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We just got back from my dds open house. School starts tomorrow. I could not believe her teacher! She is disgusting! She was dressed in a very very short dress like this....
I am serious!!! Not the exact one, but very very similar. She was very nice. At one point she said
She had these stilettoes on and could barely walk across the room. I just really do not want my daughter wanting to act like her. My dd wants to be like every single one of her teachers. Not much I can do about it. It just irks me! YES, this is a real post. Angie | ||
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As a teacher I would ask that you not judge her by her dress. Usually teachers dress very differently for school than they do for Meet and Greet. Remember.....it's not her appearance that matters....it's her TEACHING ability. She may not have approved of your attire either. Edited 4:52 PM by mommy2B07 | ||
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I think the dress is cute (what did it look like in front?)......maybe could have been a bit more modest but disgusting? I think most teachers feel that way about parents. I don't think she meant it in a rude way. Truly email is the best way to get a hold of most teachers. Conference times are full of meetings, etc. and they are teaching during the rest of the day. | ||
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I don't see anything wrong with it. A meet and greet is probably the most adult interaction she'll get throughout the year. She probably wanted to look great - so maybe she overdid it a little, but she's not the first person to overdress for an event. I'm sure she just wanted to look nice. Betty | ||
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I don't get disgusting from a short dress? Don't judge so quickly! Maybe she is an awesome teacher and maybe she felt she needed to dress up for this meet and greet and didn't pick the best outift. Oh well. Stuff happens. Give her a chance to see what she's really like. It's hard to stand on shifting sand...I am saved, from this moment on. | ||
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I think it's a little inappropriate for a meet your teacher night since those nights are usually about getting to know the kids BUT I would not judge her on that one dress. | ||
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I always remember a preschool teacher at the Christmas program one year. She had on hat was obviously an expensive outfit of a sleeveless V neck sweater and tan leather (nice) pants.
When she bent one way to help the kids, the entire audience got flashed. When she knelt down in front of the kids, we all got to see a good bit of her thong. She was a very nice, attractive girl and great teacher. Maybe just not the besy wardrobe choice for the Baptist church *
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I certainly hope I never have to meet one of my son's teachers ho dogging around in a professional situation wearing a backless dress and stiletto heels. Love the part about how she doesn't do well with parents.....just email her....lol. Edited 4:59 PM by CherryPinkCat | ||
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I have to think back on some of the stupid things I have worn in the past (and so have you!) and wonder if just maybe she picked the wrong outfit. Maybe she worded what she said wrong and didn't mean it the way it came out. I know I do that all the time! Give the poor teacher a break! It's hard to stand on shifting sand...I am saved, from this moment on. | ||
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If she was wearing a dress and stilettos my first thought would be that she's probably going out with her bf/fiancee/dh afterward... for cryin out loud until you see her dressing like that every morning when you drop the kids off, stop judging her. | ||
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I would venture a guess that she is single and childless.
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I can see where you would think that extremely high heels might be questionable, but not disgusting. I dressed differently for Parents' Night than I did for daily teaching. Recess duty is hard to do in heels! Although she may not have phrased it correctly, I understand what she is saying about being better with children than with adults. I think this is true of many teachers, and I know it was true for me. I am much more comfortable in front of 100 children than I would be in front of 10 adults. Try to give her a chance and remember that as much as your DD might idolize her teachers, you are still the most influential role model. | ||
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As a teacher, I find both the outfit (esp. for open house) and the comment about parents (yikes!) unprofessional. There's probably a reason she doesn't get along with parents, KWIM? And you're right, young children are impressionable. Your dd is going to be spending a lot of time with this woman and she is supposed to be a role model. Not to mention, if you already have a bad feeling about her, it's not going to be a pleasant year for you. School has just begun. Can you request to have your dd moved to another class? Most principals would honor such a request for valid reasons (which you have IMO). Please update! | ||
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Is she new to teaching? Did she just graduate from college? It sounds like maybe she just needs to learn what's appropriate/inappropriate for these situations. I wouldn't judge her yet, but I would have been a little suspicious of those things too. Sue Grace 09/27/2003 Sophia 03/23/2006 | ||
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I'm a teacher and although the comment about parents was interesting, I think it is sad that a parent would automatically disregard any and all possible positive furture interaction based on one wardrobe choice.
I know you probably didn't think about it OP, but that was not a very nice thing to say about a person who has dedicated her life to teaching children, dealing with uptight, judgemental parents for little pay and hardly any recognition. Perhaps just put that in perspective before you sit there and bash her...... | ||
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That dress is gorgeous !! Where is it being sold ??? As far as the teacher goes...I'm not sure what you expect teachers to wear but if she is "younger" that would explian her choice of attire. I know even in my work circles I dress alot more trendy / funky / "risque" then some of the older people I work with but I dont think I ever look "disgusting". Nor do I think that of the women who are wearing an obviously "out dated" pant or skirt suit that they obviously love and makes them feel good about themselves. Why ? Because it isnt about me. I wouldnt worry about it OP ....as long as she isnt teaching the kids to "dance the pole" I'm sure it'll be just fine! CANADA'S WONDERLAND 2008 ? Eloise & Emma - February 13th 2006 | ||
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I'm with the pp, don't worry about it until she dresses like this during regular school hours. I've never seen any of our elem teachers dress like this but most of our teachers are too old to be dressing like this, most if not all are married and our principal would have asked her to go home and change if she was seen dressing like this. However, if the teacher is younger, fresh out of college I could completely see one dressing like this, especially if your meet the teacher was on a Friday like ours is, she was probably going out afterwards.
East Texas Mom ~ Sheri | ||
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She is younger. Around 34-35 I would say. Much younger than the other teachers who all looked to be in their 50s. I do dress horrible. I admit it. I myself look like a frumpy SAHM (Which I am) I just did not want my daughter to get a glimpse of her teachers breast! Seriously they were hanging out. She also had her email on the papers she gave us to take home. It was an official email like something .gov.schools on the end. She had marked that out (but we could still see it) and put another email. A yahoo account! When I called the school to ask the email they told me the official email and not the yahoo. So which is it. So what teacher uses yahoo? Who on earth makes their email mrsamandabowling@YAHOO.com ??? YAHOO? For a teacher!?!?!
Edited 5:15 PM by ^*2Kidz4us*^ | ||
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I love to see teachers dressed to the 10s!
It's rare, but when you do see 'em, everyone does a double-take and I can guarantee you the kids pay attention a lot more, which isn't a bad thing. | ||
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I can totally understand where the OP is coming from. There's a time and place for that kind of attire, and an open house at a school is NOT it. I wouldn't think twice about someone wearing that elsewhere, but at school (or church!) it's not appropriate. One can still dress trendy and young without looking inappropriate. Her comment, however, would really concern me more. Young, new, whatever, that was unprofessional and I would have questioned her about it.
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ITA with you April_July. She lacked professionalism. I am a nurse I and would never in a million years say, "Hi, I'm going to be your nurse today and I am really good and getting your medications together, but I hate having to help my patients go to the bathroom." What kind of message is that sending to my patient? You chose to be a teacher and dealing with parents is part of the job. The end. Outfit inappropriate. And yes, she may have been going out that evening, but I am sure that there was a bathroom nearby that she could have changed in. | ||
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Should we be on troll patrol here? | ||
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I remember dreading Parent Nights. It was so nerve-wracking. I knew I was putting myself out there for the (few that would actually come) parents. This would make their opinions of me, whether true or not. From that I had to live up to it or change their minds. Really, my job was to teach. Ideally what the parents thought of me as a person should not have come in to play. If the children came out of the school year having met or exceeded the standards, then, yes I did my job. If I helped promote growth and advancement educationally, socially (yes I had to teach manners and social norms too), nurtured little minds, and helped to create happy people, I did my job. Regardless of the clothing I wore....I DID MY JOB. I hope that as the school year moves forward, you will see that she is indeed a good teacher, and your child is doing well with her. I also hope that you do not poison your child against her teacher because you mouth off about her. Teaching is damn hard work and there are so many expectations with so little resource and accolades available. Please respect that. | ||
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I probably should not have posted her email here, but I do not even care. I do not care who emails her. She isn't going to know it is me anyway. It could 19 other parents who have a kid in her class. | ||
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I love that dress. Any idea who makes it?
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There's a time and place for everything, Mi Mundo. And I'm still wondering about this thread....why did OP post the teacher's email here? | ||
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Maybe she cant access her work email from home? Who knows...I just think you are being too judgemental without sufficient reason. If the school hired her then I am sure she is qualified to do her job. As for doing things via email.....could this be a school policy that they have been asked to "mask" as personal preference? I know I like to do most things via email vs in person or by phone because there is a record of what was said /done. If there is ever an issue in the future everyone would be able to look back at the paper trail and see who, if anyone, did anything wrong or not appropriate. I am also sure it doesnt mean you cannot approach her if you feel the need but perhaps she is trying to circumvent the "less important" stuff leaving her free to deal with all the really important things teachers have to work on.
CANADA'S WONDERLAND 2008 ? Eloise & Emma - February 13th 2006 | ||
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Oh no! Is that her real e-mail? | ||
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She is younger. Around 34-35 I would say. Much younger than the other teachers who all looked to be in their 50s. I do dress horrible. I admit it. I myself look like a frumpy SAHM (Which I am) I just did not want my daughter to get a glimpse of her teachers breast! Seriously they were hanging out. She also had her email on the papers she gave us to take home. It was an official email like something .gov.schools on the end. She had marked that out (but we could still see it) and put another email. A yahoo account! When I called the school to ask the email they told me the official email and not the yahoo. So which is it. So what teacher uses yahoo? Who on earth makes their email FAKE TEACHER'S EMAIL ??? YAHOO? For a teacher!?!?! If you are not a troll you are certainly a piece of work. Seriously.
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someone wanted to PO the teachers on the BHB today. lol...I have a few good pics to post here, but I don't want to get banned..again. | ||
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Oh, that's nice. Posting someone's private email, that they gave you so you can contact them about your child's education, on a public message board where any freak can get it. Kudos, OP! You're a winner! (She probably can't access the work email from home so she was just trying to be nice - way to go!) | ||
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YES, this is a real post. Dang. I should have caught that. Isn't that the troll mantra? I'm also guessing you set up the email account to see how many people would email you so you could laugh and laugh. Edited 5:28 PM by deaniesue | ||
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Ok who is/has emailed the teacher? You know someone will or has already? | ||
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Cherry, I certainly agree, and it is part of the reason I am SAH to be with my own kids. I am not in agreement with the current system (California's to be exact) and I would internalize my work when I taught. I can't imagine coming home and being fresh and available for my LO's after a day with Parents and Admin to deal with. I love working with the kids, and setting out to make a plan for each and every one's educational growth. The demographic I worked with was socio-economically low and certainly needier. I am sure it would take away from my own kids....at some point I may return, but it may take financial desperation on our part or an overhaul on the system.
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I don't think the outfit is disgusting. Maybe if she looked good in it and I feel not so um cute because I am 5 months pregnant. But it does seem inappropriate for everyday. I would give the teacher the benefit of the doubt and see what happens the next couple of weeks.
I would find that comment about not getting along with the parents, very unnerving. I don't have a child that is school age but I do think that communication between teachers and parents is very important and if there is something about her that affects that then I would have a problem | ||
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Okay... so who's emailing the teacher the link to this? I love that dress. She probably had something to do after the meet the teacher night... b/c you know... << maybe she just lost some weight and fit back into that dress... and didn't have anything else in her new size. Maybe she didn't realize how revealing some would think it was. WHO KNOWS AND WHO CARES! Trust me, if you have little boys in the classroom they'll pay more attention at least. | ||
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This is definitely a STINKY thread.....the OP could have easily just left us with the "fact" that the teacher had a Yahoo email acct. There was no reason to post the actual email address. We all know that a Yahoo email acct. ends in @yahoo.com | ||
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Please folks! Let's not get this thing deleted until I get the name of the store I can buy that dress at. Thanks | ||
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As long as your not showing up at my son's parent-teacher conference in it, DaySleeper. Edited 5:37 PM by CherryPinkCat | ||
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If she was young enough to pull it off I see nothing wrong with it.Dd's teacher was dressed similar at orientation.
BreAnna Kayla 8/10/01 Peyton 3/27/07 | ||
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It is a gorgeous dress - man if I had the body for it I'd wear it EVERYWHERE! I'd be at the playground in it, McDonald's, lounging by the pool........... | ||
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In case this whole thing is for real...remember that this poster's innocent daughter is the one who will suffer if this thread is forwarded to the teacher....she's the one who may have to still deal with this teacher every day. Just sayin.
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i wondered when someone was going to pick up the duggars as the avi pick.
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I highly doubt that is really a teacher's email address. It was so obvious how she put that out there. The | ||
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OMG... My mom is a DCP, and says she hates the parents, I can see why. What a vindictive ugly thing to do. I hope the teacher finds out who you are, because that's truly awful posting her e-mail address. | ||
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OP has, count 'em!, 15 posts since August 10th, 3 days ago.
Totally troll-like and damn, I got sucked into that one right 'way. Edited 5:40 PM by Momma_Chick | ||
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I was on high alert to pass judgment today, Thanks! | ||
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As long as your not showing up at my son's parent-teacher conference in it, DaySleeper.
God no! I'd only conduct parent teacher conferences in a bra and micro mini. But I won't go commando, I'd wear a thong as I'm no tramp. | ||
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I sure hope it's not her real email and name or that Angie is not your name. It's parents like you who make teachers love their kids and hate their parents.
Troll post or not....I just wanted to say: AMEN! ~Toni |
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BTW, Cherry you rock! Don't go and get banned...might have to start a Cherry Campaign | ||
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"I love the kids, but I don't do well with the parents. If you have to talk to me it is best to do so by email"
the dress wouldn't bother me, but the comment would! | ||
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I don't really care what a teacher wears to school. I would not like it AT ALL if my kids teacher told me she doesn't do well with parents. IMO school is a partnership....Heck my kids will be spending more time with a teacher during the day. She darn well better be able to talk with me about concerns re: my child. I might even let the principal know about that comment! Good luck this year! | ||
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First, I just wanted to say that I'd do what I could to get this thread deleted because of her email address. I would be bothered that she said she "does not do well with the parents..." but even if I thought the attire was not appropriate, it wouldn't have bothered me that much unless "things" were showing..
ETA: regarding the yahoo address... My ex is a teacher and his address is a yahoo one also. His school does not give the teachers email addresses at this time. Edited 5:53 PM by Hybrid_Drivin'_Mama | ||
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Thanks, Mi! You're not so bad yourself! Trying to maintain enough composure for the BBC gods. | ||
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I think this is a real situation, but the OP hid behind a screen name so that parents would email the teacher and she would come to the thread. Then she would see it and be like, "Oh no! I'm being inappropriate I must change my heathen ways!" Show it off teach, we love the cleavage.
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