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Yep I'm a genuine, true blue, native Kingmanite, born and raised. My mom was also born here in 1963. And before you ask, I have all my teeth! Elizabeth | ||
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LOL!! I was gonna say...that seems to be a trend around here (missing teeth). I can pretty much refer to myself as a Kingmanite here too, even though I'm a transplanted one. I moved here from my home state of WA just before my oldest turned 1, so I've been here over 10 years now. Ugh! I can't believe it's been that long. I'm always wanting to leave, but I doubt that'll ever happen...UPS doesn't seem to like transferring people (and kingman seems to be a sand trap of sorts...no one ever really leaves). I guess I may as well just accept my Kingmanite-y-ness and get on with it. lol Lisa, Wife to my hot UPS hubby Jeff, and Mommy to Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille Edited Oct-29 by AZLisa29 | ||
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I've never seen AZLisa before, and I'm torn here - someone tell me how to side... On one hand, she sounds nice enough - lots of kids, cute family, whatever. Then, on the other hand, I see first of all Gretchen called her out (which I never see) and she made the snide comment about allergie laden children... ok, I answered my own question - I think I'm not so fond as well. And, AZLisa - people list things in their siggies because they post on multiple boards. You list your kids names and your DH employer, what's the difference? And, hopefully all of your children stay healthy because it doesn't sound like you could handle any kind of deviation... | ||
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I'll refresh your memory as I'm sure it's a struggle... I said not so nice things about a woman who posted her belly picture in the belly picture thread while holding a lit cigarette with an ash tray balanced on her pregnant belly. I also told someone that naming their child 'Arson' or 'Havok' (as they were actually considering this) would be a...disservice (for lack of a better word) to the poor child. Yep, I think that about covers it. Butterflies and sparkles or you get warned and banned. |
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Too funny! The first 4 years of my life were in Lacey! But that was when it was a po-dunk general store and gas pump, all in one! We had a property on the Nisqually until about 10 years ago. I could never leave the green - in fact, I have 30 acres of forest in my backyard and a deer walked up to my neighbor and I just last Friday! Mindy | ||
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Mindy, when I go home to visit my parents, I DON'T want to leave. We go up to the mountains, and my grandmother had a cabin about 45 minutes from Yakima (toward the mountains)...it is so amazingly gorgeous there. There are wonderful things about AZ as well...but I miss the ocean, the green, the REAL mountains. There is so much geographic diversity all wrapped into one state. | ||
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SUPER clever comment about the memory struggle! I didn't spend long on that board as I ended up with a Juner. I do remember agreeing with you but thinking you were awfully sure of yourself, mean and judgmental. Sounds like from the other ladies things haven't changed much. Your kids are beautiful. It is always nice to match outside cosmetic procedures with some inner work. That will help you exude TRUE beauty and not give off that staleness that people are feeling. That level of mean-ness and Gretchen does not exaggerate, so I can only imagine what you said) goes too far. Even if you are making a good point. There is a huge difference, if my memory serves me well, between the comments you make and "butterflies and rainbows". Miscarriage jokes and jabs are never okay. Blech. Lynn | ||
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hey I'm not too far from ya! I'm in Havasu! | ||
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I've NEVER made a miscarriage joke, EVER. That aside, I consider myself a work in progress, and have never claimed to be perfect. I realize that I get a little outspoken and nutso online sometimes(and even worse when poked at enough). I can be opinionated and b*&^hy, but I usually do try to make amends. I really don't even know what I'm trying to say here. I actually do agree with most of your post. | ||
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Message 212425.85 was deleted |
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It's nice to see you came back to finish the fight. I am popping some popcorn now, as I don't have enough info to take anyones side yet *****Sheila****** Just a crazy NCG who forgot how to do cool siggy's Dang Mommy Brain |
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Hey Lynn! Long time no see. I'm thinking asshat comes to mind. Surgically beautiful on the outside=ugly on the inside. | ||
Message 212425.88 was deleted |
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Anyone have the original post? Is it on MDU? Mommy to Samantha Rose 5/10/06 | ||
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Gretchen isn't wrong about Azlisa... Photoshopping hateful pictures of people, rubbing people's infertility issues in their faces, and the holier than thou attitude..Thanks but no thanks.... BTW Lisa, your kids names aren't so great... Stephanie Mommy to Eric 7/23/99 Evan 8/27/06 | ||
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Heather Mackenzie 3/02 Hailey 5/03 | ||
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BTW Lisa, your kids names aren't so great... Ohh, what are they? Janna Mommy to Samantha Rose 5/10/06 | ||
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Look under her siggy.... Stephanie Mommy to Eric 7/23/99 Evan 8/27/06 | ||
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Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille Stephanie Mommy to Eric 7/23/99 Evan 8/27/06 | ||
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I am so sorry I missed it. Sounds like a GREAT train wreck! ~Keli~ Madison-6, Adalyn-Terrible 2's | ||
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The site taking over for MDU is the all the same writers as before. Minus one. Sheesh. As for this blond chick, Lynn?, yeah, I seriously doubt that so many people would remember your remarks about a womans miscarriage if they were not true. See, the BHB girls? They have LONG memories. You can try to rewrite your history, and deny your past ignorance, but people don't forget. Especially when someone sinks as low as you obviously did. It takes a special person to say anything other than condolences to a woman who lost her child. | ||
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"Kelli, go worry about your allergy ridden child (why people make lists about this stuff in their siggy I'll never understand) and not my tummy and photoshop skills, m'kay?" It's one thing to take digs at me but leave my child out of it you vagina clown! It's not funny to make fun of miscarriages, infertility, illnesses, allergies, etc. I really do hope that you never have to deal with any of that. I worry about my child each and every second of the day that I'm not with him. I don't need some uneducated b!tch trying to rub it in our make a joke about it. You fricken list all of your info in your siggie, so does that make you a hypocrite? YES | ||
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HAHA you called her a vagina clown.... HAHA... Ok its bed time now.... | ||
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We lived in Lacey when our dd was born (she was born in the military hospital at Ft. Lewis, though)......it is our favorite post out of the MANY we've lived. ITA...it is gorgeous there (Olympia/Lacey)! Hopefully, we'll be sent there again one day courtesy of Uncle Sam.....LOL So much to see and do- awesome farmer's markets, parks, food, people.....we just loved the whole vibe up there. Kimberly Northern NY Mommy to Savannah Rose 9/12/98 | ||
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Nope, sorry, I'll deny that every time I'm accused...I NEVER made a comment about anyone's miscarriage, or miscarriages in general. I can see how the comment that I DID make was misunderstood, but that was never my intent. I could honestly give a rat's behind what you believe though. Kelli...lol Good, you should worry about your child. Every parent does that. All I'm saying is that you ought to take a little bit of the effort you are expending worrying about my photoshop skills or lack thereof (and now my vagina which you seem to find strangely fascinating...lol) and worry about him some more. Really...my photography, tummy, photoshop skills, family, (this list could be endless) are none of your concern or business. And stephanie? You're mocking my kids' names now? LOL! That's the best that you can do? You really don't want to go there with me. Edited 10:29 AM by AZLisa29 Edited 10:30 AM by AZLisa29 | ||
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Lisa - I'm not mocking your kids names. You talk about what other people name their own children, when you have less than normal names yourself... I don't like you because you are not a nice person. You post on threads acting all sweet and innocent, but I have seen you in action. I know firsthand what kind of mean things that you have said to others...it just shows your true colors... Stephanie Mommy to Eric 7/23/99 Evan 8/27/06 | ||
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How did this thread morph into names anyhow? I don't care what people name their kids, but I'm certainly allowed to have preferences for my own kids. If it hurts your little feelings that I don't like certain names, too bad! As for me not being a nice person, well...you're right. When people are nasty, accusational, can't mind their own business about the choices I make for my family, and even go so far as to make fun of my baby's appearance...you're right, I can be mean and downright nasty. Normally though, I'm a very nice person. Edited 10:43 AM by AZLisa29 | ||
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Hey, AZLisa- I remember you too. Shut up. That is all.
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I'm sorry Lisa, but from what I recall, you have been rude and mean when it was totally uncalled for. On nice, fun threads, you have made snide comments and hurt many feelings. I'm just saying. You may not be a nice person when you feel you are being attacked, but you aren't a nice person in general either, so it really doesn't matter. Right? | ||
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Okay, darn it...you're right. You know me so well. I'm mean. Happy? lol And andrea, go sit on a fat sausage or something. Or better yet, shove it down your pie trap. | ||
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Okaaaay. . . Just a thought- it's one thing to choose to not like someone, but it's quite another to choose to be openly cruel and nasty to people who've done nothing to you for no reason at all. BTW- proper names are capitalized. Andrea.
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WOW!!!!! | ||
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Someone around here is a giant hypocrite! | ||
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Cookies, anyone?? Im all out of popcorn. HONEY Mom to 3 amazing kids. DD Jan/98 Rides in a regular seat belt. DD Jun/05 Rides FF in a Marathon. DS Nov/06 Rides RF in a Radian. | ||
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I am on a diet - how's about a 100 calorie snack pack of Chips Ahoy ? Steff - Mommy to 2 spoiledrottenchicks - Keegan 1/05 & Fallon 2/08 Check out my MySpace page: www.myspace.com/planegirl99 for Boutique Hairbows, Flower Clips, Tutus & Jewelry! | ||
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*sniff* - do you smell that? It reeks of bullsheit.
Nope, sorry Lisa. Not happy and I'm not sure why you're laughing either... and I don't really know you very well. I have, however, retained an opinion of you based on observations of your actions and wishy washy, back and forth, hypocritical ways. Perhaps you should think about how you would like to handle yourself online in the future and then stick to it. perhaps write up a mission statement of sorts. How about this: 'I will think about what I have written before I click the 'post' button and will wait *x amount of time* before starting sh t.' or 'I'm a b tch and should shut up.' either one works for me... | ||
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No fair posting the coconut boobs, my plastic surgeon has filled my tissue expanders that full so he had enough skin to reconstruct. Unfortunately the right breast is finished~with a permanent silicone implant~that has already done a little drooping. My left is the one being inflated now, definitely coconuts, and if I had the guts I'd post a pic. That would most probably get a thread deleted! Bare skin, oh no....they don't look like boobs and they are sooo not my own. Survivor07 J dd 01-06-05 ds 02-23-97 |
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