- The parents of my daughter's little friend are freaking me out?
| | | | i owuld LOVE to hear the other parent's thought.. maybe "OMG can you BELIEVE how uptight and prejudicial that couple was? better not let Rain play with THEIR dd..." your own issues aside, i totally agree with PP... please don't punish that poor little girl for her parents' choices. can you imagine how HURT she's going to be when your dd says her parents are weird so she can't play anymore? what would you think if your daughter came home and said "so-and-so won't play with me anymore b/c you wear preppy clothes" | | | - Date: 10:20 PM
- To: All
- From: Cranium
| | | Funny, I was just giving my 6 y.o. DD a bath and she was singing "Don't judge a book by it's cover!" She watched a Strawberry Shortcake episode today with that lesson. We discussed what the phrase meant - how people who might look "nice" may not be, and how people who might look mean or scary may not be, either. Maybe your family should watch that episode? | | | - Date: 10:21 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | debandlogiebearI don't want to hijack or call you out, but your little boy is one of the cutest things I have ever seen! Not that he's a thing, but you know what I mean.  | | | | What's going to be funny is that in 8-10 years, your DD is going to get all these piercings and tattoos, and wear black lipstick and nail polish just because she will have remembered that it freaked you out once.
 | |  | Message 152742.85 was deleted |  | | | wow
you need to get slapped with a reality stick real quick.
what disgusting intolerant behavior from an adult.
And yes, I have a TON of tattoos and piercings, and I'm always decked out head to toe in SKULLS, along with some weird colored hair. :)
You would hate me, huh?
| | | - Date: 10:24 PM
- To: All
- From: DaniZ
| | | You can NOT be serious? You do realize that you're teaching your daughter to judge someone based ONLY on their looks? I feel sad for your daughter. | | | | So where can I find some good black nail polish? I haven't seen any good stuff in years.
| | | | My step-brother is in his late 30's, his wife is in her 20's...My step-brother has tattoo's all over his body BIG ones down his arm... His wife has them as well, and she has PINK hair! no joke...candy cotton pink is the color she uses! she also dresses in alot of blacks and wears black lipstick... They have a little girl who is 5 , I do not see them a whole lot, but I have seen them on holidays and their little girl plays with andrew ( my 4 year old) and my oldest LOVES them he thinks they are so cool.. They are really nice people, Crystal ( the mom) she has a heart of gold... I think it is very harsh to not let the kids play together, you can't judge people by the way they look, I mean you can but it's not right to do so it really isn't...just because you would not choose to dress or look like that doesn't make them 'weird'..just different..then how you want to dress... you can't predict the future and just becuase the parents dress like that does not mean the child will want too..they might wnat to even if the parents do not KWIM??. also my stepbrother's daughter is in a private christian school and her mom takes her to school everyday and they do not look the other way or her daughter is not made fun of or judged because of the way her parents choose to live their life! Amy Bryan 2/16/93 Andrew 8/1/03 | | | | aww thanks :) he's a fellow sept baby, i just don't hang out there much anymore... this is my "birthboard" now :) your little princess is pretty cute herself, can you believe how big they've gotten?!? ok.... back to the drama :) | | | | A few months ago, our newspaper ran an article about a new mom's group that had recently formed. It was named Punk Mom's or Punky Mom's, something like that. Anyway, the main point of the article was that these moms wore black, had tattoos and piercings, and listened to music that was not mainstream, but were totally normal moms doing what so called "normal" moms do every day. They went to CEC, had playdates, MNO's, etc. It sounded like a really cool mom's group to be a member of. Also, you weren't required to dress like them or look like them to join, you just had to have an open mind. | | | | Butt monkey!! That is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time!!!! Baby steps - Gettin under 200!
| | | | I having to trying to branch out and have been wearing a really dark black cherry color. Edited 10:31 PM by lisadoll93 | | | - Date: 10:30 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | | | | | OP, I don't think you're a troll. I can see being surprised by their appearance if you hadn't gotten any indication of their 'style' from their DD. But aside from the initial surprise, I don't think they are someone you need to keep your DD away from, as long as you feel certain there's no drug use going on (based on his admiration for weed that you mentioned). But I say that only bc you saw the MJ tattoos, it's not something I would automatically assume just because of the way they dressed. The only pot-smoking person I know is a corporate CPA, who wears a suit to work every day. So you just never know. But I would also check out the house of anyone I would let my DD go to before I let her go. BTW when I brought my DH over to meet my family for the first time, they told me later that I should have warned them beforehand that he had long hair (which he used to). It had honestly never occured to me to say anything about how he looks, I guess I never realized how judgemental they were. OP, I think you should watch Wife Swap! It seems everyone on there learns things from people whose lifestyle seems so opposite of what they choose. I think Rain's parents were put into your life for a reason! PS my 8 yo DSD has a best friend named Rain. But I haven't met her parents. Hmmm... ETA: I have Tool songs on my 'running' mix! And I am as straight-laced as they come. (Niles Crane from Frasier is my celebrity crush, if that gives you any indication, LOL)!! Edited 10:34 PM by Dinky-Di | | | | What's going to be funny is that in 8-10 years, your DD is going to get all these piercings and tattoos, and wear black lipstick and nail polish just because she will have remembered that it freaked you out once. LOL!! This is exactly what I was thinking  Seriously OP, why punish your DD because of this? They sound like loving and caring parents from what you've described. Your DD is still relatively new to town, don't make her lose her first friend over your issues. That would be so sad, for BOTH girls  Have Rain over to your house if you don't feel comfortable having her parents supervise the kids. There is NO REASON AT ALL to tell your DD that she can't even be friends with Rain at school. That's just sad and twisted IMHO. ~Erin Sydney 11-19-05 Andrew 7-27-07 | | | | This troll blows. *yawn* Where is Andrea or the StirCrazyMom poster when you need her? Creative ability at it's finest. This troll? Eh, not so much. 
| | | - Date: 10:42 PM
- To: All
- From: jypzi
| | | Ok, butt monkeys aside *giggle*. What would you say/think if you knew a "normal" couple and found out later about different habits? My DH and I look/dress "normal" - jeans, slacks, button-down shirts, etc. I do have 2 holes (normal size, not stretched) in each ear, a belly button piercing (which I don't show off with short shirts, so most people probably don't know I have it), and a tattoo on the back of my leg (which you wouldn't see unless I showed you or wore shorts). Guess what? We like punk/metal music. DH owns Slipknot t-shirts. We've both had crazy hair colors in the past - blue streaks, cherry red, etc. We don't do drugs and never had, and we don't wear anything or tattoo anything that is indicitave of a drug lifestyle. We're just eclectic in our tastes. When I go out clubbing, I usually go a little more punk in my dress/makeup/hair - it's what I like. We're "normal", good parents, raising our DD to be polite, non-judgemental, and to be her own person. Baby steps - Gettin under 200!
| | | | Whew, thanks to your husband we don't have to explain to Rain that we can't go on any more playdates with her new friend because we weren't sure how to get around that large stick up the father's butt.
Edited 10:45 PM by XOSMiling | | | | I am so happy that the bargain board is pretty much unanimous in saying that it doesn't make sense to judge the parents by their looks. I probably would have been surprised to meet these parents, too but then a lot of the moms at my kids' school seem to have a pole stuck up their butt. It would be refreshing to meet more parents who are different from the norm. As long as they seemed like good parents, I would encourage my kids to be friends with them and if the parents and I had anything in common, I would be happy to hang out with them too. (I couldn't give a rat's a$$ what my uptight neighbors think of my friends or family and the neighbors who I am friends with like all kinds of different people.) Personally, I dress in casual comfy clothes and have never felt very comfortable doing anything too unusual with my clothes or make-up. I would but I don't think I have the sense of style to really pull off a unique look. A good friend (who is also a mom) dyes her hair all kinds of cool colors and wears awesome clothes that border on goth. She is also an artist. When we met, I thought she might think I was too normal but we have a lot in common aside from our sense of fashion (or my total lack thereof). BTW, really normal seeming parents can often be the ones cracked in the head. I recently found out that the conservative, normal-looking, church-going parents of one of my son's classmates keeps a gun loaded and unlocked in their house! Just because they seem normal doesn't make them good or safe parents. ~Angela -
- The parents of my daughter's little friend are freaking me out?
| | | - Date: 10:46 PM
- To: All
- From: Mrs_D78
| | | SeminoleMommy, I would love to have something like that here. I don't seem to fit in with most of the other mothers in my dd's school. It is so cool that they started something like that where everyone can be unique  | | | - Date: 10:47 PM
- To: All
- From: ~Cake~
| | |  For real? OP, you just "can't judge a book by it's cover" or you'll have no idea what you (or your DD) might be missing! If we were all the same, how BORING would this world be? People think I am a straight laced, goody two shoes person when they meet me.  I'll just tell you that I'm not and leave it at that. | | | - Date: 10:48 PM
- To: All
- From: ~Cake~
| | | XOSMiling (couldn't reply to you)LMFAO!!!! They'll be needing a lumberjack to remove that log!  | | | | I can't imagine this is real but if it is, how would you feel if the situation were reversed. Say you and your husband looked like Rain's parents and DD came home from school and she told you she and Rain were not friends anymore because of YOUR appearance? As a previous poster already mentioned, you are teaching your daughter intolerance and that is a shame. You see how much your daughter adores her and yet you are willing to sacrifice her happiness for your own social phobias. Do not judge a book by its cover. Really, for the sake of your daughter, get over it and realize everyone is different and just because they look different does not mean they are not wonderful loving parents. | | | - Date: 10:53 PM
- To: All
- From: kebg11
| | | ITA with Wenders. I want to add that you cannot judge a person's personal habits or what they may do behind closed doors based on what color their hair is. You seem concerned about the marijuana tattoos. Let me tell you, I work in a professional setting and over half the men there--suit and tie, professional degrees, etc.--smoke pot on a regular basis. You said they were nice, but if you really don't feel you can trust them, invite Rain to your house. Kathryn Trevor Nathaniel 11/11/05 (Allergic to yogurt, oranges, raspberries, strawberries, and corn in all derivative forms) | | | | I don't normally post on these threads, but I agree with what Dinky-Di said. The pot tattoos would have probably freaked me out, too. I don't have any tattoos, but I know lots of people who do (not pot ones though; LOL). But I have a sis who is a recovering drug addict, so any signs of possible drug use makes me nervous in general e I have seen how drugs have destroyed my sis' life. The goth dressing doesn't really freak me out though. Now, if their behavior was a little odd, then, yes, I would be totally freaked and would def. have to consider if my child should be around odd-acting parents. I know some "normal" looking people whose behavior just freaks me out and I def. don't want my boys around them. Here's what I would do. I would try to get to know the parents a little better. Maybe have some more playdates in public or neutral places and see how it goes. If on the second playdate their behavior is weird, then I would just let your child be friends with the little girl at school and limited outside school activities that are supervised by you. That said, I think I am more appalled and sad by the name calling on this thread then by the op's original thread. The op was just asking for opinions, no need to personally attack her. Can't we comment or give our opinions without name calling?  Even if you don't believe her story, why stir up more drama by name calling? Just don't reply to the thread. Honestly, people. Edited 11:02 PM by MommyToTwingles Edited 11:06 PM by MommyToTwingles Edited 11:28 PM by MommyToTwingles | | | | Straight up. You and your DH are bigots and by not "allowing" your dd be friends with Rain, you are teaching her bigotry as well. What would happen if she wanted to be friends with a middle eastern muslim girl? and the parents walked in wearing a burka and traditional head wrap for men (sorry too lazy to google the proper term). Would that just be too scary for you too? I'm sure it would be as you probably think all muslims are terrorists. seriously, tattoos, blue hair and alternative metal music is not mainstream but come on. You guys have a lot to learn about the world and parenting. AND who carries around pictures of their living room? Kerry, mom to 2 great kids Kyran 11-30-03 & Charnai 1-5-93 | | | | This thread will be gone soon anyway so what the he ll, here is my personal attack to op: KARMAISABITCHANSOAREYOU!!!!
| | | - Date: 10:56 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | | | | | Hopefully it's a lumberjack type family, with lots of siblings, cause Rain is an only  | | | | pathetic. and incredibly close-minded. people are entitled to dress how they please...i really pity your daughter. Amanda, Mom To: DS Alastair Jonah (4), & "Twinnies" (due 4/28/08!) | | | | 2 words ladies,
| | | | Tool Lyrics I don't want to be hostile And I don't want to be dismal But I don't want to rot in An apathetic existance
See, I want to believe you And I wanted to trust you And I want to have faith to Put away the dagger
But you lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal And yet I tolerate you
You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal And yet I tolerate you
Veil of virtue hung to hide your method While I smileing and laughing and dance And sing and praise your glory Shroud of virtue hung to mask your stigma As I smile and laugh and dance And sing your glory While you
Lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal How can I tolerate you?
You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal How can I tolerate?
Our guilt, our blame I've been far too sympathetic Our blood, our fault I've been far too sympathetic
I am not innocent You are not innocent No one is innocent
You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal
You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal
You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal (crescendo) You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal You lie, cheat and steal
I will no longer tolerate you Even if I must go down beside you I must go down beside you No one is innocent
| | | - Date: 11:04 PM
- To: All
- From: mehgz
| | | | | | | *cough*troll*cough* I love it when people are morons and judge by the outside only. It's an easy way for me to weed out people I don't want to be around  . One of the local chiropractors got my business just because of the way he treated me outside of his office. Our sons are friends and they met up at the carnival last year. I was there with DH and the chiro and his wife were there with their son. They look very "normal" and were even wearing business casual dress to the carnival. I had blue hair and was wearing a tye-dye tank top with a long skirt. I had my labret in and several of my tatoos were visible. You know how they treated me? Like a human being. They made no issue about my appearance and treated me with respect. Because of that, he got a new patient. I don't have blue hair anymore and I don't wear my labret very often because I can't wear it at work and I'm at work a lot so why bother? I still have several tats and if people don't like me because of them, screw em. Their problem, not mine. --Rebeccah-- Erick (1/23/01), India (2/8/05), Saffron (1/23/07 VBA2C!), and Nickolai (1/23/01-4/22/01) | -
- The parents of my daughter's little friend are freaking me out?
| | | - Date: 11:06 PM
- To: All
- From: ~Cake~
| | | I googled the SN and Lumberjack (possibly offensive  ) Well, at least I learned that I may like Tool and will be listening to previews of their songs tomorrow! | | | | It's only offensive if it's circ'd ;):):)
| | | - Date: 11:09 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | | | | | ROTFL Cake! I'm surprised you didn't post the pic here. Kerry, mom to 2 great kids Kyran 11-30-03 & Charnai 1-5-93 | | | | Nice hat. 
| | | | Dont be so judgemental - if they are nice people & their daughter is nice let it go. It is what is inside that counts. | | | |  I *heart* goth trolls | | | | Hey OP! Nice photos of Zac Efron posted on your Flixter page...NOT! Move on now because I can't stop yawning! | | | | Where in WV is there a gatti land anyway? They all look like TX and KY??? Is there another chain by this name? | | | | So I'm a major lurker~ 1st post here~ but WOW~ this kid has WAAAAAAAAYYYY too much free time on her hands!!!! Get a life! ~Kimberly | | | - Date: 11:19 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | -
- The parents of my daughter's little friend are freaking me out?
| | | | Change your DDs school. Change your phone number. These ppl saying "Oh thats no problem.." are kidding themselves! These are the same ones that say divorce DH if he smokes pot. If I am going to divorce DH for smoking pot, I would certainly not let my child hang with a girl whose dad has dope tattoos all over his arm. What sort of sense does someone have to get them tattood on his arm? Next thing you know she's coming home asking to get tattoos and for you to dye her hair black. It will prob start with something inncoent like painting her nails black then it goes on from there. Bre, Sylvena, and Zoe the Boxer | | | - Date: 11:21 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | | | | | OP- | | | - Date: 11:22 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | | | | | PHISH- are you being sarcastic?
| | | | LMFAO!!! I love that Yoda!!!!! XOSMiling - teehee you crack me up! I tried to find an uncirc'd log for you, but couldn't!  | | | | Slipnot Lyrics Liberate lyrics Liberate - My madness (One of me, all of you) Liberate - My madness I just want to...
Section off myself Put a wall up/What the hell have I done Keep the dog at bay Survive by saving me! Values and the game Not a f#ck-up - Not a part of your lie I am one, I am all - I'm above and beyond!
Back off of the $hit Stand off or I'll spit So soft, you forget Your garbage in is garbage out You don't give a $hit I won't play the fit Get off, get on this Your garbage in is garbage out
Liberate my madness...
Liberate - My madness (One of me, all of you) Liberate - My madness I just want to...
I am not ashamed What is vital, isn't always humane You can break in vain But you can't break away Even in my face Lotta bull$hit, not alotta the truth I can't see from here But I can smell your fear
Back off of the $hit Stand off or I'll spit So soft, you forget Your garbage in is garbage out You don't give a $hit I won't play the fit Get off, get on this Your garbage in is garbage out
Saved - You're such a slave - I don't expect a Name - You don't care - I wasn't witness - I can't be a part of a system such as this Hard eyes - Glow right - In my - Darkness - Again With the sickness, rengade blisters, sisters, Salivate, litigate, liberate, madness, sadness F#ck this - How long have I had this? I don't need this - Outta my business Insert, engage, betrayed, my God Fraud
Liberate - My madness (One of me, all of you) Liberate - My madness I just want to...
| | | | Tool is in a league of their own. I would drink Maynard's bath water  *seen them twice in concert* Kath, mommy to: Jude (April 2003) Ethan (December 2004) | | | | That's sweet of you honey bun [that's a kind of Cake, right?] I already have quite the uncirc'd log at home - I won't argue with nature, my DH's a god!
| | | - Date: 11:27 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | Edited 11:28 PM by TeqSun | | | | OMG.. I can just say that I heart trolls.. Why? Cause they bring out the creativity in everyone.. with the wonderful Yoda.. the troll sprays... the kittens running for their lives. Just think if we didn't have trolls I wouldn't be LMAO right now. So troll... go change your screen name and come back with another story -- just not so lame this time. Ok? Melissa | | | | GAWD, I should have been in bed an hour ago but I can't tear myself away from this trainwreck. Too funny!!!
| | | | Rupert got a million bucks for that dumb look!
| | | - Date: 11:30 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | | | | - Date: 11:31 PM
- To: All
- From: ~Cake~
| | | I do heart a good troll too.  | | | | TeqSun- I heart you, you're my new girl crush- I'm laughing so hard my cats came downstairs to "check on me" | | | | I'm jealous! I almost got to see Tool, but they canceled after the drummer tore his bicep and my town got forgotten when they rescheduled theirs missed shows. I hear it's an amazing show. I will see them live before I die.
| | | - Date: 11:32 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | | | | | I hate the trolls. Well, unless they wear black lipstick, listen to Tool and Slipnot and don't circ. Tattoos and piercings are optional, pink and blue piggy tails are tolerated, though BLACK is preferred.
Edited 11:34 PM by XOSMiling | | | Yep, you MUST see them. Both times we saw them was on their Lateralus tour. Oct in Memphis and then the next summer we drove to Little Rock to see them again. Then we had kids, lol, was actually prego at Little Rock show and we didn't know it, hehe. Yeah, poor Danny tore the old bicep. They did reschedule back here, just south of us in Mississippi. Sick we missed that show, but kids, school, and life called. Kath, mommy to: Jude (April 2003) Ethan (December 2004) | | | | This is so sad, Why would you tell your little girl she can't be friends with someone she really likes to hang out with?
| | | - Date: 11:37 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | | | | | Oh god, I just visited the world of Flixter. I think I'm scarred for life.  *hides under the desk* make it go away, Mommy!  Natalie, mom to an energetic 4 year old hero with ADHD and a sweet 2 year old fussy pants princess with CP.
| | | - Date: 11:38 PM
- To: All
- From: TeqSun
| | | | | | | Oh Boy! Thought that this kind of discrimination would be 'bout gone by now! Lord Almightly, they dress and look differently from you?!?!?! Despite how "scary" the parents are to you and your "d"h, you are talking about 2 little girls who are friends and fortunately don't discriminate at their young age. If this is for real, you and "d"h are complete bigots. This child is obviously loved and cared for, they took the time to arrange a play date and both parents showed up, which is often rare. You have your own style, they have theirs, so freakin what?? As for tattoos, I just signed today for my 16 year old to get a tattoo for his birthday. It is on his forearm....a cross with a banner with my mom, my daughter, and my name in the banner. It's beautiful! And I'm proud that my son has that kind of respect for us to do that. Additionally, I know parents of some of my sons friends that look and act like I, but are seriously nuts. Why in the h3ll should looks have anything to do with anything? This is really depressing if it is true. I'm 35 and love Tool, Slipknot, etc. No, you wouldn't know from looking at me, but I also love Andrea Boccelli and Frank Sinatra. What did they teach us in elementary school? Don't judge a book by it's cover. These parents actually made an effort when many don't. I feel soooo blessed that my mom taught me not to judge. If I did, I would have a lot less friends than I do now....people that I have know and cherished for many years. UCK, this just makes me ill! OT: Dawn: Your children are sooo beautiful. I've been wanting to tell you that for so long, I'm usually online at work and I can't see pics, so at home I see them and I'm stunned by their differences and their beauty. You are a very lucky mom. Tracey ds: 2/3/92 dd: 5/3/05
| | | So, let me get this straight. Your daughter has a friend that she likes and who likes her, and the friend was nice enough to call and invite her to a play date, and the parents were nice enough/responsible enough/outgoing enough to accompany their daughter, and sat and spent time talking to you (but not your husband, who was speechless), and you don't want your daughter to be friends with their daughter anymore because -- her parents look different than you wanted them to? Um, OK. And you want your daughter to be the one to break it to her friend because? Thanks for making my Saturday night a little less boring. | | | | | | |
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