Well, my suggestion was to return all the donations. What Eva chooses is Eva's doings...I suggested returning them ALL.
Sorry I've been MIA on this thread. For me there was nothing sinister in leaving this thread alone. Just life. Despite the number of posts I've made, I don't actually spend most of my time here!!
I can put up a copy of the spreadsheet I still have with the names of the people on it and make it public if it will help. It would NOT include email addresses or amounts. You should know, though, that it only contains 7 entries. Not everyone who donated also took the time to fill out the form. And that's what it was - a form to fill out. Each of those moms didn't have access to all the information. I take digital security as seriously as I know how to do.
If there's anything I can do to ease fears or clear the air, please let me know. Eva and I were new to this whole thing when we started. Knowing now what we know, I'm certain neither of us would be eager to volunteer to coordinate anything like it again. It's given me a whole new appreciation for those people who work for and with non-profit agencies!!
The letter I recieved when I donated the $10 that was returned to me.
Dear Casey,
Thank you for your donation of $10.00. Your generous support of the March of Dimes has:
- helped 3.3 million uninsured children get health insurance…
- enabled more women to receive prenatal care…
- and helped educate pregnant women about the benefits of taking folic acid – which may help spare their unborn babies from neural tube birth defects.
In short, hundreds of thousands of babies have been saved from low birthweight, birth defects, and even untimely death – because people like you cared enough to give to the March of Dimes.
Each time you read that our nation’s infant mortality rate is at an all-time low or that groundbreaking research is helping women deliver healthier babies, I hope you give yourself a pat on the back.
Because gifts like yours help the March of Dimes make these and other vital advances possible.
Your ongoing support will help fund lifesaving programs that educate, advocate and investigate - all in an effort to save America’s babies from prematurity, birth defects and other threats to their health.
On behalf of our nation’s babies, and their loving parents, I thank you for your support.
Best regards,
Dr. Jennifer L. Howse
March of Dimes
For the purposes of your financial records, no goods or services were provided in exchange for your gift of $10.00
Well. Now, that looks a little different from what they sent her for her dontation. I wonder why that would be...
Whoa, what? Why does Casey's letter have the amount but evajessee's did not?
When I send letters out, I always put the amount on them, so I was a little confused by MOD did not for eva. But, then again, every org does things differently.
Maybe, evajessee can find the one with the amount on it.
Where are all the other moms who donated? Maybe someone else could shed some light on their experience...
Oh, and I don't think a paypal from Casey to Eva would count on taxes since it could have been for anything. I think the paypal would have to be the MOD directly for it to count.
And also for the record, what was the total amount donated to the MOD in the end?
Last I heard it was 65 bucks or so.
With seven people donating.
But, I could have been given the wrong information.
LeahRaye, at the beginning of this thread I believe Eva said somewhere along the lines of around $100 or so.
Interesting that Eva's did NOT have a dollar amount and Casey's did. ...hmm...
It is interesting. I think she said it was less than a hundred dollars and then I think she called it a trivial amount at some point.
Trivial may not have been the word she used, but she did say that it wouldn't break her to pay it all back and just consider the donation her own. However, she did take a 90 day vacation from work in order to get medicaid, so that 65 bucks could have helped.
I'm confused and it is totally OT. I thought that she owned her own business. I didn't think if that was the case that you could "take a break/vacation" to qualify for medicaid? Just asking.
Pleas tell me you ladies aren't expecting a STRAIGHT answer?
If the ladies who donated were smart, they would all speak with each other and figure out exactly how much was donated between them.
Also...Eva posting a copy of the letter means nothing. I can post it in here and change the amount to anything I want. She could have donated $5 for all we know.
Not saying that happened...but let's just say that someone who goes from rich to poor from week to week as much as she does makes me a little nervous when it comes to handling money.
Posted on 5/6/08
Here's a thought....
Since there is a master list of ALL the e-mails of all the ladies who donated (if it went through paypal, Eva has your e-mail addy) - Eva should FORWARD the MOD e-mail. That way, there will be no confusion at all as to how much was donated, and it will be proof as you can't edit the text of a forwarded message.
i also donated but firefox will not let me copy and paste here but it let me on the old babycenter. i also got a handy dandy receipt before i got my fancy letter. LOL.
Leah- she did say trivial at least on the old babycenter. so you did not use the word incorrectly.
It is moments like this, why people take issue with you. You produced a letter that March of Dimes suposedly sent you, but it lacked a dollar amount. People then went and contributed on their own and surprisingly they received the same letter only it actually HAD the dollar amount on there. Do you see how that makes you look a little suspicious. You know what they say, when there is smoke, there is usually fire.
I also find it amusing that you have yet to comment on this discrepency. You spent a good deal of your time mildly bashing Casey for even asking the questions, but have yet to put in any time in composing a response to this issue.
I find most everything you do and say should be taken with a grain of salt.
Oh, this is so sad, so very sad.
Eva, just give them the letter with the dollar amount, what is the problem? If you don't have one with a dollar amount, contact MOD for another one. Why can't we just be upfront and honest about what happened?
All of this sadness and stress was created to help the mothers who are / were experiences REAL sadness and stress.
This is such a shame, and all over a darn reciept. I wish we could just see the reciept to know that a good thing was done.
what reason would there be that she would get a different letter than the rest of us. when every single word is the same as the one i got and casey got. except no dollar amount. i said this on the old baby center and now i will say it here- people who have nothing to hide, hide nothing..........
that is not an attack of character or whatever else, but a simple fact. if it were me, i would want to shove it in everyone's face to prove i did nothing wrong.
Eva, would you mind re-posting your letter/receipt WITH the dollar amount included? I think that would help clear things up a TON!
Dear Alyson,
Thank you for your donation of $5.00. Your generous support of the
March of Dimes has:
- helped 3.3 million uninsured children get health insurance…
- enabled more women to receive prenatal care…
- and helped educate pregnant women about the benefits of taking folic
acid – which may help spare their unborn babies from neural tube
birth defects.
In short, hundreds of thousands of babies have been saved from low
birthweight, birth defects, and even untimely death – because people like
you cared enough to give to the March of Dimes.
Each time you read that our nation’s infant mortality rate is at an
all-time low or that groundbreaking research is helping women deliver
healthier babies, I hope you give yourself a pat on the back.
Because gifts like yours help the March of Dimes make these and other
vital advances possible.
Your ongoing support will help fund lifesaving programs that educate,
advocate and investigate - all in an effort to save America’s babies
from prematurity, birth defects and other threats to their health.
On behalf of our nation’s babies, and their loving parents, I thank
you for your support.
Best regards,
Dr. Jennifer L. Howse
March of Dimes
For the purposes of your financial records, no goods or services were
provided in exchange for your gift of $5.00
oh and march of dimes will probably end up making even more money now because of this. therefore a good thing will come of a not so good thing... i like that idea!!!
Yep. I just think that if she truly wants this "drama" to end, then she should be straight about it. I think it would really help ease a lot of minds for her to include the letter WITH the amount so everyone could see....
I am gone for a day and all hell breaks loose! Why do we all have to keep bringing up the same stuff, time and time again? I know you all are going to say that it is because you haven't been answered, but you have been answered a few times. Why do the women on these boards who have nothing to do with this crap have to be continually drug through having to see this? If drama was not being sought after a simple e-mail or note passing to Eva or Mosey would have done just fine. But posting it here is a sure fire way of inciting drama, and you all know it. Let this be. How do you all think the Mom's who lost their LO's feel seeing all this drug back up time after time. I am sure they don't feel too damn good having to see it, I know I wouldn't. The NBBC has a wonderful feature, note passing, can we all learn how to use it please and keep these boards free of it?
Yeah, last time I passed her a note, 3 emails, and 2 thread posts, (about a different topic) and all I got in return was a scathing reply. You can see why some people would not want to go that route.
Beyond the fact that the OP said the email was bounced... Miss that part in your quest to defend her? And if she had posted a TRUE copy of the letter that MOD sent her, instead of something with the amount removed (which it has been proven that she did) then this whole thing would be over...
And now she is going to evade the issue and come back in three hours acting innocent and claim she was cooking dinner or having a cervical exam.
the point is why is her letter missing the dollar amount and the rest of ours is not? i am sorry but that is an important question. and for the record, this was never directed to eva jesse, it was a general question for which she immediately came out swinging. she belittled casey by making public record of the dollar amount while she preached about how the google document couldn't be public because of privacy- what about casey's privacy? her donation amount was made public here and old baby center and also she made public her last name on old baby center. wasn't there some big deal made because someone posted eva's registry? her private info became public.
hypocrisy anyone?
Yep. I think the letter w/the aforementioned dollar amount would end it. So maybe, billie, you could encourage your friend to do so, so as to bring a resolution to this once and for all.
I have said time and time again that Eva does not need me to defend her. I am defending the women on the boards that have no desire to keep hearing the same crap over and over. I just want everyone to get along and stop the nonsense. Please, is it too much to ask?
Posted on 5/6/08
Is it too much to ask for a straight answer??? Please, if it bothers you, ignore it. Edited because I said something kind of mean and I shouldn't have.
If someone solicited donations on BBC, they should be held accountable for seeing to it that the people that donated receive assurances that the funds were spent properly and that there was nothing unscrupulous going on. I think its in the interests of BBC that this gets cleared up and I don't think anyone is posing inappropriate questions. The answers are simply insufficient.
On a side note- I truly don't mean to offend, but Billieriter I think you mean dragged? I keep seeing the word "drug" when I think the poster means dragged and it conjures up images of something else entirely different and totally unbefitting pregnancy!
Oh, and I'm just counting the minutes before this gets whole thing gets deleted. Its being reported like mad as we speak I'm sure, even though it doesn't seem to violate any rules. Its just someone trying to find out the truth.
I've stayed out of this until now as I did not donate, however as a member of the July 2008 board I don't think it's "crap" for people who have donated money - and been promised confirmation of this donation and a receipt - to ask for it.
The simple fact that Eva has physically altered the letter sent to her from MOD is evidence to me that all is not as it appears and she should be held accountable for it. She offered to organize donations on behalf of the July 2008 board and is not able to provide evidence that these funds have been donated as promised. How is this not a relevant topic? If the organizers could provide evidence to support that they have done what they stated they were going to do then this issue wouldn't keep coming up over and over again. That is the point!
I appreciate that this is a difficult topic for those who have lost babies to see and I'm sorry to see that it has taken the turn that it has but please don't blame those who have donated because they have asked valid questions.
whether the person/s who had the good intentions of this process in the beginning knew it or not- taking money from people with the promise of donating it to a specific cause means that person/s are responsible for answering the questions of those who gave them the money. claiming after the fact that said person/s did not know what they were getting into is not an out. they are still held accountable.
Tristie I'm sorry my grammar is not up to par :)
Both Eva and Mosey have responded to everyone, and I am sure one of them will try to get the receipt you all are seeking.
And as for ignoring this thread.... why would I. I am allowed to voice my opinions too, and I know a lot of women feel as I do that we are tired of seeing threads like this. And yep, I do hope this thread gets deleted, it needs to be. Enough is enough.
Truly, for someone to be allowed to solicit donations and for some one to be held accountable for said donations...
Billie, if you don't want to see it, don't read it. That same adage that everyone keeps using, applies here too. And you are defending her. If you cannot see the issue at hand, then you are deliberately NOT looking.
Have you seen any of the "offended" moms that you claim, come on here and say, please just make it stop?
why is it when the subject is her it is deleted? did i miss something? we can all complain about our president of the united states and make fun of him all over late night television but we cannot question someone who has proven today they are with holding information? she has the letter, it is not a matter of her ''producing'' it. she has it and copied and pasted it MINUS the dollar amount.
They won't come on here to say stop. None of them will. When someone does they are automatically defending Eva and her actions and then they too get negative remarks made towards them. It has happened before so why would they. I don't blame them one bit. And she has answered time and time again. Perhaps as you said I was deliberately not looking to see the issues at hand , maybe you all are deliberately not seeing she has answered you all.
Wow. And the sage continues. Mercy! We've done our best and even offered refunds. I am not going to share names, donation amounts and personal information with the entire board. I have stated that I am more than eager to send out a refund for those who donated and want one. That is about all I can do at this point. I'm not going to entertain this thread any longer. I do work and still have some to do. This is truly so sad that this has taken this sort of turn. Certainly not what we had hoped.
The total amount donated including my own donation was $103.85. The reason the money is an odd amount is due to paypal fee's when you send/receive funds. Like I said .. if you need a refund, I'll be delighted to send you one. Just email me.
Thanks for the entertainment but I've gotta finish out my work day.
You know what, I have had an extremely long day, and I am too tired for this. Play nice and have fun:)
she answered today with a letter from march of dimes that had everything except the dollar amount. so she hasn't answered completly. like when we were taking a test in school, if you answered only part of the question and not the full question, you weren't given credit for what you did answer, the answer wasn't complete so it was wrong. same concept.
Just in case - Eva, you've got mail.
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