honestyl, if the healthcare professionals at my doctor's office were rude or unsupportive of my daughters being with me, I'd find a new doctor's office.
Date: 10:52 AM
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From: *Pandamonium*
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PVmom, your post is extremely rude. You are making A$$umptions based on limited information. There is no need for my life story on this--or any other thread! There is no law saying people HAVE to have friends or that a child has to be in preschool. If you read my post, she is NOT 5 yet. She does have friends, not that that is relevant here. What am I supposed to do, call her friends to watch her?? lol And, no I do not know the parents of her friends well enough to ask and the ones I do know of, I wouldn't let her stay there if you paid me.
FTR, I was working and she was in preschool. I lost my job in Oct so we pulled her out. We moved here from out of state and I moved for the job that just had massive layoffs in Oct. It's hard to make friends and as MANY posts on this board refer, I know I'm not the only one with no friends in the area I live. I DO have friends, but they happen to live in different states, as do our families.
Not that I have to defend OUR life to you or anything . .
I'm curious where you obtained your mental health degree tho?
Appalling how a perfect stranger can make such a judgment about me or my family based on this thread.
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
Date: 10:58 AM
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From: *Pandamonium*
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BTW, thank you to the pp's that DO understand! It's nice to know I'm not the only one in this situation. Thanks!
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
Date: 10:59 AM
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From: madzmum
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Spoken like a true working outside the home mom who has childcare available all day long.
No, that's spoken like a person who has worked in health care for 20 years. I'm glad you know every detail of my life and all of my child care resources!
I said my opinion wouldn't be popular, but I'm fairly certain that every health care professional on here that doesn't work in a pediatrics office would express similar opinions. Some of it is our feelings, and some of it is our policy.
Date: 10:59 AM
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From: Ladybug4747
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I wouldn't take my child to ANY doctors appointment that wasn't for her. It's one of my big pet peeves. This has nothing to do with exposing your child to your vagina, but the fact that the appointment is for YOU and exam rooms are not set up to be day care centers!!
Spoken like a true working outside the home mom who has childcare available all day long.
I am a SAHM with a hubby who travels M-F. i have no other choice. My kids come EVERYWHERE with me. I ask NO ONE at my visits to watch my children. They sit in the room with me and red or color or something. If it is a GYN appt I bring the double stroller and they stay in the stoller during the exam.
I would never dream of asking a nurse to watch my child.
ITA! I really don't see how my 3 yo DD sitting quietly in the corner of the exam room is a problem. I am lucky now that she is in preschool a few half days a week, but before that, I took her to my regular doctor appointment, and never asked a nurse to care for her.
As for that last poster that said the problem was OP's because she had no friends and DD should be in school. Get a grip! I guess I am a big fat loser too, because of the people that I would normally ask to watch DD, 1 is about to have back surgery (so she is out for the next 2 months), 1 has a newborn plus her 3 year old, MIL is headed to FL for the winter next week, SIL just opened a shop so is a little crazy right now. Our usual babysitter starts her student teaching this week, and our backup babysitter is in high school. We are really particular about who watches our daughter, so we wouldn't just ask our neighbors. It is not like we are asking them to catsit or something. So basically, for the next few months, unless DH can take time off, I am SOL.
Date: 11:00 AM
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From: DreamladyK
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PVmom, your post is extremely rude. You are making A$$umptions based on limited information. There is no need for my life story on this--or any other thread! There is no law saying people HAVE to have friends or that a child has to be in preschool. If you read my post, she is NOT 5 yet. She does have friends, not that that is relevant here. What am I supposed to do, call her friends to watch her?? lol And, no I do not know the parents of her friends well enough to ask and the ones I do know of, I wouldn't let her stay there if you paid me.
I agree with this. That was very rude!!!
Loving my 3 princesses Kiera (11), Kylah(10) and Kayli (14 mos). Watch them grow!!
Date: 11:00 AM
To: *Pandamonium*
From: May00DS+May04DD
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Appalling how a perfect stranger can make such a judgment about me or my family based on this thread.
This is the bargain board. That happens all day, every day. You know that!
I hope all goes well at your appointment!
Date: 11:03 AM
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From: *Pandamonium*
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lol Megan! I DO know that . .I'm just not usually the one taking the brunt! I wanted to just ignore it, but I couldn't . . .
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
Date: 11:09 AM
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From: Elyse116
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I would NOT take my child to a gyn appt. Not just because of the exam, but the questions that you have to answer, and the fact that there are other women in the office who might be uncomfortable with having a kid around while they're in the gyn office. And at that age kids are especially curious & able to notice what's going on around them. If I had no other childcare options, dh would have to take a half day or a vacation day & deal with it, since he has child care covered for his needs.
Date: 11:10 AM
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From: Momtoelandem
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I voted "other" and here's my take-
Annual checkup where, if your kid takes off, you can get off the table- OK.
Annual pap where you're strapped in/cervix open and your kid runs- you can't help- not ok.
Bf people get heated. As a nurse-
I wouldn't take my child to ANY doctors appointment that wasn't for her. It's one of my big pet peeves. This has nothing to do with exposing your child to your vagina, but the fact that the appointment is for YOU and exam rooms are not set up to be day care centers!!
Spoken like a true working outside the home mom who has childcare available all day long.
I am a SAHM with a hubby who travels M-F. i have no other choice. My kids come EVERYWHERE with me. I ask NO ONE at my visits to watch my children. They sit in the room with me and red or color or something. If it is a GYN appt I bring the double stroller and they stay in the stoller during the exam.
I would never dream of asking a nurse to watch my child.
The first poster is correct as another HC professional. That being said, if you can attend to your kids, then I don't care if you bring them in. If your child runs around and you can't get them? That is different. I don't know how one can attend to their child when their legs are up in stirrups. FTR, I HAVE been asked to watch kids as well as the receptionists (they're asked even more IMO). The clinic is NOT liable and you bet your bottom that those parents are the first the threaten lawsuit if their LO gets hurt in the office. This is coming from somebody who's BTDT( I work in outpatient now and see this a LOT).
Date: 11:15 AM
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From: lily&sophiabzmom
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I took my then 4.5 year old to a couple of my last pregnancy appts. where I was being checked for dilation.
She sat in the chair up next to my head.
I brought her a couple of books/ toys and she did great. Was a little impatient, but was fine.
I think it totally depends on the temperment of the child.
Seeing that yours is 5 I would guess that she is probably old enough to handle this just fine.
Date: 11:19 AM
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From: Bowling Ball Head
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I have three children and YES, it IS easier to go without them.
However, sometimes we don't have someone to watch them and a lot of times we don't have the time to pay someone to watch them.
Take her.
No biggie.
I took two of my three with me to my last annual - no issues.
And, for the record, I have had both my OB and my Family Physician tell me that they have "family rooms" that they use for when you bring your kids in so no issues. They are a little bigger and have a few toys.
Date: 11:19 AM
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From: Irish128
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When I was pregnant w/ my dd; I had no other option but to take my 3 1/2 YO ds w/ me. Ugg! But the midwife was nice & told him to stand by mommy's head.
Mommy to: Ian- 8 YO, Macy-3/16/03 & Jack-11/19/04
Date: 11:26 AM
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From: ZM_BlueEyes
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I had to take my 4.5 year old SON to the gyn last week. Not my first choice for sure. He was supposed to be in preschool, but had been sick the day before and I wanted him to have one more day of rest. I couldn't delay my appointment as it was for a fairly urgent matter. I brought toys for my son to play with and he enjoyed a lollipop there too. He wanted to go throw his cup away during the exam. The doc just took it from him very nicely and threw it away for him.
He did ask me where I hurt - I told him my private parts and that was that. I have to go back next week for a procedure and made sure to schedule it for when both my kids are in school.
For those of you who are so judgemental, it must be nice to never be stuck for someone to watch your kids. I have it pretty good - my daughter is in "school" at a daycare, so I can extend her day to include lunch when needed and at 4.5, it is much easier to have someone else pick up my son (although I hate for him to ride in a belt positioning booster) than when he was younger. I have several friends that I trade childcare with and others I can call on if I am more needy and I STILL run into problems.
OP - don't delay your annual exam - a week becomes a month, a month becomes a year, a year becomes many years in the blink of an eye. Take your daughter with you - bring something for the waiting time and something really fun for during the exam. Since you have a daughter, it is good to take some of the stigma out of the visit. I know I plan on sending my daughter for her first visit when she is 18 (or before)
I took my normallly easygoing daughter to the eye doc with me and the receptionist ended up having to read her a story in the waiting area - I felt terrible and apologized and thanked the staff profusly.
- DS 7/03
- DD 6/05
Date: 11:35 AM
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From: MelanieandKev
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My boys come to all doc visits with me. DH is out of the house from 8am -6:30pm every work day. We just moved to a new town and I don't know anyone. Even before we moved I'd rarely ask my mom to watch them. They are my kids, not her responsibility, so they come with me.
I put them in the double stroller (or single when it was just #1) and they go. I park them facing my head and give them a snack and that is that. Its not like I park them with a grandstand view or anything. They come for my regular checkups at the family doc -or last time I went in for a sinus infection. Yeah, lugging both of them and the stroller in and out of the car with a major sinus infection and feeling like crap isn't fun, but if I wanted to get help, they have to come.
I actually have a DA today to get a lump checked and they will be there too...preschool is over for the day and doc only had afternoon they're coming.
btw - #1 is almost 4 and #2 is 17mos.
Only place they haven't come is the dentist, because he's had 6:30 pm appts and DH usually gets home in time to meet me at the office and take the boys. I wish more offices had late or Saturday hrs...that would make life easier!
Date: 11:44 AM
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From: Beantown_Mommy
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If i were you, I would either:
a. figure I was already overdue and just schedule it for September, when I'm guessing your DD might start kindy? (I don't know when she turns 5, but it sounded like she's turning 5 soon, so maybe starting K this fall?) If you don't have a pressing need to go, could you just wait a few more months?
or b., if I knew she was pretty well-behaved, just bring her and bring along some books and coloring and have her sit in the exam room. I don't have an almost-5-year old, so maybe I'm way off - but it seems like she is probably old enough to follow directions? (God, that's my hope, since my 2 year old doesn't listen to a word I say and I'd like to think in a few years she will )
Believe me, I understand being stuck for childcare. If your DD is starting K in the fall, I would totally wait so you could do it while she's in school. If not... I guess you have to bring her along.
Abby - Jan. 06
Baby #2 - Jun. 08
Date: 11:44 AM
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From: Sugar Pants
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Hey, a SAHM has to do what she's got to do.
It's in your kid's best interest that you are healthy, and this means getting your annual. Take her, take some stuff to entertain her and keep her relatively quiet and well behaved, same as you would in any other public place.
And to the nurse that posted, shame on you! There's a big difference between bringing a kid to an appointment and expecting a nurse to babysit or entertain. Yes, a agree that people who do that are way off base. But most moms who HAVE to take their kids to appts are not expecting that. They are expecting compassionate medical care though. As a nurse, you ought to be able to give them that, even if it means ignoring a kid who is coloring while you're taking a bp!
pvmom - I think you need to stop projecting your problems on other people. OP is asking for an opinion on a dr's appt, not a lecture on what you think of her social life!
I've had to take my kids with me to the dr before. Yes, i have friends I occasionally trade childcare with...but sometimes they are sick or busy as well. With my DH traveling, I've got to take care of myself and stay healthy for my kids. When DD was little and unable to sit still, I strapped her in a stroller, and I take plenty of things to entertain.
My Personal Blog: J and C and Me
Edited 11:46 AM by Sugar Pants
Date: 12:36 PM
To: *Pandamonium*
From: SingleTrouble&DoubleTrouble
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I am in the same situation but I have 3 kids (5 year old dd in K and 2 year old twin dd's). Dh is gone from 9 am until 7 pm and starting in a few days he will have to travel a lot. We have no family here. I have friends but they work fulltime so I can't ask them to watch my kids. I know how difficult it is. I try to schedule any appointments when my oldest dd is in school but I still have to drag my 2 year old twins along. When I was pregnant with the twins dh worked second shift and I had my dr appointments early in the am when he was still at home but I had to bring dd (then 3 years old) to my non- stress tests at the hospital, ugh. It went ok, I had no other choice.
If your dd is almost 5 and sits still and listens well like you said I would just bring her along and have her stand by your head.
There was one time where a nurse watched one of my twins. The twins had their 2 year check up and one of them would not stop screaming and the doctor could not hear me and I could not hear him. He asked if it was ok if he took her to the nurses station and have a nurse watch her. I agreed, he handed her over to the nurse and came back and assured me that she was great with little kids and was a grandma. It was embarrasing, my dd would not stop screaming, the poor nurse held her and walked her around.
My dd has been back at the dr a couple time since this and now she is a perfect angel there,lol. Does not scream at all and hold still.
Date: 12:45 PM
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From: KatieP1025
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Your DH couldn't go into work an hour late that day so he could watch your LO? What does he do when he has to go to the doctor? Does he take an hour or two off of work to go? Then why can't he take an hour off so you can go?
If you think hard enough you can come up with some childcare for an hour or two. Your not going to be gone several hours or overnight.
That said, I think it is annoying when I am in the doctors office with someone else's kids.
To a kid, a doctor's visit is long and boring and there is not much for them to do and I know that I would have been traumatized as a child seeing my mom at the gyno.
Date: 12:57 PM
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From: Momtoelandem
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And to the nurse that posted, shame on you! There's a big difference between bringing a kid to an appointment and expecting a nurse to babysit or entertain. Yes, a agree that people who do that are way off base. But most moms who HAVE to take their kids to appts are not expecting that. They are expecting compassionate medical care though. As a nurse, you ought to be able to give them that, even if it means ignoring a kid who is coloring while you're taking a bp!
Shame on me?
Ok, what about this situation- your loved one is coding (dying) and another person's child walks in the room (when patients are coding, the doors are open typically, but curtain pulled) and asks me for some milk. Should I have compassion for you, the dying patient's family, the patient or the mom who's not watching her child? Should I have unbounding compassion for everybody? Even though I see the flip side of this where parents have an attitude that I should watch their child regardless the circumstance???
Just bc you're a responsible parent doesn't mean that's the norm when it comes to this issue. You're talking about what you THINK happens- not what actually happens day to day. You're a responsible parent and I'm willing to bet most are on this board. But that doesn't mean that's what actually happens during clinic or hospital visits.....
It would be like me going to your job, setting my kid down while I talk to you about a real pressing issue I have,and expect you have compassion for me and great CS, bc I can't find a sitter. As a SAHM, would you expect me to just dump my kids off and not pay attention to them and expect you to attend to them? You might have compassion for me bc I'm single, poor, etc...but what if this happened a lot? What if that person wanted to sue you bc their kid hit their head on your table? Would you still have compassion?
Again, these aren't my thoughts on this, these are my actual real-life experiences.
Date: 1:31 PM
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From: CCBerry
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if someone is coding at a gyn/ob's office I think there are bigger questions that need to be asked here
IMO I'd take the kido with me - I'm going to assume it's a gyn/ob's office and generally they are awesome about having kids there, since being an OB pretty much sets you up to deal with woman having babies. I have to get paps every 3 months and I've never had a problem with bring my DD with me - the staff love her (or at least do a great job pretending they do) and my doctor does a awesome job with not letting us sit in the waiting room for a hour before seeing me (hooray for speedy service!)
Date: 1:40 PM
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From: lukpi
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I agree with Sarah that it has to do with the temperment of the child. I go to midwives, so they're very family friendly, kids are always there, and they understand that some moms stay at home with their kids and daycare isn't always available.
I personally wouldn't take my DS who's 4, but that's because of his personality - he'd want to "assist." LOL! He needs to touch everything and would ask a million questions about what's going on. There is no sitting quietly and coloring with him! But, if I had a different kind of child, I see no problem if they're not disruptive. I'm lucky to have a neighbor I can ask to watch the kids in a pinch, but it wasn't always that way!
Jake 8/6/03 8lbs
Owen 4/4/06 10lbs 14.5 oz (VBAC)
Date: 1:43 PM
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From: *Pandamonium*
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Your DH couldn't go into work an hour late that day so he could watch your LO? What does he do when he has to go to the doctor? Does he take an hour or two off of work to go? Then why can't he take an hour off so you can go?
If you think hard enough you can come up with some childcare for an hour or two. Your not going to be gone several hours or overnight.
Dh has only been at his job for 5 months, so no, he can't just take off whenever he wants to. He works from 7am-4:30 so it would be more than just an hour late. Figure most dr's don't open until 8--and that's IF I got the very first appt. Minimum hour to get there and back, IF the dr is on time and it's a quick appt (it's 15 min each way). Then another hour to hour 1/2 commute. So he'd miss almost half a day. We can't jeopardize a good job for that. Especially with me not working right now. But, maybe he could leave an hour early--depending on how late I might be able to schedule it. That wouldn't be as bad as the am part. I'll have to check. We're also trying not to use any reason to miss work in case I get called for interviews for a really good job too.
If/when dh has to go the dr, he just goes to the Urgent Care. But, physical's have to be scheduled in advance, kwim!? And, this hasn't been an issue for him since he just started a new job.
So, my only options (at this point) are to either take her with me or pay $50 (that we really don't have since I'm not working right now) for drop in care or like pp suggested, waiting until school starts. I'm hoping I'm working by then tho, but we'll see.
I haven't scheduled a vist yet, because I don't want to take dd with me. But, if I HAVE to, then I have to, kwim!?!? That's why I was asking what others thought. I've always had childcare or family to watch my kids so this is the first time it's been an issue. I'm already about 6 months overdue so I don't want to keep putting it off.
As far as the nurse's viewpoints, I do agree and understand what they are saying. I don't feel I fall into that category as I would never expect anyone else to watch MY kid. Hence one of the reasons I wouldn't just put her in drop in care either. We don't just let anyone watch our kids. I would think/hope dd would be old enough to sit still and behave IF it comes to that, but what if she doesn't!?!? I may just have to wait and see . .it's not an urgent issue yet. I just thought I could take advantage of not working and get caught up on some medical visits. It's hard to schedule and take time off when you're at a new job, kwim?
Anyway, I've typed way more than most of you need--or want--to know! lol IF there were other (feasible)options, I wouldn't be exposing myself on here. I've been here long enough to know better . .or so I thought! hehe
lol Coleenie! Thanks for the laugh! I really had no idea there would be such strong feelings on this one . .but then again . .this is the drama bargain board, right?!? Thought I was just asking a simple question and turns out it's a can of worms! hehe
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
Date: 1:46 PM
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From: kcnkell
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I take both my girls to every appt. The exception being when I had a stress test at the cardiologist's office. They went with Daddy out to breakfast that morning.
They've been to all the gyno appts with me and I take stuff to distract them, their own toys and books and I would NEVER leave them for someone else at the doctor's office to look after, like a nurse or office personnel or something. My toddler would sit in her stroller and my 4yo would sit there and be quiet. DD likes pretending the little changing area in the room is her 'house' so she spends most of her time there anyway.
Date: 1:53 PM
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From: *Pandamonium*
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Oh yeah, if it were ds instead of dd, there would be NO question. Obviously, the gender difference as well, but I would not trust him to sit and behave. He's a typical, very active boy! But dd is much better behaved so I thought the idea was worth pondering . . . plus dh has been after me to get it done! lol
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
Date: 1:54 PM
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I personally wouldn't take DS who will be 5 in March with me, but that is more of a personality reason like the PP also mentioned. He would want to assist to and see what was going on.
Obviously you have to do what you have to do and if you are having medical issues, then you need to take care of them.
Date: 1:55 PM
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From: Sugar Pants
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Well, if I (or my loved ones) are ever coding, let's all hope we all aren't at the gyn!
Honestly! Yes, I'm bugged by people who let their kids run wild in the waiting room creating a menace. I've very bothered by that in general. If I got to a restaurant and the kids are running around the table I'm bothered. That does not mean I don't think ANY kids should EVER go to restaurants.
I'm pretty sure in my post I pointed out that there is a big difference in taking your well behaved child to the dr with you and asking a nurse to babysit. I was very clear on that. So yes, shame on you if you can't ignore someone's child sitting in a corner behaving themselves why you take mom's bp.
My Personal Blog: J and C and Me
Date: 1:57 PM
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My dd is 8 and yes I would take her. She has been many times before when she was younger. The last time being when she was only 6. She did great. She never acts uncomfortable and at HER last physical the doctor had to check her down there too and she was like "oh, just like mommy's doctor does" it really helped her to know that she isn't the only one in the world who gets checked out by a doctor.
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