Monday, April 14, 2008

Kicked off a private board!

>>>NOTE: This is from NBBC. The posters name is under their comment.<<<

Kicked off a private board!
Well that sucks! I got kicked off one of my private boards. No warning or anything...just boom gone! How rude! I think it's because I didn't post as much as they wanted me to! Whatever! Has this happened to anyone else?

JanettheRose Posted on 4/13/08
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no still learning the basics and haven't got the nerve yet to try a private board... well that sucks and you didn't need them anyways!! :)hey good news is you are free to make a "xxx board sucks join mine" I'd join it :pErin

Atriplethreat Posted on 4/13/08
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Well thanks! I would invite you!

JanettheRose Posted on 4/13/08
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tsk tsk tskwhining solves nothingmaybe childish behavior like this validates the decision to remove you?

Happy 2 B Nappy Posted on 4/13/08
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I know people were kicked off of some of the private boards for nonparticipation. Hmmm. As happy said, whining solves nothing.

HotJavaMamax3 Posted on 4/13/08
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Goodness! I'd better stop lurking so much and start posting.

Queen_of_the_obvious Posted on 4/13/08
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WOW! Good thing I'm not whining! I just thought it was a bummer! I'll miss the board, but it's really no big deal! I was just wondering if it happened to anyone else!

JanettheRose Posted on 4/13/08
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Well, there are some of the private boards that have it in their guidelines that if you don't post a certain amount in a certain timeframe, than you get booted. So it isn't like they booted without warning if that group had that kind of warning. Some groups don't like lurkers, especially when issues from the group are sometimes taken to other boards and cause a lot of drama or when the group is on sensitive issues.

HotJavaMamax3 Posted on 4/13/08
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I wonder how they monitor that! The owners must be able to see how often someone posts! I guess it just gives me more time to post on my other boards!

JanettheRose Posted on 4/13/08
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I am sure there was a legitimate reason.

BOBTHEBUILDER Posted on 4/13/08
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The owners of the group should have said something to you though. When you delete someone from a group, a box pops up to allow you to email/note them. They should have done that. You can always pass a note to the owners and ask them why you were booted, whether it was an accident or not, and if not, are you welcome to join again in the future.BTW, I deleted your other thread just like this one that you asked to be dleted.

MomToBTP Posted on 4/13/08
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Accident is always a possibility- I'm pretty smart, but today I accidentally deleted a whole thread. Go figure.

Queen_of_the_obvious Posted on 4/13/08
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I am sorry you got deleted. I think some type of heads up would have been nice.

JustALamp Posted on 4/13/08
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How do you message an owner of a private thread? I can't seem to find where it says who the owner is! It's really not that big of a deal, but I was enjoying that board! As I said before, I guess I can just spend more time on my other boards!

JanettheRose Posted on 4/13/08
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Which board was it?

BOBTHEBUILDER Posted on 4/13/08
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I was gonna ask the same thing - which board? Someone may know who the owner is.

jypzi Posted on 4/13/08
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hummmmm. I am thinking that if a private board has a requirement for posting they should post that so that people know. But make your own group and kick every one off one day to make you happy :) hee hee

CatMaster Posted on 4/13/08
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Cat-I thought that too! How funny! I don't think I could do it though!I'm not even going to worry about the board that "kicked me off!" I've got this one and the Naughty board, so I'm happy!

JanettheRose Posted on 4/13/08
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Loving CatMaster's response - too funny!

*Kat1* Posted on 4/13/08
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That sucks you got deleted. And I didn't think you were whining. I'd be curious too if it happened to me. But hey there are some people who don't understand that some moms have lives and children to take care of. Trust me I've seen some who spend so much time on their computer that I just don't get how they keep up with their children and homes and marriages.

photoXchic Posted on 4/13/08
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photoXchic, I don't think she was whining either but everyone on the board are mothers and I think I'll speak for everyone over when I say we have lives and we do take care of our children. So with that said I think we understand that people have lives and a family to take care of. I think what happened is that she didn't even post a introduction or anything. And they're simply saying if you have enough time to look, read and enjoy the board, then you you should have enough time to say hello, bye or something to everyone. I hope all the questions that she has or cleared up though. :)

hollygrovemother Posted on 4/14/08
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I'm also curious about how they keep track of it. Is there some kind of tool that allows group owners to see when/how much the users posted? Otherwise I can't see it being worth the time to go through each user/posts individually.

Panda123 Posted on 4/14/08
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No, there isn't. I imagine that in a smaller private group it's probably just easy to notice who never posts.I don't know. I have a ton of lurkers on the two groups I started, but I don't mind. Lurk away!

*Michelle* Posted on 4/14/08
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Panda123, I think it's pretty easy to know who's participating on a pretty active board. I am a group owner on Mayasmom and I've removed people for non participation. I also sent a note saying that they were removed for lack of particiaption and since there are very personal things being discussed, the group as a whole decided that non-particiapting members should be removed from the group. I also left an option to join if they felt that they could contribute.

remeis Posted on 4/14/08
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Remis - I saw one private board that said if you didn't post at least once every two weeks, they would remove you.How do they ascertain that you are posting at least once every 2 weeks?

Panda123 Posted on 4/14/08
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If a board has a warning that they will delete lurkers, then you can't get upset when they do delete you.I was part of that group and actually deleted myself b/c I knew I couldn't keep up with making sure I posted enough and didn't want to be rude by violating their private group rules.

Princess Peaches Posted on 4/14/08
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I think it was pretty clear on that board that lurking is not allowed. I thought the point of a private board was that you can determine who the members will be. I don't feel comfortable with lurkers on that board. Sorry. Also, everyone got a note reminding them of the rules.

mljaj Posted on 4/14/08
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Okay....did she ever mention the board that she was kicked out of? Private boards are private for a reason. If you ask to "join" then that means you want to participate right? If you don't participate but enjoying reading then what's the point in joining a private board? The information is private for a reason and if you don't want to share some of your private information then why sit back and enjoy other's private information? Most boards will give you a warning before they "delete" you. Good day!

SouthernCurl Posted on 4/14/08
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When? I looked at all the post and I don't see any mention of it. Let me go back and double check.ETA- I knew I wasn't going crazy she never did mention the name of the board that "kicked" her off. I asked in the other post did she mention it b/c I see you all making assumptions that it was a particular board. It is what it is though. OP- I am sure if you want to get back in and know that you will be participating then "pass a note" to one of the owners and I am sure they will take a look at it.

SouthernCurl Posted on 4/14/08
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Oh okay...gotcha you.

SouthernCurl Posted on 4/14/08
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I never did say what what board it was! People can assume what they want, it doesn't bother me!Thank you to those of you that shared information! I was just curious as if anyone else had experience with it happening! I do post on my private boards, but I guess not as much as that board wanted me to! I will just stick to the ones that want me around!

JanettheRose Posted on 4/14/08
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There are counters on the board that I am on and every time I post next to my posting name it gives the number of posts that I have currently. That is how they can track how many times you've posted. Plus the administrators can see when everyone has logged onto the board.

moochie1031 Posted on 4/14/08
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Where are there counters?

natalia616 Posted on 4/14/08
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Don't feel bad, I was deleted too. I had posted several times but was unable to get back on for several days. ..... Oh well.............. BTW I'm a F.. by their standards.

famym Posted on 4/14/08
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I was on a private board and got the warning, so I went ahead and deleted myself. I just didn't have the time to post as much as they wanted so I thought I'd better respect their rules. Oh well!

*~Mommazilla~* Posted on 4/14/08
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Famym, me and you have already discussed your problem via notes and I told you that I would let you back in because I understood your situation. I have your request to re-enter and I was about to approve it, but I see it really doesn't matter to you so...oh well. Anyway people are warned in the group introduction that LURKERS will not be tolerated. Put yourself in the shoes of the women that share all of their personal information, would you want someone reading your business, but not contributing. That makes people feel uncomfortable and it will not be tolerated in our group. There is a group in the same fashion that allows lurkers so just join that one, no big deal.

Foreverilove_Elijah Posted on 4/14/08
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This serious huh???? This leads me to question the people who are originally in and then get kicked out; will they all post a thread about it????? What will they do to "get back" at the board???

KaLiCo Posted on 4/14/08
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Who knows but, I doubt if they get that upset for being kicked out when the rules clearly state that you have to post. Most people will just delete themselves if they know they can't keep up with the demand of posting.

Foreverilove_Elijah Posted on 4/14/08
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I hope no one thinks I'm mad at the board for kicking me out! I was just a little disappointed that I didn't get a notice or anything! I thought I had posted, but I guess I didn't! No biggie!
KaliCo- To get back at the board, you would have to mention which board! I have not! I liked the board, so I am not going to try to "get back" at them!

JanettheRose Posted on 4/14/08
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Someone on a power trip???? We won't kick you out Janet, stay here girl!

MomToBTP Posted on 4/14/08
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MomToBTP- You never cease to amaze me.........

SouthernCurl Posted on 4/14/08
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MomToBTP Posted on 4/14/08
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She's not on a power trip, Angela! They have no lurker rules, so everyone has to post. How is enforcing rules a power trip? Haven't you had to enforce some here?
Anyway, I'm sure Janet is getting her dose of now-censored naughty on NMU, too.
And her dose of drama here.

Dre the Texican Posted on 4/14/08
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No, that wasn't what I was talking about Dre. What I was talking about was where the poster said, I was going to let you back in, but you said it didn't matter, so blah blah blah. That is the power trip. The OP seemed like she was curious as to why and why she didn't receive a note. I never heard/read anything bad about the group. That is the way it came across to ME and I have the right to express MY opinion. Got it?

MomToBTP Posted on 4/14/08
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Well bend me over and spank me with a belt then.

Dre the Texican Posted on 4/14/08
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Angela, you are just trying to add fuel to the fire and you know as well as I know that there is no power trip going is what it is. I don't understand your post sometimes.....

SouthernCurl Posted on 4/14/08
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No, I honestly wasn't, but you can read it however you wish, that is the bargain board way.

MomToBTP Posted on 4/14/08
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Dre, can I do that here or should we go in private?

MomToBTP Posted on 4/14/08
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I actually think it should be a public spanking so everyone can enjoy looking at my bubble butt. (The imaginary one, that is, since I have no ass).

Dre the Texican Posted on 4/14/08
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Public it is, I knew you were an exhibitionist.

MomToBTP Posted on 4/14/08
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Wow! Who would have thought my pathetic little thread would have gotten so much attention! Spanking and everything! Thanks ladies, I will always remember this one!
ETA: And to top it off, this thread made MDU! I think we need to create some really drama!

JanettheRose Posted on 4/14/08
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Angela...what have I told you about expressing your opinion

my*cheeky*monkey Posted on 4/14/08
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Um, public spanking? I am blushing over here girls! I don't think I should be looking...

Princess Peaches Posted on 4/14/08
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I don't know why I can't stop staring at the spanking photo.

BOBTHEBUILDER Posted on 4/14/08
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What's really sad is that I actually own that corset... how's that for a visual?

Princess Peaches Posted on 4/14/08
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Do you want to come over tonight? My husband would love that!

JanettheRose Posted on 4/14/08
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