Monday, February 11, 2008

Long Hair Freaky People, UNO

Since I can not stop thinking about this- I just have to post it here to get thoughts from other mothers. We moved out of state to be closer to family- we have been moved now since November. My eight year old daughter is attending public school. She has made friends with this little girl named Rain, all she talks about is this little girl. The girl is in my daughter's homeroom class.

My daughter exchanged phone numbers with this little girl and tonight the little girl called daughter and asked if we could meet them at Gatti Land (like CEC) I talked with the mother of this little girl and we agreed on a time which was today at 4. I have seen the little girl a few times when I would help out with class parties (Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas party) I had never met her parents until today. We got to the restaurant a little bit early. A little while later in comes the little girl and her parents- my daughter runs up to the little girl and hugs her.

Her mother and father come and sit down with us. I was appalled at the parents. The mother was wearing a Slipknot (spelling?) shirt, black lipstick, two pony tails, black nail polish, black skirt with some kind of leggins that were striped black and white, and this dark dark make-up all around her eyes. The mother also had these weird tattoos ALL over her arm- like as in you could barely see her skin for all the tattoos on her arm.

The father was wearing a crazy looking t-shirt with a skull on it- his hair was spiked with blue streaks, his nose was pierced, his eye brow was pierced!, his ear has the gigantic ear-ring in it. The ear-ring was the size of a quarter and was pushed into his ear lobe. It was SO weird. The only other time I have seen something that big IN someone's skin was on the discovery channel when they show the tribes.

They seemed very nice despite us having NOTHING in common with them. My husband just sat there like.. umm.. yeah! He couldn't really even speak. He just doesn't get people who act like that (blue hair and all) These parents were 29 (the mom) and 31 (the dad) way too old to be dressing like 15 year old gothic kids. The father asked my husband if he liked Slipknot or Tool, the bands. My husband was like.. I have never heard them. I later looked up those bands and we are not into that type of music AT ALL! I found some of the music on youtube- it was some kind of crazy metal.

We were so uncomfortable around them. They just seemed SO weird! We got to talking, I told her we had just moved here and bought our first house, she said they had too- I showed her some pictures that I had kept in my purse from when we first looked at the house- she pulled out a few pictures of her dd trying to show me what her living room looked like. The room was ALL black and looked so WEIRD!! It weirded me out big time.

We were very nice to them, just really quiet since we had nothing in common. The mother is actually older than me, but dresses like a teenager. Very weird.

When we left my husband was like.. no way.. nu uh.. we are not meeting them again. He told daughter that she couldn't be friends with that little girl any more because of how WEIRD the parents were. My husband was really freaked out by them. He said they were really freaky. My husband doesn't want the girls to be friends anymore. I am on the fence about it, but sort of agree with him. I don't want any of this weird crap rubbing off on my daughter. She is very gullable and I certainly don't want my 8 year old begging for black lipstick and her hair to be streaked pink or anything.

Would you let your daughter remain friends with a child who's parents were really weird and freaky? Keep in mind we have NOTHING in common with them. I felt so out of place sitting near them. I know this is REALLY mean to say this, but I just can't imagine our neighbors seeing these people visit our home. They would get a bad impression of us.

What do you think? Tell daughter to stop talking to this kid? Tell daughter they can remain friends only at school? Or what? My husband doesn't even want them to be friends at school, but like I said- I am on the fence about that.


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  • lisadoll93
What are your fears? They probably think that you are weird and freaky. I personally would not care, they sound like caring parents.

Edited 9:29 PM by lisadoll93
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  • babybellismine
Is this for real?
Mom to Shannon 5.12.05
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  • MomToGup
Geez. . .
Is the daughter clean? Is she well fed? Is she taken care of?
I think her parents are doing a fine job then. I can't imagine teaching my child to judge someone based on their looks. How sad.
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  • Rez0
Yes, I would let my daughter remains friends with the girl. Stuff like that doesn't bother me one bit. They can't be too awful if they brought their dd to meet yours.

Different strokes IMO! Try not to judge...really.
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  • Prd2BMum2-4
So you will punish your dd? You've met Rain, and obviously she isn't weird, or you would have known right? You're teaching your dd to judge on looks.
I think you should let her be friends. (Don't discourage, don't encourage)
Invite Rain to your house, but, don't break your dd's heart because you don't approve of her parents appearance.
Michelle Mom to Jen-18, Patrick-16, Kelsey-11 and Ryan-3 1/2
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  • momma2erinnlogan
I am sorry but my first thought is this has to be a joke.

I am so the other way around. I don't judge a book by its cover. I would let them be friends anywhere that is kid appropriate. If it is uncomfortable for you to let your dd go to her house then invite this girl to your house.

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  • On_BBC_all_day
ummmm yeah!!!! confused

Not sure if this is real since you only have 17 posts and you started THIS thread but if it is real then you need to get out more lol
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  • punkinboogers
I am as straight laced as can be but H and I have a secret and we love what you just described. Totally would not bother us. I am okay with people looking different, being different but that is because I do embrace it and most people do not. H's daughter had a really hard time making us feel weird when she went all Goth a few years ago....We were actually buying her clothes. I have good taste I might add...soon she went back to jeans because she said the trip was not as fun with us on itwink
I honestly think you should embrace nice people with differences because that is how we should raise our kids.
I actually felt sorry for you and your hubby because you are so up tight. Great people come in many packages.
Your Friend,
Humphrey the Bear

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  • BambiJo21
I probably look about as straightlaced as they come, but Tool is my very, very favorite band.
I'm wondering if this is for real, too. Seriously? You would make your daughter stop being friends with someone because her parents have tattoos and piercings and like heavy metal? Like that little girl has any control over that!
If they are good parents, and nice people, then I don't think you should judge them based on their appearance.
Mommy to
Wesley Ryan 5-27-05
and Alice Juliet 8-1-07

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  • knoel998
I can understand your uneasiness BUT I would not ever forbid my child from being friends with another child because of the parent's clothes/style. Some of the kindest people can be found in those "getups". I mean you, yourself, said they were really nice. That's what you should judge them on. I don't want to teach my dd to discriminate based on appearance.
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  • purplesparkle
Remind me not to invite your dd to a play date.
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  • Kennedy&Laney'sMomma
I can not imagine telling my DD she can not hang out with her friend b/c I do not like the way her parents dress. What is on the outside does not make them a bad person IMO. I feel like you are judging them based on their dress and that is wrong...
~Mommy of 2 awesome girls...
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  • lynntv
I'm going to respond only to the part about not letting your dd be friends with Rain. I really think your DH handled it badly. I don't believe you should punish the child because you find the parents odd. Just imagine how Rain will feel when your dd goes to school Monday and says, "I can't be friends with you because my daddy thinks your parents are freaky." sad Is the little girl mean? Rude? Nasty? A troublemaker? Those would be reasons to discourage the friendship, not the fact that her parents strike you as weird. Plus, what do you really want to teach your dd? That it's ok to judge people by their looks? That she's better than other kids whose families are different from hers? If you're really uncomfortable with Rain's parents, maybe you could have the child over to your house rather than let her play at Rain's.
Talia 7/96
Naomi & Susanna (id twins) 4/98
Adam 5/15/02 dx 10/28/05
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  • LittleLoveBug21
So what exactly do you want your daughter to do? Tell this child at school, I am not allowed to play with you because your parents are weird? That will go over well with your child's teacher. We live in a world where we have to get along with all different types of people, something obviously you and your DH have not learned, I hope your daughter won't be as unfortunate. You do not have to be friends with them, but to not allow your daughter to be is very sad. Even if you don't want to let her go over to the child's house, she can certainly play with her at school or at your house. I see things very differently then you do. I would rather my child have pink streaks in her hair then to be a bigot or unkind.

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  • ~*Aggressively*Fussy*~
Yikes OP. It sounds like you're being a bit harsh. I feel bad for the couple-I'm sure they're used to people secretly judging them, but it still probably made them uncomfortable as well. Send them my way-I could use some friends who do their own thing.

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Quinton Alexander 9/29/04
Allison Christine 11/9/07

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  • chocoholic8a
LOL, yes I am for real. I just don't spend all my time posting here unless I really need to. I learned the hard way about this board- donated money to a SCAMMER once trying to be a good person. Ever since then I just don't come around that much.

I'm sorry it bugs me about the kids parents, but it does. My husband was the one who said daughter shouldn't be friends with this child any longer. Not me. Sure they seemed nice, but wonder what goes on behind closed doors? The guy had marijuana tattoos all over him. Yuck! plain
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  • duster902
Yes, I would let my child still be friends with the little girl.
Before my husband joined the military he had spiked hair that he used Elmers glue to spike. He had his ear lobes stretched out. Sometime her would have a socket from a wrench in his ear lobe. Between he and I we probably own about 20 Slipknot shirts. Beside our Slipknot shirts my husband also wear shirts that have "funny" sayings on them like "I Put Out" with a picture of a fire extinguisher on it. I have 2 tattoos. We listen to Tool, Slipknot, Korn, Ozzy etc. Just click on my myspace page :)
I think we are pretty normal. My house is not painted black. We live in military housing so we are not allowed to paint. My bedroom and the bathroom that is in my bedroom and done in Nightmare Before Christmas/Jack the Pumpkin King. Which I guess most "normal" adults don't have.
If one of my kids friends is that judgmental about people than I do not want them in our lives anyway.
l_51d5c95535d1555489e1bc0631c3be4f.png picture by duster902
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  • purplesparkle
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  • On_BBC_all_day
No, really, are you serious? confused

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  • PeopleEatingTastyAnimals
Wow, I am voting this isn't for real but if it is then I feel sorry for you guys. You are already teaching your daughter to be intolerant of others. I am so sorry but this is no different than me telling my dd that she can't be friends with Jada because she is black.
I am sorry if I am coming off harsh but I have already had to deal with parents like you. My dd has lost friends because once the parents meet her they don't want their child to be friends with her. I guess they think that you can caught autism.
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  • mehgz

My hubby has tattoos all over his arms, both ears have holes, and we have a recording studio that records punk and metal bands. My children are very well taken care of and respectful.

I bet your hubby was the one who made the Devil Lover sign.

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  • pixiemama2006
I really hope this isn't real, because if it is, how sad!
siggy.jpg picture by pixiemama2006
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  • maysmommyxoxo
Sorry but I think you and your husband are the f--cking weirdos if you care so much about what your neighbors think of you! I feel sorry for your daughter that was moved to another state and meets a new friend and you wont let her be friends. Just incase you don't know, you can let your child have friends they play with at school and not have to be friends with the parents. You sound like you were bullied by someone just because you had dinner with them.
He's smiling on the inside =)
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  • mnmsmommie
How will she learn about social diversity if you hold her back because of your social fears? You said that they seemed nice enough. At least they were themselves and not pretending to be something they are not. You moved to a new place, new school and now want to take away your childs friend?! This can't be for real.
Madison 10/06/05
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  • TeqSun
This HAS to be a troll post.
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  • PirateWench
Ditto to PETA, and AWWWW on catching Autism...Jerks!!

**Mom to three girls**
FKA *Team*Estrogen*

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  • ~*Aggressively*Fussy*~
I don't think the OP is a troll. I do think she may be from a small town or an area where people tend to act and dress the same. Stepford-like, maybe?

Anyway, there were many years where they could have gotten tatoos before their dd was born. And tatoo removal is thousands and thousands of dollars, not covered by insurance, and insanely painful from what I have heard.

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Quinton Alexander 9/29/04
Allison Christine 11/9/07

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  • Kathelia
I would hope this is is joke, but if it's not, I guess we couldn't be friends with you either. We don't have piercings (anymore) and my husband only has one tattoo that you can't see, but we definitely listen to tool. My husband who is 42, only wears black, and I, who am 38, quite often wear pigtails. They definitely sound like people we would hang out with. What's interesting is that they were probably less judgemental than you were. And, I would be interested to know what they do. If they were musicians or artists, I would be even more intrigued. You have no idea what you are missing out on, and what you are teaching your daughter.

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  • ItzKelly
In my opinion, you sound either ignorant or bigoted. So what if they dress different than you and listen to music different than your taste? Did they order chicken heads on their pizza or something? If you really look at it, you probably have just as much IN common with them: both homeowners, both with daughters in the same class. You don't have to break bread with them all the time, but why teach your daughter to fear and/or stay away from people not exactly like her?
I wouldn't be surprised if this whole story is a joke. Seriously, even if people DO feel this way in this day and age, I think they'd know most people do not agree.
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  • *ILostCount*
Not a problem for me. But then again "wierd" isnt a word I can really define.
I like tool, and slipknot. Im 27 and i have 4 kids. Watch out, I've also been known to have a pink streak. Muahahahaha. Spooky eh?
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  • debandlogiebear
OMG! Black lipstick?!? And you haven't called CPS yet?!? The horror!
(where's the eye roll smiley when i need it???)
Seriously, I hope your child grows up to be less judgemental and petty than you.
jansiggy3.jpg picture by debrajne
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  • chocoholic8a
just forget it. Don't even post on my post anymore if you don't think I am for real. If you think I am a troll THEN DON'T POST TO ME!! I want only people who want to give me thoughts on this to post. If you can't do that, DON'T POST!! If you think your feeding into my troll post then DON'T POST TO ME, I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!
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  • Jordan's_Kisses
I hope this is just a lame attempt at stirring drama, but if it's not, I hope your dh, and you as well for that matter, try a LOT harder to NOT pass on your judgmental attitude to your child(ren)!!! How is it ok to tell a child that they can't be friends with someone because you don't like how the parents dress!!!??? Like others have said, you're teaching to judge a book by it's cover and that is SO wrong.
So is it ok for your child to not play with someone b/c they're handicapped and look different, b/c it might seem weird to someone? Or based on skin color?
What a great example you all are setting there, bravo!
Sounds like you all need to lighten up and embrace some 'weird' people so you can see past your judgemental nastiness.
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  • NuckingFuts
You have got to be freaking kidding me?? Sounds like your raising a really accepting kid there! As long as Rain is well taken care of then who cares what her parents look like? I would most definitely let your DD still be friends with this little girl. If you don't want her over at their house, that your choice, but I hope you're nothing but inviting to Rain.
Erin (fka mike and ike), Mommy to Isaiah 2.3.04 Michael 6.9.05
"Mothers are all slightly insane." ~ J.D. Salinger Some people are like slinkies; not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!

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  • ama9200
Seriously...if everyone thinks this is a troll then why answer?
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  • pdxsahm
This has to be a joke! I really hope it is a troll.

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  • Kennedy&Laney'sMomma
I just could not imagine telling my daughter you can not be friends with someone b/c of how they dress. How absurd. Maybe Rains parents thought you and DH dressed funny laugh
~Mommy of 2 awesome girls...
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  • On_BBC_all_day
Well I don't think your real but I WANT to post here!!!!

    • The parents of my daughter's little friend are freaking me out?
  • aquaviti
So you had your daughter at what age?
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  • girliemomX3
I would absolutely still let the girls be friends! What a great way to teach your child to celebrate diversity.
YOU are not making a friend, your daughter is. Don't taint her so early.
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  • chocoholic8a
I don't see why you would want to post to me if you think I am a troll? You are THAT bored?
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  • Becca'sWorld

So what... your husband needs to loosen up that necktie of his or he is going to cut all the circulation off. And, you...well, it takes all kinds to make the world go round honey! Get used to it!shockedconfused

p.s... my bil is a branch manager of a bank and loves tool!!wink

DS-March 2006

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  • creamedcorn
There are far greater things to worry about in this world than what your DD's friends parents look like.
If everyone is healthy & happy, then forget about it.
If nothing else, your daughter will learn how cool all people are and that you can be a good parent and not look like mom & dad.
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  • Mrs_D78
I agree send them my way! I could use parents that are marching to the beat of their own drummer. I would much rather hang out with someone that has the ability to do their own thing instead of comforming to what everyone thinks makes a "good" parent.
432567513d2db-40-1.jpg picture by MrsDavis78
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  • mom2d_and_livvie
let's see, they arranged a playdate in a public place. Took time out of their lives to come and meet you so the girls could play. Sounds like great parents to me! Just because they are goth doesn't mean they do weird things. I hadn't realized there was an age limit to being goth?

You don't need to be friends with them, you don't need to approve of how they dress. You don't have to like their music. All that matters is do they care for their DD and are they decent ppl. Seems like they are just from first impressions of what you posted. They put themselves out there completely. How would you feel if they had shown up all 'normal' looking but then you find out after your DD has spent time at their home and maybe even spent the night that they are really goth? I think that would be cause for alarm not their full discolsure right from the beginning.

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  • the overkill killer
hmmmm...I have not read all the posts but here is what I have to say...
newbie poster and THIS is what she/he/it has to say??
~*~Mommy to Michael and Lorelei~*~
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  • cpbaby1
For Heaven's sake! If that is the best thing you can find to complain about someone, you should count yourself darned lucky!
I am 39, have EXTREMELY eclectic tastes in musics AND clothing, spent my teen years being the closest thing to Goth my podunk hugh school had ever laid eyes on and still change my hair color when the wind blows odd. (As a matter of fact, my sister is dying it tomorrow for me). I have a tattoo but you wont ever see it(you would if I werent allergic to the ink and cant get another one). My DH is WAY more vanilla than vanilla (Ok, Im not Baskin RObbins, but I AM a banana split) and is 25 yrs older than me. When we meet other parents, I know they think we are a strange couple, but HEY, IT WORKS FOR US and ur children are FINE!
Lets say you DO "forbid" your DD from being friends with Rain. #1, that teaches intolerance for anyone you deem "different" or "weird", but #2. How does that prepare her for the world? She will meet people in all shapes, sizes, colors, beliefs, lifestyles in her life. By teaching her that Rain's parents are "wrong", you are teaching her that if someone makes you uncomfortable, you shouldnt deal with them anymore. That is going to make for a rude awakening one day.
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  • Julia Gulia

:thumbsdown: :huh: :fire:


"You can eat once you find the Dufrenes."
Mitch Hedberg (February 24, 1968 - March 20, 2005)

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  • MomToGup
Sadly I don't think you're a troll. I think you're a real person who can't look past someone's outside to see what's on the inside.
I would hate for your child to learn that lesson. This world is so full of hate, fear, ignorance and judgment. When someone doesn't want to be friends with your daughter because of the way she looks, the way she talks, the clothes she wears, what will you tell her? It's ok for Mom and Dad to judge, but it's mean when the other girls do it?
Child Passenger Safety Technician
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  • mehgz
Even though you are a TROLL I'd like to keep this post bumped just for a reminder that even though there are alot of closed-minded wankers in the world, there are a lot more accepting, awesome people. I like reading the posts from ladies that are appalled by this.

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  • LittleLoveBug21
I think everyone is hoping you are a troll, because that would be better then someone who is so bigoted. It is so sad to think that you are raising a child to be so judgemental and unkind.

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  • Jennie1010
I would never tell my child they could not be friends with another child, but I definitely would be cautious about letting my child go to another child's home if I felt the least bit uncomfortable with the parents...weird looks or not. They might be perfectly nice people, but go with your instincts. I would not mention your feelings to your wouldn't want her to hurt the other girls feelings. Just talk to your daughter often and if you feel comfortable invite the girl over to your house. If you listen and watch you will be able to see if the girl is a bad influence on your daughter or not. I don't think you are a bad person for feeling the way you did (nor your husband).
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  • maysmommyxoxo
I think every one should over load this thread with TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!
(and make sure it's in black) devil
He's smiling on the inside =)
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  • creamedcorn
Oh, and just imagine the pain and heartache you will cause Rain because your DH is so unaccepting of different people?
I can only wonder how devistated she will be if your DD tells her that they can't be friends.
How awful.

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  • PeopleEatingTastyAnimals
Okay, then I will repost what I posted taking off the you can't be real part.
I feel sorry for you guys. You are already teaching your daughter to be intolerant of others. I am so sorry but this is no different than me telling my dd that she can't be friends with Jada because she is black.
I am sorry if I am coming off harsh but I have already had to deal with parents like you. My dd has lost friends because once the parents meet her they don't want their child to be friends with her. I guess they think that you can caught autism.
Seriously, I can't believe that you guys are going to crush a little 8 year old because she comes from a different background.
You are the same reason my dd doesn't get invited to school friends birthday parties. One parent decided to label her as weird and it just spreads like wildfire. Nothing like your not very verbal dd coming home and saying "Nobody play with me cause I weird."
We got very lucky this year because one of our neighbors is in her class plus 4 other children that come from awesome parents.
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  • ItzKelly
I think the only place you can go these days to gather support on keeping your daughter away from people who are "different" is a Klan meeting. Maybe they are in the yellow pages?
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