| | No, really, are you serious? 
| | | | Wow, I am voting this isn't for real but if it is then I feel sorry for you guys. You are already teaching your daughter to be intolerant of others. I am so sorry but this is no different than me telling my dd that she can't be friends with Jada because she is black. I am sorry if I am coming off harsh but I have already had to deal with parents like you. My dd has lost friends because once the parents meet her they don't want their child to be friends with her. I guess they think that you can caught autism.
| | | - Date: 9:43 PM
- To: All
- From: mehgz
| | | Troll.
My hubby has tattoos all over his arms, both ears have holes, and we have a recording studio that records punk and metal bands. My children are very well taken care of and respectful.
I bet your hubby was the one who made the Devil Lover sign.
| | | | I really hope this isn't real, because if it is, how sad! | | | | Sorry but I think you and your husband are the f--cking weirdos if you care so much about what your neighbors think of you! I feel sorry for your daughter that was moved to another state and meets a new friend and you wont let her be friends. Just incase you don't know, you can let your child have friends they play with at school and not have to be friends with the parents. You sound like you were bullied by someone just because you had dinner with them. He's smiling on the inside =) | | | | How will she learn about social diversity if you hold her back because of your social fears? You said that they seemed nice enough. At least they were themselves and not pretending to be something they are not. You moved to a new place, new school and now want to take away your childs friend?! This can't be for real. Ann Madison 10/06/05 
| | | - Date: 9:44 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | This HAS to be a troll post.
| | | | Ditto to PETA, and AWWWW on catching Autism...Jerks!!
Lisa **Mom to three girls** FKA *Team*Estrogen*
 | | | | I don't think the OP is a troll. I do think she may be from a small town or an area where people tend to act and dress the same. Stepford-like, maybe?
Anyway, there were many years where they could have gotten tatoos before their dd was born. And tatoo removal is thousands and thousands of dollars, not covered by insurance, and insanely painful from what I have heard.
Quinton Alexander 9/29/04 Allison Christine 11/9/07
| | | | I would hope this is is joke, but if it's not, I guess we couldn't be friends with you either. We don't have piercings (anymore) and my husband only has one tattoo that you can't see, but we definitely listen to tool. My husband who is 42, only wears black, and I, who am 38, quite often wear pigtails. They definitely sound like people we would hang out with. What's interesting is that they were probably less judgemental than you were. And, I would be interested to know what they do. If they were musicians or artists, I would be even more intrigued. You have no idea what you are missing out on, and what you are teaching your daughter.
 | | | | In my opinion, you sound either ignorant or bigoted. So what if they dress different than you and listen to music different than your taste? Did they order chicken heads on their pizza or something? If you really look at it, you probably have just as much IN common with them: both homeowners, both with daughters in the same class. You don't have to break bread with them all the time, but why teach your daughter to fear and/or stay away from people not exactly like her? I wouldn't be surprised if this whole story is a joke. Seriously, even if people DO feel this way in this day and age, I think they'd know most people do not agree. Kelly | | | | Not a problem for me. But then again "wierd" isnt a word I can really define. I like tool, and slipknot. Im 27 and i have 4 kids. Watch out, I've also been known to have a pink streak. Muahahahaha. Spooky eh? | | | | OMG! Black lipstick?!? And you haven't called CPS yet?!? The horror! (where's the eye roll smiley when i need it???) Seriously, I hope your child grows up to be less judgemental and petty than you. | | | | just forget it. Don't even post on my post anymore if you don't think I am for real. If you think I am a troll THEN DON'T POST TO ME!! I want only people who want to give me thoughts on this to post. If you can't do that, DON'T POST!! If you think your feeding into my troll post then DON'T POST TO ME, I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!
| | | | I hope this is just a lame attempt at stirring drama, but if it's not, I hope your dh, and you as well for that matter, try a LOT harder to NOT pass on your judgmental attitude to your child(ren)!!! How is it ok to tell a child that they can't be friends with someone because you don't like how the parents dress!!!??? Like others have said, you're teaching to judge a book by it's cover and that is SO wrong. So is it ok for your child to not play with someone b/c they're handicapped and look different, b/c it might seem weird to someone? Or based on skin color? What a great example you all are setting there, bravo! Sounds like you all need to lighten up and embrace some 'weird' people so you can see past your judgemental nastiness. | | | | You have got to be freaking kidding me?? Sounds like your raising a really accepting kid there! As long as Rain is well taken care of then who cares what her parents look like? I would most definitely let your DD still be friends with this little girl. If you don't want her over at their house, that your choice, but I hope you're nothing but inviting to Rain. Erin (fka mike and ike), Mommy to Isaiah 2.3.04 Michael 6.9.05 "Mothers are all slightly insane." ~ J.D. Salinger Some people are like slinkies; not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!
| | | - Date: 9:47 PM
- To: All
- From: ama9200
| | | Seriously...if everyone thinks this is a troll then why answer? | | | - Date: 9:47 PM
- To: All
- From: pdxsahm
| | | This has to be a joke! I really hope it is a troll.
B dd-1/04 dd-1/07
| | | | I just could not imagine telling my daughter you can not be friends with someone b/c of how they dress. How absurd. Maybe Rains parents thought you and DH dressed funny  ~Courtney ~Mommy of 2 awesome girls... | | | | Well I don't think your real but I WANT to post here!!!!
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