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From: pastachic
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Wenders. My inlaws refuse to listen to me and not make copies of professional photos I had taken. Is there a way I can call where they are getting them done to scare them a bit. I explained that its not ethical to do that and they just don't care. I don't want it coming back to me or the photographer refuse to take his picture because of my inlaws being unethical..
Date: Feb-4
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From: mykidzmylife
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I'm not Wenders, but I do have a home photography business.
ABSOLUTELY call the place they want to try to print at and give them the heads up. I would also talk to the manager and tell them flat out that if your in-laws come home with the photos, then you will contact the actual photographer to report the company.
Date: Feb-4
To: mykidzmylife
From: pastachic
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Thanks! It REALLY ANNOYS ME that they won't listen to me. She also things she has a right to ALL of my photos. She was upset that I wouldnt give her the whole package of them when she was here... I think I am going to have DH tell her that we aren't giving her photos anymore if she won't follow the law...
I am getting my Masters in Instructional Design and he is a software engineer. we have to follow rules
Date: Feb-4
To: pastachic
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I know you didn't ask anyone but Wenders, but couldn't your in-laws get in serious trouble? I wouldn't take it to this level.
Date: Feb-4
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From: WigglesandGumballs
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Don't your professional prints have the professional copyright on the back? If so, anywhere she goes to have them copied won't do it, or if they will, I doubt they'll care if you call and tell them.
Wiggles, 10-01
Gumballs, 1-04
Date: Feb-4
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From: mommy2Sis&Pris
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Take them to Portrait Innovations and let them buy the pictures. The special is huge, and only cost $9.95.
They are probably spending that on color copies.
Date: Feb-4
From: pastachic
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The really need to learn to listen. I think not giving them anymore pictures may be the route to go until the promise to follow the law. We even gave the photograph studo a release to print photos for them.... I made it easy, but I am not paying 150 dollars for her to get the same package that we have... She wants all of them...
Same MIL who I told No pictures during the baptisim, took a TON of flash photos and irritated the priest...
Date: Feb-4
To: WigglesandGumballs
From: pastachic
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She said she goes to the self serve so she can make them at Kmart I guess..
Date: Feb-4
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From: mommy2EmnC8
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I don't get what the big deal is. Couldn't they scan them if they wanted to and print them on a good quality printer at home? Yeah, it's unethical but people are inherently cheap and some people will even cross the line on things to save a buck. You've been *here* long enough to see that, right?
ILs are annoying - at least most are. I'd just leave it alone. Karma will come back and bite them if they steal copyrighted pics, don't you think?
Emma - May '04 & Cate - April '06
Date: Feb-4
To: mommy2Sis&Pris
From: pastachic
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I love our photographer and want to keep her. She is amazing and worth the price. We have the rights to post them digitally on his website or email them, but not print them or copy them.
We don't have a portrait innovation here.
Date: Feb-4
To: mommy2EmnC8
From: pastachic
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They take them to Kmart or Walmart. If they get caught doing it DH and I could get in major trouble and most likely the photo studio wouldnt keep us as clients.
Also in our chosen fields copyright infringement is a big no no. Especially in Instructional Design and Software Engineering.
Date: Feb-4
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From: I'm in love with a stripper!!!
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Isnt there something within the paper that doesnt allow it to be copied if taking the photos she have to a place that makes copies like Kmart and the like?
"Justice doesnt wear a blindfold because it's blind. She wears a blindfold because she's embarrassed."
Date: Feb-4
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From: donna6167
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He!! call the cops LOL. Bet you are the favorite DIL.
Date: Feb-4
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From: mommy2EmnC8
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Oooh I know! Take your baby to Walmart (sans canine ) and get the cheap package for MIL and mail it off. She'll be happy as a clam. Don't show her your good pics next time!
Emma - May '04 & Cate - April '06
Date: Feb-4
To: pastachic
From: I'm in love with a stripper!!!
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I'm sorry you are going through this but I dont think you should be held accountable for someone else's actions.....and bc of the work you are really puts a damper on things. People copyright infringe all the time. I bet there is someone doing right this instant. I really dont see a fix in this except not giving her pics and/or hiding pics when she comes to visit.
Edited Feb-4 by I'm in love with a stripper!!!
Date: Feb-4
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From: WigglesandGumballs
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Let me preface this by saying that I am totally against copyright infringement, and NEVER make copies of the professional prints we get.
I'm pretty darn sure your photographer won't stop taking pictures because your MIL is making copies. First of all, how is she going to know? And secondly, YOU aren't doing it and YOU'RE the client.
Wiggles, 10-01
Gumballs, 1-04
Date: Feb-4
To: I'm in love with a stripper!!!
From: mykidzmylife
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Companies say this all the time, but so far there is nothing they can do to the paper to make it not copy. However, when companies give you a disc...those are very very low quality photos so that when you try to blow them up and print them...they look awful.
The cruise lines are famous for trying to sell you pictures saying they can't be copied because DO NOT COPY appears across the image several times. They do this to get you to buy the photos. Well guess what? You can take those and copy them. Not that I recommend it. But just a little experiement that a fellow photographer did to see what it would look like when it said DO NOT COPY. never showed up and the photo scanned just fine.
It's all an attempt to get people to stop copying copyrighted photos!
Date: Feb-4
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From: Mom2jope
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Not Wenders either, but I have the same problem with my sil, except I take the pictures. When I took her family pictures I gave them to her. My problem was when she started taking my pictures off of my flickr site that she didn't have permission to have. So yeah I was ticked. I copyrighted all my pictures and she can no longer take them. She is pretty pissed because I wrote a very lengthy email to her and she never responded. Honestly I don't care if she doesn't talk to me again.
If I print my own pictures at walmart I get asked all the time for the copywrite release. All places should do that and unless she lies they won't give it to her. Can't tell you what to do about self serve ones though. I don't know if you want to call to tell your photographer because they may not want to take your pictures anymore...
I just wouldn't give her any anymore.
My Movie Review Blog
Date: Feb-4
To: mykidzmylife
From: I'm in love with a stripper!!!
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Really?! Wow, I'm guess I'm one of the scary ones. I do remember trying to make copies and mine wouldnt scan. I've never tried doing it again. Besides I like the originals better and off scanned ones are tacky imo.
Date: Feb-4
To: I'm in love with a stripper!!!
From: mykidzmylife
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LOL. I prefer the originals too. I can't stand to go to someone's house and see scanned photos in the frames on the walls
Or better yet...since I have a photography business, I love the people who bring the copyrighted work to me expecting me to "copy" it for them. Um...ya...NOT going to happen!
I can see with all the new technology we have...soon there will be paper that can not be scanned. I've read a lot of articles about different trial things, but nothing has totally worked out yet. Atleast not that I know's been a couple months since I've read any articles about this.
Date: Feb-4
To: pastachic
From: mykidzmylife
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What about telling your MIL to set up an appointment to have pictures done...and then meet her there and she can have her own pictures and pay for her packages. That way you are completely out of this. While she sounds like a PITA MIL...she probably just truely loves her little grandbaby and wants lots of pictures of him. That generation doesn't really see the big "issue" surrounding copyrights.
Date: Feb-4
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From: kimisufu
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The Kmarts and Walmarts of the world are not supposed to copy professional photos either, even if you use the self-serve area, the photo center people have to print them out for you to pay for them. I've heard of many people trying to copy professional photos but not being allowed to once they go to pay for them.
Even if your ILs convince someone to print them, how in the world can YOU get in trouble for it?
Also, why would you lose your photographer?
Mommy of 2 Daddy's girls
Kell Kell 7/03
KC 3/06
Date: Feb-4
To: pastachic
From: ohboyohboyohboy
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You-master's degree pursuit and all-can't be held liable for something you're not doing. That doesn't even make sense. If you don't care about having a relationship w/your mil, don't give her any more photos. Copyright infringement problem solved. Excellent photographer who'd refuse to shoot your ds any longer-secure. Money, saved.
Date: Feb-4
To: ohboyohboyohboy
From: pastachic
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I dont think you have a clue in this situation..
If it comes out my photos are being copyed, thta would look horrible for me. And I am a VERY ETHICAL PERSON...
I also hate to do this the photographer, she is very young and wonderful...
Date: Feb-4
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From: WigglesandGumballs
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"I also hate to do this the photographer, she is very young and wonderful..."
But YOU'RE not doing anything to her...and it wouldn't look horrible FOR YOU - it would look horrible for the person COPYING them....
Wiggles, 10-01
Gumballs, 1-04
Date: Feb-4
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From: Irish128
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Oh come on. Seriously? Your own ILs?
Tell them to knock it off or you won't share any more photos. But call it in to scare them? You must not like them that much...
Mommy to: Ian, Macy & Jack
Date: Feb-4
To: WigglesandGumballs
From: pastachic
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Doesn't mean I still dont feel bad about it...
Date: Feb-4
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From: WigglesandGumballs
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Of course you can....
But you are not ever responsible for your MIL's actions, and I can't see a professional ever holding you responsible, so why waste your energy stressing about it.
Wiggles, 10-01
Gumballs, 1-04
Date: Feb-4
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From: Irish128
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I agree w/ another poster: Offer to have your ds' photos taken at a Target, Wal-Mart, JC Penny's or where ever the photos are inexpensive. This way SHE can order & pay for them.
Give your MIL a break. She loves your ds & wants the photos (whether she's right or wrong). Show a little respect to the Mother of YOUR dh. You'll get more flies with honey than with vinegar.
If you're going to call the place where your MIL is copying the photos; you'd better stand outside & make sure that every parent that drives through the parking lot has their carseats for their dc & are installed correctly, has a valid driver's licence, car insurance...b/c if they don't, they are all doing something illegal. KWIM?
I see your POV, but feel it's a little overboard.
Mommy to: Ian, Macy & Jack
Date: Feb-4
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From: Wenders11
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Hi, I'm totally late getting to this thread, lol. I don't know what to tell you in your situation, but I understand your frustration! Your inlaws are definitely out of line. I liked someones idea of taking your child to Walmart, getting the cheapo photos done and letting her have all of those. Or you definitely could tell your photographer what's going on and she would probably have a lawyer send them a letter telling them to stop. That might get through to them!
Date: Feb-4
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From: mallory1123
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"I don't get what the big deal is. Couldn't they scan them if they wanted to and print them on a good quality printer at home? Yeah, it's unethical but people are inherently cheap and some people will even cross the line on things to save a buck. You've been *here* long enough to see that, right?"
The big deal is that photographers sell prints to earn a living. Just as a teacher teaches for a living. If the photos are good enough that more copies are wanted, don't you think the photographer should be properly compensated for her work and not stolen from? When images are stolen like that (yes, it breaks the law to make copies of photos in that way), the photographer loses money that is needed to care for her family. Why should photographers need to give away their work- while other professionals are not expected to work for free? (oh and I'm not trying to pick on whoever this quote is from, this is just a psa)
THANK YOU OP for trying to stand up and do the RIGHT thing. It is wrong for the MIL to break the law, and if it were any other law most people would of course say that she should not break it. Ask the photographer for a printout of the hefty thousands of dollar fines for breaking copyright laws.
Date: Feb-4
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From: hilfy
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LOL! I agree with the Walmart thing. She'd have a field day with all those pics!
ETA: OP, good for you for standing up for what's right. That would tick me off too. I hope you are able to figure this out.
Edited Feb-4 by hilfy
Date: Feb-4
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From: Shriva
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Ok, couple points..
1. YOU can't get in trouble for you il's copying the pics.
2. It sounds like your looking for a reason to fight with them.
Just MY opinion of course..
Did you know they copied them before? and you still gave them pics?
Just STOP giving them anymore pics.
Problem solved and you feel better. :)
Date: Feb-4
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From: Zippitydoodah
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I don't get making your relationship with your MIL more strained than it already is (sounds like it is anyway) over this issue. It will NOT come back on you. YOU are NOT breaking the law, so let it go. You let MIL know it was illegal, it's her issue now. Your photographer will never quit doing business with you over this, that is silly and makes zero sense. Be happy your MIL is so excited about her little grandson, some kids don't have grandparents who are around or give a rip about them. Yours does. She is also your dh's mom and unless she's doing something that you truly need to call the cops about, let it go. She's probably going to be around for a long time so you need to learn to get along the best you can. Plus, she's a grown woman and she can decide for herself if she's going to break the law. I don't agree with it but oh well. I'm curious what your dh thinks and how he feels about you turning his mother in for this? Does he back you or would he be horrified to know what you want to do to his mom? Someday you will be the MIL. I hope your DIL cuts you some slack, even when you don't deserve it.
It's hard to stand on shifting sand...I am saved, from this moment on.
Date: Feb-4
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From: mallory1123
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Clearly a photographer here- I would drop a client like they're hot if I knew that they allowed my work to be stolen. Wouldn't you cease business with someone if they were taking food out of your children's mouths? It is stealing to get more copies of photos without paying for them. If you wouldn't condone stealing from a mall, don't condone stealing from photographers.
Date: Feb-4
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From: WigglesandGumballs
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I am in NO way condoing stealing from the photographer, but she's said she's told her MIL not to do it numerous times. My point was just that the OP is not the one doing it, nor is she encouraging her MIL to illegally copy.
If her MIL wanted to steal a camera from a store and the poster said not to and the MIL did it anyways, the shop owner certainly couldn't go after the DIL!
I just think it's not something the OP needs to pursue any further. In the future, Pastachic, perhaps your photographer could put her proofs online and your ILs can be responsible for purchasing what they want themselves so you don't even have to mess with which ones they want in which sizes.
Wiggles, 10-01
Gumballs, 1-04
Date: Feb-4
To: Zippitydoodah
From: Irish128
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Zippity : would you send me an email? I've got a question for you. I'm clickable.
back to the photo mama drama!
Mommy to: Ian, Macy & Jack
Date: 6:46 AM
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From: SuburbanHippie
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If this is the same photographer that took your siggy pic, then I wouldn't really worry about them dropping you as a client.
It sounds like you're just looking to pick a fight with your MIL. You would seriously turn her in for this? Give me a break! I PRAY neither of my ds's ends up getting roped in by someone as manipulative and evil as you.
Date: 7:49 AM
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From: OklahoMaMa
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If this is the same photographer that took your siggy pic, then I wouldn't really worry about them dropping you as a client.
It's a cute picture but nothing so special that I would be willing to start WWIII about.
My husband says I'm PHAT!
Date: 8:09 AM
To: Shriva
From: pastachic
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lol u have no clue.. i am not a drama mama like most people on this board...
ate: 8:10 AM
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From: HappyPaganMama
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Give your MIL a break. She loves your ds & wants the photos (whether she's right or wrong). Show a little respect to the Mother of YOUR dh. You'll get more flies with honey than with vinegar.
"Love" is not an excuse to break the law- IMO. I have huge issues with my ILs- I tried the whole "honey approach"- for three years. All I got was sticky hands and an ant problem KWIM?
Some people are inherently rude and inconsiderate. My SIL used to post pics of me on her myspace page with snarky comments so no more pics for her!
I have an RO against my ILs now but when we did speak to them I would frame every pic that I gave to my ILs. I'd put a bead of super glue on the edge of the glass before I set the picture in. Viola! No scanning. Extreme? yup. But when you've got ILs that scream at you, cuss you out, threaten to kill their own son (my DH) and eventually vandalize your property and kill your dogs then it puts everything into perspective!
GL, OP- let us know what you decide.
Date: 8:10 AM
To: Zippitydoodah
From: pastachic
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lol its not strained at all, she told her other sons i was the only dil she likes...
Date: 8:11 AM
To: SuburbanHippie
From: pastachic
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lol again clueless..
Date: 8:16 AM
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From: JILLinSC
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I also like the idea of having an inexpensive package done at WM (or where ever) and giving her the entire package-- 4,000 wallet sizes and all.
Also, with all due respect, what your MIL does will have no effect on your degree. I agree with your ethical standards and I can understand your feelings on the situation.
I am also surprised that the store allows her to do that. On more than one occasion, I have been told that I cannot purchase my own photos that I have printed out with WM's self-serve machine (not the Kodak machine-- the quality is not good). I have the photos on my memory card and when it comes time to pick up the photos from the desk, they will not let me have them. I explain that I took the photos myself (for every 100 pics, I may get 1 or 2 really good ones). They don't believe me and won't let me purchase them.
Do you have a child with frequent ear infections? Here's my review of Dr. Mom's Amazing LED Otoscope!
We LOVE Charlie's Soap! Tell them that JILLinSC sent you (comments section of order form)!
Date: 8:16 AM
To: HappyPaganMama
From: pastachic
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why didn't i think of that,, i know what frames she likes. i will just get them professionally matted and it will look good and no scanning...
Also for other those drama mamas who just assume i want to start trouble with my inlaws GROW UP. As the photographers said its unethical and STEALING.. But I know for a fact they both adore me because I dont let them walk all over us. FIL and MIL was here this weekend for the baptisim and they apprarently told the other kids and future DILS they love me because I am real and don;t think I have to agree with everything they say lol... Apparently there ONLY COMPLAINT is that WE LIVE TO FAR from them..
Before you guys judge grow up and THINK and stop being DRAMA MAMAS lol..
Date: 8:19 AM
From: pastachic
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I actually asked my advisor about this who has a doctorate BEFORE i posted here ( I knew to ask her before I posted for a bunch of drama mamas) She said if some how it got back to me that my photos were being copied and distrubed, then it very well could be bad for me because my field DEALS with ETHICS. If some how I got prosecuted for it, then that would show up in my background check and it would make getting a job inpossible.. .
So unless you are in the field of Instructional Design that you really dont have a right or the authority to say that it wouldnt be bad for my career...
Date: 8:20 AM
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From: ohiomomtofour
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Sweetie, you need to realize how pathetic you sound in the majority of your posts. I've said this to you before - you work WAY too hard to weave your "status" into every single one of your posts. Why is it relevant that we know you're getting your Master's (which we ALL know by now, you've said it often enough) in THIS particular post? Somehow the more educated are held to a higher ethical standard?
Seriously, get over yourself. Stop posting silly little issues as a way to brag.
I understand your point, but as SEVERAL people have pointed out to you, there are several easy ways to solve your problem. Don't give her the pics, allow her to have her own taken, etc.etc. So FWIW, I agree with you that the pics should not be copied, but I doubt anyone thinks more highly of you because you managed to tell us about your "elite" photographer that is "totally worth the price", or because your almost-master-degreed self thinks what she's doing is wrong.
Please, do yourself a favor and just be yourself on this board. Stop working to hard to impress people.
Date: 8:22 AM
To: ohiomomtofour
From: pastachic
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\jealous much.. your post was funny and you are just another PATHETIC DRAMA MAMA with nothing else in your life. I am sorry for you and that you think you have a RIGHT to judge.. I didn't botherr reading the rest of your post. Because Wenders and the other photographers ARE THE ONLY OPNIONS I RESPECT IN THIS...
Date: 8:25 AM
To: ohiomomtofour
From: *McDreamy*
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Thank you for putting it so nicely to try not to hurt anyone's feelings. I never could have put it like that-I am way too blunt. So must of the time I don't say anything, but yes, you hit the nail right on the head.
Edited 8:25 AM by *McDreamy*
Date: 8:25 AM
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From: ohiomomtofour
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See, that's the thing. The fact that you are trying to make people jealous is quite obvious in your posts. No one's jealous, they feel sorry for you that you feel so insecure that you need to insert your bragging into every post. Kind of the online version of name-dropping, and what I'm saying is, it's not necessary.
Stop the name calling.
Date: 8:27 AM
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From: faerieissej
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I used to work at Wal-mart in the photo lab...there was NOTHING I enjoyed more than ripping up pictures that people had copied on the kodak machine (this was 6 years ago before there were many other options). I only ripped up the copies they made before I caught them, not the originals. People just don't get it.
I got in trouble trying to make copies of some of my wedding pics...and I have all the negatives (and therefore the rights), but I knew that wal-mart couldn't print the size film that some were on....I had to get the negs to show them that I could make copies if I wanted.
Date: 8:27 AM
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From: JILLinSC
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So unless you are in the field of Instructional Design that you really dont have a right or the authority to say that it wouldnt be bad for my career...
Wow, pastachick... calm down. Actually, my husband has a doctorate in Instructional Design. A doctorate is a bit more of an advanced degree than a master's degree. A master's degree is no big deal. They're a dime a dozen around here.
Like I said, I agree with your ethical standards. There was no reason to respond to my post like you did.
Wow. Nice way to make friends this morning.
Do you have a child with frequent ear infections? Here's my review of Dr. Mom's Amazing LED Otoscope!
We LOVE Charlie's Soap! Tell them that JILLinSC sent you (comments section of order form)!
Date: 8:31 AM
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From: ohboyohboyohboy
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I actually asked my advisor about this who has a doctorate BEFORE i posted here ( I knew to ask her before I posted for a bunch of drama mamas) She said if some how it got back to me that my photos were being copied and distrubed, then it very well could be bad for me because my field DEALS with ETHICS. If some how I got prosecuted for it, then that would show up in my background check and it would make getting a job inpossible.. .
So unless you are in the field of Instructional Design that you really dont have a right or the authority to say that it wouldnt be bad for my career...
ROFL-now, that's funny!
ps, I thought you were a CPS authority-no, wait, I mean a teacher, Hmmm, I must be confused.
This is NOT the first time you've posted in-law issues. Too bad you don't agree with several of us and we're therefore 'clueless'.
fwiw, I AM a photographer and I am positive my work gets copied by someone at some times. I'd never hold a client responsible for what someone else does (and legally could NOT)--unless I want to get rid of them anyway.
IF-that's a big if-your 'advisor' gave you such advice, why post here? Why not just go ahead w/prosecuting your in-laws, or the equivalent of tattling, as not to disrupt your impending master's degree and future career.
Is what your in-laws are doing the right thing? NO But you're pretty clueless here, too.
Date: 8:36 AM
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From: WigglesandGumballs
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So at what point does your responsibility and "potential risk to your future career" end? So you believe you're liable for what your relatives do? What about your neighbors? Your child's teachers? That's the part I'm having trouble understanding. There are plenty of very upstanding and ethical citizens with relatives in jail and they are still moral and honorable people, who are gifted in their profession.
Wiggles, 10-01
Gumballs, 1-04
Date: 8:37 AM
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From: blessedx7ncincy
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Rachel, sahm to 7
Date: 8:39 AM
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From: (("))pumpkins(("))
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I think getting them their own portrait package is an awesome idea. Google some coupons and compare some cheap deals. And if you think it could be a cheesy session, then you won't hate parting with the entire package! That would probably make them feel very happy to have a large number of pics to do with what they want. Everybody wins, you keep your professional ones and she gets a (cheap) big package. Do a Valentines set.
I think you are really going to far with your ideas. If it was your Mom, would you report her?lol
When I paid over 2,500 for pictures which included proofs for a $1 a piece, material fees,processing fees, blowing them up to canvas, and albums, it gets expensive. So, I have made a few copies on my own computer. I feel after paying all that I can! Besides they just sit in my families home, so I am not gaining anything!
ETA~ sorry to waste my time on a huge post if its only Wenders and others opinions you were seeking. I actually was trying to help you see both sides. I'm stepping out of it now then!
A Mommie to Pumpkin growing little boys!
Edited 8:42 AM by (("))pumpkins(("))
Edited 8:57 AM by (("))pumpkins(("))
Date: 8:42 AM
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From: morticianmomma
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If you are so ethical and value what everyone thinks about you....why don't you do the right thing from the beginning and spend a little bit more money and get your MIL the prints she wants?
Wouldn't the extra $50 dollars or so be worth all this drama with your MIL and what you say is the risk of losing your career status and photographer??
Connor James
Date: 8:48 AM
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From: Elyse116
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I've seen people offer reasonable solutions (Walmart portrait pkgs, framing the pics), and I've seen people offer reassurance that you cannot be prosecuted for your MIL's law-breaking behavior. However, you have disregarded all of the advice, & even resorted to name-calling & personal attacks, because you're hell-bent on seeing your IL's go to jail (not that they would) for copyright infringement. I think it's time to dial it down a notch.
By the way, if we're all such worthless "drama mamas" whose advice means nothing in comparison to that of your doctorate wielding advisor, why are you here?
Date: 9:06 AM
To: pastachic
From: purplesparkle
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Why are you keeping this going? People have given you plenty of options here. Get a cheap package, mount a nice pic for them do whatever you want really. Is your relationship with the photographer worth more to you than your son's relationship with his grandparents?
Date: 9:10 AM
To: morticianmomma
From: ohboyohboyohboy
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What a cute picture of your ds. Congrats, he's a cutie-love the baseball hat.
Date: 9:14 AM
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From: On_BBC_all_day
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I'm also wondering why this is still going!?
Date: 9:18 AM
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From: aMy3sons
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This thread is sad. I agree (although she'smade it clear she ony wanted agreeing opinions) that you're taking this too far. Clearly you knew what you wanted to do before you posted and were looking for virtual high fives from the photographers on the board. Whatever. Your MIL probably wouldn't refer to you as the only DIL she likes if she knew you wanted to prosecute her so that you don't lose a photographer for your son.
Hmmm.... Family or photographer? Pretty easy choice in my book.
Oh, and I really don't think your career is in jeopardy over something someone ELSE does. Not that you care about my opinion. But, you're not "allowing" or condoning anything, so this is NOT a reflection on you.
aka AmyBMom2JMandBaby
Date: 9:33 AM
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From: my2lilbugs23
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See, that's the thing. The fact that you are trying to make people jealous is quite obvious in your posts. No one's jealous, they feel sorry for you that you feel so insecure that you need to insert your bragging into every post. Kind of the online version of name-dropping, and what I'm saying is, it's not necessary.
Stop the name calling.
Very well said. Both posts were great!
Mackenzie 3/02
Hailey 5/03
Date: 9:42 AM
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From: Whateva!
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Someday you will be the MIL. I hope your DIL cuts you some slack, even when you don't deserve it.
I PRAY neither of my ds's ends up getting roped in by someone as manipulative and evil as you.
I agree 100%! Op is a drama queen-prob. hoping she makes the new blog.
OP-you have a son-I hope you get a DIL just like yourself.
RIP Bobbie Stokes
Edited 9:46 AM by Whateva!
Date: 9:48 AM
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From: LoveMy2GirlyGirls
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"See, that's the thing. The fact that you are trying to make people jealous is quite obvious in your posts. No one's jealous, they feel sorry for you that you feel so insecure that you need to insert your bragging into every post. Kind of the online version of name-dropping, and what I'm saying is, it's not necessary."
This post hits the nail on the head. I also agree with this statement...
"If this is the same photographer that took your siggy pic, then I wouldn't really worry about them dropping you as a client."
Edited 9:48 AM by LoveMy2GirlyGirls
Date: 9:52 AM
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From: blessedx7ncincy
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Ok, I want to read this blog everyone is talking about...someone? anyone? pretty please?
eta: my email is rachel @
Rachel, sahm to 7
Edited 9:53 AM by blessedx7ncincy
Date: 9:55 AM
To: Elyse116
From: Mrs_D78
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I've seen people offer reasonable solutions (Walmart portrait pkgs, framing the pics), and I've seen people offer reassurance that you cannot be prosecuted for your MIL's law-breaking behavior. However, you have disregarded all of the advice, & even resorted to name-calling & personal attacks, because you're hell-bent on seeing your IL's go to jail (not that they would) for copyright infringement. I think it's time to dial it down a notch.
By the way, if we're all such worthless "drama mamas" whose advice means nothing in comparison to that of your doctorate wielding advisor, why are you here?
I agree with everything you said I do find it funny that you are getting your Masters and you are using High School comebacks "jealous much" I don't think I have heard that since then.....except when another particular poster uses it (I'm sure you know who it is).
Anyway, my dh also works at a photolab (at WM) and they also rip up all the pictures that they try and copy. I am actually surprised that there are some places that get away with it. Maybe K-Mart doesn't actually have a lab and just a kiosk so that's how she gets away with it? Either way I guess I can't give you any suggestions because I'm not a photographer.....
Date: 10:00 AM
To: pastachic
From: OneBoy/OneGirl
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OP, just old are you? No offense, but all your posts always come across as condescending and holier than though. So you're getting a Masters and will have a "career" in your "chosen field"...who cares? I know you think all this is important now, but I hope as you get older and wiser you will start to get some perspective.
I also agree with pp who said if you got some great advice (in your opinion) from your doctorate advisor, why come here and ask?
Get a grip.
dd 4
ds 6
1 comment:
Poor Pasta!. Life is so unfair! Go ahead & call the cops, see how much of a favored DIL you are.
It's bad enough you torture everyone with your dog-eating-baby photo; now we have to hear about your future Master's Degree.
Big whoop.
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