Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
All is not all.
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Who is left that is anxious to use the new BBC site ADHD board? There have been some *issues* and one of the mods is trying to help out so that those of us from this board all are together. | ||
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I am not anxious to use the new board, but if we can all stay together that is better. The "other message board" is slow and I don't see a problem if we went there. So lets say we are all together on the new bbc, what if more people with ADHD kids want to join? Is that just tough luck for them? I am confused on that part. | ||
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What new message board?? I haven't been on recently due to having gone back to college so I am a bit behind here!!! Becky fill me in!!!!
Nancy (diagnosed 02/28/07 ADHD) proud parent of Elizabeth and Caleb (who is ADHD) | ||
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I hope I remember all the questions to answer.... BabyCenter has bought a new site that they are changing format to, at this point they are only letting in a *few* people at a time to "test" it and work the bugs out before they shut this site down totally, so it's "invite only". The new site is basically Maya's Mom's site that J&J purchased for this change. In the new site they didn't create but a few boards and everyone has to create their own basically so the board has an "owner". I have a board that I want to be just like this one that allows anyone to join, it's called "ADD / ADHD -Adults and Children". Here is a link to it for those already on the new site. http://community.babycenter.com/groups/a125385/add_adhd_-adults_and_children
If you are wanting on the new site so we can stay all together then let me know and I will give your info to a mod so they can hopefully get you an invite in. A fact in itself is nothing. It is valuable only for the idea attached to it, or for the proof which it furnishes. -Claude Bernard Edited May-22 by MomOf-2boys1princess | ||
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I have an invite available, I'm clickable. | ||
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if everybody wanted to stay together in one place then why was there a 2nd board opened on the new bbc? I explained the reason I opened the first one to begin with. Ive been coming here for a few years, granted I dont post as much as others. When I got there and searched for an ad/hd group, there wasn't one. So I started one.
Previous name: GinMom2TrevTris & TheyCallMeMommy & Ginger and the Zoo Edited May-22 by ~~ Mommy ~~ Edited May-23 by ~~ Mommy ~~ | ||
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incase anybody recognizes ppl by their signatures : here are a few of my last ones ...
im pretty sure ive had the same blinking icon since they first installed that feature.
other then that, im sorry i dont know what else to do to prove that im not a nobody Previous name: GinMom2TrevTris & TheyCallMeMommy & Ginger and the Zoo | ||
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who is "us"? the ppl that post on this board? is there a required posting amount to be concidered part of " us " ..... otherwise I am part of " us" as you call it. My oldest son was diagnosed may of 05... so im pretty sure ive been here that long..... Im just not as well known as you ......... Previous name: GinMom2TrevTris & TheyCallMeMommy & Ginger and the Zoo | ||
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I think the idea was to maintain this same board on the other site, in the same way that a birth board with people who've actively communicated with each other for years, could stay together. Many of us on this board have been actively involved here and recognize each other by name and just wanted to transfer this site to the new community so we could stay together. Not meant to be exclusionary, just to continue what's already right here. But, obviously, this isn't working out well and feelings are getting hurt. I do think there's room for two boards, but I'm also finding all of this drama depressing, so I honestly think I'll be moving on when the big change happens. Michelle Mom to: Ben 2/23/03 Lauren 6/6/06 | ||
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And what was keeping yall from joining the adhd group that was already there?? I am sorry I don't know you guys as well as you know each other. But that doesn't mean that we cant get along and be apart of the same group. My feelings were not hurt. I was angry because of the things said about the group ... all which were untrue! I believe her feelings were hurt because she didnt' get there first and wasnt the first to start the group. Previous name: GinMom2TrevTris & TheyCallMeMommy & Ginger and the Zoo | ||
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You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. I could care less about "getting there first", I wanted to maintain this board as we now have it, THAT was my priority. I have said all along that I HATE this "owner run site" idea and still dislike it. When I got to the new site it was all a bunch of strangers and they were giving horrible *advice*. The board was scary and not something I wanted to be a part of. The community told me to start a new board, they don't have a problem with 10 boards if that is what ends up happening. I want a board that gives correct information and can be there for others. That is NOT what I saw in the 1st board. You don't like that they allow other boards then take it up with the community. Those of us on this board only wanted a *home* we could go to and walking into a *new* site that had a ton of strangers giving out wrong advice was not what we were going for. | ||
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Becky and Ginger, you guys keep talking in circles. You keep rehashing the same comments and not making any progress toward resolving your issues. It's my therapist training in me, but I'd love to have a 3-way conference call and try to resolve some of these problems. Short of the two of you talking while someone mediates, I think we need to stop talking about why each of you doesn't like the other person's board that they created. It's pretty clear at this point that there's going to be two separate ADHD boards on new BBC, so let's just accept that and move on. Let's build two boards on new BBC that are supportive to their posters and help them regarding ADHD (and anything else that comes up). From what I've seen on both boards, both boards offer valuable contributions to its members. I have seen excellent support and advice offered on both boards. I don't know what else to say. I'd love to see the tensions go away -- preferably through resolution of them, but if that's not possible, then through staying away from a topic filled with friction. OK, that's the last I'll say trying to be a peacemaker here. I have the utmost of respect for both of you.
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But why did the commity staff say to start a 2nd board? Because some troll come over there posting some crap and then somebody went and told them that we were giving false information?? We never had *issues* that there was a 2nd board. We never said anything about it.
And who is to say that the *advice* your are giving is correct?? Im pretty sure you are doing just like the rest of us.... posting about personal experience... dr's advice and research. Just because one troll posted some crap doesnt make the rest of us stupid. Previous name: GinMom2TrevTris & TheyCallMeMommy & Ginger and the Zoo Edited May-27 by ~~ Mommy ~~ | ||
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Gina, take it up with the community, The community manager is the one that said to do it. Aw, come on Becky. Is a little honesty all that hard? When you first (finally) got over to the new site, I was looking through the threads and noticed that you had started the ADHD-Adults and Children group. I "passed a note" to you (so completely childish on NBBC part to call it that, BTW) and told you that there was already an ADHD group started. You replied and said that you knew that, but that it didn't "feel" the same and so you had emailed Community asking them what to do, and they said that you could start your own group if you wanted to. So that's when you did it. It wasn't because Community approached you, and asked you to start another one, like you are making it sound. You complained about the existing board, and they told you to make another one if you didn't like it, because quite frankly, that's how this new system is set up. You can have 300 ADHD boards if that's what people want to do. You have done nothing but slam the ladies for being "disloyal" by going over to the other board when they got their invites to the new BBC. You have stated that the ladies at the "other" (meaning-not yours) board do not know what they are talking about, but can only reference one unfortunate post from a lady who was from Egypt, and probably had language issues that caused a lot of confusion with her posting. Those posts have since been deleted. The new board has also been accused of having things posted that were abusive toward their LOs who have ADHD, and again, this is unsubstantiated and not true. You have stated that we are spreading misinformation, but have yet put your money where your mouth is. Like I said before, I think that you simply have your nose in a snit, or your panties in a wad, or whatever else you want to call it because you weren't able to get to the board first to create the group. I am sorry that BBC mismanaged it so terribly. Personally, I think that since you were the host of the current ADHD board that you should have received an invitation before others. But you know what, we can't change that. It is what it is, and you need to just accept it, and grow the hell up. Oh, and in the future, I will be requiring you to post proof of your allegations against the other board or I will be reporting them to Community. We all have children with ADHD that we have to attend to--we don't have time for your petty and spiteful horsecrap. Too bad you can't exclude me from this board, too, eh? Karin If I agreed with you then we'd both be wrong. "To generalize is to be an idiot." Edited May-27 by manos'mommy |
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Karin, 1st, as usual you have NO idea what you are talking about. 2nd, this is a SUPPORT board not a Debate board so I don't have to provide ANYTHING to you as "proof". 3rd, I can report you to the community because your post is a personal attack and against guidelines. | ||
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Karin, 1st, as usual you have NO idea what you are talking about. 2nd, this is a SUPPORT board not a Debate board so I don't have to provide ANYTHING to you as "proof". 3rd, I can report you to the community because your post is a personal attack and against guidelines. 1st-Oh, so are you denying the fact that you passed me a note saying that you talked to Community and that they suggested that you create a new group because you weren't happy with the other one? Are you calling me a liar and saying that never happened? Should I post the note? 2nd-Yes, when you issue false statements about another group that only seek to defame that group, then yes, I would suggest that you have some proof to back it up. Or like I said, it will be reported. 3rd-Personal attack? Since when? Where? I am stating the facts that happened. I am stating my thoughts on why you are so upset. There is no personal attack here. Please. That suggestion is ludicrous. Karin If I agreed with you then we'd both be wrong. "To generalize is to be an idiot." | ||
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This is all too funny. Im sorry but it is. I just wanted to say Im glad Becky isnt a part of the first adhd group on the new bbc because we don't want that kind of attitude over there. We have had no problems at the "other board" until she started her ranting on an innocent thread on her board. Never even apologized to the lady who started it because she took it over with her nonsense. She bashes us and threatens to report for being bashed on... I have tried several different things to end this.... even offered to shut down the first adhd board so she could have run of things... but too many ppl were against it because of her ... she could have been a co owner of the first board, as long as there is peace and everyone is getting their questions answered... WHO CARES WHO IS RUNNING IT... oh wait... she does care that a " nobody" she doesnt know is running so therefore i must not know what im talking about because she is all knowing .... how many co owners do you have over there any way... cant share either?
and honestly, you are back tracking and being hypocritical .... i think you are the one that doesnt know what you are talking about.
and go ahead and report me to the community here... if they ban me from this board and you get to stay after all that you have said... then i guess i dont belong here anyways Im sorry that I wrote all of this, I know it should be taken off the board but the lady wont give me the time of day and she has said too many horrible things about the ppl on the "other" board and thats not fair. So to everyone not involved., i do apologize that i didnt take this to private messages. **** the nobody from the FIRST adhd group **** Previous name: GinMom2TrevTris & TheyCallMeMommy & Ginger and the Zoo | ||
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