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I just wanted to say that your new siggy picture of the girls is soooo cute. They don't look like a Harriet and Matilda to me though, more like an Aubrey and Oliver.
this shot was taken by the nurses at the NICU. Oliver on the left 1lbs 11oz Aubrey on the right 3lbs 5oz born June 11 at 31weeks + 1 day Team Alasdair President | ||
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I'm totally confused....... | ||
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oh Amanda! What could be the meaning of this? I'm so confused! Everything is on the up and up still, isn't it? We all grow to care so deeply for these tiny babies...I'm just baffled. Do speak up! Traci | ||
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Mary-Catherine is most impressive, isn't she? Let's hope Aubrey (girl?) and Oliver are faring well by now. I took the liberty of bumping one of ready4Twins "progress report" threads in case anyone is confused. | ||
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Wow. | ||
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Well, for somebody with premature twins in the NICU as well as a sick toddler, she sure spent a lot of time hanging around this joint, giving progress reports and helping others with naming dilemmas. | ||
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Do you think we will ever hear from "Amanda" again? I mean, as "Amanda"? And if she comes back as someone else, how do you think we will recognize her? Traci | ||
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Wow, so sad. To think that I actually spent time praying for "Matilda and Harriet". I wish that mother would stop and think about how there really are mothers out there who really do give birth to premature babies. To pretend that you are in the same boat is like spitting in the faces of mothers who really do have to deal with something like that. Meghan | ||
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Oh, let me contain my shock. *crickets, crickets* <-- (AKA: silence) Well done on the sleuthing, indeed. *claps* Sigh. And they wonder why we're all so paranoid about trolls, 'round here... My condolences to those who bought in. Been there with the longtime troll, Molly, quite a long while back. It's a really sucky feeling. Alas, MJ | ||
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You know what I don't understand? This is a place for name nerds/naming enthusiasts. There's no requirement to be pregnant or to be a mother to take part. In fact, some of the most interesting participants here are those who are TTC or who are not even contemplating married/actual birth yet. So why people create on line personnas that are based on fraud is beyond me. And stealing pictures of another woman's child is just plain freaky. As a mother who has actually had an emergency c-section and a child in the NICU, I can assure you that I had no time or bandwidth for the girls' naming board (as much as I dig this group!) Nice work, Detective Mary-Catherine....a lot of us felt that this story didn't ring true. Thanks for providing the concrete proof.
Kristen Juliet Elspeth August '05 Heath Malcolm October '07 Reclaiming the nice butt I once had...2008 | ||
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Just curious, mostly for future reference, what made some of you think it was a troll? I would have never had a clue.... I must be very naive. | ||
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Wallybear, you said exactly what I had been thinking for days. When my brother and SIL had premature twins in the NICU, they barely had time to call my mother with progress reports. I'm always a little suspicious when someone shows up and just magically seems to have children with some of the most popular names on the board. I haven't been around here very long . . . do you all often get sTROLLers? | ||
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I feel like a sucker. I guess I assume most people are being truthful and real. Clearly this is an error on my part. This is truly disappointing. (sigh)
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I used to be more trusting in the good ole days but this isn't the first time this has happened - some people reside in Fantasy Land. It's all they have, I guess.
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Thats why I didn't post on any of her threads, I had a inkling from the start that Matilda and Harriet were not real. I never post pictures on BBC of my LOs. THere is so much stealing going around, I would rather someone think I was a troll because I DIDN'T post pics than post them and have some freako pretending my daughters are theirs. If you do post pics though, best to watermark them with some kind of id. | ||
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How sad. | ||
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MJ: You are so right. Attention seeking psychos. To answer the question about what tipped me off...let me count the ways (here are just a few) 1) Emergency c-section & preemies in the NICU and a "son" with pneumonia but plenty of time to take part on many threads on this board. Most parents I know would be too sick with worry to weigh in on whether Annabelle's middle name should be Grace or Charlotte... 2) Black and white pictures mixed in with color (can't control the color settings of pictures you steal, can you?) 3) High drama on every front. ...the delivery (emergency), the premature arrival of the twins, the older bro in the hospital too. Most trolls go overboard with the drama level of their stories. 3) The perfect husband at home. That was a dead giveaway! Question -- who was planning to visit "Amanda" in the hospital? Queen Bee, was it you? (I apologize if I've mixed that up!) Did she actually send you emails from a seemingly normal account or were your communications solely through this forum? I am just fascinated and repulsed that this person would go to such lengths to dope people on line. Very creepy.
Kristen Juliet Elspeth August '05 Heath Malcolm October '07 Reclaiming the nice butt I once had...2008 | ||
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QB: Ah, I see that you answered my question! Well, let's be glad that you never met up with her -- who knows what kind of sicko that could have been. Has anyone clued in her two birth boards. I would hate to see any other women waste time on this loser.
Kristen Juliet Elspeth August '05 Heath Malcolm October '07 Reclaiming the nice butt I once had...2008 | ||
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Like others, I was suspicous from the beginning. To answer the question why, here are some reasons, some of which others have already mentioned: Obviously it's weird to spend time giving progress reports on a board (not to mention sounding so chipper in them.) Even more strange to have time to offer advice to other posters. Hard to believe an internet group, no matter how chummy, would be a priority in the midst of this kind of stress and struggle. The names. They were almost "too" perfect. Obviously intended to appeal to the board's general taste. Finally - the narrative quality of the story. (This is something we've seen with other trolls on here before.) It unfolds like a soap opera. It's all highs and lows, which especially come through in the over-the-top details. One day brother Alistair is ill. THe next day thoughtful husband has the nursery painted. And the story develops in such a way that the troll can continue to milk it for a long time. So it was "convenient" to the plot that one twin was thriving while the other was not doing as well. Watching it unfold just infuriates me and I feel angered on behalf of the people who believe the story, since they are wasting such good energy (whether prayers or well wishes) and thougtfulness on someone who doesn't deserve it. But until there is "hard" evidence, there is really nothing that can be done without breaking board rules. So kudos to Mary-Catherine for finding that proof. There really are lots of wonderful, kind, interesting, thoughtful, REAL people with great taste in names on this board. But, unfortunately, it takes a while to know for certain who they are. Edited to add: I see Kristen outlined similar reasons while i was typing my post. You can see we've all gotten rather good at this. Sadly.
Margot Louis, Nov 2001 Edited Feb-29 by margot.with.a.tee | ||
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I am not surprised, even though I have been accused of being a troll for disagreeing with some people. (Google away. I am ligit.) Something felt off. I am glad the OP found her out.
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I did think it strange she was updating so much but wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. It is sad, but oh well. Now maybe some people can use the combos she made up. Bek - The new pic is adorable! I'm sure if you're a fake MC will bust you! Piper + Juno (or anyone else who knows an answer to this) - I've thought about water-marking pics since I post them but couldn't they just be cropped out? Unless of course you type something across their face or something. | ||
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Deena: I've never suspected you as a troll. If I were a troll, I wouldn't be brave enough to be one with 5 cute boys (and a cute girl!)
Kristen Juliet Elspeth August '05 Heath Malcolm October '07 Reclaiming the nice butt I once had...2008 | ||
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No, trolls usually have about 6 girls and no boys. Julie Mommy to | ||
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thanks but I did take out my siggie a couple of days ago... something made me feel weirded out. I will post them again, eventually, though... I always do... to proud I am afraid
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I'm always a little suspicious when someone shows up and just magically seems to have children with some of the most popular names on the board. Agreed. (That's not my dd in my avatar!) | ||
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Deena -- You have (I mean, HAD) a great ticker. Fun to see the huge age range in your kids. They are all very cute. I imagine that you have quite the rockin' household! M-C: Nice job on the troll busting. It still makes me sad whenever things like this happen (that is, when someone concocts a very dramatic story that calls for concern & prayers for their "babies") A lot of nice people on this board invested in her "pregnancy." I hope she gets the help she needs.
Kristen Juliet Elspeth August '05 Heath Malcolm October '07 Reclaiming the nice butt I once had...2008 | ||
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I am a new member to the board, so I have never seen anything like this before, I honestly can't believe that she would really do that, I completely believed her story!! It makes me feel sick to my stomach, though I do agree with Queenbee that this thread is probably making her very happy from all the attention, Great job Mary-Catherine!! Edited Feb-29 by sweet*flower | ||
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Well, for somebody with premature twins in the NICU as well as a sick toddler, she sure spent a lot of time hanging around this joint, giving progress reports and helping others with naming dilemmas. I was initially suspicious of her large amount of time on these boards after the twins' birth .... but I just figured she was laying in bed recuperating from the birth with a PC in her lap and was using these boards as a "release" from the stress of her situation ........ it IS sad for those that "care" and are genuinely interested to be fooled and misled, but that is a "hazard' of being on-line, ya just never know! That is why it's important to just concentrate on the "names" themselves, and not get too caught up in the personal stuff. I must say though, that this woman's posts seem to be more mature then just a teenager fooling around ... it's bothersome if a "grown" woman is wasting her time with this stuff..... (of course, I am a "grown" woman who likes to "waste" my time talking about baby names --- ack! That being said, like Deena, I was once accused of being a troll, and although the situation fortunately worked itself out (and I am STILL here asking if you like Sabrina or Katya or Grant or Trevor *GKGMOM* Edited Feb-29 by GKGMOM | ||
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Kristen Juliet Elspeth August '05 Heath Malcolm October '07 Reclaiming the nice butt I once had...2008 | ||
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I didn't contribute to any of the threads in question, but I feel bad for the ladies who invested themselves emotionally in this woman and her story. There were an awful lot of trolls on this board back when I used to post every day, and I've definitely become more wary of involving myself "personally" in other posters' dilemmas. Actually, as I recall, I myself was accused of being an imposter several years back. Has anybody else been here long enough to remember Skylar and Aston, the young friends who just *happened* to be pregnant with twins at the same time? Anyhow, I was lumped in with them because, as my accuser put it, I used semi-colons incorrectly, the same way Aston did. *Shrug* Ah, well ... I'm still here, eight years later, and am not bitter in the slightest about having once been called a phony. I've been meaning to ask for some time ... did Rachel (from London) stop posting on this board for good? I think that her departure may have had something to do with the way she dealt with a troll, but I'm not positive ...
Myana Hoping to conceive Helena or Hugo sometime soon ... | ||
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I haven' been around quite as long as you. : ) But our dear old friend Big Pink was quietly escorted off the premises by the officials in charge of such things. blisses, Traci | ||
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Indeed she was - we miss Big Pink! | ||
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I hope no one is suspicious of me because of my kids' names. If it makes you feel better, i can name the next one Miley...Jane is still plugging for it. ~Michelle Jane Imogen (8/99), Hugh Timothy (10/07), and 3.0 (current combos: Alice Maud (not hubby-approved yet) and Miles Leo) (10/08) | ||
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The signature, it can only have six hundred characters. ~Michelle Jane Imogen (8/99), Hugh Timothy (10/07), and 3.0 (current combos: Alice Maud (not hubby-approved yet) and Miles Leo) (10/08) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 comment:
You have created quite a stir on the BC board. Many of the ladies are a little worried about their personal pictures and ID's being posted here. Please consider editing this information for the sake of their privacy.
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