Multitasking momma: I was thinking the exact same thing! Beautifuuulllll family AZLisa! Can someone pleassseee tell us nosy posters what thread you all are talking about???? Spanx. Abby-Mom to: Hoyt Daniel 7/25/07
  | | RunningMom...that is me. And thank you! I think she's very pretty!  Tracey and Abby, thank you so much! Steph, I'm in Kingman...up in the NWern part of the state, and about 100 miles south of Las Vegas. Godblessedmewith3...howdy! Glad to see you too! Lisa, Wife to my hot UPS hubby Jeff, and Mommy to Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille | |
| | I'm sorry you didn't get to finish reading it! Did you at least get to read my post? It may have been slightly long winded, but I'm sure I could get it back for you... Cause you're THAT special! | |
| | Lisa, I never had a problem with you. Get a little kinky? Fine. Photoshopping a dick? If anyone deserved a dick in the mouth it was mandycandypants. being a sahm to seven kids? more power to you.
but throwing your 7:0 record in the face of someone who had lost her baby? unspeakable. | |
| | Gretchen, I know no one believes me, but people took that comment the WRONG way. I was NEVER EVER even thinking about miscarriages when I posted that...I can see how people read it that way, and for that I AM sorry. It was not what I meant, by any stretch of the imagination though. Lisa, Wife to my hot UPS hubby Jeff, and Mommy to Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille | |
| | BTBBC = better than babycenter...aka a spinoff of the august 06 board (though I don't think most of them are any better than a 2 bit hooker).
well, to quote my 6 yr old.... "it takes one to know one!!" You are a Klass act, Lisa. But I gotta say, I do love me some Aug '06 drama! There are quite a few of us around here! | |
| | Please repost your poem. It was AWESOME! | |
| | Lisa, I know kingman! My Bfffffffff in the whole wide world lives in golden valley. I was just there in July. It just about defines BFE for me lol. -Shann *Expert MultiSlacker!*Skylar 6/02 Sydney 3/06 ^angel baby^ 8/7/08
| |
| | Golden Valley is pretty bad, and Kingman isn't much better! lol There really are some gorgeous places if you drive an hour or so outside of town though. I took this photo yesterday when I went to visit my husband and oldest son on their deer hunting trip. Lisa, Wife to my hot UPS hubby Jeff, and Mommy to Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille | |
| | OP - since you are putting your biznass out there - so you had 4 kids with DH #1 then got nipped and tucked, right ? Then you married your current DH and have had 3 more kids, right ? So with child support for the first 4 from DH #1 - I can see how you could live on one income with 9 people... By the way, what do you drive ? Even a Suburban is one seat short - and even if you were driving without DH, one of your kids would have to be in the front seat with an airbag...So do you have one of those ugly, ginormous full size vans ala John & Kate ? Just curious... Kingman, huh ? Pretty yes - BFE - definitely... Steff - Mommy to 2 spoiledrottenchicks - Keegan 1/05 & Fallon 2/08 Check out my MySpace page: for Boutique Hairbows, Flower Clips, Tutus & Jewelry! | |
| | "Gretchen, I know no one believes me, but people took that comment the WRONG way. I was NEVER EVER even thinking about miscarriages when I posted that...I can see how people read it that way, and for that I AM sorry. It was not what I meant, by any stretch of the imagination though." Total fu*king lie! You totally meant what you said and if I remember correctly, that wasn't the only time you took a jab at her.
Cooper Douglas - allergic to peanuts, dogs, cats, dust mites and the list goes on! 
| | Yes, that's about right. I had 4 kids with my first husband. He had a vasectomy...we were finished. I was DONE. I had a tummy tuck and had the girls lifted and re-inflated...I call it a mommy makeover because I basically tried to undo some of the damage pregnancy did to me. I felt like I'd earned it.
Then, the unforeseen divorce, remarriage, and 3 back to back children came along. I wouldn't have it any other way...I'm very happy now. Yes, my ex-H pays support for his children, but I've made sure not to extend ourselves beyond what we would be able to afford without it, just in case. We don't have any debt other than our mortgage so that helps a lot. Our cars are paid for, we don't use credit cards, etc.
Right now, I drive a Yukon XL. We actually don't fit...we are 1 seat short. When we go somewhere as a family, we drive both vehicles. We're going to by a 4th row seat for our Yukon though, so we can do family trips in one vehicle. They're a bit pricey, but way cheaper than buying a new vehicle.
And yes, Kingman is totally BFE! No denying it! lol Lisa, Wife to my hot UPS hubby Jeff, and Mommy to Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille | |
| | I did mean the fertility dig (which is awful and I realize that), but I didn't mean ANYTHING about miscarriages. I don't care what people believe, but it simply isn't true. Lisa, Wife to my hot UPS hubby Jeff, and Mommy to Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille | |
| | Right now, I drive a Yukon XL. We actually don't fit...we are 1 seat short. When we go somewhere as a family, we drive both vehicles. We're going to by a 4th row seat for our Yukon though, so we can do family trips in one vehicle. They're a bit pricey, but way cheaper than buying a new vehicle.
Yup - that's the same size as a Suburban...LOL I was thinking that you had to drive 2 vehicles if you didn't have a big ol' van or school bus or something...4th row seat ? Never heard of that ! LOL What do you do when you travel ? That would be a lot of gas taking 2 vehicles ! But you would have to with suitcases, etc...Right ? So, are you done or are going for some baby-having record ? More power to ya, but my 2 are killing me, S L O W L Y..... Edited because I can't spell today... Steff - Mommy to 2 spoiledrottenchicks - Keegan 1/05 & Fallon 2/08 Check out my MySpace page: for Boutique Hairbows, Flower Clips, Tutus & Jewelry!
Edited Oct-29 by planegirl99 | |
| | We do a lot of hiking and camping...things that don't require TOO much travel. Though, we are tentatively planning a trip to WA to visit my family next summer. We may rent a big van so we have more space for the trip. Lisa, Wife to my hot UPS hubby Jeff, and Mommy to Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille | |
| | I think I had my first In-N-Out in Kingman. Good times! We drove from Tucson to Vegas and while Kingman is no NYC, it was a sight for sore eyes after hours of desert. Anyway, carry on with the drama. I missed out on it last night. | |
| | I have no idea what went on in the other thread, but I'm going to hijack slightly- AZLisa- do you have any before and after pics of your tummy tuck? And if you don't mind me asking how awful was it when you got preggo after the tuck? What did your skin do? I'm thinking of a tuck, but DH has to get the big V before I do anything! And that is a gorgeous picture of your children. I have no idea how you managed to get all seven looking at the camera. I have yet to get a nice picture of all three of mine together. Jessi DD 5-03 DS 11-05 DS 9-07 | |
| | Valley of the Dolls - Ever heard of Photoshop? AZCrazy sure has. Edited for spelling. Cooper Douglas - allergic to peanuts, dogs, cats, dust mites and the list goes on! 
Edited Oct-29 by ~*Kelli C.*~ | |
| | Jessi, thank you! I actually don't have my before/after pictures anymore. We had a massive hard drive meltdown about a year ago and other than the photos I had hosted somewhere, I lost everything. Amazingly, the tummy tuck has held up really well through my last 3's weird, because almost immediately after giving birth, it's flat and hard more of the dough ball I had after my first 4 kids. I think that might have something to do with what they do to your tummy muscles during the surgery, but I'm not sure. Lisa, Wife to my hot UPS hubby Jeff, and Mommy to Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille | |
| | I am beginning to think the entire state of AZ is BFE.... I am near Tucson.
Steph | |
| | Kelli, go worry about your allergy ridden child (why people make lists about this stuff in their siggy I'll never understand) and not my tummy and photoshop skills, m'kay? Here's the most recent photo I have of my belly...this was taken about a week ago, and NO, contrary to Kelli's misinformed opinion, it isn't photoshopped, unless you count the vintage look I gave to it. I did NOT remove any fat or any stretchmarks though...I mean really, if I was going to photoshop it to make it more attractive and less realistic, you'd think I would have gotten rid of my stretch marks. It isn't like I don't know how to do it. The stretchmarks that are here were here from my 1st child. I literally had them up to my boobs, so it was impossible to get rid of them all, even with a tummy tuck. The ones I have left though are pulled pretty tight and don't look they used to. Lisa, Wife to my hot UPS hubby Jeff, and Mommy to Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille
Edited Oct-29 by AZLisa29 | |
| | Well geez tater salad, thank you for sharing that. Your poor husband! Lisa, Wife to my hot UPS hubby Jeff, and Mommy to Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille | |
| | LMAO!!!! ~Lynn | |
| | Gladly! Below was the prayer I recited at 4:00 this morning. It was shortly after the whole photoshopped penis announcement. I was SO excited to have another thread that included random penis placement...I needed it to last at least until lunch. Now I lay me down to sleep, To BBC I pray this thread we keep. And if it should Poof before I wake, MDU please copy it for heavens sake. | |
| | I just had to add that 'random penis placement' has my in hysterics here. Too funny! Love the prayer too!
Edited 10:23 AM by AZLisa29 | |
| | Krista, what are you doing up at 4am?? Oh wait, is it Jamison-related? Man, I hate that, all the good threads have been going *poof* lately... | |
| | AZ, not sure if you know this...but posting photos of your stomach, bewbies or whatever will get you no kudos on the BHB.   Just becareful w/ surgery...  -apparently they removed her brain along w/ her nose job.  Off to find an LOL cat photo...  Mary Mama to: Ian, Macy, and Jackson  | |
| | I don't normally go around posting photos of my stomach (unless they are pregnant belly pictures of course), but someone asked. *shrug* Lisa, Wife to my hot UPS hubby Jeff, and Mommy to Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille | |
| | What do you know? I live here in Kingman too! Elizabeth | |
| | Wow, small world. I've run into a lot of people in Arizona, but they are almost always from the Phoenix area. The closest I've met from around here is a good friend in Havasu...we were pregnant with our Feb/Mar 99 babies at the same time. Lisa, Wife to my hot UPS hubby Jeff, and Mommy to Clint, Calista, Damien, Theron, Adrian, Quentin, and Camille | | | |
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